
dufluTrevinho, jbicha, nice work, thanks. You got out a lot more 3.28.1 than I even expected02:28
Trevinhoduflu: :)02:28
Trevinhoduflu: missing only your patch now, but there's a new iteration I pushed02:29
dufluTrevinho, performance improvements can wait. We'll still be adding to that list for months02:29
dufluStability is more important02:30
dufluI've been knowingly working on 18.10 for a while now, not 18.04 :)02:30
dufluTrevinho, jbicha, this is odd: bug 176526103:20
ubot5`bug 1765261 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.04 login screen rejects a valid password on first attempt. Always works on the second attempt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176526103:20
robert_ancellRIP gksu03:47
duflurobert_ancell, did something replace it? Is that because of Wayland policy?04:24
didrocksgood morning06:23
dufluMorning didrocks06:25
didrockshey duflu06:31
seb128good morning desktopers06:53
dufluHi seb12806:54
seb128hey duflu, how are you?06:54
dufluseb128, going OK, you?06:54
seb128I'm good!06:54
dufluGood. And with that I will run away to check the mail and feed water the citrus06:56
seb128duflu, we managed to land the gjs changes as you probably saw :)06:56
dufluYeah, thanks seb12806:56
seb128thank you for getting those fixes ready for upload!06:56
seb128enjoy the watering :)06:56
=== pstolowski|eod is now known as pstolowski
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:08
seb128salut oSoMoN, en forme ?07:09
oSoMoNsalut seb128, oui la forme, et toi?07:09
seb128oSoMoN, je pourrais dormir plus mais sinon ça va, il fait beau et chaud :)07:11
seb128yesterday was tennis night, was really nice to play again07:12
seb128I could play much since the beginning of the year, between travels, crappy weather and colds&co07:13
oSoMoNyeah, sports is good, I should do more of it07:15
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:18
didrockshey seb128, oSoMoN07:19
seb128lut didrocks07:19
oSoMoNhey duflu07:19
oSoMoNsalut didrocks07:19
didrocksduflu: first results from the french users are really promising!07:23
didrocksstill some leaks ofc, but way lower memory usage07:24
dufludidrocks, seb128 upstream landed the same fix a couple of minutes ago07:24
didrocksduflu: it's hard to believe though, a lot of people says their RAM consumption even at boot are divided by 207:24
didrockstoo good to be real? just a placebo effect?07:24
dufludidrocks, yeah just log in and measure, and it's much better07:25
didrocksgood work again :)07:25
seb128duflu, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/commit/a6b6fc13 sounds like it could improve things as well, but that's for SRU at this point07:25
dufluseb128, yeah there are a couple more such fixes there07:26
oSoMoNdidrocks, when I booted my laptop this morning I was greeted by the initial setup GUI, which looks pretty good, and was mostly translated to French, so all good07:28
didrocksoSoMoN: heh, the UI part is all Robert's :)07:29
oSoMoNthe last screen to choose to send the data or not, though, said something like "send data to Canonical occasionally", which made it sound like it's not a one-off, is that correct?07:29
didrocksyeah, I think this is for popcon07:29
oSoMoNah, right, popcon07:29
didrocksbut I'm not even sure if this enables by g-i-s, I didn't follow that07:29
didrocksI know it was discussed and robert said he will have a look07:30
seb128didrocks, oSoMoN, the "ocassionally" has been dropped in the version that is in the queue07:30
didrocksah ok :)07:30
oSoMoNok, problem solved then07:30
didrocksreplaced by "every 10 seconds", ofc? ;)07:30
seb128++                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Yes, send system info to Canonical</property>07:30
seb128right, the change is there07:30
didrocksamazing that it's already mostly in French07:31
seb128we might add that back/enable popcon for .107:31
didrocksyeah, we would need a g-c-c change then07:31
didrocksto enable/disable it afterwards07:31
seb128right, that's why it was postponed to .107:31
seb128just enabling popcon was not difficult07:31
didrocksI guess same with whoopsie?07:31
seb128you guys don't expect things to be calm again after next week :p07:32
oSoMoNdidrocks, I thought the French translations were your doing, now I'm disappointed :)07:32
seb128sounds like road to .1 is going to be busy07:32
didrocksoSoMoN: oh, I can gladly take all the credits if that makes you feel better :)07:32
seb128oSoMoN, be nice to didrocks, you still need a +1 for your ubuntu-desktop application :)07:32
didrocksyeah, I wonder if my past unity-2d experience is something worth mentionning07:32
didrocksit's been a long time I didn't sponsor you07:33
didrocksbut I'm definitively +1 with your past work07:33
seb128you worked with him on some gdm issues previous cycle?07:33
didrocksyeah, that's one data point, but correct, that's good enough entries to vote07:33
didrocksI'll do that later today07:33
* didrocks fixes… hem… ubuntu-report autopkgtests :p07:33
didrocks(readding vendoring, which I explicitely removed from autopkgtests because of previous strategy and didn't think to delete the rm -rf …)07:34
