
RoadRunnerthanks for all the help :)00:01
madman_has anyone upgraded today *ubuntu 18.04 and the keyboard and mouse stopped working?00:01
madman_I can load GDM fine.  and CTRL+ALT+F2 to bring up a terminal and I can type.  However if I load Ubuntu no keyboard at all00:03
madman_I apologize, I do have mouse movement, clicking doesn't work00:04
madman_capslock, numlock etc work fine.  unable to click anything etc00:05
madman_wow, nevermind keyboard does work.  several odd things going on after this update00:06
harrisif i buy a 128 gb flash drive can I do all three of the following at once  1) have a usb installer of ubuntu  2) have a usb installer of windows  3) use it as a normal flashdrive00:10
madman_nevermind, created a new user and can login fine, somethings wrong with gnome on my primary user account.  moving on00:11
madman_anyone have a clue why the touchpad doesn't work on my primary gnome user account but on a different one? wow00:12
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madman_alt+f2 doesn't even work.00:14
pragmaticenigmaharris, no, USB flash media doesn't support partitioning like a traditional harddrives00:17
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: No00:21
bugzbunnyit can00:21
bugzbunnyI've tried it before00:21
bugzbunnyIf Linux sees as USB Disk00:22
bugzbunnyYou can partition it00:22
ericrajuincan I use a .deb built from one version of ubuntu, and use it to install on another version of ubuntu ?00:22
pragmaticenigmabugzbunny, we're not talking about linux... The computer's controllers and BIOS need to be able to support multiple partitions on USB media, which they don't00:22
leftyfbericrajuin: yes, but it's not really supported00:22
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: I've tried that as well00:23
bugzbunnypragmaticenigma: my BIOS sees it00:23
ericrajuinthe .deb is made with "make && checkinstall --install"00:23
ericrajuinso I can simply copy it over ?00:23
leftyfbericrajuin: try it00:24
madman_FYI for anyone else that has the problem I had.  renamed ~/local/share/gnome-shell to ~/local/share/gnome-shell-old <- Logged in and keyboard mouse are working00:24
ericrajuinleftyfb: okay thanks00:24
madman_Obviously some dumb *** issue with an extension or gnome update from yesterday to today.00:25
bugzbunnyYou can partion USB Disk, as normal DISK00:26
bugzbunnyBIOS should see it as a NORMAL DISK00:27
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pragmaticenigmahello enjoi00:48
enjoiHow goes it00:48
StoneCypherpoorly.  nvidia drivers are weirdly difficult00:48
enjoiuname -a output?00:49
enjoior dist version even00:49
StoneCypherit's ubuntu 17.10 x6400:49
enjoiand what nvidia card00:50
StoneCypherwhen i had the card as the dominant card, -384 and -390 worked, but -387 caused crashing.  now that i've switched to the onboard video card, -390 causes crashing too.00:50
StoneCyphera 1080 8g founders' (not ti)00:50
StoneCypheri wanted to stick with -390 but every time i installed cuda it overwrote it with -38700:51
StoneCypherif i reinstalled -390 afterwards cuda would insist that i had a too low version, even though -390 is higher than -38700:51
StoneCypher-396 beta had the same results as -39000:52
StoneCyphercuda 9.1 requires 387 or better, so i don't think i can roll down to 38400:52
StoneCypheri'm worried i need to switch to older ubuntu and 9.000:52
athena_hello, im running a 16.04 i386 laptop. i just booted the os via usb, i have external hardrive that worked before the switch but not now.. why?00:54
athena_a mounting issue i assume?00:54
enjoiHave you yet tried on bionic beaver actually?00:56
enjoi@ StoneCypher00:56
enjoior maybe 16.04 if bionic beta2 is not a route you wish to take00:56
enjoiTry it on a live usb stick ;)00:56
enjoiMaybe even switch the kernel around if you need, this way you don't mess anything up in your stable environment00:56
StoneCypheri don't know what bionic beaver is00:56
StoneCypheri thought aardvark was the current?00:56
StoneCypherif you mean "did i try future 17," no, i didn't00:56
enjoiIt is Ubuntu 1800:57
pragmaticenigmaStoneCypher, bionic is the next LTS release. presently in beta, released next week00:57
athena_oh. theres a new lts?00:57
pragmaticenigmaenjoi, there is no Ubuntu 18... you must include the full version number to help differentiate between the two releases offered each year00:57
athena_i know about 1700:57
pragmaticenigmaenjoi, there is no Ubuntu 17... you must include the full version number to help differentiate between the two releases offered each year00:57
StoneCypherno, i didn't know there was an lts coming out next week and haven't tried it00:58
StoneCypheri'd be willing t00:58
StoneCypherdo you think it will help?00:59
enjoihence uname -a remark00:59
athena_i have a mounting issue in linux 16.04 can any one help?00:59
enjoiwhat are you trying to mount?00:59
pragmaticenigmaStoneCypher, since the actual release is next week, I'd wait for the images release... save some time downloading updates00:59
underd0gathena_: try df -h or lsblk to see if it mounted00:59
StoneCypheri don't want to wait a week to get started00:59
StoneCypherwould i be better off on older ubuntu?  this is a really vanilla machine and i don't understand why it doesn't run video drivers safetly01:00
pragmaticenigmaStoneCypher, do you have the specialized PPA for video drivers enabled?01:00
underd0gathena_: if it mounted try this syntax using your mount points : mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/disk01:01
athena_i tried both. it does not mount, theres no diffrence pluged in or not01:02
athena_its on, i feel it moving. lol01:02
underd0gathena_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/285539/detect-and-mount-devices01:05
pragmaticenigmaathena_, does syslog show anything that might be of use?01:08
pragmaticenigmaathena_, or even dmesg?01:08
enjoihave you tried threatening it with a screwdriver01:09
athena_im reading/ checking.. give me a minute01:09
underd0genjoi: works everytime01:09
athena_dmesg registers device 5. its right. still reading..01:12
athena_all of you here, thanks for keeping with it01:16
bugzbunnyathena_: Yes, the new 18.05 I think, is the new LTS01:18
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.01:18
athena_18.05. is doing some work then?01:19
pragmaticenigmabugzbunny, the next version of Ubuntu is 18.04 Bionic Beaver ... please check facts before posting01:19
pragmaticenigma!bionic | bugzbunny01:19
ubottubugzbunny: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+101:19
athena_thumbs up01:20
bugzbunnyWhat's the ! for the next version of ubuntu01:21
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.01:23
pragmaticenigma!msgthebot | bugzbunny01:23
ubottubugzbunny: Please investigate me only with "/msg ubottu bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu search <pattern>"01:23
leftyfbbugzbunny: please stop01:23
bugzbunnyI am asking how to use the bot to dertermine the next lts01:23
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.01:23
leftyfbbugzbunny: you were just given instructions01:23
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bugzbunnyleftyfb: I don't like you and I don't like you01:23
athena_white beast here.. thanks you01:23
bugzbunnyleftyfb: Why are you talking to me01:23
aroonihaving trouble mounting a usb connected drive to my router;  on ubuntu 16.04;  i can navigate via network... but when i try // /media/HardDriveArooni cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,gid=1000,vers=1.0 0 0; i get mount error(6)01:23
bugzbunnyTo prove that I am damaging, you just enough evidence to prove that01:23
bugzbunnyban me01:23
leftyfb!op | bugzbunny01:23
ubottubugzbunny: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax01:23
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quidnuncWhy can't I see @ when I mount my btrfs root partition using sudo mount /dev/sda1?01:39
leftyfbquidnunc: see what?01:39
quidnuncleftyfb: The directory @01:40
leftyfbquidnunc: why do you have a directory named @ ?01:40
quidnuncleftyfb: I thought that was where the default subvol resided01:41
leftyfbquidnunc: sorry, if that's a btrfs thing, I'm not familiar with it01:42
cfhowlett!btrfs | quidnunc perhaps this??01:49
ubottuquidnunc perhaps this??: Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs01:49
guivercquidnunc:  i just mounted a btrfs, and i have no '@' directory using `ls`.  i do note some subvol=/@/.. listed in `mount` but no real directory called `@`01:58
leftyfbquidnunc: why do you think you need it?01:59
quidnuncleftyfb: I need to revert a snapshot02:00
quidnuncleftyfb: The easiest way I can think of was to rename the directory02:00
leftyfbquidnunc: pretty sure there's proper tools for that. Not going through some backend directory02:00
quidnuncleftyfb: There's snapper rollback but that doesn't work on Ubuntu02:01
john_ramboIs there an alternative app that can read .ODS file ?.....Libreoffice is too heavy for my PC02:01
leftyfbquidnunc: Did you read the documentation that says it's not supported on Ubuntu?02:01
leftyfbjohn_rambo: google docs02:02
john_ramboleftyfb, Any offline app ?02:02
quidnuncleftyfb: No, I read a bug report02:02
guivercjohn_rambo: there are a few; koffice (which changed name, it escapes me), I also think gnumeric will use them..  (a check shows it'll save as ods)02:03
john_ramboguiverc, Checking gnumeric now02:04
guiverccalligre-office is I think more modern name of koffice...02:06
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mal10coops.... wrong window :-)03:07
SlidingHornno worries :)03:07
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stephen101so i got a issue getting my audio to work with my gpu rx580. followed this guide and no change. https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx03:17
stephen101pulse audio seems to not be playing nice  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4YHmFSZXRj/03:18
SlidingHornstephen101: have you logged out & in?03:25
SlidingHorn(always have to check just in case...let me see how my search-fu is working tonight)03:26
stephen101running through this checklist atm03:26
stephen101just reinstalled pulse, will see how this goes.03:26
stephen101http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d04b85b08afe82dc51ba175a3d498c890853a682 the log i got from running wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh03:30
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zhangxaochen'apt install' says a lib is already installed, while it cannot find the lib file it needs, why is this happening? http://codepad.org/8WV5QYWd04:09
eraserpencilHow do I know what the output of "ps -aux" shows? Possible to show column titles?04:18
zanshineraserpencil: You could read the `ps` man page, or use explainshell.com: https://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=ps+-aux04:19
eraserpencilthanks, I couldnt find how to display the column titles from the man page04:21
zanshineraserpencil: The column headings should be displayed by default - it may be that the lenght of the output pushes them off the page. You can add `--headers` to force the headers to be repeated once per page of output04:28
eraserpencilno change04:35
lvrp16do you guys know how to set wayland as the default session for gdm3 systemwide?04:59
lvrp16this is on 18.04 bionic04:59
lotuspsychjelvrp16: #ubuntu+1 for bionic please05:01
lvrp16lotuspsychje: thanks05:02
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john_ramboI am trying to configure my Gmail (pop3) a/c with Claws-Mail ...Its ending with >>>Authentication failed:-ERR [AUTH] Web login required: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7875405:28
john_ramboWhat's the solution ?05:28
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john_ramboAny ideas?05:38
SlidingHornjohn_rambo: I'm assuming you have an email within your gmail account alerting you that you have a "less secure" method of connection and have to manually approve it on the actual gmail web application05:42
john_ramboSlidingHorn, I need to log via the web interface and change the settings ?05:43
SlidingHornjohn_rambo: I don't even think there would be any actual settings to change, just an approval05:43
barqWhen I do apt-get update I get the following error: W: The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security Release' does not have a Release file. Any ideas how to fix this?06:24
arsdragonfly Newly upgraded to Ubuntu Studio 18.04 beta. Black screen after boot. Htop on tty1 shows lightdm has started. Any ideas?06:31
hateballarsdragonfly: 18.04 is in #ubuntu+106:35
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repzHi there! I'm having a specific question for you guys. I reinstalled my office desktop under xubuntu monday because i was just tired of windows and our admins sh*t. Everything is ok except with my keyboard, a Corsair K70. Whenever I press the luminosity switcher button, the keyboard doesn't answer anymore, not even numlock led or whatever. Does someone have any helpful inpout ?06:57
Harishello all06:58
Harisduring install of xenial, we don't have get to have option of making LVM based partitions ?06:58
RandolfHello Haris.06:59
ducasseHaris: you do on the server image07:00
RandolfHaris:  I just installed Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS earlier today, and it did give me that option.07:00
RandolfI installed it under VMware ESXi 6.5.07:00
RandolfSo, I probably have the server edition.07:00
Harisrelayed the info =)07:02
Randolfuname -a:  Linux [XXXX] 4.4.0-116-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:02
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yogurt99I just installed imagemagick. Sometimes I download apps where the package name is different from the binaries. Is there some way to work out where it all went and what its components are from the command line?07:11
yogurt99I might do 'whereis' for some apps, but whereis imagemagick returns nothing.07:11
ducasseyogurt99: dpkg -L packagename07:12
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yogurt99ah, thank you07:14
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peter-bittnerWhere do I report issues related to touch screen support (touch screen on notebooks, e.g. the Lenovo X1 Carbon)? Specifically, GNOME Shell "Show application" (lower left corner) and Firefox (2-finger) scrolling, all in Ubuntu 18.04.07:33
lotuspsychjepeter-bittner: join #ubuntu+1 for bionic support please07:37
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lotuspsychje!zh | geordy08:29
ubottugeordy: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:29
