
kbmonkeygreetings o/07:16
howzitcalsup kbmonkey 07:17
howzitcalhey all07:18
kbmonkeyhad another hour work meeting. gosh they love meetings07:20
kbmonkeyhi howzitcal 07:20
howzitcallol meetings....07:21
kbmonkeylooks like I have a busy day ahead :)07:23
howzitcalhey Kilos 07:23
chesedomorning kbmonkey howzitcal and others07:27
technominatorgreetings humans07:28
chesedohi technominator07:28
technominatorchesedo! You're alive!07:29
howzitcalsup technominator 07:30
howzitcal\query technominator 07:32
technominator\query howzitcal 07:32
howzitcalmistakes have been made 07:32
chesedothe other slash guys07:32
technominator\ctcp send howzitcal VERSION07:32
chesedo /07:32
chesedohowzitcal technominator you guys must irc master.... what is ctcp even for?07:34
howzitcalim the irc janitor technominator knows it all07:34
chesedo"all" you say07:35
* chesedo has an evil grin07:35
howzitcaldoes this channel still have a bot?07:36
chesedomaaz is suppose to be here07:37
chesedobut QA fills in for the moment07:37
howzitcalwhere did it go?07:37
chesedoask pro... i think07:37
kbmonkeyhey chesedo long time!07:37
kbmonkeyMaaz is taking a holiday it seems07:38
howzitcalhaha lucky bot!07:39
* kbmonkey cracks knuckles and gets to work07:39
howzitcalbrb trying a new distro07:47
technominatora new distro?07:49
technominatorhow many are there now?07:50
howzitcaldidnt work :(07:57
kbmonkeyeufi boot is a b***h eh :p08:15
technominatormaaz coffee on08:20
technominatorwhere's that bot?08:21
technominatorhmpf. i'll just do it myself.08:21
chesedoQA coffee on08:25
* QA puts the kettle on08:25
chesedotechnominator ^08:25
chesedoQA announce kettle is on08:25
QAchesedo: One learns a new thing every day08:25
chesedoQA announce kettle on08:26
QAchesedo: Excuse me?08:26
chesedoyea what ever QA08:26
chesedoQA tea for me08:28
QAchesedo: Sorry...08:28
chesedoQA i will take tea08:28
QAchesedo: Huh?08:28
QACoffee's ready for chesedo!08:29
chesedoQA ty08:29
QAOnly a pleasure chesedo08:29
kbmonkeyQA, coffee please08:32
QAkbmonkey: There isn't a pot on08:32
kbmonkeyah missed it!08:32
kbmonkeyQA, tell us a joke08:32
QAkbmonkey: I don't know who us is. Say 'us on freenode' and I'll take your word that us exists08:32
kbmonkeymeh, close enough 08:33
howzitcalis QA your chesedo 08:36
chesedohowzitcal: no it's on fly's or trapper's server08:37
chesedobut is the same as Maaz08:37
howzitcalQA, is there coffee08:40
QAhowzitcal: Sorry...08:40
howzitcalQA Open the pod bay boors08:40
QAhowzitcal: *blink*08:40
howzitcalQA what is your location08:40
QAhowzitcal: I'm afraid I have no idea08:40
howzitcallove it!08:40
kbmonkeyQA, help08:42
QAkbmonkey: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.08:42
QAAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.08:42
kbmonkeyQA, help me with delivering messages08:42
QAkbmonkey: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo and summon08:42
QAAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.08:42
kbmonkeyQA, help me with memo08:43
QAkbmonkey: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.08:43
kbmonkeynot too user friendly is it08:43
kbmonkeyQA, tell kilos "Hello oom!"08:43
QAkbmonkey: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode08:43
howzitcalQA, help me with software development09:31
QAhowzitcal: I use the following features for software development: base64, retest and rfc09:31
QAAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.09:31
howzitcalQA base6409:31
QAhowzitcal: Excuse me?09:31
howzitcalhmmmmm 09:32
kbmonkeyQA, how do I use base6409:32
QAkbmonkey: Encodes and decodes base 16, 32 and 64. Assumes UTF-8. You can use it like this:09:32
QA  base(16|32|64) (encode|decode) <string>09:32
howzitcalQA base64 encode "Lalala"09:33
QAhowzitcal: IkxhbGFsYSI=09:33
kbmonkeyQA, base64 decode 4oCcSW4gc29mdHdhcmUsIHdlIHJhcmVseSBoYXZlIG1lYW5pbmdmdWwgcmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLiAgRXZlbiBpZiB3ZSBkbywgdGhlIG9ubHkgbWVhc3VyZSBvZiBzdWNjZXNzIHRoYXQgbWF0dGVycyBpcyB3aGV0aGVyIG91ciBzb2x1dGlvbiBzb2x2ZXMgdGhlIGN1c3RvbWVy4oCZcyBzaGlmdGluZyBpZGVhIG9mIHdoYXQgdGhlaXIgcHJvYmxlbSBpcy7igJ0KKEplZmYgQXR3b29kKQ==09:33
QAkbmonkey: Assuming UTF-8: '“In software, we rarely have meaningful requirements.  Even if we do, the only measure of success that matters is whether our solution solves the customer’s shifting idea of what their problem is.” (Jeff Atwood)'09:33
kbmonkeythat sums up my day09:33
technominatorQA: how do I use rfc10:41
QAtechnominator: Looks up RFCs by number or title. You can use it like this:10:41
QA  rfc <number>10:41
QA  rfc [for] <search terms>10:41
QA  rfc [for] /regex/10:41
technominatorQA: rfc 281810:42
QAtechnominator: HTTP Over TLS. E. Rescorla. May 2000. (Format: TXT=15170 bytes) (Updated by RFC5785, RFC7230) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC2818) http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt10:42
howzitcalwhere is everyone?12:13
kbmonkeyvery busy or very hungry I guess :p12:27

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