
mupPR snapcraft#2089 closed: many: remove support for remote lxd per project containers <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2089>02:41
mupPR snapcraft#2091 closed: meta: soften warning about using passthrough <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2091>03:02
zygagood morning04:40
* zyga notices https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/04:47
zygahey hey05:31
mborzecki google cloud packages repo for fedora had their gpg keys change06:01
mborzeckii'm testing a fix06:01
* zyga had a rough morning with upset daugher06:15
mupPR snapd#5076 opened: spread: auto accept key changes when calling dnf makecache <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5076>06:17
mborzeckizyga: i've resarted the build in #5074, it failed synchronizing fedora repo06:17
mupPR #5074: interfaces/apparmor: add test case for tricky writable mimic <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5074>06:17
zygamborzecki: ah, it's not ready yet06:17
zygathat's all right06:17
zygaI will force push a full fix and tests on top06:17
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
kalikianamorning o/07:26
pedronis#5072 needs a 2nd review07:26
mupPR #5072: snap,overlord/snapstate: introduce and use BrokenSnapError <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5072>07:26
* zyga keeps fighting the bug that pawel found08:04
Chipacazyga: new one?08:07
zygano, still the same one08:07
zygait's just tricky to get the rules right08:07
zygaI know what I'm missing08:07
zygabut iteration is a bit painful08:07
pedronism-v-o is off today?08:11
zygapedronis: yes08:11
zygahe said he'd be off yesterday IIC08:11
Chipacayesteray he said he'd be off today and monday08:12
pedronisah, ok08:12
mupPR snapd#5072 closed: snap,overlord/snapstate: introduce and use BrokenSnapError <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5072>08:17
pedroniszyga: merged  ^08:17
zyganice, thank you!08:17
zygaso one less "snap try" bug08:17
zygaI think there are some other places that may need similar changes08:18
zygalike there's ReadInfo that takes a container08:18
zygait has the same issues08:18
pedronisI'm not sure Broken  and Error should have the same value (we have more context when we use Broken but we can revisit later)08:18
pedroniszyga: we use it in much more precise contexts08:18
pedronisusually before we are installing something08:18
pedronisso we want the errors08:18
zygait's not clear that one will fail while the other will not08:19
zygaI mean, from reading the documentation and function name08:19
zygait's error prone08:19
pedronisthey both fail08:19
pedronisyou didn't make not fail08:19
zygayes but one returns different errors than the other08:19
zygasorry, I said that in a confusing way08:20
zygathe code is almost the same but the error values are not08:20
pedronisone is about the installed snaps08:20
pedronismaybe the error name, comment is not quite right08:20
pedronisReadInfo reads the snap information for the *installed* snap ...  that's always been documented like that08:21
pedronisbut yes, BrokenSnapError doc is a bit insufficient08:22
pedronisit seems snap/info.go needs a general doc review,  some comments are out of date08:24
zygayes, I agree08:24
pedronislike I see a mention of File that doesn't exist anymore08:24
mborzeckii think i'm doing the whole system-nickname-core wrong, i did a change to replace core with system in data returned by /v2/interfaces endpoint, but that feels wrong, if one is using this api endpoint then the data returned would change, but there would no change in api version08:24
pedronisyes, not sure we can do that08:25
pedronisnot sure if a lot of external parties are using interfaces though08:25
pedronison the other hand08:25
mborzeckiinstead should probably only accept system as nickname for core, and do the right thing as if 'core' was passed08:25
pedroniswe are doing the new connections work08:25
pedronisand snap interfaces is going away08:26
pedronisso maybe we need to do it only in the new stuff08:26
pedroniszyga: I mean a not to look at snap/info.go docs at some point08:27
pedronis*a note08:27
pstolowskipedronis: hey, quick question wrt to what Gustavo asked in the interface hooks review about deny-auto-connection and deny-connection; i see them consistently used in majority of base decls, so I presume they are not denied by default?08:28
mborzeckipedronis: so maybe this, on POST to /v2/interfaces dealias system to core, but when you just query the interfaces, at the client side, present core as system by default, unless someone asked for 'core' specifically08:28