fxnoobwhat are the chances for a crash at do-release-upgrade... for example from 14.04 to 16.0408:32
guivercfxnoob: the most common issue I'd expect would be out-of-disk space, followed by power-out; though this depends on what changes you made (if desktop, did you grab stuff intended for other distros or unsupported & add that will create issues)..08:34
fxnoobguiverc: I installed some stuff, no debs... for example firefox quantum, download from mozilla site and install manually in /opt/08:36
fxnoobquantum doesn't install from repository in 14.0408:36
guivercif you added repo's to your sources.list* files, then I'd remove them (ie. comment out) before release-upgrade, and when on new version decide if you need them, check to see if xenial (in your case) is supported then add back...08:37
guivercbtw:  i'd not expect issues with firefox; I'm speaking ~generically (ie. as if it applies for any repo)08:39
mjaykWhen does 18.04 come out08:40
brainwashin one week08:40
brainwashfxnoob: firefox quantum version 59 is available in the official repository for ubuntu 14.0408:41
brainwashfxnoob: what exact error did you encounter?08:42
lezsakdomiIt seems like installing libc in a foreign arch is impossible under Xenial?08:43
lezsakdomilibc6:amd64 conflicts with libc6:aarch6408:44
lezsakdomilibc6-amd64:i386 depends on libc6:amd6408:44
lezsakdomi(And I'm on aarch64)08:44
lezsakdomiI want to set up qemu-user08:45
lezsakdomiTheoretically all libc6's ar providing properly named files, thus they should not collide.08:45
lezsakdomiI'm near to unpack and install these packages manually *sigh*08:46
usuario1I don't understas lezsakdon... was libc6:amd64 already installed before you try to install libc6-amd64:i386?08:47
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lezsakdomiusario1: No08:56
lezsakdomiI'm on aarch64, so currently libc6:aarch64 is installed08:56
lezsakdomiAnd a lot of other, smaller packages dependending on libc6, for example firefox:aarch6408:57
brainwashlezsakdomi: maybe sharing the whole terminal output could be helpful09:02
lezsakdomiThis isn't a command, but a concept.09:03
lezsakdomiBut i'll try09:03
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lezsakdomiI've finally got this typescript: termbin.com/f7l809:18
lezsakdomiSOrry, temrbibn.com/l7n809:18
lezsakdomiShit, http://termbin.com/l7n809:18
lezsakdomi(Now copy-pasted, should work)09:18
lezsakdomiHopefully this demonstrates my problem09:19
lezsakdomiI surely would not remove half of my packages to get a f*cking closed-source program work09:19
lezsakdomi(In that typescript ansi colors are used, so i recommend simply just http://termbin.com/l7n8)09:23
lezsakdomi(In that typescript ansi colors are used, so i recommend simply just `curl http://termbin.com/l7n8` in your terminal :) )09:23
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aLeSDhi all09:37
aLeSDI can't make my external monitor work. Using an usb-c -> hdmi adapter09:37
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aLeSDsomeone had the same prob09:38
aLeSDI am on ubuntu 16.0409:38
Guest50431off topic: è possibile usare un access point hamlet per fare un bridge tra il router e il computer?09:40
khadasdoes anyone use ubuntu for khadas vim09:44
USERNAME00How can I assist you to day.09:44
khadasneed help09:44
lezsakdomikhadas: ?09:45
khadasopen souce board khadas VIM09:45
khadasopen source Khadas VIM09:45
khadaslike Raspberry Pi09:46
lezsakdomiaLeSD: Looks like nobody answered you. WHat does dmesg say? And lspci? Then xrandr (or arandr)?09:46
lezsakdomiWow, and it DOES exists: https://www.khadas.com/vim09:47
aLeSDlezsakdomi, lspci -> https://pastebin.com/YaYqZXzf09:48
aLeSDlezsakdomi, xrand -> https://pastebin.com/rucD5WQz09:49
aLeSDdmesg seems normal09:50
lezsakdomikhadas: Personally I would try with the RPi images, because the specs looks to same for me (used RPi a long ago)09:50
aLeSDI can make the external monitor work with usb-c -> vga09:50
aLeSDbut not at full resolution (2K)09:51
aLeSDI am using kernel 4.16 ... but I have the same behaviour with 4.1309:51
lezsakdomiaLeSD: What USB-C card are you using?09:54
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lezsakdomi(so lspci output?)09:54
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lezsakdomi(I have not too mouch idea)09:55
lezsakdomiaLeSD: Sorry, I've missed where you wrote your lspci output, too mouch messages are here09:58
SimonNLlezsakdomi, lspci -> https://pastebin.com/YaYqZXzf09:58
aLeSD[sudo] password for asini:09:59
aLeSDupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.16.0-041600-lowlatency09:59
aLeSDW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_dmc_ver1_27.bin for module i91509:59
aLeSDwhat do you think ?10:00
SimonNLI would try finding that file on my HDD10:02
SimonNLmight be a stupid idea but I can't help myself10:02
lezsakdomiIs linux-firmware-nonfree installed10:03
aLeSDlezsakdomi, I don't have a -nonfree package10:04
lezsakdomiaLeSD: Then enable multiverse (there is a gui tool for managing sources, or edit /etc/apt/sources.list), update packages and then that package should be available10:06
lezsakdomiTry installing that. In most of cases "works".10:06
aLeSDI have multiverse active10:07
yunes_any body? 😕10:10
saurabhs_yunes_, just ask10:10
yunes_alright, thank you 😕10:11
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Harisguys, I installed mongodb 3.6.4 on xenial. its systemd file is missing. purge and re-install didn't help also. what to do to get systemd service for it ?10:40
aLeSDit was the cable + the adapter10:41
_sym_Hi everyone ;), I stumpled upon a socket file which is owned by root and world read/writable. Is there a chance to privesc through this?10:44
_sym_it has the sticky bit set of course10:45
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heistheDudeSo my ubuntu crashes randomly after like 5 seconds of booting. Whats wrong?10:51
heistheDudeAlso it keeps on happening10:51
JimBuntuheistheDude, Do you have a boot menu where you can select which kernel will be used? If so, and if this is before the crash, I would try a different kernel. Do you still have a live-USB or such? If so, I would do a quick sanity test that the hardware is good by booting to that... once you have booted from that, you may also be able to mount your fixed disc and check for kernel logs/etc10:53
brainwashHaris: how did you install it?10:54
heistheDudeJimBuntu, no I don't have a live-USB but I do have a boot menu with arch. Ill try booting it. Hold on a sec10:54
Harisapt-get purge mongodb-org*; apti-get install mongodb-org*10:54
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Harisimported gpg key first10:55
Harisadded sources.list as per doc10:55
Harisbefore this re-install10:55
brainwashHaris: so, you have to contact the package maintainer I'd think10:56
brainwashHaris: did you check if there a mongod.service ?10:58
Harissystemctl list-unit-files doesn't have it in the list10:59
Haris# systemctl enable mongod.service10:59
HarisFailed to execute operation: No such file or directory10:59
Haristhis pkg is from mongo db repo repo.mongodb.com/apt/11:00
Haristhere's .deb files for 3.6.4 for 16.x11:00
brainwashI understand that11:00
Harisdpkg -L pkg-name shows there's no systemd script(s) in any of the pkg .. o_O11:00
brainwashI would contact the mongodb people then11:02
brainwashthey probably have a channel on freenode also11:02
pragmaticenigma_sym_, I wouldn't recommend playing with sockets11:03
brainwashHaris: or grab the service file manually from https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/master/debian/mongod.service11:04
heistheDudeJimBuntu, it still crashes in arch. By crash I mean the whole pc shuts down. Does this mean a hardware issue?11:05
JimBuntuheistheDude, possibly, leaning that way more than my initial thoughts of it being the Ubuntu kernel.11:06
JimBuntuheistheDude, Can you boot into BIOS and run any memory tests or possibly simply leave it in BIOS for a bit and see if it crashes? May take a bit longer...11:06
heistheDudeJimBuntu, okay.11:07
heistheDudeJimBuntu, it stood only for couple of seconds in memory test aswell11:09
KharmaHaris: did you try replacing enable with start?11:10
KharmaOr perhaps the repo you installed need it to start as root11:10
JimBuntuheistheDude, is it a desktop? If so, I would open and observe the fans...also look at the power supply fan although they normally take longer run-times before shutting down if it's the power supply fan11:12
heistheDudeJimBuntu, its a laptop.11:12
kostkonheistheDude, could be overheating11:13
JimBuntuheistheDude, Ok, can you see/hear if any fans are spinning?11:13
JimBuntuAre you using the original AC/DC power supply? Do you have another you can try? Have you tried it on battery only?11:14
JimBuntuDoes it crash if not performing a RAM test in BIOS, if left to sit there, idle?11:15
heistheDudeJimBuntu, the fan is working in memory test for couple of secs then laptop shuts down. Im using an AC adapter which is not original also my battery is dead. I've to run it on constant power supply11:17
JimBuntuheistheDude, Did it start doing this after it had been off for a while... or did it crash during normal use and now you can't get it to stay on long enough to do anything useful?11:23
heistheDudeJimBuntu, actually it started malfunctioning after leaving it for a month unused.11:23
pragmaticenigmaheistheDude, was it plugged in that entire time?11:24
heistheDudepragmaticenigma, no it wasnt11:24
heistheDudeIt was unused.11:24
JimBuntuheistheDude, does it still show the correct date/time in BIOS?11:24
JimBuntuEither way, I would say to reset bios to factory settings and reboot, but given the very short time powered on, I'm a little worried about doing that11:25
pragmaticenigmaheistheDude, during this non-use period, was that when the battery failed? or was that prior to?11:28
Rembohello everyone, i have the following issue, can someone help? https://pastebin.com/iRfktytt11:29
heistheDudepragmaticenigma, no, it wasn't. But the batter was inside the laptop while it was not being used.11:30
pragmaticenigmaRembo, that isn't a question this channel is meant to handle. You will want to check out #bash or #perl for help11:32
windowshello does linux ubuntu share and sell my info like facebook to third parties ? than please do not solicit that i watch much porn ? okay ?11:42
pragmaticenigmaheistheDude, It really sounds like the laptop has a hardware failure. If the BIOS reset that JimBuntu recommends doesn't fix it, I would consider the laptop no good. (Also, recommend removing batteries from laptops not in use for extended periods, especially dead ones)11:42
pragmaticenigmawindows, This is not an appropriate support question. Use google and come to your own conclusion.11:43
pragmaticenigmawindows, also: https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy11:44
windowsoh my info is collected and sold...so linux forward me more paid porn sites ?11:45
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BluesKajHiyas all11:46
JimBuntuHiya BluesKaj11:47
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:47
windowsi wish no one knows that i watch too much porn11:47
leftyfbwindows: please stop.11:47
BluesKajwindows, this is not the place for pron discussions11:48
windowsoh i am concerned about my privacy ..what i watch must be secret thats why i am getting porn links in web browser because you all stores my personal visits  and sell to other paid porn sites ?11:49
BluesKajno one bite please !11:49
windowsbite who ?11:50
Kon-windows, Ubuntu 18.04 will ask you if you want to submit data about your hardware and the version of Ubuntu you are running. You are free to say no. If you say no, it will stay disabled.11:51
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ShigaLaKokaWhen I resume after suspending, it often happens that I dont get back the screen/login screen11:53
Kon-windows, if you live in a country where porn is illegal, I recommend disabling data collection. Canonical does plan to record the country of users who opt in, but not their IP11:53
StrangeNoisessilly question but i've never actually had a windows laptop before. do i need to disable bitlocker on it before installing ubuntu alongside for dual-booting?11:53
windowsdonot tell my wife that i watch too much porn in her absense as you store  my info the websites of good porn i visited .as privacy matters haha11:53
ShigaLaKokaI can hear the fan spinning, so I thought maybe its just loading from RAM11:53
StrangeNoisesi've always just installed clean on self-builds, or on macs, where this isn't an issue11:53
ShigaLaKokaBut nothing shows up even after a long time11:54
ShigaLaKokaAny idea how to troubleshoot this ?11:54
windowsthanks you KON you are genius windows, Ubuntu 18.04 will ask you if you want to submit data about your hardware and the version of Ubuntu you are running. You are free to say no. If you say no, it will stay disabled11:55
ShigaLaKokaStrangeNoises: https://confluence.csc.fi/plugins/servlet/mobile#content/view/6422816711:56
ShigaLaKokaGuys, any idea how do I troubleshoot this blank screen ?11:57
ShigaLaKokaI dont want to force shut down because I have unsaved work that I will have to do again11:58
Harisyes, no help11:58
Hariscontacted #mongodb. guys are quiet there11:58
HarisI wonder if the https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/master/debian/mongod.service file is same for debian and ubuntu11:58
StrangeNoiseshm. thanks ShigaLaKoka. not sure i want to do all that business though. i've been in two minds about maybe just nuking the windows partition entirely tbh, so leaving it empty and unencrypted is a possibility too. i was just wondering if it was *necessary* to disable it just to have ubuntu installed in another partition12:00
pragmaticenigmaHaris, try it and find out... just make abackups of your files12:00
ask-ygU5AP56what's the equivalent of apt-get --purge autoremove w/ 'apt' ? apt purge autoremove ? is there one?12:00
pragmaticenigmaask-ygU5AP56, they are the essentiually the same12:01
ShigaLaKokaStrangeNoises: Well, it says there that you have to pause it when adjusting your partitions12:01
ask-ygU5AP56pragmaticenigma, so can you run apt purge autoremove ? is that a valid thing? I just came up w/ it off the top of me head12:01
ShigaLaKokaIf I were you, I would disable it entirely till ubuntu gets installed successfully12:01
StrangeNoisesShigaLaKoka yeah, that looks to be sensible. it is at the partition level, not the disk level, right? :-)12:03
StrangeNoisesif so that makes sense. re-enabling it after ubuntu's resized it shouldn't be a problem12:03