didrocksnow that my autopkgtests vm is ready, let me first get the failure07:34
didrocksthen ensure it fixes it07:34
* oSoMoN will change his nick to olirocks as a token of admiration07:34
didrocksahah ;)07:34
didrocksI hope there is no expiration period :p07:35
seb128duflu, your gdm/password rejected on first try issue sounds weird, did it start with gnome-shell 3.28.1? Maybe a regression?07:35
dufluseb128, yeah it started today07:35
seb128duflu, do you get also the issue if you wait a bit/type slowly? there was that issue about key repeating themself under wayland when the system is busy07:36
dufluseb128, that might be a factor. If I took the time to log in to ssh first to debug the problem it suddenly didn't happen07:36
dufluAlthough restarting graphical.target I was able to reproduce it again07:37
didrocksseb128: not only on wayland, I triggered the repeating key on X as well07:37
seb128I wonder if you could type the password, ctrl-C it and select "log with another user" and ctrl-V to see if it's correct07:37
dufluIs that even possible?07:37
dufluOr would you be pasting dots?07:37
seb128I wonder07:38
seb128otherwise I guess that needs to patch the gdm code to not show * :p07:38
seb128didrocks, weird, I though that was a wayland specific issue07:38
didrocksseb128: I thought as well, but I got it 3 times in the past 2 weeks on my X session07:39
didrocksespecially when my machine is swapping07:39
seb128is that a new issue as well?07:39
didrocksI don't know if it's new, or just happens so rarely that we didn't notice it07:39
didrocks(on X)07:39
didrocksbut not a high prio, it's really happened 3 times to me07:40
seb128https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=777693#c10 is the issue I was thinking about07:41
ubot5`Gnome bug 777693 in general "Input event (e. g. typing on keyboard) is sent repeatedly during high load" [Normal,Needinfo]07:41
ubot5-ngbugzilla.gnome.org bug 777693 in general "Input event (e. g. typing on keyboard) is sent repeatedly during high load" [Normal, Needinfo] - Assigned to gnome-shell-maint07:41
ubot5`bug 777693 in PernillaSYS "Crash-bug when trying to view registrations if none of the users conferences is locked" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77769307:41
seb128which is specific to wayland07:41
seb128but there might be other issues with similar effects07:42
didrocksseb128: yeah, basically the exact same effect07:43
didrocksyou press for a short while, under load, keys is repeated07:43
didrocks(and double checked that I was on X)07:43
seb128didrocks, it's not on the lock screen/greeter that you see the pb? since the greeter/gdm is always under wayland07:44
didrocksseb128: no, really the user session07:44
didrocksyep :/07:45
didrocksI know…07:45
seb128I wonder if there is some regression in 3.2807:45
seb128we didn't get reports about such issues in 17.1007:45
didrockswell, we were under wayland07:45
didrocksthis issue existed on 17.1007:45
didrocks(but, I was only testing it with wayland)07:46
seb128probably worth reporting upstream then07:46
didrocksyeah, the thing is that it's quite vague07:46
didrocks"under load…"07:46
seb128the only reports I find there are wayland specific07:46
didrocksbut it's something that Fedora has07:46
seb128e.g https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77663907:46
ubot5`Gnome bug 776639 in keyboard "Key Presses Repeated, Lost or Out of Order Wayland" [Major,New]07:46
ubot5-ngbugzilla.gnome.org bug 776639 in keyboard "Key Presses Repeated, Lost or Out of Order Wayland" [Major, New] - Assigned to gnome-shell-maint07:46
ubot5`bug 776639 in postgresql-8.4 (Ubuntu) "package postgresql-8.4 8.4.8-0ubuntu0.10.04 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77663907:46
didrocksah, you meant, the Xorg one?07:46
didrocksyeah, I'll report it, unsure against what (and if it will be looked, as it's not wayland), but let's try07:47
seb128gnome-shell I guess? they can reassign if needed07:47
didrocksI would need to see if that happens in apps07:49
didrocksor only in G-S UI07:49
didrocksI don't remember TBH07:50
jibelseb128, could you re-paste the last version of your patch for orca?07:50
seb128jibel, that isn't working07:50
seb128jibel, but http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch (that one has extra print() statements for debugging)07:51
jibelseb128, I know it is not working, but I'd like to check something07:51
seb128k, I'm moving back to my desktop, I had my morning coffee, trying to be back online before u.k joins :)07:52
willcooketoo late sucker07:52
willcookeMorning Frenchies07:53
didrockshey willcooke07:53
willcookeand Aussie07:53
willcookehow goes didrocks?07:53
dupondjeThanks for mutter 3.28.1 :D07:53
didrockswillcooke: it's sunny and not too warm yet! Good day for exercising abit07:54
didrocksand you?07:54
jibelMorning willcooke07:54
willcookeSunny here too!07:54
didrockseven there ;)07:55
willcookeI hope it stays nice at the weekend and I can get out of the house and do some excercise07:55
willcookeyes!  even here on the island07:55
willcookePeople are a bit scared07:55