pedronispstolowski: the deny-connection bit is a bit strange,  given is a test interface we probably don't want auto-connect though08:28
pedronispstolowski: it's a bit unclear  though given it's a test interface08:29
mborzeckiso the output of the endpoints does not change, it still accepts the 'nickname', and a new client can act accordingly to user's query08:29
pedronispstolowski: basically I don't think you want the deny-connection bit08:32
pedronispstolowski: it's saying that it cannot be connect on core, but can be connected on classic08:33
pstolowskipedronis: right. indeed, it doesn't make sense to deny that08:34
zygaI have to go to school, sorry, daughter is trouble today08:46
Chipacamust be the weather08:48
mborzeckidamn, when running daemon unit tests, 3 tests fail, if I run them separately, they all pass, something not cleaned up in teardown08:55
Chipaca_unit_ tests08:58
Chipaca(granted the daemon unit tests are the worst)08:58
mborzeckiChipaca: daemon/api, exactly what i'm working on right now08:59
Chipacamborzecki: i'm so sorry08:59
mborzeckiit all started when i started mocking 'core' snap in one of the tests, new it's special but didn't expect this09:02
mborzeckishouldn't https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/daemon/api_test.go#L3498 be cleaned up?09:25
pedronisthere's no way atm, it could09:29
mborzeckipedronis: added this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9z58cTd53S/ and a corresponding call in api tests, so far it's not failing anymore09:31
* Chipaca goes afk09:34
* Chipaca returns09:38
pstolowskiniemeyer: i've addressed your comments to interface hooks, with one open question; thanks for the review!09:48
zygaI need to think10:05
zygathis apparmor rule issue is terrible10:05
pstolowskizyga: which one? the xmas tree?10:11
* pstolowski is going for a walk10:12
mborzeckizyga: see what you did :)10:13
zygaI would love to go for a walk myself10:14
zygabut I have to crack this issue10:14
mborzeckipoor chap couldn't stand being reminded of that rule10:14
mupPR snapd#5076 closed: spread: auto accept key changes when calling dnf makecache <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5076>10:19
* zyga -> break for pen&paper debugging10:35
zygachop tree test https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/t1Vah68j/10:43
zygajdstrand: hey10:44
zygaChipaca, mborzecki: can you please review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/396311:02
mupPR #3963: cmd/snap-confine: add support for per-user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3963>11:02
zygait's got two +1s11:02
zygabut is important enough for extra reviews11:02
Chipacazyga: lunch now, meeting after, then standup, then school run, so … after that?11:03
ogra_zyga, ogra@acheron:~$ snap run snapcraft-forum11:16
ogra_cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory11:16
ogra_snap-update-ns failed with code 1: No such file or directory11:16
ogra_ogra@acheron:~$ snapcraft-forum11:16
ogra_cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory11:16
ogra_snap-update-ns failed with code 1: No such file or directory11:16
zygaogra_: hey, what is snap version?11:17
ogra_(after a reboot on 16.04 ... whats going on there (other snaps seem to start though)11:17
zygals /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles11:17
ogra_ogra@acheron:~$ snap version11:17
ogra_snap    2.32.311:17
ogra_snapd   2.32.311:17
ogra_series  1611:17
ogra_ubuntu  16.0411:17
ogra_kernel  4.13.0-38-generic11:17
zygasudo cat /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles11:17
zygaupdate to .5 (beta) and see if this is fixing it11:17
ogra_... refreshing ...11:18
zygaogra_: what is snapcraft-forum11:18
zygaand why don't you have profiles for it11:18
zygais it active?11:18
zygais it mounted?11:18
ogra_its a sideloaded electron snap for the forum11:19
ogra_nothing fancy about it beyond that11:19
zygayou don't have any profiles for it11:19
zygais it "snap try"11:19
ogra_(same snap runs fine on my desktop that i also rebooted today with latest updates)11:19
ogra_no, its just a sideloaded snap .. hasnt changed for 4-5 months, used daily11:20
zygais it in /var/lib/snapd/snaps11:20
ogra_zyga, beta fxes it11:20
zygaand is it listed in 'snap list'?11:20
ogra_indeed it is11:20
zygareboot a few times to see if this happens11:20
ogra_and it starts fine now with beta11:20
zygaI don't know why we'd _not_ show that snap11:20
zygayeah because beta update regenerated profiles11:20
zygabut why was it missing?11:21
zygacan you show your snap changes?11:21
popeyom26er: just fyi, sublime-text grew from zero users to over a thousand pretty much overnight11:21