ShigaLaKokaYeah for partition level12:04
pragmaticenigmaask-ygU5AP56, apt is a friendlier interface for a few apt-* programs. I don't know what the result of combining purge with autoremove will be though, so I would use caution12:05
pragmaticenigmaask-ygU5AP56, if they aren't valid options, it will tell you12:05
pragmaticenigmaask-ygU5AP56, to be sure look at "man apt" and see all the commands it has available12:05
* StrangeNoises has a shiny new dell xps 9370. which you can get with linux on it, but i didn't because, actually because dell lost that order and i gave up and ordered a gold windows one from elsewhere. but now of course trying to get linux on it the best way12:05
AmR|EiSaI can dell laptop and I have BCM4313 card it's show me network but I can connect to my wife network.12:15
AmR|EiSaAny help12:15
JimBuntuAmR|EiSa, What's your native language?12:16
JimBuntuAmR|EiSa, k, there should be a channel for that, I don't know all the names, one moment12:17
AmR|EiSasorry for that, But I will do my best12:17
highpriestesshey all12:17
AmR|EiSaBut I need some help, I can't get help from unknow channel.12:18
JimBuntuAmR|EiSa, it's #ubuntu-arabic , not many people on, but may want to ask there too.12:18
highpriestessi just needed it in english12:18
highpriestessgreetings all12:18
AmR|EiSahighpriestess: Greetings12:19
AmR|EiSaJimBuntu: OK, What info you need from me about this card ?12:19
JimBuntuIt looked like you said it connected to your network, but not your wifes, is that correct?12:20
AmR|EiSaOh, Sorry for that. The card scan networks But can't connecte to it.12:22
JimBuntuDoes it go through the process and ask for passphrase/etc?12:23
JimBuntuOk. AmR|EiSa and then the passphrase is taken and it probably fails to acquire an IP and either falls back to a different network or asks you for the passphrase again?12:26
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, I have to ask the obvious question, did you install a bcm linux driver for 4313, if so which one?12:31
AmR|EiSaOk give me 1m12:31
zoonererhi, I'm encountering this bug when trying to print: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1571531 ... is there a workaround?12:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571531 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "cupsd cause apparmor denials for /etc/ld.so.preload" [Undecided,New]12:32
zoonererI could simply print in Fedora 27 but we are considering Ubuntu for this office12:32
AmR|EiSaJimBuntu: BluesKaj: I try connect it with my mobile hot sopt but it's same.12:36
AmR|EiSaCan't connect.12:37
JimBuntuAmR|EiSa, have you ever been able to connect with this card?12:37
JimBuntuAmR|EiSa, When I did a quick search, I did see a lot of talk around alternative drivers and hassle with this specific model.12:38
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, you need the bcm proprieatary driver. I have the same one on my lenovo laptop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:38
AmR|EiSanop, Not with ubuntu12:38
AmR|EiSaHow I can install that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta ?12:41
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: Is that right one ?12:42
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, which ubuntu release?12:43
AmR|EiSaubuntu 16.0412:43
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BluesKajAmR|EiSa, download and install this one https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta/
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AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: Sorry But How I can install it with apt, Can I do that with apt ?12:46
AmR|EiSaOr How I can do it ?12:46
donflufflessudo apt install [package]12:47
AmR|EiSadonfluffles: I don't get I can find any apt link in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/broadcom-sta/ and Any deb too12:50
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, download the driver then extract in the folder, open a terminal in the downloads flder and do, dpkg -i  broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271-212:54
BluesKajwith sudo12:54
AmR|EiSahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz right ?12:55
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, that's a really old bug and likely already been fixed. Can you post your logs to pastebin and someone here might be able to help figure out what the issue is12:55
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, yes12:56
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zoonererpragmaticenigma: these are the relevant logs: https://bpaste.net/raw/3b821afecda112:58
zoonererpragmaticenigma: and this is when the printer was first connected: https://bpaste.net/raw/bddd112c410513:01
aLeSDis the a hosts file per user ?13:02
zoonererI've also noticed that the bug isn't fixed (Status: New and Unassigned)13:02
barqHow can I install a newer package than is supported in 16.04 LTS? Is there a testing repository that I can install from?13:10
SlidingHornbarq: what is the package, and why exactly do you need a newer version?13:11
nanakiany one familiar with microwatt os (based on ubuntu)?13:12
barqlibsvn, because there is a patch I need13:12
nanakilooking to further tweak its battery useage when running on battery13:12
AmR|EiSaSorry But I try sudo dpkg -i broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz and Can't see the file , and I try with full path too.13:12
barqCan I use apt-get -t precise-proposed?13:12
SlidingHornnanaki: unfortunately ubuntu *based* OSes can't be supported here.13:12
SlidingHornbarq: which patch?13:14
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz is not a deb package and cannot be installed using dpkg13:15
AmR|EiSathen How I can convert it or install it ?13:15
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: as you were told above, you'll need to extract it first13:15
leftyfbit's a compressed file. Like a zip file13:15
AmR|EiSaI did that13:15
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: and what files got extracted?13:16
AmR|EiSaI try and amd6413:16
leftyfbyou mean a directly called amd64 got exracted?13:16
leftyfbsorry, tired this morning13:17
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: you mean a directory called amd64 got extracted?13:17
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AmR|EiSaI got c code for i386 and amd6413:17
AmR|EiSaI run make13:18
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: ok, look inside th amd64 directory13:18
leftyfbdon't run make13:18
AmR|EiSamake file and c code13:18
leftyfbAmR|EiSa: what is inside the amd64 directory?13:19
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, the bug was escalated upstream and a patch was submitted to appamor group. no one followed up and the bug remains open. bugs open for 2+ years typically are because there is a wait on upstream changes, and no one followed up13:19
AmR|EiSalib, src dir's and makefile13:19
leftyfbBluesKaj: what's the point of this? Why not just install broadcom-sta-common or broadcom-sta-source?13:19
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, have you rebooted the machine since "installing" the printer?13:19
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AmR|EiSaleftyfb: ?13:21
BluesKajleftyfb, the sta-common didn't work on my bcm4313, had to install the prprietary, but I must admit I can't see the driver after extarctin the file ...strange13:24
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zoonererpragmaticenigma: no, I was under the impression that drivers would be loaded dynamically. I'll try to reboot it today.13:29
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, sometimes they are, sometimes they're not.. hp printer drivers are fickle13:30
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, also, if you are still having troubles, the link in the bug report to apparmors bug group has as a fix13:31
pragmaticenigmazoonerer, edit the file referenced adding the line highlighted in green http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apparmor-dev/apparmor/master/revision/349713:31
AmR|EiSaany help ?13:41
SlidingHorn!patience > AmR|EiSa13:41
ubottuAmR|EiSa, please see my private message13:41
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, open a terminal and do; sudo apt install bcmwl-kernel-source13:45
dbuggerHi everyone. I am a little fustrated. I have made a virtual machine, but when I try to ping it I get an "Host Unreachable" error. What could be happening?13:49
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: Done13:49
dbuggerIm quite sure the vm is working well, because is freshly built with Vagrant, so the problem must be in the host OS13:49
dbuggerdoes anyone have an idea?13:49
pragmaticenigmadbugger, Check your networking settings in your Virtual Machine software.13:50
olegHi, is it beater to upgrade to 18.04 from 16.04 version via usb stick iso?13:50
dbuggerpragmaticenigma, I already did. Look exactly the same as my colleagues have, and it is working for them.13:51
pragmaticenigmaoleg, it's easier to wait for the updater to be released and then do the update from 16.04 to 18.04. The updater will be made available when 18.04.1 is released, which is usually the best time to update as initial release bugs have been flushed out13:52
olegpragmaticenigma, Yeah i will waiting of release version i just preparing for upgrading, thanks for information.13:53
pragmaticenigmadbugger, is the host os firewall configured correctly? is the guest os firewall configured as well?13:54
leftyfbdbugger: are you trying to ping a hostname or ip address? What does your guests ip look like? Is it the same subnet as your host?13:56
BluesKaj AmR|EiSa now try your wifi connection13:59
dbuggerleftyfb, an IP address14:01
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: The same it's re asking me for password and re asking .....14:01
dbuggerleftyfb, how can I find out about the subnet? I am not sure14:01
dbuggerpragmaticenigma, the guest has no firewall14:02
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: But I don't use broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz ?14:02
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, try a reboot14:02
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leftyfbdbugger: what is the ip address of your host and your guest?14:08
dbuggerthe ip address of my guest is
leftyfband the host?14:10
dbuggermy public ip?14:11
leftyfbthe local ip address of the host14:11
pragmaticenigmadbugger,  the ip address as reported by ifconfig on the host machine14:11
diman777Где я ))14:11
pragmaticenigma!ru | diman77714:11
ubottudiman777: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:11
dbuggerleftyfb, not sure what you mean.. the host is my computer, no?14:12
dbuggerso that would be my public ip, no?14:12
leftyfbyou have a host and a guest. What are their ip addresses on the network?14:12
dbuggerif I do "ifconfig" I see 3 options: "vboxnet0", "lo", and "enxdc9b...."14:13
dbuggeryou mean the last one?14:13
leftyfbdbugger: a public ip address is usually referring to your publicly accessible ip address on the internet. We don't want/need that14:13
leftyfbdbugger: why are you running VM's/vagrant if you don't understand these basic concepts?14:13
zoonererpragmaticenigma: thanks, I'll take a look at that. I'm not close to that particular machine atm but I'll let you know how it went.14:14
dbuggerleftyfb, I am trying to set up the new web project I am gonna work on14:15
dbuggerthis is the way the company provisioned their project14:15
leftyfbdbugger: you're getting paid to do this?14:15
dbuggerif I ever get the virtual machine running, I might :P14:15
leftyfbdbugger: And this thing that you're building is going to be accessible on the internet?14:16
dbuggerno, I am trying to get the development environment14:16
dbuggerthis has nothing to do with the project in itself14:16
leftyfbdbugger: ip addresses. Whar are the ip addresses of your host machine and your guest?14:16
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dbugger192.168.111.198 is my host14:17
leftyfbok, those ip address's are not on the same subnet. I'm going to assume you have your VM setup using NAT, not bridged14:18
Iarfenhow I change my ruby version from 2.3.1 to 2.3.6 with apt-get?14:18
dbuggerVirtualbox + Vagrant + Ansible14:18
dbuggeroh sorr14:18
dbuggerread wrong the question14:19
dbuggeryes, the machines have a NAT adapter14:19
pragmaticenigmaIarfen, if version 2.3.6 is available in the package repositories "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" will get it. Otherwise you can't14:19
dbuggerShould I change to bridged?14:19
leftyfbdbugger: go read/learn about bridge/NAT interfaces with Virtualbox14:19
dbuggerI know I should and I will, but maybe could you please help me with this one, before I get fired?14:20
pragmaticenigmadbugger, this is not fair to us. We are all unpaid volunteers here. Using this channel for your job is frowned upon. Your employer expects you to know these things and expecting us to do the work for you is not fair to us.14:21
Iarfenpragmaticenigma: how I update ruby? sudo apt update ruby 2.3.6 doesn't works as command, how is the syntaxis?14:21
dbuggerfair enough. Thanks everyone14:21
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: the same14:21
pragmaticenigmaIarfen, is there a particular reason for needing version 2.3.614:21
leftyfbdbugger: donate the proceeds of this job to the linux foundation and I'll gladly help you14:22
Iarfenpragmaticenigma: yes, it's needed because the hosting uses that version14:23
leftyfbIarfen: what version of ubuntu?14:24
pragmaticenigmaIarfen, Unless you are using features specifically available in version 2.3.6, code you develop using and older version will work on the newer version when you install it to your hosting provider14:24
dbuggerleftyfb, im not sure I what you mean with "the proceeds of this job"14:24
pragmaticenigmadbugger, being compensated14:24
dbuggerwhat do you want me to donate?14:25
leftyfbdbugger: we are not going to help you build an environment from the ground-up that you are getting paid to do when you haven't taken the time to understand the basics of the project on your own14:26
dbuggerleftyfb, Yes, I understand if you do not want to help me.14:26
leftyfbdbugger: regardless, your issue is about Virtualbox and networking. Very little to do with Ubuntu14:27
pragmaticenigmadbugger, donations are apprieciated, but everyone here is a volunteer and not compensated. We do this to benefit the community. We don't mind helping someone, even for their job. But when it's clear we are being used for someone's own personal gain, that's not a very nice thing to do14:27