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1757401 is fixed for me now!07:55
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1757401 in mutter (Ubuntu) "hybrid GPU: one screen stays black in mutter 3.28" [High,Fix released]07:55
didrocksespecially for multiple continous days07:55
didrocksdupondje: nice!07:55
willcookewoot, thanks for the report dupondje07:58
willcookehi Laney08:02
willcookeIt's summer again!08:02
didrockshey Mr Laney08:02
willcookeyou were a few seconds too late seb128, we beat you :)08:02
didrocks09:52:17       <-- | seb128 (~seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128) a quitté (Quit: Ex-Chat)08:02
didrocks09:52:40 willcooke | too late sucker08:03
didrocksso didn't run fast enough at *all*08:03
seb128hey Laney!08:03
seb128half victory :p08:04
Laneyhey willcooke didrocks seb12808:04
Laneywell I can't see your join message08:04
seb128willcooke, the frenches will get you, don't worry!08:04
Laneybut your first real message was after I said hi :P08:04
* Laney was tying in sweet peas08:04
Laneyi'm wearing shorts08:04
seb128k, you win today08:04
seb128#summer feels good08:05
* seb128 went to tennis yesterday, that was greeeaaaaatttt08:05
* seb128 recommends it08:05
Laneytoo much time on the ground08:05
seb128kenvandine, ubuntu-desktop@ moderation queue got some build failure email from launchpad, in case you didn't see/receive it by some other way08:07
seb128looks like a snapcraft issue though08:08
seb128"  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/snapcraft/cli/env.py", line 17, in <module>08:08
seb128    from distutils import util08:08
seb128ImportError: cannot import name 'util'"08:08
didrocksit's the remaining bug I didn't have time to file yet08:09
didrocksgot it with communitheme08:09
seb128I guess Ken fixed it already?08:10
didrocksoh nice! :) I never dare hijacking their upload/release process (but I think he didn't)08:11
Laneyinteresting files in the diff ;-)08:12
didrocksI guess he didn't released it the way the snapcraft team is doing it :p08:12
* didrocks notes Laney release team habits: clicking on the diff08:13
seb128looks like the fix worked, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+snap/gnome-3-28-1804/ has a successful build08:14
seb128nice to see we finally got core 18 working/usable!08:15
dufluMorning willcooke, jibel, Laney08:18
* didrocks can't wait to see it moved, and have applications snaps connecting to the theme snap08:19
Laneyhey duflu08:20
seb128jibel, did you figure out something new/more about the screen reader? how much do you think it's a blocker knowing that live session has screen reading working (assuming someone that needs the reader can easily boot to it, which might be not true if the isolinux menu isn't accessible and there is no screnereading in maybe-ubiquity)08:45
jibelseb128, nothing new yet. Without this, blind users cannot boot to the live session.08:49
seb128it doesn't boot after a timeout?08:49
jibelubiquity-dm waits forever08:50
seb128I got sidetracked helped other work to land in the past days but I go back to screenreader in the afternoo08:50
seb128one heavy hammer would be to make ubiquity-dm just start orca08:50
seb128it's a bit more ram usage08:50
seb128but it's not going to speak unless the gsettings is on08:50
seb128then we just need to figure out why it's not outputting anything, but I think that might have to do with starting speech-dispatcher as well, I got it working the other day like that08:51
seb128I try that again with a fresh boot in a bit08:51
seb128my theory is that starting speech-dispatch and orca from ubiquity-dm is good08:51
jibelseb128, I am not even sure the a11y menus in syslinux are still working. There is lot of code that rely on a11y-profile-manager08:51
seb128as said it just creates a bit more memory usage, which is suboptimal but should be fine08:52
seb128I didn't even know we had menus for a11y in syslinux08:52
jibelI got it working by starting from a tty08:52
jibeljust an export display + launch orca08:53
seb128what other features are missing/not working?08:53
seb128weird, I did that the other day and it would speak anything08:53
seb128I tried to -d and the log was empty08:53
jibelseb128, braille, osk, ...08:53
jibelbut the most important is the screen reader IMHO08:53
seb128a11y-profile-manager was added in recent cycles08:54
seb128reverting those commits might not be too difficult08:54
seb128I don't remember why I disacarded that previous cycle when I looked in N-Y08:54
seb128I think that's because some of the old code was relying on indicators/unity anyway and we can't really go back to what it was doing08:54
seb128anyway I'm confident we can fix the screen reader case at least08:55
jibelme too08:55
seb128osk should be easy, that's handled by the shell itself in 3.2808:55
seb128so the keybinding for that should just work?08:55
didrockswayland session doesn't work properly anymore with communitheme, unsure what GNOME update broke it (it worked when I released it) :/09:02
* didrocks tests some theory09:06
didrocksit's even worst, first login doesn't work, second does09:06
