
=== wodencafe is now known as WodenCafe
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IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Is telegram offline?  No comments for over ~7hrs across multiple channels...04:31
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> @DarinMiller, are you in russia? hehehe04:34
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> j/k, everything normal here including kde neon channel and others04:35
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IrcsomeBotkatnip1 was added by: katnip107:50
=== Guest74553 is now known as Haudegen
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BluesKajHi Folks11:07
IrcsomeBot<katnip1> https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-cuts-fake-ad-blockers-from-chrome-store-were-you-among-20-million-fooled/11:13
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diogenes_!ask | zys14:53
ubottuzys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:53
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ScxOOW0j/file_5955.jpg Finally🙂👍14:57
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> A disabled secure boot by entering bios settings14:58
IrcsomeBot<SanathShetty> Thank you all again14:58
D0U91Eso quiet in here you can hear a 'ping' drop15:49
=== Nikita is now known as Guest77162
IrcsomeBot<katnip1> i forgot how i got into the telegram relay lol16:26
IrcsomeBot<katnip1> i kinda fell into the relay of this channel this morning, can someone remind me how i did that for a friend? :)17:08
IrcsomeBotrobert was added by: robert17:12
=== Nikita is now known as Guest13405
shahzadAfter fresh install --> Boot --> Black blinking cursor ONLY!19:00
shahzadI have googled and found several blogs suggesting to modify boot with nomodeset etc.  But i can never get to the screen where i can modify this.  I do have a NVIDIA GT FX55 series19:01
shahzadany help is greatly appreciated!19:02
diogenes_shahzad, do you see grub menu when you boot?19:03
shahzadI do not.  "Checking NVRAM" are the very quick last famous letters that i see before getting the blinking cursor19:05
diogenes_shahzad, I mean when you start the pc you have to see the grub which is offering you to boot kobuntu or advanced settings and bla bla bla19:06
Lardsounds like it's not even getting that far but isn't actually reporting an invalid system disk19:07
Lardmaybe change to legacy boot mode from UEFI in BIOS?19:08
shahzadoh and unfortunately i don't see that.  So the flow: I get the BIOS boot screens and related information --> a flash of 'Checking NVRAM' --> blinking.19:08
diogenes_shahzad, that's very very strange19:10
shahzadIndeed!  I can install the OS successfully but the darn booting w/out the InstallerUSB just sin't playing nice19:10
shahzadI am trying to switch from WindowsOS to Linux and this hump might just push me back to Windows.  Been trying to resolve this boot issue with no avail19:12
om26ershahzad: well try a different version of Kubuntu, maybe ?19:14
diogenes_shahzad, looks like a hardware problem19:15
shahzadit is hardware issue!  I have tried Linux Mint Mate and Ubuntu and same issues19:15
shahzadmore like Graphics card19:16
diogenes_shahzad, yep, then it's hardware, does windows boot fine?19:16
om26ershahzad: which version of those OS have you tried ?19:16
shahzadnever had issue with Windows19:16
* om26er thinks its more like hardware support issue than the actual hardware issue.19:16
shahzadAcross all of them the latest19:16
diogenes_shthen my advice is to install windows and update your bios to the latest available version, then try linux again19:16
shahzadit's mainly graphics card issue19:16
=== arco is now known as ConIT
shahzadhmmm...this is interesting.  While in my BIOS, i selected 'default' settings on everything and now I do get the 'GRUB' boot screen and able to log in19:22
shahzadwondering what setting in BIOS was preventing it ... Virtulaziation turned on?19:23
om26ervirtualization most probably got nothing to do with boot.19:25
om26erWonder if your system had switchable graphics and now its using Intel, shahzad19:25
IrcsomeBotbinaryhermit was added by: katnip119:25
shahzadom26er, while within the OS is there a way to tell (GUI or terminal)?19:26
om26ershahzad: try: glxinfo | grep OpenGL19:28
om26ermight need to install mesa-utils19:28
om26er...in terminal19:28
shahzadom26er, it says "Vendor string: nouveau"19:33
shahzadman may be i had too high of hopes with Linux but computer just froze!  I thought freezing was for Windows only19:33
om26ernvidia support in this land isn't always great unfortunately.19:35
om26erif possible try switching off nvidia completely in bios settings and you'll be in a new world19:35
shahzadthank you.  If i were to change my graphics card, what cards have better Linux support19:36
shahzadit's probably a Newbie thing on my part but isn't Kubuntu 17 supposed to be solid?  Trying to adjust the height of the task bar just froze the computer seconds time in a row19:38
shahzadthank you for all the help19:52
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest29709
Guest29709hi all21:12
metalbikeris there a way to turn on the night light where it warms the screen like it ubuntu gnome does?22:16
acheronukif you are running X there is the app redshift to install, and a plasmoid to control it22:18
metalbikeracheronuk: ok. is x a display server? i'm testing kubuntu 18.04 LTS from default. so whichever it's using, then that's it.22:26
acheronukmetalbiker: correct22:29
acheronukthe packages are redshift and plasma-applet-redshift-control22:29
metalbikerok cool22:29
metalbikerthank you kindly! i'll check it out for sure22:30
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=== justin is now known as Guest2497
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