leftyfbdbugger: your ubuntu guest/host is working perfectly fine. It's a configuration problem14:27
Iarfenleftyfb:  it's version 1614:28
leftyfbIarfen: there is no version 1614:28
leftyfbIarfen: cat /etc/issue14:28
IarfenUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS14:28
dbuggerWell, I did not come here to take advantage of anyone. I just had a problem and I thought maybe I could find someone here smarter than me, willing to help me. I have done it as well for others. but if someone feels "used" by helping me, I understand and accept it if they dont want to help me.14:28
leftyfbIarfen: 16.04 only has version 2.3.0+1 of the ruby package. 2.3.2 is not available from the official repositories14:29
leftyfbIarfen: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ruby14:30
al2o3-crIarfen: just use chruby + ruby_install14:34
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pragmaticenigmaal2o3-cr, what is that?14:37
james1138Hello from Indiana. I need advice. I am looking for suggestions about "offline" dictionary and/or encyclopedia to install in Ubuntu. This summer I am traveling and no surefire sources of wifi during my travel.14:37
pragmaticenigmajames1138, check out kiwix.org ... they have software application that can import a copy of Wikipedia for offline use14:39
james1138Kiwix.org? Thanks! I just heard about "StarDict" and "GoldenDict" - are either of those offline?14:41
DroHello, why when I use sudo apt-get upgrade , php stay at version 7.0 (does not upgrade to 7.1 ?)14:42
caydenhi guys14:43
leftyfbDro: sudo apt-get install php7.114:43
Droleftyfb: E: Unable to locate package php7.114:44
DroE: Couldn't find any package by glob 'php7.1'14:44
SlidingHornDro: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?14:44
leftyfbdropit's not available in the version of ubuntu you're running14:45
geniiDro: dist-upgrade14:45
leftyfbfrom the official repos14:45
DroSlidingHorn: 16.0414:45
Drogenii: already done14:45
genii( will up versions to whatever is the latest in the repositories you're using )14:45
SlidingHornDro: 7.1 isn't available for Xenial (16.04) from the official repos14:46
DroMaybe I have to add this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php14:46
DroSlidingHorn: what does it mean? is there any risks with that version?14:46
SlidingHornDro: why do you need 7.1?14:46
pragmaticenigmanot sure james1138, I did a quick google search for "wikipedia offline" and that was the first result that came up. Did a quick scan of the site before I suggested it14:47
DroSlidingHorn: because i'm going to run an application that require 7.114:47
ioria7.1 is available on artful btw14:47
james1138Thanks Pragma.14:47
SlidingHornDro: if it absolutely does require 7.1, then Artful or Bionic would be required.  Which application is this, if I may ask?14:48
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, we have to remove the bcnwl-kernel-source driver, then build the driver you downloaded and extracted. so, sudo apt remove bcmwl-kernel-source14:49
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj:How I can build driver I download it ?14:50
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: How I can build driver I download it ?*14:51
BluesKajAmR|EiSa,, then, sudo apt install build-essential14:51
DroSlidingHorn: Symfony 4.014:53
donfluffleswhat does the new ubuntu 17.04 include?14:55
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: Done, And ?14:55
leftyfbdonfluffles: 17.04 is not new and is not supported14:55
donflufflesleftyfb, it is new14:55
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, then, cd ~/Downloads/bcmwl-...... The name of the folder that was extracted14:55
leftyfbdonfluffles: 17.04 was released a year ago, is not new and is unsupported14:56
donflufflesim only upgrading to 17.04 for some bugs to be fixed14:56
donflufflesbetter than 14.0314:56
donflufflesthat was created ages ago14:56
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: and ?14:56
leftyfb!eol | donfluffles14:57
ubottudonfluffles: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:57
pragmaticenigmadonfluffles, these are the only currently supported releases for ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases14:57
SlidingHorndonfluffles: Dro is there a reason the symfony version available in your official repository isn't suitable? (2.7.10)14:57
donflufflesof course its not supported since its not an lts14:58
SlidingHornoops dro ^^ (sorry donfluffles)14:58
SlidingHorndonfluffles: ignore...sorry - didn't mean to tag you14:58
donflufflesvery interesting SlidingHorn14:58
David____617gnome-shell crashes with "Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock' does not contain a key named 'multi-monitor'"14:58
David____617How can I reset all settings?14:58
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, then make && make install  This should build and install the driver. You may need to reboot to activate the driver14:59
AmR|EiSawith sudo ?14:59
donfluffleslots of reasons to say that to a chat filled with people14:59
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, no14:59
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: make install can't be run without sudo15:02
leftyfbdonofrio: you should wait till next week and upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 and then to 18.0415:02
leftyfbnevermind :/15:02
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, ok thenj use sudo15:02
pragmaticenigmaDavid____617, take a look here: https://askubuntu.com/a/5631415:03
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, sorry yes use sudo with make install, my mistake15:03
AmR|EiSaIt's Ok.15:04
David____617thanks pragmaticenigma but I already tried that.15:06
pragmaticenigmaDavid____617, okay, not sure then... what version of Ubuntu are you on?15:07
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: Now I don't have brcm at all I try to get the list by lsmod | grep -e wl -e brcm15:07
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, did you reboot?15:09
donfluffles17.04 is the best thing ever created15:09
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, does the wifi icon show in your panel?15:10
donfluffleswhoever disses it without even trying cause its "not supported" is a crybaby15:10
zaapielzaapiel@zaapiel-27-p120qe ~ $ systemctl disable sshd15:10
zaapielFailed to execute operation: No such file or directory15:10
zaapielany idea why?15:10
zaapieli need to disable sshd at startup15:10
leftyfbuse sudo15:11
zaapieli did15:11
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, did the driver appear to build in the terminal after make install?15:11
leftyfband use ssh, not sshd15:11
leftyfbor openssh-server15:11
zaapieli didok15:11
SlidingHornzaapiel: not according to what you pasted.15:11
zaapielzaapiel@zaapiel-27-p120qe ~ $ sudo systemctl disable ssh15:12
zaapiel[sudo] password for zaapiel:15:12
zaapielFailed to execute operation: No such file or directory15:12
zaapieli just uninstall ssh15:12
zaapielis it needed?15:12
leftyfbzaapiel: what version of ubuntu?15:12
zaapieli dont want it15:12
SlidingHorn!paste > zaapiel for future reference :)15:12
ubottuzaapiel, please see my private message15:12
zaapielim using linut mint 18.0315:12
leftyfb!mint | zaapiel15:12
ubottuzaapiel: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)15:12
BluesKajAmR|EiSa, the then driver should be working , install nmcli , then run nmcli con to see what the network looks like15:13
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: E: Unable to locate package nmcli15:15
AmR|EiSaand I got from sudo make install install -D -m 755 wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless15:15
AmR|EiSaand I got from sudo make install " install -D -m 755 wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless "*15:16
BluesKajam just run nmcli con , think it's part of network-manager15:18
AmR|EiSaNAME                   UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE15:21
AmR|EiSaInfinix HOT 3 Network  9610a49a-fc8f-44d5-bfae-17d050323a87  bluetooth        A4:44:D1:1C:EE:3315:21
AmR|EiSaWM2                    1890f900-17ba-4054-bf3a-ea709b4792b6  802-11-wireless  --15:21
AmR|EiSaBluesKaj: ^15:21
leftyfb!paste | AmR|EiSa15:22
ubottuAmR|EiSa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:22
ShigaLaKokaSometimes when I resume my laptop from suspend sleep, all I see is black screen and the CPU fan spins like crazy15:27
ShigaLaKokaI know ubuntu is trying to load state from RAM but it doesnt show anything even after hours of waiting15:28
ShigaLaKokaI know the screen is working because it is a little brighter than when the laptop is switched off15:29
ShigaLaKokaAnyone any idea how to troubleshoot this ?15:29
pragmaticenigmaShigaLaKoka, "suspend" is not reliable on many systems. It is often recommended to Hibernate (save to disk) or power down the laptop.15:29
cholbyis there a tutorial on making a PPTP VPN server on Ubuntu 17.10?15:30
tewardpragmaticenigma: hibernate isn't enabled by default, though, and is even less reliable at times than Suspend.  (Just saying)15:30
ShigaLaKokapragmaticenigma: Is there a way to read any logs as to why this is happening. This happens way too often15:31
pragmaticenigmateward, good point15:31
pragmaticenigmaShigaLaKoka, you can check /var/log/syslog15:31
stikonashi, rnacheva has some problems with running GUI apps as root on Ubuntu15:31
naccstikonas: rnacheva: don't do that?15:32
stikonasdoes anybody know how debug .Xauthority permissions errors15:32
naccare you using gksudo15:32
ShigaLaKokapragmaticenigma: Why doesnt ctrl + alt + f7/f1 run ?15:32
leftyfbcholby: yes15:32
stikonasnacc: well, it's partitionmanager15:32
ShigaLaKokaI was thinking about restarting X15:32
stikonasso it reruns itself with kdesu15:32
stikonasnacc: so should be the same as gksudo, I think there are some permissions problems so, can't connect to Xserver15:33
stikonasnacc: so rnacheva is getting error  No X authentication info set for display  ":0"15:33
naccstikonas: ah i see, never used kde, so not sure15:33
naccstikonas: hopefully someone else can help15:33
stikonasnacc: well, but I think it would be the same with gnome15:33
stikonasI think the problem is with some X permissions15:33
stikonasideally we shouldn't run GUI apps as root and KPM develpment code is already fixed, but not the version shipped in Ubuntu15:34
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Lopewhat package do I need to remove to get rid of the GUI package manager in ubuntu? It locks my apt sometimes. Annoying.15:50
leftyfbLope: it only locks it up if you run it. Don't run it15:51
LopeOh I didn't run it15:52
LopeMaybe apt-get failed.15:52
leftyfbapt-get won't open any GUI applications. If you didn't run it, it didn't cause anything to lock up15:52
Lopeleftyfb: good to know, thanks bud. I deleted the lock files and it's working again.15:53
leftyfbLope: what version of ubuntu?15:53
leftyfb!bionic | Lope15:53
ubottuLope: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:53
naccleftyfb: iirc, there are some settings that e.g., allow update-manager to run periodically15:53
naccleftyfb: in which case, it would lock the apt cache15:53
naccleftyfb: also aptd can lock it now, iirc15:53
naccleftyfb: but, as you say, different channel :)15:54
Lopeoh bugger. So is there any command to tell it to bugger off and update manually?15:54
leftyfbah, right. I miread/understood. Lock files, as opposed to locking up the machine15:54
Lopeinstead of just clobbering the lock file :)15:54
naccLope: i'm not 100%, I think update-manager is considered core to ubuntu, so removing it would try to remove the desktop15:54
naccLope: you might be able to disable some of its settings15:55
leftyfbLope: since you're running an unreleased version of ubuntu which is running gnome shell now, your best bet is to get help in #ubuntu+1.15:55
ioriaLope you probably have the default settings in Software&Updates set to 'Daily' , change it to 'Never'15:56
leftyfbioria: is there even a "Software & updates" application anymore? Being gnome shell now15:56
Lopeioria: leftyfb okay15:56
tgm4883leftyfb: why wouldn't there be. That isn't specific to Unity15:56
iorialeftyfb, yeah, there is15:56
leftyfbgood to know15:57
Lopeis live migrate safe with LXD yet?15:58
leftyfbLope: you should ask in #lxcontainers15:59
cholbyleftyfb, can you link me to it?15:59
leftyfbcholby: what have you found so far and what did you search for?15:59
cholbyleftyfb, can you link me to it?15:59
cholbyi know how to google15:59
leftyfbcholby: what have you found so far and what did you search for?15:59
cholbyand you said yes there is a pptp tutorial15:59
cholbyso why don't you link me you fucking piece of shit16:00
leftyfb!op | cholby16:00
ubottucholby: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax16:00
cholbyi know how to fucking google16:00
cholbyyou dumb nigger16:00
cholbyeat shit and die16:00
leftyfbwell that escalated16:01
tgm4883some people children...16:01
leftyfbIf they just searched for "ubuntu pptp server" on google, top 2 results have the exact tutorials they're looking for16:02
tgm4883leftyfb: um, you may not have heard, but they know how to google16:02
Lopeamazing how brave people get behind a computer screen.16:03
geniileftyfb: They are a well known Freenode troll, just haven't popped up much lately16:03
LopeAnd how unhappy they must be.16:03
leftyfbgenii: I figured that16:03
LopeDid you ever see the fat troll who turned his life around? was amazing.16:03
LopeTroll turned his life around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpy1FlGKYz016:04
leftyfbLope: lets stay on topic please16:05
LopeCool :)16:06
donofrioleftyfb, nah "jump right in" I've been keeping up with the updates and all is well so far..... ;)16:11
donofrioleftyfb, plus sudo/screen is broken when you do-release-update from 16.04 to 17.04 if I recall correctly.16:12
MJCDI don't like fluxbox that much16:21
MJCDis there a similarly light alternative?16:22
rntzdoes anyone know of a good color picker app? gcolor2, the one I used to use, is no longer available in APT as of 18.04 and trying to configure from source produces a libtool error I don't care to debug; gpick, the one I found with 'apt search', doesn't seem to handle HiDPI well and I cannot understand how to pick from an arbitrary location on screen with it.16:28
new0hi everyone. i created new user from terminal but when i am trying to login via gnome i get few error messages: one of them is: could not update iceauthority file /home/user/.iceauthority16:33