jibelseb128, I confirm Orca is not started when selected from syslinux (or add access=v3 to the boot command line)09:06
didrocksand XDG_DATA_DIRS are different between logins…09:07
seb128didrocks, :/09:09
seb128what's the difference?09:10
seb128jibel, are those access= parameters documented somewhere?09:10
jibelseb128, I don't know any place where it's documented. Just press F5 in the boot menu09:11
jibelotherwise it's in casper09:11
seb128I'm going to review all those options while I'm at it I think09:11
jibelthere is a casper-bottom script for a11y09:11
seb128thx for the pointer09:12
didrocksseb128: ok, after some testing, it seems that in wayland, if you now set XDG_DATA_DIRS, it doesn't append the rest of the session anymore09:12
jibelwhich uses the profile manager09:12
didrockson the second login, you have everything added09:12
didrocksreally weird :/09:12
seb128didrocks, bug #1764355 seems a bit similar09:13
ubot5`bug 1764355 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS keeps getting expanded every login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176435509:13
didrocksseb128: yeah, I have repetitions as well…09:13
seb128I saw it reported recently but didn't have time to investigate09:13
seb128sounds like maybe something to investigate for release09:13
didrocksneed to bisect gnome-session maybe09:13
seb128you are debugging it?09:13
didrocksyeah, I think I own it now :p09:13
didrockslet's see first if I can find what/when it was working09:14
* didrocks starts with gnome-session09:14
Laneygnome-session has a thing in /etc/profile.d to set up the XDG dirs09:16
seb128blame it on doookooo :)09:16
seb128I don't think our side of things changed much09:16
seb128but I'm just guessing, not based on fact09:17
didrocksyeah, let's starts with gnome-session09:17
didrocksand see09:17
seb128k, I don't think it makes sense to start debugging those installer/a11y issues to stop in the middle for lunch so I'm going to step out for errands/early lunch now and then sit down looking at thise issues once I'm back and have a solid debugging afternoon09:17
seb128good luck didrocks09:17
didrocksseb128: are you thinking of something else as you mention foundation?09:18
seb128didrocks, no, just profile.d is a lower level afaik09:18
didrocksit's coming from -common09:18
didrocksat least, the xdg- one09:19
seb128I don't mean the script, but profile.d handling by the system09:19
seb128but no, I don't have real reasons to believe it's not our issue at this point09:19
seb128I was half trolling09:19
didrocksyeah, let's see :)09:19
seb128could be systemd/bash/whatever handles those though09:19
didrocks(only half- ;))09:19
seb128good luck with the debugging :)09:20
seb128(yeah ;)09:20
didrocksif only we had days of isos…09:20
mvokenvandine, seb128 hey, you guys asked for a stable core18, we did some work on this in hte last few days and we are pushing new versions into edge, if you could test with your snaps if this is all working we can promote to beta/candidate/stable09:24
didrocksnope, reverting gnome-session isn't it…09:26
didrocksah, better, now I constantly have login not working09:27
didrocksok, so confirming that first time in the session script, XDG_DATA_DIRS is empty09:34
didrockssecond time, it has /usr/share…09:34
didrocks(before starting gnome-session)09:34
willcookemvo, thanks!  Ken mentioned yesterday that he had snaps built on it09:34
didrocks(on wayland only)09:34
didrocksso I guess the /etc/X11/Xsession.d hides that bug forus09:35
didrocksfor us*09:35
mvowillcooke: do you know which snaps those are? I am writing a mail now too so that this does not get lost in irc but if you know I can test the new core18 with those right away09:35
didrocksah, 3rd login: XDG_DATA_DIRS empty again09:36
willcooke<kenvandine> i have a build of gnome-calculator that uses gnome-3-28-1804 and core1809:36
willcooke<kenvandine> all working09:36
willcookethat was yesterday at 1515 my time09:36
didrocksseb128: Laney: do you know if we have anything lazying tearing down our session and maybe gdm picks it up?09:36
mvowillcooke: ok, I try that one09:36
mvowillcooke: thank you09:37
willcookemvo, looks like it's in edge09:37
willcookeand beta09:37
willcookethe edge one will be the CI build from last night09:37
mvowillcooke: ta09:38
willcookeha, I was replying to a forum post about clicking and just as I was about to hit reply duflu beat me to it :)09:44
* duflu closes mail for the day09:44
willcookethx duflu09:44
willcookeduflu, what's your reading on the feedback so far?  Seems that it's not worse, but there are still a few leaks, which we expected09:45
dufluwillcooke, yeah it's exactly as expected. Measurably better but we still need to get the other fixes as they land09:45
willcookehm, having said that, just rebooted my 18.04 box and it wont log in.  Prolly unrealted, will debug09:46
willcookeand I cant get to a vty either. grrr09:47
dufluwillcooke, bug 1765261 ?09:48
ubot5`bug 1765261 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.04 login screen rejects a valid password on first attempt. Always works on the second attempt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176526109:48
