
admcleod_thumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/176557101:28
mupBug #1765571: lxd container fails to launch on bionic host: No associated target operation <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765571>01:28
admcleod_thumper: im going to EOD but ill leave those envs up so if you want me to try anything/get more info let me know01:29
thumperadmcleod_: ack01:33
thumperbabbageclunk: ping01:33
babbageclunkthumper pingback - good timing!01:34
babbageclunkin 1:1?01:34
thumperwallyworld: can you reply to Junien on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1762979 ?02:52
mupBug #1762979: juju resolve --no-retry behaviour is inverted <juju:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju 2.3:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762979>02:52
veebersbabbageclunk (thumper?) I found go-guru-hl-identifier-mode, I find it useful you may too (highlights identifier under point).03:30
babbageclunkveebers: might try it, thanks!03:30
veebersI enabled with "(add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'go-guru-hl-identifier-mode)", I tweaked the face a little too '(go-guru-hl-identifier-face ((t (:inherit highlight :slant italic))))03:32
babbageclunkI like it! It feels a bit inconsistent though - it highlights instaces of time (in time.Duration) but not Duration, and not a different package. Maybe it's just if that name (time) happens to have been used as a local somewhere in the file?03:47
wallyworldthumper: :-) pretty please? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/863403:48
* thumper looks03:48
wallyworldneed for CI etc03:49
thumperwallyworld: got a sec to chat about this?03:49
kelvinliuhi wallyworld: can I have ur 5mins on hangout?04:29
wallyworldkelvinliu: just talking to chris, give me04:29
wallyworldunless you want to join standup hangout04:29
kelvinliuwallyworld: sure, I will just join soon. thx04:30
wallyworldkelvinliu: i *need* coffee, let me go make one and i'll ping you in 504:32
kelvinliuwallyworld: yup, no problem, thx04:33
babbageclunkthumper: retrying that benchmarking on aws machines I can get between 340 - 400 updates per second. Weirdly, tweaking that parameter I was talking about didn't seem to make much difference.04:38
thumperhmm... ok04:39
wallyworldkelvinliu: free now, see you in hangout?04:42
kelvinliuwallyworld: yup04:42
* thumper sighs05:09
thumperlooks like gofmt is sad on develop05:09
veebersdid wallyworlds change land for make check?05:10
thumpertype DBusAPIFactory = func() (DBusAPI, error)05:10
thumperthere is an = there05:11
thumpergo test passes in there05:11
thumperbut the prepush hook fails05:12
kelvinliuwallyworld: a quick one https://github.com/wallyworld/caas/pull/2 thx05:13
thumperfunny, but Joe's change was just renaming05:13
wallyworldkelvinliu: thks05:13
thumperthe type alias is from before05:14
thumperperhaps this is a new check?05:14
veebersthumper: which go version are you using?05:14
veebersI see the prechecks are happening (this run fron ~17 hours ago: http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/963/console)05:14
wallyworldkelvinliu: it includes your bundle changes, they will need to be backed out05:15
wallyworldkelvinliu: also build dirs like  charms/gitlab/deps/interface/pgsql05:16
wallyworldneed to not be pushed05:16
kelvinliuwallyworld: use  INTERFACE_PATH=/path-to-ur-local-interfaces-dir use local interface05:17
wallyworldkelvinliu: thanks, yeah, i already had that set as it turns out05:17
kelvinliuwallyworld: ah, ok, I will gitignore deps05:19
kelvinliuwallyworld: is the deps required or not05:19
wallyworldcan be removed from PR05:20
wallyworldis generated on build AFAIK05:20
wallyworldkelvinliu: looks good with a few comments to fix05:21
thumperwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/863505:22
kelvinliuwallyworld: made changes for the comments. thx05:30
wallyworldkelvinliu: where does ##MODEL## come from?05:31
wallyworldi've not seen that before05:31
kelvinliuwallyworld: in the $profile05:31
wallyworldthe bash profile?05:31
wallyworldih wait05:32
wallyworldi see05:32
kelvinliuwallyworld: yes05:33
wallyworldthanks, haven't noticed that before05:33
kelvinliuwallyworld: np :)05:33
wallyworldkelvinliu: looks good, i'll merge when the mysql layer change gets merged so as not to break existing users05:34
kelvinliuwallyworld: yeah, thx05:35
axinowallyworld: hi05:40
axinowallyworld: so afaik, "juju resolved" has been, by default, retrying _by default_ since 2.x (1.x default was to not retry)05:40
axinowallyworld: and you're saying in the bug that most 2.x versions didn't retry if one simply ran "juju resolved" ?05:41
wallyworldyeah, in 2.x the behaviour was meant to be swapped05:41
wallyworld2.x requires --no-retry to not retry05:41
wallyworld2.x retries by default05:41
wallyworldor is supposed to05:41
wallyworldbut i was testing an found it didn't05:42
thumperwallyworld: if you are happy with the proxy rework branch, just add the merge comment, otherwise I'll address anything monday morning05:42
thumperlaters peeps05:42
wallyworldthumper: looking05:42
wallyworldaxino: and i looked at the code and saw a bug05:42
axinowallyworld: I'm suprised no one saw it in 1+ years05:44
wallyworldaxino: me too. apparently tim was talking to xav from bootstack and when the bug was mentioned, xav said somrthing like "oh, i was wondering why it never seemed to work properly"05:45