new0how can i fix it?16:33
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=== SE is now known as Serpi
JimBuntunew0, have you tried deleting the file so it can be re-created? or chowning it to the user?16:34
StoneCypheri think i'm doing something stupid16:35
new0JimBuntu, no. but i will check it out. tnx16:36
StoneCypheri set priority for my on-board video card over my geforce, with the intent of using the geforce solely for machine learning16:36
StoneCyphernow when my machine comes up, the boot sequence in text mode is on the on-board, but then it behaves as if it's sending the GUI to some other place16:36
StoneCypherif i remove the nvidia drivers, everything behaves as expected16:36
StoneCypheris there some obvious thing i may have neglected to do?16:36
new0JimBuntu, now i understand why i got error messages. after i used useradd new-user it did not created new folder under /home but when i did mkdir /home/new-user it created it with root:root16:41
PsychoBoBubuntu 18 are much slow16:42
PsychoBoBwith chrome browser16:42
PsychoBoBwhy ?16:42
pragmaticenigmaStoneCypher, not sure, but on the surface, drivers install themselves as modules to the kernel. It's just a guess, but the kernel might be switching to the nvidia regardless of BIOS settings16:42
pragmaticenigma!bionic | PsychoBoB16:42
ubottuPsychoBoB: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+116:42
PsychoBoBI'm using bionic16:43
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB, Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) is still in beta and supported in our #ubuntu+1 channel16:43
PsychoBoBgot it16:43
PsychoBoBhow i see my swap ?16:44
new0JimBuntu, what is weird right now is that when i am opening terminal.. first of: every new like is start with $ and not with new-user@pc-name second when i am using TAB for autocomplete it's do TAB space. and when CTRL + p for last cmd.. it does ^P16:45
pragmaticenigmanew0, what command did you use for setting up the new user?16:45
new0if i do Arrow key up it: ^]]A16:46
new0pragmaticenigma, useradd i thing16:46
naccnew0: you wanted adduser not useradd16:46
new0pragmaticenigma, i am sure now16:46
naccnew0: also, it sounds like your shell might be configured for dash, and your new user won't have a .bashrc (which wouldn't be used by dash anyways)16:47
pragmaticenigmanew0, add new users using this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto#Command-line16:47
new0nacc. yea. i think now i am starting to get the picture. after JimBuntu commented me with chowning i understand + google that useradd is low level which is should have used useradd -m instead of adduser.16:48
pragmaticenigmanew0, you should have used adduser... not useradd16:48
new0pragmaticenigma, yes. but this is what i knew at the time. and of course i did it via (Recovery Mode)16:49
pragmaticenigmanew0, why were you in recovery mode?16:49
new0nacc, do you know how can i fix it by not using dash or but whatever should i use it for?16:50
new0pragmaticenigma, forgot my user password16:50
pragmaticenigmanew0, never never never never use recovery mode for purposes other than password recovery. Do not make system changes like adding users or other configuration changes in recovery mode.16:51
new0pragmaticenigma, also, because another person needed to be on my pc. so... forgot my password... (Recovery Mode) ... useradd... chown -R new-user:new-user /home/new-user git it fixed. now the terminal autocomplete is "nice to have" fix but not must/needed16:52
pragmaticenigmanew0, if you're intending on adding a new user to have Gnome/Desktop... add them using the tools in Gnome/Desktop... that way it will always work as you intended it to.16:52
pragmaticenigmanew0, see previous comment on recovery mode16:52
new0pragmaticenigma, haha got it. but what would i have done in my case? can't really login to Gnome via root or by my user with password i forgot16:54
pragmaticenigmanew0, I just told you... use recovery to reset your password. Reboot the machine and then do other activities16:54
MJCDhey im using lubuntu modified some - my issue is when I get the xlogin screen (ugly as hell if anyone knows how to make that pretty without a lot of heft)16:55
MJCDon that screen I don't get any session config options16:55
MJCDim trying to try out a few different wm and stuff16:56
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, what do you mean "modified some" ?16:56
new0pragmaticenigma, ok... but i still wanted to keep my password intact and not change it16:56
naccnew0: it's also i think the first line in the manpage16:56
naccnew0: a password you don't know?16:56
MJCDpragmaticenigma, just made more lean really. The modifications mean that xlogin or whatever is used for the default login screen16:56
MJCDwhich works fine16:57
MJCDbut I cant configure my session16:57
MJCDso I cant easily switch wm/dm16:57
new0pragmaticenigma, anyway, right now i am on a user i have created already.... so maybe now i can do what u recommended!! what is the Shortcut for Appliaction/Places/System?16:57
new0nacc, yes. can't remember my pass :)16:57
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, that's a feature in newer DMs... older ones you have to manually change a config file16:58
MJCDpragmaticenigma, hmm really it seems like it should be simples16:59
MJCDill switch out xlogin if thats true16:59
MJCDif you have any suggestions for something equally light16:59
MJCDor a bit heavier16:59
new0pragmaticenigma, nacc, got it :D after googlinggg Alt + F117:00
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, this is a great opportunity to go read the documenation on XDM and xlogin to find out17:00
MJCDlol ok17:00
new0pragmaticenigma, nacc, Thank you very much for your help :D chao for now17:01
MJCDpragmaticenigma, so that lead me here which ive read17:02
MJCDbut I really dont want to MAKE a theme17:02
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, or take a look at lightdm ... which is a lightweight Display Manager https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/LightDM/17:02
donflufflesis there a channel for the discussion of ubuntu 17.04/17.10?17:02
MJCDpragmaticenigma, true! I have used lightdm before17:03
pragmaticenigmadonfluffles, there is only a channel for 17.10 and your in it.17:03
MJCDlemme try that17:03
MJCDI also deleted all the damn icon packs when I was cleaning it up lean17:03
donflufflespragmaticenigma, u dont even mention the number 1717:04
MJCDwhich I somewhat regret17:04
donflufflesit may not be supported but it is better than the previous versions17:04
lotuspsychje!discuss | donfluffles17:05
ubottudonfluffles: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:05
MJCDoh my god17:06
MJCDhow is lightdm light17:06
MJCDit has like a billion deps17:06
lotuspsychjeMJCD: no offtopic here please17:06
MJCDwell there's no #lightdm17:06
MJCDand its an ubuntu issue17:06
MJCDall I want is the login screen to allow me to configure my session17:07
MJCDI have as said altered it to be using xlogin17:07
popeyThat's nice, do you have a support question MJCD ?17:07
lotuspsychjeMJCD: easy on the enter button please, if you want to fix your issue, ask your question 'all in one line' and be patient17:07
MJCDpopey, I literally just said - on lubuntu I have lost the ability to configure my logon session17:08
MJCDso it just uses whatever is default17:08
popeySorry! Missed it :)17:08
MJCDlightdm's deps are huge17:08
popeyMJCD: as I understand it you removed some things and you want to put them back?17:08
MJCDso id rather avoid17:08
MJCDpopey, well right, like I dont want to install half of gnome17:09
popeyWhat login session manager do you want?17:09
MJCDthey have gtk or kde as options17:09
MJCDwell im trying a lot of different wm's/dm's17:09
MJCDto see what I like best17:09
popeyGreat! Good idea.17:09
MJCDhard to do when you cant configure your login session17:10
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, number of dependencies is not an indicator of size. It could be that a grouping of software is highly modularized to make it easy for shared libraries to be used by other software.17:10
MJCDI can install a thing and try it because its setup makes it the new default17:10
popeyAre you on an old/slow PC? I find Lightdm pretty nice personally17:10
MJCDpragmaticenigma, true enough I suppose17:10
MJCDpopey, its a vm shim designed to be extremely light17:10
MJCDthe lighter they are, the more vm's we can run17:11
MJCDfor the same hw $17:11
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, I would understand your concern if installing lightdm also installed Gnome-Desktop or KDE-Desktop as a dependency17:11
naccMJCD: why do you need a desktop at all for a VM shim?17:11
MJCDit also reinstalls aspell17:11
MJCDas though my vm servers need a dictionary app17:11
MJCDand bluez17:11
MJCDdispite no bluetooth17:11
naccMJCD: well, your "VM server" needs a desktop?17:11
pragmaticenigmadictionary apps are used by password managers17:12
MJCDyeah we're offering that as a service17:12
MJCDor part of the service rather17:12
MJCDso - to circle back - all I really need from these products im already set on largely17:13
MJCDis to be able to configure each login to different ones17:13
MJCDwhich is pretty standard17:13
naccMJCD: you want every user to run their own (potentially distinct) desktop session/environment?17:14
MJCDnacc, nah its 1 env but each user will have their own session17:14
MJCDvia xserver17:14
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, to circle back to your earlier question. Why does a user need to be able to switch desktop environments. If the goal is to keep the system light and effecient, I would think you're only going to want to install one desktop environment.17:14
MJCDideally xorg<=>xorg17:14
MJCDbut also vnc17:15
naccMJCD: so what does 'each login to different ones' mean?17:15
MJCDpragmaticenigma, I am user17:15
naccMJCD: you mean different sessions only?17:15
MJCDI need it17:15
MJCDnacc, its for small teams so its all shared17:15
MJCDits not a personal privacy app17:16
MJCDtype thing17:16
MJCDim going to try lightdm17:16
naccMJCD: what?17:16
naccMJCD: you are saying conflicting things17:16
MJCDits not vnc'ing in all to 1 desktop17:16
naccMJCD: either each user has their own session, or they all share, you can't mean both, or you have two different sets of requirements17:16
MJCDthere will be 1 x11 instance per user17:16
MJCDon the same host17:16
MJCDas I say, ideally that will be xorg to xorg17:17
MJCDworks much better than rdp/vnc17:17
=== Valette is now known as Guest22099
MJCDinstalling the lightdm-gtk-greeter should give me my session config options17:17
MJCDso hopefully problem solved17:18
MJCDwithout too much weight17:18
MJCDit just annoys me like17:18
MJCDas I said earlier I dont even have bluetooth17:18
MJCDbut the thing requires it17:19
MJCDseems like it should be installed based on feature detection17:19
naccMJCD: no package manager (afaik) does 'feature detection'17:19
naccMJCD: presumably if you don't have bluetooth hardware, the bluetooth softward doesn't do anything17:20
MJCDnacc, yeah, im just speculating17:20
markus_why internet connectivity in my ubuntu suddenly stops. i mean it remain connected with wifi but i cant surf the internet then it start working again after a minute or so17:20
MJCDnacc, I know that but it bloats my gorgeous build17:20
markus_this is very annoying. can anyone please help me out17:20
naccMJCD: ok, let's stick to support here, please :)17:21
MJCDmarkus_, ifconfig and see for corruption or whatnot17:21
SlidingHornMJCD: It's not in the repos/supported here, but if you're comfortable with that, you can check out something like TDM or CDM17:21
MJCDSlidingHorn, never heard of them17:22
MJCDand thats not a good thing17:22
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, to a degree it does. Also, when working with packages, they are designed to serve the greatest number of individuals. Sometimes that includes a few libraries that aren't exactly needed. They're small enough to not impede the overall system, and only used when needed. that's the way thigns work in Distros that leverage package managers. If you're looking for the most optomized system, you'd have to start from17:22
pragmaticenigmascratch and build your own17:22
MJCDpragmaticenigma, yeah I get it17:22
MJCDbut its still something to think about for UX17:22
SlidingHornMJCD: Your personal knowledge of a package is completely unrelated to its quality17:22
MJCDlike id rather have the bluetooth installed the first time I went to use it17:23
MJCDespecially when using a *-minimal17:23
MJCDfor *-desktop I dont really care17:23
pragmaticenigmaMJCD, that's just it, that dependenecy might only be the trigger to either raise an error or help you get the package installed on first use17:24
MJCDitd almost be like lubuntu-minimum-no-really-we-mean-it17:24
MJCDpragmaticenigma, probably ideally handled like the latest androids17:24
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MJCDit gets installed the first time its used and user prompted for permission17:25
MJCDat that point17:25
markus_mjcd:nothing seems abnormal after running ifconfig17:25
MJCDmarkus_, do a ping google.com 10000 times17:26
naccMJCD: this is not hte channel for development requests eitehr17:26
MJCDnacc, it came up anecdotally in conversation17:26
SlidingHornMJCD: stop being rude to other users17:26
lotuspsychjeMJCD: this isnt a conversation room17:26
MJCDlol what the hell man... I wasn't rude to anyone :/17:27
MJCDbye... :/17:27
SlidingHornmarkus_: I'm sorry, I can't scroll back far enough to see your original question.  Would you mind repeating it?17:28
pragmaticenigma<markus_> why internet connectivity in my ubuntu suddenly stops. i mean it remain connected with wifi but i cant surf the internet then it start working again after a minute or so17:28
markus_slidinghorn:why internet connectivity in my ubuntu suddenly stops. i mean it remain connected with wifi but i cant surf the internet then it start working again after a minute or so17:28
pragmaticenigmaSlidingHorn, ^ ^17:29
markus_it also start working if i reconnect17:29
markus_here is similar issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/529347/how-do-i-keep-my-wifi-from-dropping-out17:34
pthHave new ISP and new wireless router but network freezes on ubuntu machine after a while, but not on other machines. How to diagnose?17:44
prince_tamil irukingala da17:51
lotuspsychje!english | prince_17:51
ubottuprince_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:51