willcookeduflu, hm, I think this is a different one.  It's just locked up now09:49
dufluwillcooke, hit Cancel?09:49
willcookeI cant, mouse wont move09:50
willcookemaybe I can ssh in09:50
didrocksseb128: Laney: so, I think what happens in the "working" case is that the previous session isn't closed and envs are picked up from it09:50
didrocksseb128: Laney: I did multiple tests, but noticed that if I logout/login right away, sometimes I am in the working state (old vars picked up), sometimes not.09:51
didrockswith more testing, I noticed that if I wait for more than a minute, logged in, logout and log in again, I'm in a clean session (no older env vars picked up)09:52
didrocksso, my bet is that the lazy loading of things, like gnome-software is the impact for delaying session close09:52
didrocksand so, repeated env vars (picked up by old session) is due to that session not being closed yet (because you just logged off and in again after a short session)09:53
didrocksso, this is one bug09:53
willcookeduflu, killed gnome-shell & gdm and the mouse started responding again09:53
willcookeand it logged in fine this time09:53
didrocksthe second one, which I'm looking, is why now the env vars don't complete anymore under wayland in the "no previous session case"09:53
willcookeduflu, meh, probably just one of those things09:54
didrocksmaybe actually that never worked before in the wayland case and I always had a session hanging due to the first bug ^09:54
didrocks(which seems the most likely)09:54
Laneydidrocks: you should be able to close a session and see what processes are still running09:59
Laneye.g. loginctl session-status $session09:59
didrocksLaney: well, you need to be logged in for this09:59
didrocksso, need to create another user :p09:59
didrocksI'll first take a lunch break, but I think this is the case10:00
didrocksand regardless of that, XDG_CONFIG_DIRS shouldn't happen itself if already there, I'll modify this10:00
willcookeenjoy your baguette didrocks ;P10:01
didrockswillcooke: and *fromage*10:01
Laneywish my monitor didn't stop sending audio when it DPMS powers off :(10:05
didrockswe need at least fixing /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh and /etc/profile.d/xdg_dirs_desktop_session.sh10:15
* didrocks really goes now10:15
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
kenvandine[m][m]mvo: I tested it with gnome-calculator and the new platform snap11:42
willcookemorning kenvandine[m][m]11:43
kenvandine[m][m]gnome-3-28-1804 is in edge but gnome-calculator is just a local build11:43
kenvandine[m][m]willcooke: good morning11:44
seb128hey kenvandinemm11:51
seb128those [] are annoying to type :p11:51
seb128Laney, thanks for upstreaming that udisks fix, I had that on my list for today ... sorry for being too slow, but I'm not going to complain about one less thing to do, you win a free beer :)11:54
Laneyseb128: it's OK, I just wanted to get that uploaded and liked to have that task squared off before then11:55
Laneyalso you sounded like you wanted to be in orca mode :-)11:56
seb128I do indeed, that's higher priority for the release11:56
seb128so thanks :)11:56
Laneythe main reason for uploading is the volume-key thing11:56
seb128right, I guessed, thanks for sorting that one as well!11:58
mwilson-edidrocks: Hello, I work for Entroware, a computer manufacturer that ships Ubuntu machines and I was wondering if you would accept a change to the OEM collection section of ubuntu-report to /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor from the chassis_vendor?  It seems like that would be more appropriate and this is how we set ours. I would appreciate any feedback you can give on this.11:59
seb128seems like our release issues list is getting in shape11:59
mwilson-edidrocks: Hello, I work for Entroware, a computer manufacturer that ships Ubuntu machines and I was wondering if you would accept a change to the OEM collection section of ubuntu-report to /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor from the chassis_vendor.  It seems like that would be more appropriate and this is how we set ours. I would appreciate any feedback you can give on this.12:03
seb128mwilson-e, hey, we saw what you posted, didrocks is currently away but he's probably going to reply to you once he's back which is probably in less than an hour12:04
seb128just stay here for a bit if you can12:05
seb128otherwise I suggest to retry later or email12:05
mwilson-eseb128: Ah, my irc client messed up before so I had to reconnect and did not know if it sent. Cheers for letting me know.12:06
mvokenvandine[m][m]: you tested and things are ok?12:21
kenvandine[m][m]mvo: yesterday I did and it seemed ok12:24
kenvandine[m][m]mvo: I can test the latest in a few minutes12:24
mvokenvandine[m][m]: yeah, please check hte latest version in edge of core1812:26
mvokenvandine[m][m]: but no rush12:26
didrocksmwilson-e: hey! I referenced on https://wiki.debian.org/HowToIdentifyADevice/System, section "/sys" which list chassis_vendor, so I think more standard than sys_vendor12:28