ogra_i really cant reboot a few times now (thats always some effort to bring my scripts back up etc ... and i'm busy implementing fulld-disk-encryption)11:21
zygapopey: wow :D11:21
popeyom26er: dunno if you did any marketing, but we didn't11:21
zygathat's pretty neat11:21
ogra_ogra@acheron:~$ snap changes11:21
ogra_ID   Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary11:21
ogra_201  Done    2018-04-19T12:48:57Z  2018-04-19T12:49:01Z  Auto-refresh snap "snapcraft"11:21
ogra_202  Done    2018-04-19T18:13:56Z  2018-04-19T18:14:00Z  Auto-refresh snap "snapcraft"11:21
ogra_203  Done    2018-04-20T09:28:56Z  2018-04-20T09:28:59Z  Auto-refresh snap "snapcraft"11:21
ogra_204  Done    2018-04-20T11:18:23Z  2018-04-20T11:18:55Z  Refresh "core" snap from "beta" channel11:21
popeyi expect it'll be 2K next week.11:21
zygaogra_: intersting11:22
ogra_nothing interesting in snap changes either11:22
zygaogra_: I believe this is something serious11:22
zygaogra_: sergiusens also reported this happening to another snap11:22
popeyeclipse jumped about the same rate too!11:22
zygaon reboot we randomly don't see a given snap11:22
ogra_that sounds bad indeed11:22
zygapopey: share this with sublime-text upstream11:22
popeyoh we will :D11:22
zygaogra_: this is artful?11:22
popeyonce it plateaus a little11:22
zygaah xenial11:22
zygasame As my test machine11:23
ogra_yeah, see snap version above :)11:23
zygaI tried to reproduce it but no luck11:23
zygayeah :/11:23
ogra_using hwe kernel here11:23
zygapopey: did you see my classic analyser?11:23
ogra_(non-hwe on my desktop FWIW)11:23
popeyi did, but didn't use it - i wasn't the one having problems11:23
zygapopey: sure but it's not the point11:23
zygayou can run sublime-text11:23
zygaand run that script on the process11:23
zygato see which things are packaged incorrectly11:24
zygaeven if it works for $person11:24
popeyon, interesting11:24
zygait doesn't mean it's correct11:24
zygathis let's you see what is wrong11:24
zygatry it :)11:24
zygaI want to snap that helper11:24
zygabut I need to convince jdstrand11:24
zygaor make it classically confined11:24
zygabut I'd rather just make interfaces powerful enough11:24
ogra_zyga, wow ... just looking at syslog ... there are other oddities ... see the hexchat messages https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qQpCZ8fgRh/11:26
zygaApr 20 13:18:44 acheron snapd[4918]: 2018/04/20 13:18:44.109729 helpers.go:217: cannot connect plug "gsettings"11:26
zyga from snap "hexchat", no such plug11:26
mupPR #20: Feature/snapfs cleanup kernel assets <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/20>11:26
zygahmm, that happened just now11:27
zygaogra_: "snap interfaces hex chat"11:27
ogra_snap interfaces shows them all connected fine11:27
zyga(without the space, sorry, spellchecker does this)11:27
zygacan you restart snapd and see if something similar happens (to any snap)11:28
ogra_:desktop-legacy  hexchat,shattered-pixel-dungeon,telegram-desktop,vlc11:28
ogra_:network         gping,hexchat,lxd,packageproxy,shattered-pixel-dungeon,snapcraft-forum,telegram-desktop,usbtop,vlc,wine211:28
ogra_:network-bind    hexchat,mjpg-streamer,packageproxy,shattered-pixel-dungeon,telegram-desktop,usbtop,vlc,wine211:28
ogra_:unity7          hexchat,shattered-pixel-dungeon,snapcraft-forum,telegram-desktop,vlc,wine211:28
ogra_:x11             hexchat,shattered-pixel-dungeon,snapcraft-forum,vlc,wine211:28
ogra_hexchat:hexchat  -11:28
ogra_no home11:28
zygacat the hex chat's snap.yaml please11:28
ogra_(or pulse)11:28
ogra_its the one from the store ... one sec11:28
zygamaybe that's harmless now11:28
zygamaybe it just dropped those plugs11:28
zygawe have some code in 2.33 that will remove stale connections11:29
ogra_why does it look for pulse/home/gsettings if they are not defined11:29
zygaogra_: because it remembered those were connected11:29
zygathat's fine, that's harmless11:29
zygaok, if you see this issue again (not having apparmor profile) do let me know11:30
ogra_(not sure why they would be connected and now not anymre though)11:30
ogra_will do11:30
zygawell, they were connected at some point in time11:30
zygaso we remember that11:30
zygaand we never forget until you remove the snap :)11:30
zyga(but don't do that, that's silly)11:30
zygaas snap refreshes the set of interfaces can change11:30
ogra_sure, i get that ... but that snap hasnt changed in a month11:31
ogra_ogra@acheron:~$ snap info hexchat|grep refresh11:31
ogra_refreshed: 2018-03-19T06:50:55+01:0011:31
sergiusensogra_, zyga, popey:  yes, I logged a bug on snapd for the profiles magically going away11:31