prince_naan enna ofencea pesunen17:52
prince_pls tell me ubottu17:52
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donfluffleswhat happens if i update to ubuntu 18.04 using sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:55
pthHave new ISP + wireless router, but network on ubuntu machine freezes after a while. How to diagnose?17:56
pragmaticenigmapth, if nothing changed on the laptop prior to the new ISP and wireless router change over... my initial thought would be the wireless router isn't setup properly17:58
donflufflesi press d for details while upgrading to ubuntu 18.04 and now i dont know how to go back to the yN selection17:58
deepeshcan anyone help me with aireplay-ng?17:59
pthpragmaticenigma, thanks. How to diagnose?17:59
pragmaticenigmapth, we are unable to trouble shoot home networking equipment. If the router/modem is supplied by your ISP, you will need to contact them. if you purchased the router/modem, you will need to contact the manufacture18:00
leftyfbdeepesh: since it's not part of the official ubuntu packages, no18:01
pthpragmaticenigma, sure but as soon as I say the word linux, they will say "we don't support" :-)18:01
donflufflespragmaticenigma, i pressed d for details while upgrading how to go back to the yes no details selection?18:01
pragmaticenigmait's not an issue with your computer... we can't support anything except Ubuntu18:01
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support please18:01
pragmaticenigmapth, you can try your luck with #networking18:01
pthpragmaticenigma, ok, will do. Thanks.18:02
deepesh@leftyfb thanks , any idea where can I get help ?18:02
donfluffleslotuspsychje, its not very complicated just dont know how to stop reading details18:02
pragmaticenigmadonfluffles, the discussion about all things related Ubuntu 18.04 are in #ubuntu+1... it's not very complicated to join the other room just type /join #ubuntu+118:03
lotuspsychjedonfluffles: its not very complicated, join #ubuntu+118:03
pthpragmaticenigma Hardly anybody on #network. I am not asking to troubleshoot, I am asking for general tips on how to diagnose networking problems. Any tips?18:05
pthpragmaticenigma How can you be sure it is not something with my computer?18:06
leftyfbpth: do other devices on the same wifi have the same issue?18:07
pthleftyfb No, the ubuntu machine is the only one with the problem. It freezes at irregular intervals, and I have to reconnect to get going.18:07
leftyfbpth: please do not private message18:11
tomreynpth: this sounds a bit like you do not know what freezes exactly, network or the entire system / hardware?18:11
pthleftyfb Sorry, newbe.18:11
pthtomreyn It is the network throughput that goes towards zero.18:11
pragmaticenigmapth, was the computer rebooted since switching network equipment?18:12
tomreynpth: terminal commands to diagnose networking are ping, traceroute (or mtr), ip, ethtool or mii-tool, tcpdump / tshark.18:12
pthpragmaticenigma Yes many times18:12
pthtomreyn good ideas, thanks. Tried with netstat and looked for tx errors, but there were none.18:13
tomreynpth: it could be a wireless driver / firmware issue. post the url returned by: dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999918:14
leftyfbpth: are you able to connect to your router with ethernet?18:14
tomreynpth: note this will post some information on your kernel / system online.18:14
leftyfbpth: that's where I would start18:14
pthleftyfb I have the possibility to connect via ethernet cable, yes, but I have not tried it.18:15
leftyfbpth: that's where I would start18:15
leftyfbpth: That will eliminate it being a wireless issue18:15
pthleftyfb http://termbin.com/i1qb18:16
pthtomreyn http://termbin.com/i1qb18:18
pthleftyfb Good idea!18:19
pthtomreyn What are we looking for in the uploaded dump?18:21
pragmaticenigmapth, at the moment the logs are showing that the WiFi is being deauth'd but I'm not seeing anything that would indicate the source18:23
pthpragmaticenigma Which line are you reffering to?18:24
pragmaticenigma[Thu Apr 19 19:19:55 2018] wlp2s0: deauthenticating from d8:d7:75:65:75:41 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)18:24
pragmaticenigmahello uttam18:33
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, I think that means it did or thinks it heard that the AP was leaving/powering off/etc. I am pretty sure this is abused to kick people off maliciously as well. I don't remember the details, I think maybe it's not an encrypted broadcast18:33
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, DEAUTH happens for many reasons, but those two are true as well18:34
JimBuntuRight, but I mean that's a "leaving" deauth, not inactive (reason 4) /etc18:35
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, it could also be that the device is too close or too far away from the AP... I don't know what all triggers DEAUTH.... I wonder if the modem they got is compromised in some way or just junky18:35
JimBuntuOh, looks like they left, so I'll have to read what they wrote above... I a little wonder if they have multiple devices with the same BSSID18:36
JimBuntuI sure don't think all those video errors, that coincidentally seemed to always happen right before the deauth or a good sign either though18:37
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pragmaticenigmayeah... I wasn't sure about those18:43
pragmaticenigmaIt does appear to be reattaching to the same BSSID18:43
pthpragmaticenigma Sorry, got disconnected :-)18:45
pthpragmaticenigma The DEAUTH_LEAVING may have been me resetting the connection... :-)18:46
pragmaticenigmaIt's happening a lot though18:46
pragmaticenigmapth, it's happening a lot, along with the your display drivers flooding the log with errors18:47
ctfirchello, i need some help. im trying to disable "shutdown" and "reboot" button from menu in lockscreen (ubuntu 16.04). any help?18:48
ctfircor get a password required from perform those actions18:48
pthpragmaticenigma Can you explain to me what this means?18:49
volf_mozila sletela18:54
ioriactfirc, i think you can do that with dconf-editor18:54
uttamctfirc, those options has been removed in later versions. Can't you upgrade?18:56
pragmaticenigmauttam, I can still shutdown or reboot from my login screen... what version are you running?18:56
pragmaticenigmauttam, 18.04 is still in beta... so no, they may not want to upgrade until after the offical release18:58
uttamIt was not there in 17.10 either18:58
ioria!info molly-guard18:58
ubottumolly-guard (source: molly-guard): protects machines from accidental shutdowns/reboots. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.1 (artful), package size 12 kB, installed size 56 kB18:58
* BionicMac-2 looks at molly-guard...18:59
pragmaticenigmactfirc, you can check out Molly-gaurd ... it also appears to be removed in newer releases.19:00
Liguys, try short passwd on linux ubuntu terminal, after rejection repeat it twice, lock the desktop and have fun19:00
ctfircok let me try with dconf-editor19:03
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ioriactfirc,  navigate  org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power19:04
ctfircok thanks19:06
ctfircim there19:06
lokifaerhi all19:16
rwz3652is there a firefox addon / plugin for controlling the brightness of the firefox window?19:16
SlidingHornrwz3652: that's more something to ask mozilla support (or you can just search the add ons for "brightness" and find out with less effort than it took to ask here)19:18
ntdyou can set the color yourself. or do you think it's possible to adjust the backlight on-the-fly for where the ff windows currently is?19:18
rwz3652ntd: no, not the display backlight, just the ff window19:19
lokifaerrwz3652, what ntd meant is the brightness is depending on the backlight19:20
rwz3652lokifaer: oh19:20
lokifaerso you can't control it only just for ff19:20
SlidingHornyou can...it's just not a question for here.19:21
lokifaerthe whole screen or nothing19:21
lokifaerSlidingHorn, for me it's nonsense brightness is not about pixel colors it's about light19:21
lokifaerrwz3652, why do you want to change the brightness for FF?19:24
pragmaticenigmalokifaer, as was previously mentioned, we don't support firefox directly here. there are more appropriate channels for them to find the help they need.19:25
JimBunturwz3652, look for "night mode"19:26
lokifaerpragmaticenigma, I've got a question about Remmina, I guess you'll give me the same answer?19:26
pragmaticenigmalokifaer, depends on the question19:27
rwz3652lokifaer: in the evening i simply want the ff window a bit dimmed. but dimming the whole display via backlight makes other programs too dim.19:28
JimBunturight rwz3652 It's just that this is the official ubuntu channel for current releases/etc. There is a FF channel, no doubt, and they will possibly be able to throw more plugins at you then you want19:28
lokifaerpragmaticenigma, I don't understand how to use the "share folder" feature19:28
rwz3652JimBuntu: i tried a bunch of night mode addons, but nothing worked. either the ff window went completely black or there was no effect at all19:28
JimBunturwz3652, I really can't help as I don't even use firefox19:29
rwz3652its okay, i used the content->color settings for now19:29
Rukushello. I installed xanmod kernel and now i dont want it. What can i do to revert to original kernel?19:29
Rukusor latest for 16.04 LTS19:30
SlidingHornRukus: you should just be able to select it from the grub menu19:30
Rukusoops wrong window19:30
Rukusits headless19:30
RukusSlidingHorn, is there another way?19:32
pragmaticenigmaRukus, yes, there is a way to change the default kernel from a config file19:33
pragmaticenigmaRukus, changing the value for GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub will allow you to change which grub entry is booted by default (kernel selection)19:34
juliangallego86Am I finally chatting?19:34
Rukuspragmaticenigma, thanks i'll have a closer look and se if i can understand19:35
JimBuntujuliangallego86, Well, you are showing up, but this isn't a chat channel.19:35
pragmaticenigmaRukus, I'm trying to figure out how you can determine the value19:35
juliangallego86Thanks Jim, I'm just looking forward to learn more.about Linux19:35
Rukuspragmaticenigma, me too19:36
Rukusi change the menuentry right?19:36
Rukusgrep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:36
pragmaticenigmaRukus, you shouldn't change anything in /boot ... it will get overwritten with the next update19:37
Rukusthen put oh ok n/m19:37
Rukusi just wan xanmod gone19:37
Rukusand default lts kernel is fine19:37
pragmaticenigmaRukus, was the xanmod kernel installed via apt?19:38
Rukusi forget how i did it19:38
Rukusi tihnk i would have19:38
Rukusecho 'deb http://deb.xanmod.org releases main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xanmod-kernel.list && wget -qO - http://deb.xanmod.org/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -19:39
Rukusapt install19:39
pragmaticenigmaRukus, I think you should be able to run "sudo apt purge linux-xanmod" to remove it19:39
Rukusok sweet19:39
Rukusi knew i was overthinking this19:39
RukusE: Unable to locate package linux-xanmod19:40
Rukussame for lts version19:40
pragmaticenigmaRukus, did you remove the PPA already?19:41
juliangallego86I was trying to go to #ubuntu-beginners and I ended up here. Can anybody tell me how to go there in freenode, please?19:41
ioriaRukus, dpkg -l | grep linux-image19:41
Rukusbut i am not sure if i did it right19:41
pragmaticenigmaRukus, readd the PPA using those previous instructions... then try to remove again19:41
pragmaticenigma!register | juliangallego8619:42
ubottujuliangallego86: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.19:42
Rukusno dice19:42
lokifaerRukus, https://forum.xanmod.org/thread-222.html could maybe help?19:42
pragmaticenigmaRukus, did you do the sudo apt update first?19:42
Rukusoh shoot19:43
Rukusnothing still19:43
ioriaRukus, also ls /boot might help you19:43
juliangallego86!register | juliangallego8619:44
ubottujuliangallego86, please see my private message19:44
Rukuslokifaer, I saw that.... but they arent myh kernel version in that list19:44
lokifaerRukus, but maybe you could adapt one of the .sh file for your version19:44
juliangallego86I probably look like a blind guy stumbling around lol. Thanks guy, bye19:45
pragmaticenigma!ty | juliangallego8619:46
ubottujuliangallego86: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:46
Rukusnow this comp is beinga pos19:46
Rukusi cantg win19:46
Rukusi literally have garbage for ocmputers19:47
cmrabetHi all19:47
pragmaticenigmaRukus, a cautionary tale about installing customer kernels. They don't like to leave19:47
lilachello :)19:47
pragmaticenigma*custom kernels19:48
lilacis this channel appropriate for ubuntu openstack related questions?19:48
pragmaticenigma!ask | lilac19:48
ubottulilac: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:48
cmrabetI want to make a read-only image of Ubuntu so I can install in a system that shutdown will happen by removing power (no safe shutdown). Is there any tool or good source of information that explains how to do this? Thanks.19:48
lilacokay :]19:48
lilaci note that https://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/build-openstack specifies a minimum of 4 nodes with 8GB RAM each19:48
lilacis 4 nodes strictly necessary, and is 8GB ram each strictly necessary?19:49
cmrabetThe target system is a LattePanda (similar to RPi).19:49
theGoatso i have just spun up a new instance of dovecot for imaps.  seems to start, and i believe i have everything correctly, but i don't see it listening on port 993, and can't figure out what is wrong19:49
cmrabetI want to do this to avoid corruption of files19:49
Rukuspragmaticenigma, i am not sure how to edit that script. i shanged what i tohught i should... but it tellems no kernel elgiible to purge19:50
Rukusor lokifaer_19:50
pragmaticenigmaRukus, I'm not certain... you might need to reach out on the forum for that xanmod kernel19:50
lokifaer_Rukus, # NOTE: This script will ALWAYS keep the currently running kernel19:51
pragmaticenigmacmrabet, I'm sure it's possible, but I cannot find any documentation that would be current to recent editions of Ubuntu19:51
lokifaer_Rukus, I guess you first have to boot with another kernel19:51
lilaclooking to deploy a small production openstack cloud19:51
cmrabetpragmaticenigma, ok thanks19:52
Guest20Landscape supported here?19:52
Rukuslokifaer_, oh i get it19:52
Rukusk i'll let you know what happens19:53
Rukusi will make this headless havea head19:53