didrocksalso, a lot of hw seems to only have chassis_* populated and not sys_*12:29
didrocksfor instance: https://natalian.org/2015/02/18/Archlinux_on_a_Lenovo_X1C3/12:29
didrocksthis is why I preferred that one over the other one12:29
didrocksI wonder if we shouldn't do a try/catch (like if chassis_vendor is empty, try sys_vendor)12:30
didrocks(note that most stack exchange answers list chassis_vendor)12:31
mwilson-edidrocks: Would it be possible to do a try catch if sys_vendor is empty? Our chassis_vendor value is set to "Notebook" which is a default from our partners and used by multiple OEMs so this may be confusing.12:36
mwilson-eWe set the OEM values for System Information in the type 1 section which is referenced here in the SMBIOS spec12:37
mwilson-eThis is under section 7.212:37
mwilson-eand the type 1 manufacturer is mapped to sys_vendor12:38
mwilson-eAll this information can also be seen here together. `sudo dmidecode -t 1`12:41
didrocksmwilson-e: ok, so you would be in favor of removing chassis_vendor and replacing it with sys_vendor, correct?12:42
mwilson-edidrocks: Yeah, no problem. Ill sort that for you ASAP.12:43
didrocksmwilson-e: oh, you are contributing the fix? Even better :)12:43
didrocksensure all tests still run :)12:44
didrocks(and please, change struct field name thus)12:44
didrocksmwilson-e: another note: final freeze is tonight, so if you want that to be included in the final iso, you will need to convince the release team on #ubuntu-release (and open a bug on launchpad about it)12:45
didrocksmwilson-e: if you need help with the test side (there are filesystem mocks in testdata/), do not hesitate to ask12:46
didrocksI'm using also golden files for generated json, so running the tests with -update to update them (and then, look that the diff is what you expect ;))12:46
didrocks(also, is it the right time for me to request a powerful system machine to ensure that it works on it in the future to be shipped at home? or too soon? ;))12:47
mwilson-eWould it be possble for you to make the change in order to get this fixed quicker? My experience is limited this process.12:48
didrocksmwilson-e: so, do you mind opening the bug and talk to the release team?12:49
didrocksbug on launchpad against ubuntu-report package please12:49
mwilson-eAlso if you need a system, just shoot me an email at mwilson @ entroware . com and I will see what I can do.12:49
mwilson-edidrocks: will do, cheers.12:49
didrocksmwilson-e: excellent! Please past the bug link here so that I can reference it12:52
mwilson-edidrocks: the LP number is 176540012:56
didrocksmwilson-e: perfect, thanks! I'll keep you posted. The fix is building in Travis right now :)12:56
didrocksthen, I'll update the package12:56
mwilson-edidrocks: Cheers. I really appreciate you taking the time to change this.12:57
didrocksno worry, thanks for explaining and pointing to the spec (better than relying on some wiki and stackoverflow) :)12:58
kenvandinemvo, sorry, the edge channel of gnome-calculator comes from upstream master which hasn't been updated yet for the new content interface13:11
kenvandinei put it in the beta channel for now13:11
kenvandinewillcooke, mvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-for-gnome-3-28-1804-content-interface/504313:12
didrockskenvandine: does it has the theme plugs as well?13:13
kenvandinedidrocks, no, i'll add those seperately13:13
didrocksor you onlly put the platform snap in the beta channel and not gnome-calculator yet?13:13
didrocksthink about the sound-theme as well!13:14
kenvandinethe platform is in stable13:14
didrockssound-themes* even IIRC13:14
kenvandinedidrocks, will do, gnome-calculator probably doesn't need the sound themes though13:14
* kenvandine contemplates updating primary desktop to bionic13:31
mvokenvandine: cool, thank you13:33
kenvandinemvo, it's great to see how small you got core1813:34
kenvandinethat's tiny13:34
mvokenvandine yeah, its cool. it will most likely grow a bit again when we make it bootable but hopefully not much13:34
oSoMoNthanks didrocks for the endorsement!13:37
seb128oSoMoN, congrats!13:38
didrocksvery well deserved oSoMoN :)13:39
willcookewoot, well done oSoMoN13:41
kenvandineoSoMoN, congrats!13:45
oSoMoNthanks guys13:47
didrockstjaalton: hey! to fix bug #1764355, I will need to do a xorg upload, I was planning to build on tsimonq2's commit that was merged but not released 2 weeks ago, do you have time to review/merge mine: https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xorg/merge_requests/3 ?14:20
ubot5`bug 1764355 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Visual Studio Code, Slack and other electrons apps crash due to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS keeps getting expanded every login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176435514:20
ubot5-ngX Strike Force bug (Merge request) 3 in xorg "Protect against multipleadditions of the same paths to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" (comments: 0) [Opened]14:20
didrockstjaalton: and tested it in a vm and confirm the fix for XDG_DATA_DIRS on Xorg14:20