ogra_will it try connecting every reboot even though it should know the interfaces are gone after the first attempt ?11:32
=== popeycore is now known as popey_
sergiusensogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/176499811:32
mupBug #1764998: profiles making a run for it <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd:Incomplete> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1764998>11:32
ogra_(i know it is harmless but the probing surely wastes boot time every boot ... )11:33
sergiusenszyga and no, I am not going to beta, last time I did that I had to reinstall my entire system11:33
ogra_well, but that at least guarantees yu have a clean system every now and then :P11:33
mupPR snapd#5077 opened: overlord/snapstate,overlord/auth,store: coalesce no auth user refresh requests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5077>11:33
ogra_sergiusens, beta solved it for me11:34
zygaogra_: yes but it takes microseconds to check they are missing11:34
zygasergiusens: !11:34
sergiusensogra_: please add it to the bug :-P11:34
pstolowskizyga: the code that removes stale connections hasn't landed yet11:34
zygasergiusens: what happened?11:34
sergiusensbut no, no beta for me11:34
sergiusenszyga: there was a bug in core, my snaps stopped working and I had to spend the day reinstalling11:34
pedronisatm beta == candidate11:35
pedronisand candidate wil becomed stable ~Monday11:35
zygacould you not switch back to stable?11:35
sergiusenszyga: no, there was a bug where channel switching was broken in beta ;-)11:35
pedroniszyga: candidate and beta are the same right now11:35
zygasergiusens: switch, refresh and revert well all broken?11:35
zygapedronis: ack11:35
sergiusenszyga: refresh was, and yes, there was no way to move back, I troubleshooted with mvo at that time11:36
jdstrandpstolowski (cc pedronis): interfaces/policy/basedeclaration.go describes the thought behind stuff11:39
jdstrandpstolowski (cc pedronis): that states that deny-connection should be used with app-provided slots. grepping for deny-connection, I don't see anything that is *only* an implicit core slot that has deny-connection11:40
pedronisjdstrand: this the dummy test interface though11:40
pedronisit's a bit unclear what rules should applay to it11:40
pedronisit doesn't open anything11:41
jdstrandpstolowski: the one where it is both core and app, we should have:11:41
jdstrand  on-classic: false11:41
jdstrandpedronis: what is the 'dummy test interface'?11:41
* jdstrand is lacking context11:41
pedronisjdstrand: it's in a big PR  about interface hooks that you should probably read11:41
pedronis(tough it's big)11:41
jdstrandoh that one11:41
jdstrandI've let zyga know-- I am working on a couple of things with critical priority for Berlin so not able to get to that yet11:42
jdstrandwith luck, next week11:42
zygagood luck jdstrand11:42
pstolowskijdstrand: yep. that's the interface i introduced strictly for testing purposes as it was the only way to test that interface hooks work end-to-end; it doesn't do anything11:43
jdstrandpstolowski: can you describe what the interface does? it sounds like like it literally does nothing. if it does nothing, there is no reason for it to have anything beyond:11:43
jdstrand  slot-snap-type:11:43
jdstrand    -core11:43
jdstrandpstolowski: (in terms of security)11:44
popeyjdstrand: i did as requested with signal-desktop last night, happy to follow up today. https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/automated-reviews-and-snapcraft-2-38/4982/1311:44
pedronisjdstrand: it attached to some test apps though, not core11:44
jdstrandpstolowski: ie, let connect and auto-connect. if you need it to do something else for test purposes, just do what you want11:44
pedronisbut yes, it does notighin11:44
jdstrand- core11:44
pedronisand probably shouldn't auto-connect, mostly to avoud confusion, unless some tests really need that11:45
jdstrandpstolowski: is this supposed to mimic how other interfaces act, or it just needs something in the base decl and you're wondering what?11:45
pedronisjdstrand: notice  that the review request, or at least looking at it, was not particularly for this, is that that PR changes a bit how policy is enforced11:46
jdstrandpstolowski: (since it does nothing, I would argue that you can put anything you wnat in the base decl)11:46
pedronisjdstrand: because it now accounts for dynamic intrface attrs coming from hooks11:46
pstolowskijdstrand: it's an interface that has a few attributes both on slot and plug side; some are defined in snap's yaml and some have values dynamically created at runtime by slot/plug hooks. the slot of "dummy" interface is offered by test snap11:47
