
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g|EOD
HotSwap`hey i just updated 18.04 and it broke cura for me.  google suggests this is a known issue with pyqt.  Anyone know if this has been reported somewhere?22:46
HotSwap`cura discussion of the issue here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/3438 .. i searched launchpad, but dont have an account/etc22:47
ubot5-ngUltimaker bug 3438 in Cura "[3.2.1] Segfault at boot, crashes immediately" (comments: 24) [Platform: Linux, Status: In Progress, Type: Bug, Open]22:47
ubot5`bug 3436 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #3438 no sensible error message when adding a spec which has already been added." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/343622:47
HotSwap`nm, ive made a report23:00

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