Rukussemmes easiest19:53
new0pragmaticenigma, hi. u remember that u told me never never.... so use Recover Mode for anything other than reset user pass? well, when i was in that process i thought to me self, here i have an opportunity to learn how is some stuff works.. anyway about when i use TAB to autocomplete a cmd i was really curious to learn how it is working. because sometime i installing new applications and i don't get auto complete with TAB.19:53
=== lokifaer_ is now known as lokifaer
Rukuslokifaer, same error19:56
new0pragmaticenigma, e.g. i have installed git and all the time i am using git [TAB] it's showing me the commands and if i start with some letter it give me suggestions or auto complete with command. but when i installed git-ftp and i am using it with git ftp (push|init|config) it does not auto complete it. but if i have learned how it's working i might setup my auto complete! understand? and btw if u can point to with some direction i will appreciate it19:56
Rukusi've switched kernels19:56
Rukusmedia@mediaserver:/home/downloads$ uname -rs19:56
RukusLinux 4.4.0-119-generic19:56
pragmaticenigmanew0, that is up to the developer of the program to define the autocompletable options. Not all program have that feature.19:57
Guest57597is there anybody using ubuntu 18.04 with nvidia gpu?19:57
pragmaticenigmaGuest57597, please /join #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support19:57
Rukuseveryone. I got it purged via apt.... turns out it was what its called that matters19:59
Guest20is Ubunsu Landscape supported here?19:59
Rukusapt purge linux-xanmod*  found it19:59
=== Guest57597 is now known as teeramisu
SlidingHornGuest20: Feel free to ask your question...if someone knows the answer, they'll respond.  Also, consider changing your nick to something more unique so others may more easily respond :)20:00
Rukusthanks pragmaticenigma , lokifaer,20:00
Rukusi mean lets hope its gone :P20:01
lokifaerRukus, you're welcome20:01
pragmaticenigmaGuest20, Landscape is a paid support product from Canonical. Please use their support channels for help.20:01
=== Guest20 is now known as Timmah50
lokifaerRukus, you just were able to remove it by booting on another kernel or did you do something else in addition to that?20:01
* SlidingHorn didn't know that, my bad, pragmaticenigma 20:02
pragmaticenigmaTimmah50, you can still ask your question and someone here might have some knowledge. It is not something we commonly encounter20:02
Rukuslokifaer, i boot to another kernel and then i used sudo apt purge linux-xanmod*20:03
Rukusi assume its gone20:03
Rukusits not20:03
lilacwhat would be the dead minimum number of nodes to setup a "production" ish ubuntu openstack cloud?  is it possible to get away with less than 4?20:03
Rukusi dont know why itwont go20:04
pragmaticenigmalilac, No, there is a reason for 4... 1 is the controller, another is a load balancer20:04
lokifaerRukus, what makes you say that?20:04
Rukusuname -rs20:04
lilaci see20:04
Rukus lokifaer  uname -rs20:05
Timmah50I'm trying to add clients to Landscape. I'm using the command: sudo landscape-config --computer-title $HOSTNAME --account-name standalone  --url https://Landscape/message-system --ping-url https://Landscape/ping --ssl-public-key=/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server.pem20:05
Rukuslokifaer, Linux 4.13.16-xanmod2320:05
Rukusits still there20:05
lokifaerRukus, you rebooted again?20:05
lilacis it possible to set them up with these services being on one or a couple of machines, and later moved to their own machines20:05
Rukuslokifaer, yeah20:05
lilacor does it actually need to be 420:05
Timmah50It's failing with this in log20:05
Timmah502018-04-19 16:02:35,052 INFO     [MainThread] Message exchange failed.20:05
Timmah502018-04-19 16:02:35,052 INFO     [MainThread] Message exchange completed in 0.01s.20:05
Timmah502018-04-19 16:03:35,053 INFO     [MainThread] Starting urgent message exchange with https://Landscape/message-system.20:05
Timmah502018-04-19 16:03:35,059 ERROR    [PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-0] Error contacting the server at https://Landscape/message-system.20:05
Timmah50Traceback (most recent call last):20:05
Timmah50  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/landscape/broker/transport.py", line 71, in exchange20:05
pragmaticenigmaTimmah50, use PASTEBIN for long texts20:05
pragmaticenigmalilac, the documentation says a minimum of 4 is required. There is no way around that20:06
lilacokay, thanks20:07
lilacsorry :P20:07
Timmah50curl https://landscape/message-system works fine20:08
SlidingHornTimmah50: I'm assuming that the error is because the URL is invalid.20:08
lokifaerRukus, if you try again to boot on Linux 4.4.0-119-generic and do the purge again, does it seems to do it or do you get an error?20:08
SlidingHornTimmah50: are you capitalizing the L in your curl command?20:09
Rukuslokifaer, i'll try again, but i did try that earlier and it told me no kernels eligible for purge.... i changed in script anything 4.14 to 4.1320:10
Timmah50yeah it works with either20:10
Timmah50SlidingHorn i have my domain after it but I took it out when I posted the command20:11
alkisgHi, is there any way to use quotes in Unity's Alt+F2 dialog? For example, I can run `xterm -e date&&bash` if I don't use any spaces at all, but I can't run `xterm -e "date && bash"`20:11
pragmaticenigmaTimmah50, I think the question is... is the domain for that installation supposed to start with an upper case L20:12
pragmaticenigmaTimmah50, depending on your DNS configuration, the url can be case sensitive20:12
lokifaerRukus, maybe modify that line: KEEP=2 to 020:13
Timmah50pragmaticenigma thanks let me try the command with lowercase. ping, curl, and openssl s_client worked ok so I figured it didn;t matter20:13
Rukuslokifaer, its gone now20:16
Rukusi mean i said that last time20:16
Rukusbut i purged it afik20:16
Rukuslokifaer, success!20:17
lokifaerRukus, are you sure? :P20:17
Timmah50same error20:18
Rukusso... what i did was... dpkg --list | grep linux-image  then after located the EXACT file name .. i sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x-x-generic20:18
Rukusthen i updated grub20:18
Rukussudo update-grub220:18
Rukusand reboot20:18
Rukusi knew i was overthinking it20:18
pragmaticenigmaTimmah50, it usually shouldn't matter on the domain, but sometimes virtual host definitions canbe20:18
Rukuslokifaer, truthfully this was the command: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.13.16-xanmod2320:19
Rukusnow its gone for good20:19
Rukusthanks for the push in the right directions guys20:20
pragmaticenigmaRukus, now i think it is safe to remove that PPA to hopefully avoid it sneaking back in20:20
lokifaerRukus, sure20:22
Timmah50So I tried changing --ssl-public-key=/etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server.pem which is a chain of all the CA certs. Unforch that didn't work either20:23
donflufflesany kodi channel?20:23
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:23
donflufflesoh okay i only have to search for a whole list20:24
donflufflesi see no kodi channel20:25
oerheksdonfluffles, then check their website, we are not the yellow pages20:25
donflufflesyou're the blue20:26
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, Google is your friend... I just did a search and found it. I'm sure you can to20:26
oerheksyeah, we know google20:27
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:27
oerheksKodi might be o a different network, who knows?20:27
pragmaticenigmasorry oerheks ... mean to direct my comment to someone else20:27
donflufflesoh my god yes it literally has bold big white letters that says IRC Channel20:27
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, it's on freenode... beyond that... donfluffles can find it themselves I'm sure20:28
donflufflesits an application how can it have a network20:28
donflufflesno kodi20:29
donfluffleson networks20:29
pragmaticenigmadonfluffles, in the time it has taken you to whine about our refusal to help you... You could have already searched and found the IRC chat room.20:29
donflufflesits an add-on20:30
aroonihaving trouble mounting a samba drive via guest... getting mount error(112): Host is down ;; but i know its not because according to smbclient -L -U guest ; its up.  using this as my mount in fstab: // /media/HardDriveArooni cifs guest 0 020:30
donflufflesur right20:30
pragmaticenigma!language | donfluffles20:30
ubottudonfluffles: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:30
bonzibuddywindow 1520:31
donflufflesokay found it20:32
donflufflesisnt working20:32
donflufflesexcept if ill go on these unofficial empty channels that were made randomly20:33
pragmaticenigmadonfluffles, this is not a chat room... take your discussion else where. If you do not have an Ubuntu Support question, this isn't the venue for you20:34
Timmah50omg i found it20:48
Timmah50Wrong file permissions may also cause this error. The certificate file should be readable by others: chmod o+r /etc/landscape/server.pem20:48
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)20:54
madsjIs there any pitfalls in using the dac_override capatibility in an AppArmor profile? As I understand, the service can only read files from places not specified more detailedly.20:55
madsjIs -> Are there20:55
pragmaticenigmamadsj, I think it depends on what your goal is20:57
madsjIt's a pain to get Apache to run in enforce-mode, and aa-logprof did suggest it.20:58
pragmaticenigmamadsj, I'm not familiar enough with AppArmor to know what to suggest. Is enforce-mode more strict than the default profile?21:00
aroonihey team; trying to safely mount an encrypted home partition (ugh never again) that was encrypted with ubuntu 14.10 ( i have the password) ;; on ubutnu 16.04;  i spent an hour on this yesterday trying stuff like sudo encryptfs-recover-private but couldnt get it working ;;; ideas?21:03
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madsjpragmaticenigma: I think default is complain. complain just warns about actions that are not allowed (writing/read from a directory not in the profile).21:10
pragmaticenigmaarooni, you could try using a VM with 14.04 installed, and decrypt it there and extract the data out21:11
aroonii think i just realized the LOGIN passphrase is NOT THE SAME as the MOUNT passprhase21:11
arooniwell its definitely plenty secure ; not sure i want to encrypt my hard drive again tho lol21:11
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am_exhi there!21:15
am_exI have a problem with my 2,4GHz wireless mouse when I try to copy some files via USB 3.0... Mouse cursor is freezing and moving trajectory is partial... Who knows how can I solve this problem?21:17
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am_exMy system is Ubuntu 18.04, SSD 512, 16Gb DDR3, USB3.0, Mouse Logitech Anywhere MX 221:18
pragmaticenigma!bionic | am_ex21:21
ubottuam_ex: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+121:21
am_expragmaticenigma, in the ubuntu 16.04 the same situation, man21:22
am_exAnd in the 17.10 too21:22
am_exAny ideas?21:27
oerheksam_ex, good to mention that in #ubuntu+1 too21:27
am_exoerheks, allready21:28
pragmaticenigmaam_ex, the issue is that your mouse and hard drive are on the same USB channel. Move the mouse to a different port (usb 2.0 perhaps) and see if the issue resolves itself21:30
am_expragmaticenigma, I am tried allready to switch usb ports for my mouse, but no luck. But, if I connect my USB-stick or USB-HDD to usb 2.0 - then no have some mouse freezing21:33
SlyFoxxHey everybody! I've a noobie question(Ubuntu newbie here), I just installed 16.04.4 lts version on a Virtual Box on a 5K iMac, I allocated 6GB ram for it, 35GB storage, made sure I've 2 cores allocated for it, enabled 3D acceleration for display, dabbled with screen resolutions etc... but UI is STILL laggy/slow, at this point I gotta wonder... is t21:33
SlyFoxxhis possible the best experience one can hope for when Ubuntu is installed on a VM or am I doing something wrong? thanks21:33
naccSlyFoxx: plenty of people run VMs without lag.21:35
naccSlyFoxx: I have never used virtualbox, so I don't know how much is due to that.21:35
SlyFoxxmy current(default) gpu driver is llvmpipe, and when I go to additional drivers to change it, it just simply won't apply the changes, I choose a driver driver but once I hit apply it reverts back to default :-/21:35
SlyFoxxnacc I see... yeah not sure what else to try :-/21:35
SlyFoxxbecause it looks like I've allocated more than enough hardware for it to run smoothly, I think this is a GPU driver issue :-/21:36
genii SlyFoxx: If you have a secondary GPU or video card which the host can relinquish, you could enable hardware passthrough on it to the VM21:39
SlyFoxxgenii what do you mean secondary, a dedicated gpu? I do have one although I'm not sure how I can passthrough it, because from what I've read since this is not a bare metal virtualization hardware passthrough is not necessary, many of these articles/stack overflow questions suggest things should work out of the box but this is not the case as UI is21:42
SlyFoxxincredibly sluggish/laggy :-/21:42
Ben64you're not going to get good performance without passthrough21:45
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dimisdasSo … I’m running a small home ubuntu server for Plex and file storage. And when running NetHogs, I get a strange process from root taking up bandwidth that doesn’t have a PID21:46
shazbotmcnastyhey there - I had to reinstall my OS - i've got multiple users /home directories on SDC1, I installed my new OS on sda1 -- I've already got sdc1 as /home - but how do I recreate the users and have them have the same /home directories as before?21:46
shazbotmcnastythe /home/username1 already exists in /home21:46
dimisdas     ? root                                              0.032       0.038 KB/sec21:46
dimisdasthe external IP changes every few minutes, with servers located all over the world21:47
coolballI got my new hardware21:47
dimisdasDoes anyone know where do I begin to look it up?21:47
Timmah50Has anyone gotten Ubuntu to work with Smart Cards/CAC cards? This is the only official documentation I can find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonAccessCard21:47
Timmah50This line appears to no longer work   git clone https://github.com/OpenSC/pam_pkcs11.git21:47
Timmah50cd pam_pkcs1121:47
Timmah50./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr21:47
Timmah50sudo make install21:47
xamithanThe clone line ?21:49