jdstrandpopey: that is disappointing11:47
jdstrandpstolowski: ok, so it is meant to *only* be provided by the test snap, *not* ever core?11:48
pstolowskijdstrand: correct11:49
jdstrandpstolowski: I suggest:11:49
jdstrand  allow-installation:11:49
jdstrand    slot-snap-type:11:50
jdstrand    - app11:50
jdstrand  deny-connection: true11:50
jdstrandthen add a snap decl for your test snap11:50
pedronispstolowski: is the snap local or from the store?11:50
jdstrandthis would mimic what we typically would do. if you don't care about the the snap decl integration, you could drop the deny-connection bit, but add a comment as to why11:51
jdstrandpstolowski: also, I'm guessing this is for 2.33 and *not* 2.32.something?11:52
pedronisjdstrand: correct, this is 2.33 material11:53
cachioniemeyer, today I'll be 5 minutes late in the standup11:53
jdstrandI will have it at the top of my list to review after the two critical things I'm working on11:53
jdstrandhopefully that translates to next week, though popey's url means possibly not11:53
popeyjdstrand: would it help if I gave you the script / setup I'm using to build signal?11:54
popeyso you don't block on me11:54
jdstrandpopey: I'm probably going to need to have the full tree to build the thing to see what is happening. I mean, I can resquash, resquash, resquash, ... ad nauseum snaps big snaps and it works fine11:55
popeyjdstrand: well, I clone, patch, build. But I automated it with a litte script in lxd11:56
jdstrandpopey: it seems they are maybe doing something weird or there is a disparity in the squashfs-tools inside and outside the container11:56
zygapopey: is signal classic?11:56
jdstrandpopey: yes please. if it is public, can you just put that into the forum topic?11:57
popeylemme dist-upgrade my container, try and build again and see11:58
pstolowskipedronis: the snap is local11:58
jdstrandpopey: oh, yes, please. we did have to patch squashfs-tools for symlinks, but that was *ages* ago11:58
jdstrandit would be awesome if that is all it was...11:59
popeyonly had a few updates, including snapcraft 2.41, but not squashfs-tools11:59
popeytrying anyway11:59
jdstrandif you have the 2.41 deb in there, then probably not it11:59
pstolowskijdstrand: thanks for the suggestions11:59
jdstrandpstolowski: you're welcome. sorry I can't review sonner, but I'll get to it12:01
jdstrandpopey: thanks for retesting btw12:01
popeyI want this fixed as much as you :)12:01
jdstrandpopey: I'm not sure that's possible, but thanks! ;P12:03
jdstrandzyga: you keep referring to snapping a helper and convincing me. is this the environ access?12:04
pstolowskijdstrand: np and thanks12:04
zygapopey: would it be possible to do one-time upload of dev version of s-t to edge?12:04
popeyzyga: yeah, I'll take a look.12:05
zygajdstrand: it was ...12:05
zygajdstrand: (more than that)12:05
jdstrandboth of the things12:05
jdstrandlet me look, I have that somewhere12:05
jdstrandbasically, I didn't care for it12:06
zygaclassic-snap-analyzer https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Sk6YiLvk/12:06
zygaI wanted to get environment to check if SNAP_NAME is set (to be smart about finding snap processes)12:06
zygaI wanted proc/pid/maps to see what is loaded12:06
jdstrand/proc/pid/maps and /proc/pid/environ12:06
zygaI think there are some misc files I could use but that's bare minimum12:06
zygabtw, did you know you can poll on /proc/pid/mounts? :)12:07
zygait's cool, I didn't know12:07
popey:( failed again jdstrand12:07
zygajdstrand: also consider /proc/pid/map_files/12:07
zygait's very similar to maps but laid out differnetly12:07
jdstrandzyga: system-observe is wrong for both of those12:08
zygajdstrand: maybe process-control? (or process-observe?)12:08
zyga(process-observe would be a new interface)12:08
jdstrandzyga: process-control is pretty specific about what it can do, and that does not include reading a process memory12:09
zyganote that this doesn't leak memory, just information about memory maps12:09
jdstrandso, yes, I think it would be a new interfacec, possible process-observe12:09
zygajdstrand: if you agree I can make that happen12:10
jdstrandzyga: I know, but it is info that I'm not excited about snaps having about other snaps12:10
jdstrandso it must be manually connected12:10
zygait's specifically designed for doing that though12:10
zygaI mean, on this specific snap I would seek auto-connection12:11
zygaas the purpose is to improve the quality of snaps published by other teams12:11