tjaaltondidrocks: sure14:29
didrockstjaalton: just pushed the same logic for xdg_data_dir and we are on par with my fixes on gnome-session14:30
didrockstjaalton: ah, too quick to review, you want another MR for XDG_DATA_DIR?14:30
tjaaltonah, yes14:31
didrockstjaalton: https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xorg/merge_requests/414:31
ubot5-ngX Strike Force bug (Merge request) 4 in xorg "Protect duplication in XDG_DATA_DIRS" (comments: 0) [Opened]14:31
didrockstjaalton: just did 10 logout/logins in a raw and with this Xorg fix + gnome-session one, no more duplication \o/14:35
didrockstjaalton: thanks for merging, should I upload or you will?14:36
tjaaltoni'll upload after this call14:36
didrocksperfect, many thanks!14:36
didrocksgnome-session uploaded, that + xorg fix mainly bug #1764355. I still have snapd to fix in a similar way + communitheme snap to adapt now14:46
ubot5`bug 1764355 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "Visual Studio Code, Slack and other electrons apps crash due to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS keeps getting expanded every login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176435514:46
seb128didrocks, good job!14:46
didrocksseb128: good finding on that bug, I'm sure Jamie's crash he mentioned to me some days ago was due to this and not wayland nor communitheme nor snap related :p14:46
seb128didrocks, what was the issue with the theme?14:46
didrockswillcooke: FYI ^14:46
didrockswell, there are basically 2 bugs14:46
didrocksone is that the session isn't closing14:47
tseliotWimpress, mwilson-e: I managed to debug LP: #1764005. I hope to upload the fix by tomorrow.14:47
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1764005 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "Black-screen on boot with nvidia 390 for Budgie, MATE, Xubuntu, Kubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176400514:47
didrocksbut when it's closed, XDG_DATA_DIRS with communitheme doesn't include defaults14:47
didrocks(it works with the Xorg scripts which unconditionally adds the path, not the wayland case)14:47
seb128ah, so that never worked/wasn't a regression?14:48
didrocksso log in first, get the paths added, logout and login again in wayland works14:48
didrockswell, that's tricky, the fundamental issue is that we don't shut down the session completely14:48
didrocksthis still needs to be debug (but anyway, those protections are needed)14:48
didrocksso I fix the urgent part14:48
Wimpresstseliot: Nice! I'll test when it's available.14:48
didrocksbut in testing, you are generally logged in, you logout and login again14:48
didrocksso I didn't see the issue in the wayland case :p14:49
tseliotWimpress: great, thanks14:49
willcookedidrocks, \m/14:49
willcookegreat work14:49
didrocksstill needs to have snapd with a similar fix14:49
didrocks(their duplication detection assumes snap* is always the last element of the string…)14:49
didrocksand so, communitheme, as I changed XDG_DATA_DIRS while starting gnome-session14:49
didrockson Xorg -> Xsession.d -> my script changing XDG_DATA_DIRS -> gnome-session, OK14:50
didrockson Wayland -> my script changing XDG_DATA_DIRS -> gnome-session -> profiles.d seeing "oh XDG_DATA_DIRS is already set, do nothing" -> KO14:50
didrocksthe snap part is easy to fix :)14:50
didrocksfor snapd, we'll see14:50
didrocksthen, we can have a look at what process hangs the session14:50
didrocksI bet it's the delayed gnome-software scan14:51
didrocks(which would be way we never saw that corner case before bionic)14:51
willcookedidrocks, do you think that is in any way realted to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/150540914:54
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1505409 in GNOME Shell "gnome-shell crashed with SIGTRAP in x_io_error() from _XIOError() from _XEventsQueued() from XPending() from gdk_check_xpending() ["Connection to xwayland lost"]" [Critical,Confirmed]14:54
didrockswillcooke: I don't think, gnome-session wouldn't even start14:54
didrocksgnome-shell wouldn't even start, I meant14:54
didrocks(like, not even trying)14:54
seb128did we delay gnome-software?14:55
seb128I though we didn't14:55
seb128or is that an upstream change?14:55
didrocksoh, I thought we did? I based that on conversations here14:55
didrocksI thought it was the general agreement14:55
didrocksok, so don't know at all what hangs the session before we look into it14:56
seb128Laney oppposed it from what I followed14:56
didrocksok, I missed it14:56
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1756379 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Bionic) "Delay start of gnome-software service" [Medium,Triaged]14:56
seb128not closed14:56
LaneyI don't think that would make complete sense anyway14:57
Laneyxdg-started stuff is started by gnome-session14:57
seb128kenvandine, willcooke, ^ that's a milestone bug assigned to robert, I guess he didn't did status update for those in his summary and we didn't think about checking/nagging the people who sent summaries14:57