xamithanWhich part doesn't work21:49
oerheksTimmah50, see the site, no longer maintained21:50
uplimewhats the difference between pkcs11 and pkcs12?21:50
GuiTorishey, is it safe to upgrade to a newer release?21:50
Timmah50xamithan I think the "make" line21:51
oerheksGuiToris, sure, if you want 18.04, wait for the release first.21:51
xamithanWell the project hasn't had a commit in over 2 years21:51
xamithanYou better find a different one21:51
Timmah50oerheks I saw. I was wondering why Ubuntu would reference something so outdated21:51
GuiTorisoerheks, thanks :)21:52
Timmah50Without that pkcs11 the whole thing won't work21:52
oerheksTimmah50, good question, we are writing newer manuals as we speak,21:53
Timmah50I didn't know there was a pkcs1221:53
Timmah50i did know of pkcs1521:53
arooniso apparently my old decrepit router couldn't understand the type of ext4 file system that ubuntu 16.04 formatted usb hard drive... so it required me to reformat via its version of ext4 mkfs ... q 1) how common is it that linux devices cant understand other ext4 versions 2) what kinds of features would i be losing from using an older ext4 version21:53
en1gmai have I3-4005 cpu. i run ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS Desktop amd x86_64.  what do i need to install to get clinfo to show i have a cpu device at least and also a gpu device21:54
xamithanI don't see why you would need the github for that anyway,  I see a libpam-pkcs11 package in the universe repo21:55
oerheksen1gma, lscpu, and for video lspci | grep VGA21:55
en1gmaoerheks thanks21:55
en1gma1 se21:55
oerhekslshw, lsusb are the other tools21:55
en1gma00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)21:56
en1gmayea but i think i install all the important opencl-icd etc stuff21:56
en1gmashouldnt it be showing up21:56
en1gmawith 'clinfo'21:56
Timmah50xamithan thank you I'll look into that. The libpam-pkcs11 doesn't seem part of the documentation so I can't remember off the top of my head if i tried it21:57
xamithanTimmah50: I think you'll have better luck just following the arch wiki for CAC and modifying it for ubuntu21:57
xamithanAll the packages are in the regular repos I think,  opensc,  pam modules, etc.21:58
en1gma'sudo apt-get install  ocl-icd-libopencl1 ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers clinfo'22:01
en1gma'clinfo' should display something besides 0 devices right?22:02
en1gma"number of platforms 0"22:02
adalberthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sshfs-fuse/+bug/159031 (8year old bug , still present in current releases :()22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159031 in sshfs-fuse (Ubuntu) "computer freezes when sshfs blocks waiting for connection" [Medium,Confirmed]22:03
adalbertwell, that is just great ... :(22:10
oerheksadalbert, add yourself to the bugreport, if it affects you too?22:10
oerheksnothing we can do, really22:11
shazbotmcnastyhey there - I had to reinstall my OS - i've got multiple users /home directories on SDC1, I installed my new OS on sda1 -- I've already got sdc1 as /home - but how do I recreate the users and have them have the same /home directories as before?22:11
adalbertoerheks: do I need to sign up for that ?22:11
shazbotmcnastythe /home/username1 , /home/username2, etc already exists in /home22:11
oerheksadalbert, yes, but it is free22:11
shazbotmcnastyusermod -m -d /newhome/username username  ??22:12
de-factogeeky me, couldnt wait to buy a new ssd, is it out yet? wish it was, yet is it all cool and frozen already and where can i grab a rc iso for playing around?22:13
shazbotmcnastyhttps://www.screenshottr.us/v/df1deed53f50eba26a6c465a38a39400/949dfae6aa1c67def45ed3f09fbf8ce3.png     ??22:13
shazbotmcnastyThere's so many answers I'm finding I can't figure out the correct one22:14
xamithanJust make the users and specify where the home directories are and what UID you need them to be22:14
shazbotmcnastyAny mods around? Got a creep creepin22:15
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax22:15
en1gma'sudo apt-get install  ocl-icd-libopencl1 ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers clinfo'22:16
en1gmanumber of platforms = 022:16
oerheksshazbotmcnasty, join #ubuntu-ops for that.22:16
en1gmaI3-4005u cpu on ubuntu22:16
en1gmasomeone please help22:19
adalbertWhen they say: ... is a Long Term Support release and has support for 3 years. Do they mean just those 3 years from the start , or 3 years after the release of the latest version ?22:21
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: (1) there are two approaches you can take: create the same usernames with the same group memberships again on the new system, then, for each user, recursively chown their home directories to these new users and their primary group. (2) - probably much easier, but it's only possible if this is a newly setup ubuntu where you did not create any additional users: just replace /etc/passwd, shadow, group, gshadow by those you used to22:21
tomreynhave on the old system (but back the new ones up before you do).22:21
shazbotmcnastyThanks tomreyn very much. It is a newly set up system, no additional users have been created yet.22:22
shazbotmcnastyjust have the /home directories that I need to remake the users for.22:22
tomreynadalbert: it's actualyl 5 years from the inital release. see 16.04 (and point releases) here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:24
DalekSecadalbert: Point releases are just updates of the ISO with the most recent packages in the repo and hwe stuff.  So inital date.22:24
DalekSec(Some flavors, or most, do 3 years only.)22:24
DalekSechttps://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life has a couple charts.22:26
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: i..e you no longer have the old systems' /etc ? then the second approach is not an option for you (and information of which user belonged to whgich groups is probably lost, as are their passwords), and you'll need to go with the first approahc.22:26
adalbertDalekSec: Oke but for example, if at this moment someone heads to xubuntu , it reads 16.04 has 3 years support, but knowing 18 will come out soon, this information is misleading to new users .22:26
DalekSec1604 had 3 years, from April of 2016.  18.04 will have 3 years from April of 2018.22:27
DalekSecadalbert: I guess I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.22:27
adalbertDalekSec: nvm.22:27
tomreynand xubuntu.org says "Xubuntu 16.04.4 LTS was released in March 2018. The LTS release is supported until April 2019 and is the recommended version for all environments that require stability."22:28
adalberttomreyn: I was talking about the download page, the top of it22:28
pragmaticenigmaHere's a listing of all EOLs for Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:29
adalbertthnx pragmaticenigma .22:30
tomreynadalbert: i see. this also points to the release announcement, whjich was posted in april 2016, then states this release has 3 years support. i guess i don't see much of an issue ther either.22:30
shazbotmcnastytomreyn: ok. I was hoping that I could do the second one because it sounded easier. What exactly does 'chown their home directories to these new users and their primary group' ?22:32
shazbotmcnastys/ /mean*22:32
xamithanshazbotmcnasty: "man chown"22:32
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: "chown" is a command to change the user and group a file, directory or other file system object belongs to. it offers the -R switch which allows you to update ownership of multiple objetcs, iterating over all subdirectories of the given path recursively.22:34
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: chown is a somewhat common command to use. since you do not know it, yet, i assume you do not have a lot of experience of managing servers. and yet, you seem to be confronted witht he task of managing and even migrating a multi user system. this is not an ideal situation, and you should try to get support from someone more proficient in this area, someone who is local to you, to provide some guidance, at least initially.22:37
tomreynit might also be good to try this in a VM (or two) before you do it on the live system, to get a better idea of how user and group ownerships, emmebrships and permissions play out together.22:40
pragmaticenigmaadalbert, what was your original inquiry earlier?22:46
abignaleHello, people22:49
adalbertpragmaticenigma: I was a bit confused with the end of life , but after reading your link of Releases, I'm now aware v16 is good till 2021 not 2018.22:49
adalbertpragmaticenigma: *... end of life of release v16*22:51
aphoticaWhat are some security concerns with Systemd? Everyone seems to trash talk it being default on ubuntu22:52
oerheksthere is a difference between ubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu support,  5 / 3 / 3 years22:53
oerheksaphotica, if we know, there is a bugreport about it.22:54
oerheksnote: securitybugs are not free readable, only selected teams/persons can do that22:54
StoneCypheri can't find x :D   i have a heavy duty video card in a new ubuntu box, but i want it to be a ml workhorse, and to use the video card on the motherboard for the screen.22:55
oerheksa list: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bugs22:55
StoneCypherwhen i don't have the nvidia drivers loaded, everything works as expected.  when i do have them loaded, the onboard video card shows the boot text, and stops there.  i'm able to log in by ssh, and nvidia-smi says the geforce is unused22:56
StoneCypheri would appreciate a cluesticking?22:56
oerheksStoneCypher, your bios might have that option: primairy gpu22:58
adalbert(<oerheks> there is a difference between ubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu support,  5 / 3 / 3 years) - noted.23:00
StoneCypheroerheks: yeah, it does, and i did that23:00
StoneCypheroerheks: that's what got me as far as the thing showing the boot test23:01
StoneCypheroerheks: but then it doesn't progress to the gui, which is 1) confusing, and 2) see 123:01
StoneCypherboot text *23:01
StoneCypherso i kind of think i just have my video set up wrong but i don't know where to look to confirm23:02
oerheksStoneCypher, what plugged in videocard is this? Nvidia gives an option, in the nvidia tool: prime23:02
StoneCypherthe nvidia card, which the monitor is not plugged into, is a 1080 8g founders' (not ti)23:02
oerheksreverse your primairy to nvidia, boot, and select primairy in the nvidia settings/prime23:02
StoneCypherthe monitor is plugged into some random onboard intel chipset23:03
StoneCypherok i can try that.  how do i install this tool?  thank you23:03
oerheksit comes with the nvidia driver, AFAIK23:03
StoneCypherhappen to know what it's called?23:04
oerhekssoftware&updates > drivers23:04
StoneCypheroh ok23:04
StoneCypherthank you :)23:04
oerhekstype nvidia in dash, and the tool pops up23:04
StoneCypheri am almost 100% an ssh linux user.  totally clueless about the wm stuff23:04
StoneCypheroerheks: i feel like i might be missing something23:17
StoneCypheri ran software-configuration-gtk and got a window with the described title.23:17
StoneCypherit doesn't have a drivers tab but it does have an additional drivers tab, so i switched to that23:18
StoneCypherno need to search for nvidia; it's the only thing in the list.  but it just gives me a few radio buttons for driver versions23:18
lilacdoes anyone know why adding a VMWare chassis to MAAS doesn't seem to do anything?23:20
lilacsimilarly, adding individual machines using the VMWare power type doesn't work -- i can save the settings but it complains it can't connect23:20
lilacusing virsh to connect to the esxi server works fine thoughh23:20
lilaci've tried adding a chassis with Nodes -> Add hardware -> Chassis, and with Nodes -> Add hardware -> Machine23:22
lilacdoes it only work with a vcenter server, or...?23:22
tomreynthere's #ubuntu-server, probably more suitable for such questions23:24
tomreynlilac: actually try #maas23:25
StoneCypheraha, it's in nvidia x server settings23:25
StoneCypheroerheks: thanks23:25
lilacokay, didn't realise it had its own channel23:25
lilacthanks :)23:25
StoneCypheri have nvidia-prime installed, but PRIME Profiles doesn't show where the tutorial screenshots say it should23:31
StoneCypheroh maybe i need the intel drivers installed too23:31
oerheksintel is standard supported by the kernel.23:33
undeclaredHey all.  I was running hdparm --security-erase on my hdd when I suddenly had a power failure, on reboot I get all kinds of input/output errors in my booting.  I was wondering if anyone would know how to fix this, besides running the security erase again.23:36
undeclaredDon't care about the data being erased anymore, rather get the drive working again23:37
USERNAME00have you tried formatting with cfdisk?23:38
undeclaredok says cannot open input/output error23:38
USERNAME00cfdisk /dev/sd?23:38
USERNAME00fdisk -l to list drives23:38
undeclaredyeah cfdisk /dev/sdi in my case23:38
MobutilsQuestion: I'm writing a git hook script to deploy and reload my application, however to restart my process i need to use supervisorctl, which requires sudo... i have added the command to sudoers such that no password is required. but when i post, i get `sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified` and when i add -S it looks like its asking for a password. Any suggestions on what to do here?23:38
USERNAME00then cfdisk /dev/device23:38
undeclaredI did cfdisk /dev/sdi and it didn't like it23:39
undeclaredit's not listed23:39
USERNAME00sudo fdisk -l23:39
undeclaredwhen I do that it skips the sdi drive entirely23:39
USERNAME00totes ma goats23:39
USERNAME00no probably not. but i cannot assist sorry23:40
undeclaredthanks for trying23:40
undeclaredhdparm -I does work23:40
undeclaredahh man I'm so deumb23:42
undeclaredwhen I set password for secure erase, it locked it.. still was locked, all I had to was unlock it and it works now23:42
Randolfundeclared:  Misspelling intended?  ;)23:45
undeclarednope, just that deumb ;)23:45
Randolf(Don't answer that.)23:45
* Randolf laughs at this coincidental travesty23:46
undeclaredmight have not even worked the security erae23:47
undeclaredthat's the worst part23:47
undeclaredso all for nothing lol23:47
Mobutilsdoes anyone know if changes via visudo are immediate? or require a reboot?23:54
undeclaredhaha, wow.. didn't even work 1 bit, all my files are there intact23:54
dewwMobutils: you prob need to logoff and back in23:55
dewwnot reboot tho23:55
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