jdstrandyou could also simply make it a classic snap for the time being12:11
zygayes but that feels like cheating :)12:11
zygaI want less classic12:11
zygaand better classic if needed12:11
jdstrandclassic is ultimately about timing12:12
jdstrandwe can roadmap something, but that doesn't mean it is prioritized to instantly appear12:12
zygathat's true12:13
jdstrandie, if you need this to help people *today*, make it classic, then we can see to improve12:13
mupPR snapd#5078 opened: interfaces/builtin, daemon: cleanup mocked builtin interfaces in daemon tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5078>12:13
zygayeah, that's a good point12:13
jdstrandand take classic away from the snap later12:13
zygaI'll do that12:13
zygait will help everyone now12:13
jdstrandzyga: feel free to do a PR for process-observe. I'm going to want to think about it though, which gets to 'classic today' since, aforementioned critical work12:14
jdstrandzyga: was there something else from backscroll you needed to talk about? something about apparmor profiles disappearing?12:16
zygajdstrand: no, that's it for today12:16
zygawe have two reports of that happening but both on 2.32.312:17
zygaand no way to reproduce now12:17
zygaso ... good :)12:17
jdstrandnot that I don't enjoy talking to you :)12:17
zygathe feeling is mutual :)12:17
zygaI'm going to publish this snap12:17
zygaand get back to apparmor12:17
popeyjdstrand: added build instructions to the forum12:18
jdstrandzyga: the only thing I was going to add was there are a) system-key changes (which should affect all profiles) and b) there is that 'broken' issue12:18
jdstrandzyga: if it were related to 'a', that sounds like a race condition12:18
jdstrandbut something with ensure dir state...12:19
jdstrandyou've surely thought of that though12:19
jdstrandok, moving on12:19
jdstrandpopey: thanks!12:19
jdstrandpopey: I'm probably not going to look at that today since electron snaps are not blocked currently (we disabled resquash), but that is one of the two critical priority items12:20
jdstrandso, definitely next week12:20
popeyok, no worries.12:21
jdstrandzyga: oh, and sun profiles12:26
jdstrandthat's the other one. but again, you are obviously thinking about that12:26
zygain the case ogra had the snap had no profiles present12:26
zygaand it is not easy to reproduce, no ideas yet12:27
* kalikiana lunch12:32
jdstrandzyga: that suggests it maybe misdetected devmode. I wonder what journalctl has to say about that...12:37
zygaogra_: can you look at the log of snapd.service from this boot12:38
zyga(all restarts but the whole boot please)12:38
ogra_zyga, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QVp4vpKg44/12:40
zygais that since boot?12:41
ogra_i dont reboot that often (perhaps once a month or so)12:42
ogra_no reboots since we started talking ...12:42
zygajdstrand: I sent classic-snap-analyzer to the store12:55
zygajdstrand: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/request-for-classic-confinement-classic-snap-analyzer/505713:01
zygaChipaca: hey, standup?13:07
Chipacazyga: meeting13:07
zygaack, thanks13:07
Chipaca… and now I'm being called to the school13:08
jdstrandzyga: ack, approved. you still need to release to a channel13:12
pstolowskikyrofa: hey! can you help answer the question in the comments there https://github.com/wekan/wekan-snap/issues/45#issuecomment-383090374 ?13:22
zygaroadmr: is there a way to set "package title" from snap.yaml?13:24
roadmrzyga: mmm....13:25
roadmrwhat's even the title? is it the summary?13:26
zygacan you look at the snap "classic-snap-analyzer" in the store13:27
zygaIt has a title now, "Classic snap analyser"13:27
zygawhich is separate from summary and description13:27
zygaI didn't know that before13:27
roadmrzyga: I didn't either! ooh13:28
zygamagic :D13:28
zygasergiusens: ^13:28
zyganiemeyer: ^ :) (what is a package title?)13:28
roadmrzyga: got the URL? I can't seem to find it :(13:28
roadmrzyga: oh nm found it13:29
roadmrzyga: don't you have an "Edit name" control next to that name?13:31
zygayes, I edited the name already13:32
roadmrzyga: it's the "name", not the "package_name" attribute13:32
zygathe title13:32
roadmrright internally I see it as "name"13:32
roadmrits description is "application name"13:33
zygaroadmr: right, I wonder how this maps to snapcraft concepts13:33
zygait is different from snap name13:33
zygawhich is immutable there13:33
zygapopey: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-and-usage-classic-snap-analyzer/505813:33
zygasergiusens: ^ FYI :)13:33
popeyzyga: that post needs more words, to explain whats good or bad about the output :)13:33