wallyworldbetter late than never for a fix i guess05:45
axinooh yeah definitely05:48
axinowallyworld: and this is an agent thing right ? not a client thing ?05:48
wallyworldyeah, if i recall correctly05:48
wallyworldCLI was modified but agent wasn't05:49
wallyworldmodified to the reversed behaviour05:49
wallyworldkelvinliu: see this error? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MF3wRbZWFp/06:30
wallyworldthe mysql charm relation joined isn't happy06:30
kelvinliuwallyworld: ah, sorry. I changed the code inside the container by exec into it, but forgot change it into the repo.06:31
wallyworldok, np, just push the change :-)06:32
kelvinliuwallyworld: done.06:33
wallyworldthanks, looking06:33
kelvinliuwallyworld: np06:34
wallyworldkelvinliu: it seems then that he doc string is wrong in the mysql layer06:39
wallyworldthey leave off the items() also06:39
kelvinliuwallyworld: yes, I was about to add comment to the PR06:39
wallyworldjust waiting for gitlab to start now so i can see the result06:40
wallyworldkelvinliu: there is indeed a problem - gitlab can't talk to mysql, gets auth error it seems06:45
kelvinliuwallyworld: just found one issue on operators. so it seems operator was deployed by k8s pod api, so no `deployment` resources created. So k8s will not be able to manage it for recovering for example.06:45
wallyworldyou sure? i get deployments06:46
wallyworld$ kubectl -n caas get deployments06:46
wallyworldNAME          DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE06:46
wallyworldjuju-gitlab   1         1         1            1           6m06:46
wallyworldjuju-mysql    1         1         1            1           8m06:46
kelvinliuthat's the deployments for app pod06:47
kelvinliui mean depployment for operator pod06:47
wallyworldoh right yes, deployment for operator pod not done yet06:47
wallyworldthere's a todo in the code06:47
kelvinliuah, ic. I was just deleted gitlab operator pod, so it's gone06:48
wallyworldkelvinliu: so if mysql password is being correctly passed to gitlab docker image, but gitlab can't connect, that implies an issue in provides.py on the mysql side i think06:48
wallyworldyou'll have to remove-application from juju and deploy again06:49
wallyworldkelvinliu: actually, it looks like an issue with the gitlab image https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2yxHnJffqT/06:50
wallyworldwe use latest, i might try an older one06:51
kelvinliuwallyworld: yes, i got the same error.06:51
kelvinliuwallyworld: but latest image was pushed 10 days ago06:54
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
wallyworldkelvinliu: i tried an older version 10.6.4, same error :-(07:02
kelvinliuwallyworld: i guess it's related with the db access07:13
wallyworldit is but we need to find out why07:14
wallyworldwill have to try with theold mysql layer07:14
wallyworldkelvinliu: solved!07:16
wallyworldit was new mysql version 807:16
wallyworldthis works07:16
wallyworldjuju deploy ./mysql --config mysql_image=mysql/mysql-server:5.707:16
wallyworldi will push a change to the charm to use that tag07:17
kelvinliuwallyworld: ah mysql had a recent push.07:18
kelvinliuwallyworld: would be better to lock the version tag07:20
wallyworldkelvinliu: that's what i'm going to do - change the tag in the charm config07:20
wallyworldconfig.yaml has the default image path07:21
wallyworldin my example above, i overrode the default when deploying07:21
kelvinliuwallyworld: ah, ic. the charm actually should be latest, then overwrite it from cmd when we deploy. probably we can just add the current compatible versions to the README?07:30
anastasiamackelvinliu: wallyworld would not have seen ur message, he logged out just before it.07:32
kelvinliuanastasiamac: yeah, just saw that. thx for remind. haha07:33
anastasiamacnws :)07:34
anastasiamacm guessing u r not using tab to autocomplete the nick :D07:34
kelvinliuah, how did u know? i just ctl+c  ^-^07:40
wallyworldkelvinli_: i've pushed changes to pin the image version. you could rebase your branch08:04
wallyworldkelvinli_: left some more comments in the PR08:08
kelvinliuwallyworld, looking the comments now08:13
wallyworldkelvinli_: thanks for changes! perhaps a comment that the -o directory can be anywhere convenient; doesn't have to necessarily be ~/.local/shared/charms08:26
kelvinliuwallyworld, yeah, agreed.08:54
kelvinliuHave a good weekend  :-)09:06
balloonsGood morning12:35
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1729930 changed: juju.state.leadership manager.go:72 stopping leadership manager with error: state changing too quickly; try again soon <sts> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1729930>18:45
hml balloons: regarding the prehook checks not working on first push of new branch:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jV84x29pZm/20:18
hmlballoons: perhaps because master is now not used?  guessing in the dark20:19
balloonsAh, yea we should remove master and staging20:19
balloonshml, did you try a quick fix of looking in develop?20:20
hmlballoons: sure20:20
balloonsI would rather we must added the meta linter instead of that old script20:21
hmlballoons:  i did a simple change of master to develop and still fails… something else is wrong.. not a git master20:25
balloonsGotcha. Sorry it's a pain20:26

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