Laneyand this closes when the session closes14:57
seb128right, anyway that's easy to investigate when things will be less crazy later14:59
didrocksmvo: hey, this is your side of the fix for duplication env variable: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5075 :)15:07
ubot5-ngsnapcore bug (Pull request) 5075 in snapd "snap/env: fix env duplication logic" (comments: 0) [Open]15:07
mvodidrocks: thank you! how urgent is this? omg important for the release?15:09
didrocksmvo: not urgent on that part, it's not like the other env variables which makes electron apps crashing after multiple logout/login :)15:10
didrocksmvo: as long as it's in the next release and SRUed, it's all good :)15:10
seb128jibel, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch makes the screenreader work/start with ctrl-S15:11
jibelseb128, what's the difference with the patch you posted this morning?15:13
seb128jibel, refresh15:13
seb128jibel, but basically I went to the old codebase, making ubiquity handle the keybinding rather than trying to make it react to gsettings15:13
mvodidrocks: yeah, that should be fine15:15
jibelseb128, yes, it makes sense. Do you understand why the signal approach does not work?15:15
seb128no :/15:17
seb128the dbus environment is correct15:17
seb128I don't know how to debug that further15:17
jibeland the signal propagates over the bus, and everything is talking over the same bus15:18
jibelit just doesn't really make sense that the callback is not called15:19
seb128Laney said it was be some dbus checks on uid/context15:19
seb128but I don't know how to debug that15:19
seb128anyway the old code works, so we can go back to that15:19
seb128I just need to tweak/unset the GNOME keybinding so they don't conflict15:19
seb128and I'm going to look if there are other a11y things easy to restore/fix which are not working since the indicator changes15:20
seb128so I'm going to merge request that tomorrow morning15:20
Laneydon't you want to do this from ubiquity-dm if it's only for this part?15:20
seb128you mean "this"?15:20
Laneythat change15:21
Laneystart orca or whatever15:21
seb128well, I went the easy way15:21
seb128went back to the code that existed in trusty and worked15:21
seb128undoing the a11y-indicator thing from Luke15:21
seb128I guess that could be done in ubiquity-dm, it's just new code to write so more work15:22
Laneyok, I thought you said that screen reading works in the normal live session15:22
seb128it does15:22
seb128but it would work as well if ubiquity was handling the keybinding15:22
seb128but yeah, I guess I can add the key listener to ubiquity-dm and see if that works15:22
Laneyif you have to mess with keybindings it might have an impact on the rest of the session15:23
seb128well it's easy enough to add that code to -dm and see how it goes15:23
seb128I need to go and pick the kid but I try that a bit later15:23
seb128Laney, thanks for the input :)15:23
Laneyno worries, good luck!15:24
willcookeandyrock, hey!  Was the g-i-s livepatch supposed to sign you in to snapd as well?15:48
willcookeor were we waiting for a g-o-a integration from snapd?15:50
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GunnarHjsil2100: Looks like the langpack export was successful. Your ball now. :)16:13
sil2100GunnarHj: I already poked new langpacks and the uploads have been made like some 30 mins ago16:20
GunnarHjsil2100: Ah, great. I didn't even look. ;)16:20
sil2100https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= <- they're in the queue, let me approve ;)16:21
* sil2100 is mass-approving16:23
sil2100GunnarHj: ok, all langpacks approved from the bionic queue, they should start building soon16:29
GunnarHjsil2100: Thanks. Will check it out later.16:32
GunnarHjBtw, you will request an extra delta export, right? Asking because I just said so in a comment at bug #1765440.16:32
ubot5`bug 1765440 in Ubuntu Translations "Translation missing for GNOME Calculator" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176544016:32
sil2100GunnarHj: by extra you mean before final release?16:34
willcookethanks a lot GunnarHj sil210016:34
sil2100Or should I request a delta export now?16:34
sil2100(I think we're still not in translation freeze, right?)16:34
GunnarHjsil2100: Yes, before release. (Translation freeze happens in 4.5 hours.) Unsure about the most suitable time to do it. Think Martin used to do it around Monday before release.16:36
GunnarHjnp willcooke16:36
GunnarHjsil2100: It may be important to change "Language pack base" at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+language-packs before that export.16:45
sil2100Ok, yeah, I'll try to remember it16:50
sil2100I guess I'll switch it now that the new base-packs are uploaded16:50
willcookenight gang18:10
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oSoMoNgood night19:56
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teeramisuxorg.conf missing under 18.04 is it known issue or something changed about xorg.conf?20:52
tjaaltonteeramisu: there hasn't been one by default since 8.04 or so20:59
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