zygapopey: suggestions welcome, can you tell me what you mean?13:34
popeyat the moment it reads like "here's a thing that tells you something I know about but you don't"13:34
popeywhy should I care? (as a snap maker)13:34
zygawell :)13:34
zygapopey: I updated the description13:36
zygaI can make the post into a wiki if you want to wordsmith it more13:36
om26er@popey: regarding sublime text install count, I only tweeted about it, thought didnt see any to that. Probably some blog picked that up.13:37
oSoMoNjdstrand, hey, does this denial look any familiar to you? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/libreoffice-6-0-3-not-so-stable/5032/1613:41
jdstrandoSoMoN: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/libreoffice-6-0-3-not-so-stable/5032/1713:50
oSoMoNjdstrand, thanks!13:51
oSoMoNthat makes sense, libreoffice wants to create a lock file next to the saved file, and the home interface doesn't allow that in $HOME (but it does in subdirectories)13:52
jdstrandoSoMoN: yeah. makes sense, but this sounds like an icky bug for you :\13:53
jdstrandI mean, you can patch it of course, but bummer13:53
oSoMoNwell at least understanding the issue and filing a bug report to track it is a good start13:54
oSoMoNand I didn't know of aa-decode, so I learnt something new today, that's a good day :)13:54
niemeyerzyga, roadmr: The title is a more unrestricted snap name13:55
niemeyerMay be non-unique, may have spaces, typically capitalized13:56
niemeyerFoo Bar13:56
roadmrinteresting :)13:56
niemeyer"title" is the field in snap.yaml13:56
niemeyerIt was incorrectly used by gnome-software for some time as if it was a summary, which created some unfortunate data corruption13:57
jdstrandoSoMoN: :)13:58
mupPR snapd#4509 closed: interfaces/builtin: add support for software-watchdog interface <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4509>14:08
zygaclassic-snap-analyzer has a license specified both in the store and in the yaml14:08
zygaand yet it shows up as "unknown" in gnome-software on 17.0114:09
zygaand shows no icon on bionic14:10
zygaon the other side bionic shows the license correctly14:10
mborzeckizyga: isn't that handled by snapd glib wrapper?14:12
zygait is14:12
zygait's okay now, maybe the data was stale for a while?14:13
zygatry it :)14:13
zygathe screenshot is very blurry14:13
zyganot sure what's wrong there14:13
zygabut I found a bug :-)14:14
zygagoing to the channel I can see buttons to switch to candidate, beta or edge14:14
zygabut this snap only has stable14:14
zygaso ...14:15
kyrofapstolowski, done, thank you for reaching out :)14:44
zygapopey: around?14:46
zygapopey: can you refresh classic-snap-analyzer to beta14:47
zygaand try the interactive mode14:47
zygajust pin it14:47
zygarun it then click on a window of any snap14:48
zygait doesn't work on wayland I think14:48
zygabut works on X14:48
popeylike any sane person, I don't use wayland14:48
zygaor it may14:48
zygabut I need to handle some errors when screen grab fails14:48
popeySelected window does not belong to a snap application14:49
popeythis is a lie14:49
zygawhat did you try it on?14:49
zygaI'm getting the pid of the process14:49
zygathen look at the environment14:49
zygaoh, indeed :D14:49
zygatricky bastard ;)14:50
zygathanks, I will keep looking14:50
zygabut there's progress14:50
zygait seems that slack is erasing its environment block14:51
zygait's all zeros14:51
zygathat's interesting14:51
zygawell, I can test for that14:51
zygathis is why I published to beta :)14:52
pstolowskikyrofa: thank _you_!14:52
popeyzyga: might want to think about that wording. indicating "breakage" when someone is using everything as designed isn't a good PR message14:53
zygapopey: as designed?14:55
popeythe developer of the snap is using tools we made to build a snap. to imply breakage when using our tools isn't a good message14:55
zygabut it's true14:55
zygaour tools are imperfect14:56
zygaour users suffer14:56
popeyFix them14:57
popeyDon't tell users *they* did something wrong when *our* tools are broken.14:57
popeyIts completely wrong.14:57
zygaI don't think it can ever be perfect, it's a tough game, I'm not making the tools; I just made _a_ tool that allows anyone to inspect the problem14:58
zygait will always be a catch-up game14:58
popeyI'm not going to spend the afternoon arguing with you about the wording in an expert tool, but I strongly recommend you think more about the perception you're giving people _we_ speak to on a daily basis.14:59
zygapopey: ok, what would you suggest I say instead?14:59
zygais this about the tone or the message in general?15:00
