
=== guiverc_ is now known as guiverc_t
krytarikLOL, I was just about to go ahead finally and file a ticket for me on the WP role issue at the Fridge - but glad I checked before once again still.. :D16:00
pleia2krytarik: does it work now?16:12
krytarikYes, it does - to the extent that's expected anyway. :)16:16
pleia2problems solving themselves \o/16:18
krytarikAlso, I've got a simple idea how to get the top 5 threads on the forums too - by using the link I posted earlier (will have to scour the logs for it) and then just manually picking the first five threads that started in the same week. :P16:21
pleia2that works, it's how we did the AskUbuntu one before someone wrote us a script16:26
krytarikJust got to pulling it, for everyone else again: https://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchdate=7&sortby=replycount&searchfromtype=vBForum%3APost&forumchoice[]=327&forumchoice[]=125&prefixchoice[]=&childforums=1&type[]=117:02
Bashing-omgetter done .. here I go again :P19:49
krytarikI just updated the translation stats script btw - regardless of whether or not we want to continue using it in the future.20:26
Bashing-omkrytarik: Human Machine Interface: http://www.electronicdesign.com/industrial-automation/choosing-right-linux-distribution-your-embedded-application . Toward the end of the article is ubuntu - can we put this in the general heading ?21:28
krytarikCertainly not in General, no.21:29
Bashing-omkrytarik: K; so please define for me what constitues a palcement in general - How intensive of an effort to fill that heading ? .21:32
krytarik"Suggested sources: ubuntu-news-team mailing list, fridge.ubuntu.com" - from the comments in the template.21:33
Bashing-omkrytarik: ack21:34
Bashing-omA family concern of a grandchild - school and conduct - I will rerurn when the pressing matter is concluded .21:52
oerheksyay, adblockers legal ( in Germany ) https://yro.slashdot.org/story/18/04/19/2041236/german-supreme-court-rules-ad-blockers-legal23:08
Wild_Mankrytarik, you around?23:35
krytarikWild_Man: Yep.  Seen the channel log of earlier today yet? :)23:40
Wild_Manno. I will read it now, guessing it is important?23:41

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