
Thedarkb-X40Since I installed Mesa utils, youtube videos won't play.00:34
Thedarkb-X40I'll try a reboot00:35
Irritiable|LTMesa utils shouldn't be causing issues like that.00:38
JohnDoe1https://imgur.com/a/H30YMCM no kvirc icon at panel and window. tray and plank show icon lubuntu 18.0407:26
paradiswhen will lubuntu 18 will be released10:55
JohnDoe_71Rus26 april10:58
egyWhen I lock my desktop screen, I get a blank screen when I get back and I have to restart lightdm service from another tty, which closes all my windows11:37
egyhere's the log of `systemctl status lightdm.service`. I think the last line is interesting: https://ghostbin.com/paste/7cwyz11:41
ryan-cI'm at the point where I really need to do a reinstall this weekend - am I better off installing 17.10 and then upgrading to 18.04 when it comes out, installing the 18.04 beta, or using the daily?15:17
diogenes_I'd use 16.04 up until 202115:19
ryan-cI'd rather just use Stretch if I'm going to install something that isn't fresh.15:22
diogenes_ryan-c, it depends what your needs from an OS are15:22
diogenes_either being on the bleeding edge or you prefer stability and so on15:23
ryan-cI prefer stability, and have mostly had good luck even with fairly recent *buntu LTS releases. (my current system is 14.04 and has become unstable due to bad configuration choices I made)15:24
ryan-cI really like being able to do an install and use it for 3-5 years before having to do a fresh install.15:27
diogenes_so do i15:28
=== Thedarkb1 is now known as Thedarkb
mand0linHi there. I'm gonna read a book that needs Kali Linux installed. Can I combine it with lubuntu or just install kali?20:24
wxlmand0lin: you could probably do it with lubuntu but you'd need to install all the tools that are built into kali and there may be version mismatches so ymmv20:25
mand0linthanks wxl20:25
wxlmand0lin: kali is a security-focused distro and so they may have patches that we dno't20:26
mand0lincan I still do usual stuff with kali? I really enjoy lubuntu20:26
wxlwell you could run kali in a vm in lubuntu20:26
wxlprobably more appropriate anyways20:26
wxlthat said kali is debian based so your experience will be similar to lubuntu in many ways20:27
wxlhttps://docs.kali.org/policy/kali-linux-relationship-with-debian <<< mostly it's debian testing except a few forks20:28
wxli will say the list of tools you'll need to install in lubuntu are ridiculous https://tools.kali.org/tools-listing20:28
mand0linI'd like to have Kali and lubuntu on different PC's just in case I f+++ up with Kali...I've heard it's easy20:29
wxlthat said, i'd suggest getting a virtual machine and running kali in that, inside your lubuntu install, at least assuming you have the ram20:29
mand0linok thanks wxl20:29
wxlso you could do something like this:20:29
wxl 1. install kali in a vm20:29
wxl 2. take a snapshot20:30
wxl 3. do some upgrades to kali20:30
wxl 4. take a snapshot20:30
wxl 5. do something that creates a problem20:30
wxlat that point, you have the option of reverting back to the state of #2 or #4, which might help determine where you went wrong. in that way, it's a good tool for learning20:31
mand0linok. I'm finishing a book on python and then I'll try Kali (it appears in abook called black hat python)20:31
wxlyou mean grey hat python? cuz that's a great book20:32
wxloh no you mean black hat. haven't read that one. i think i've got the epub laying around though. same author.20:32
mand0linwell i've found black hat python20:32
mand0lini didn't know there was grey hat as well :)20:33
wxli think grey hat was first20:33
mand0linso this author is getting rogue as time goes by (?) XD20:34
mand0linI'll check it20:34
mand0linthanks wxl20:34
wxlgrey hat is more based on reverse engineering20:35
wxlblack hat is actually more offensive security20:35
wxlyou can look at grey hat as a programming security book where as black hat is more of an operational security book20:35
wxlanyways have fun :)20:36
mand0linthanks, appreciate your help20:36
wxlno problem20:36

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