popeyFirstly, who is the target audience, and what's the goal of the application?15:00
popeyWhat message do you want to convey? "Hey, we can help you improve stability / reliability of your application with our cool utility"15:01
popeynot "hey, our shit is broken, use this tool to find out how"15:01
zygathe target audience is an author of a classically confined snap15:01
zygathe goal is to allow detecting when the app only works because it uses a host library without anyone noticing because said library is on the developer's machine15:01
popeyTested with the code-insiders snap and it worked15:02
popeyspat out a list of libraries.15:02
zygaso again, I'm happy to reword it to make that goal clear15:04
popeyIMO it needs to clearly describe the problem, or potential problem, and outline how it can be resolved.15:06
popeyrather than hand-wavy "its broken dude"15:07
zygaack, I will try to rewrite the text around the app15:08
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
mcphailI'm being offered a snapd update from to Is this one which will fix the issue where I have to add process-control to some of my snaps to get sound working? It'll be cool if I can promote one of my games to stable, as it is waiting on that fix15:27
zygapopey: refresh please :)15:29
zygamcphail: try it, I think that's the one15:29
zygamcphail: we switched off SIGKILL on seccomp15:30
zygamcphail: also try candidate which has more bug fixes (2.32.5) and will be in stable next week15:30
zygapopey: check if the reworded message is more useful15:30
popeymcphail: yes, 2.32* is the good snapd we have all been lusting for :)15:31
mcphailBrilliant! Cheers chaps15:31
popeyzyga: hah, i get a different list of libraries now. much better text too, thank you!15:32
zygayeah, I fixed some issues too15:32
zygaplus, it's really variable15:32
popeymaybe put the forum link and docs before you click on a window?15:32
popeyBecause its a bit odd to be told how the app works after you have used it :)15:33
zygabut if you suspect something is super broken  please report that15:33
zygagood point :)15:33
zygapopey: refresh :)15:40
zygaprovide feedback on the forum, I need to break and hop on a bike before the sun sets15:40
zygapopey: if you are happy with the output I can promote to stable15:40
popeysometimes snap refresh hangs for me for nearly a minute15:42
popeydoesn't produce any output15:42
popeyzyga: that's much better, thanks.15:42
Son_Gokuzyga, can you look into this? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=157007615:44
popeyi am installing fedora 28 right now to reproduce15:44
Son_Gokuokay, cool, thanks popey15:44
Son_GokuI'm still working, so I can't do anything right now :(15:45
zygaI need to break now, I've been here all day15:46
zygabut yes, I will definitely look into this15:46
mcphail\o/ sound is working! Many thanks16:19
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
popeyzyga: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1570076 - i left a comment - i can't reproduce it16:50
zygapopey: on a bije16:56
* cachio afk17:32
mupIssue snapcraft#2093 opened: manifest.yaml does not indicate the release the snap was built on <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2093>17:45
jdstrandratliff: fyi ^ bug. I can assume xenial and most things will be ok, but we'll need to adjust when that is fixed17:48
sergiusensjdstrand: it seems that if you use refresh-mode or stop-mode, it needs to come with a daemon entry for the app18:59
sergiusensnot sure you are verifying that in the review tools18:59
jdstrandsergiusens: yes, and I am18:59
jdstrandsergiusens: thanks for mentioning it18:59
sergiusensjdstrand: great then!19:00
seb128popey, on that fedora/snap bug you might want to ask for the XDG_DATA_DIRS value and if they use xorg/wayland session, also the .desktop are in /var/lib/snapd/desktop so worth asking the content of that dir19:11
seb128I would comment but it requires an account and I don't have one19:12
mupPR snapcraft#2094 opened: storeapi: better handle network errors and retries <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2094>19:12
popeyseb128: yeah, i checked the XDG_DATA_DIRS myself19:42
popeyoh, they need to check, i see :)19:42
om26erwhats the difference between ubuntu-core/current and /stable ?19:50
om26erand /stable19:51
om26eralso, will there be a UbuntuCore 18, if so how will it be different from a fully update Core16 ?19:52
* cachio EOW21:21
mupPR snapcraft#2092 closed: schema: allow refresh-mode and stop-mode <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2092>22:10

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