
Trevinhoc-lobrano: hey, about the pngs, how did you generate those?00:13
Trevinhoduflu: hey, could you review some theme MPs I've?01:23
Trevinhootherwise I'm self-approving as they're there since some time xD01:24
dufluTrevinho, I'll try to have a look today01:24
Trevinhohey btw :)01:24
dufluTrevinho, btw if you're marking bugs Fix Released then it's best to include the changelog entry showing where it's fixed. Or a comment mentioning where01:35
Trevinhoduflu: for some of them they where already mentioned (I closed the upstream bug only)01:36
Trevinhowhile for one I didn't really know when xD01:36
Trevinhoduflu: as for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1762465 I should only change the code involving selection and mouse hover, right?01:39
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1762465 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Nautilus sidebar theming is confusing" [Medium,Confirmed]01:39
dufluTrevinho, not mouse hover. I think the goal is to make the label backgrounds always match the icon backgrounds01:40
dufluBecause they look like tabs01:41
dufluwhich is incorrect01:41
Trevinhomh, I think is too late for such change. it might break screenshots or such01:42
TrevinhoI'm fine with changing the hover effect, but that was approved by design01:43
dufluTrevinho, yeah I understand01:45
TrevinhoI'll revisit it a bit, but not everything probably01:45
dufluI know it's too late to change 18.04, but suspect we'll hear a few duplicate bug reports after release so think about it for 18.1001:48
dufluTrevinho, heh. I noticed bionic felt smoother... didn't know you got the master clock change in02:26
tjaaltonis it a known bug where some gtk windows seem as somewhat transparent, and when they're moved the contents get messy06:03
tjaaltongedit for one06:04
tjaaltonI just upgraded and rebooted, thought this would've been fixed but no06:04
tjaaltonhm, doesn't happen on my laptop06:05
tjaaltonhuh, it's some user setting messing things up06:08
didrocksgood morning06:19
jibelGood morning06:25
jibelsalut didrocks06:25
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppesr06:32
oSoMoNand happy Friday!06:32
didrockshey jibel, oSoMoN!06:45
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, jib06:47
oSoMoNslow fingers today…06:47
duflutjaalton, yeah Saviq reported that bug. Lemme find it06:49
duflutjaalton, bug 176081806:50
ubot5`bug 1760818 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "gedit and gnome-calculator transparency/graphics corruption issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176081806:50
tjaaltonooh, thanks06:50
dufluMorning didrocks, jibel, oSoMoN06:50
seb128good morning desktopers06:54
jibelDuring the 1st run wizard I tried to setup livepatch but I couldn't authenticate. It kept asking for the 2nd factor. Is it a known issue?06:55
seb128not reported on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-initial-setup/+bugs at least06:56
seb128and andyrock is off today06:56
seb128if that helps to feel better about the issue only canonical accounts are configured to use 2fa so it's not going to hit "normal users"06:56
seb128but the code is supposed to handle the 2fa, unsure why it doesn't work for you06:57
jibeland the only message is a successful authentication06:58
jibeldidrocks, where do you store the telemetry data?06:59
seb128is there anything interesting in the journal? warnings/errors?06:59
jibeldidrocks, I've this message for my gpu "couldn't get GPU info: couldn't find any line matching ^.* 0300: (.*) \\(rev .*\\)$"07:00
didrocksjibel: ~/.cache/ubuntu-report/ubuntu.18.0407:14
didrocksif it's ignore, you shouldn't have the field07:15
didrocksthe question is what is your lspci -n output?07:15
c-lobranoTrevinho: hi :), no I didn't generate the .pngs, Mads did that, but I said it won't probably been able to generate the svg from there :(07:16
c-lobranoand, good morning to all :)07:17
didrockshey c-lobrano!07:18
c-lobranohi didrocks :)07:18
jibeldidrocks, I filed bug 176561407:20
ubot5`bug 1765614 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "Incorrect regex for GPU info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176561407:20
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
didrocksjibel: ah perfect! I guess that will wait for a SRU, correct?07:20
didrocksI'll add a test case for this in the tests as well07:20
jibeldidrocks, sure it can wait07:22
didrocksjibel: thanks for debugging!07:22
dufluMorning seb12807:23
seb128Hey duflu, how are you?07:23
seb128I spent more time on ubiquity and understand things even less :/07:23
seb128the gtk frontend does set some gsettings using the python bindings07:24
dufluseb128, I'm not feeling great today, but I think I am making some real progress on totem performance. Only a day after I said I was giving up07:24
dufluYou seb128?07:24
seb128duflu, I'm tired, stayed up too late looking at ubiquity :/07:24
seb128the frontend does gsettings call to disable e.g screensaver or power management from gsd07:25
seb128but the code is root07:25
seb128and those services are user ones07:25
seb128so I don't understand how that can work07:25
didrocksseb128: check for the euid to get under what user this part of code is running: print(os.geteuid())07:25
seb128also if I gsettings get they seem to have the correct value07:25
didrocksas ubiquity is doing a lot of raise/drop priviledges07:25
seb128but like I use the session 15s/try activate the screen reader07:25
seb128and they all are back to the default value07:25
seb128not the ones set from ubiquity07:26
didrocksare they delayed keys by any chance?07:26
didrocks(and not committed for any reason?)07:26
didrocksseb128: https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GSettings.html#g-settings-delay07:26
seb128there is no mention of "delay" in the file07:27
seb128didrocks, code is like https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py#L58907:27
seb128I also don't understand why those previous/etc checks07:28
seb128if the function is disable why not just set to false?07:28
didrocksyeah, this looks cryptic :/07:30
didrockscan you attach some dbus monitor, or maybe a shell watching for the key?07:30
didrocksto see when it's set/unset07:30
seb128yeah, I can try07:33
seb128that diff http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fMSsYjYWDv/ is07:34
seb128- boot in installer mode07:34
seb128- go to a vt07:34
seb128- gsettings list-recursively > boot07:34
seb128- go back to vt1/ubiquity07:34
seb128- super,alt,s to try to activate the screen reader07:34
seb128- back to vt, gsettings list-recursively > screen07:35
seb128diff the 2 files07:35
didrocksso, all keys are set to what you expect, correct?07:36
didrocksshortcuts, toolkit-accessibility to true…07:36
seb128well it's resetting all the changes ubiquity is doing07:37
jibelorg.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys screenreader should still be ''07:38
jibelit's disabled explicitly in ubiquity07:38
jibelsame for the terminal07:38
seb128well, that's what that diff is07:38
seb128all the things ubiquity set are reverted to their default07:39
jibelyeah, is gnome-shell resetting the keys somehow?07:39
didrocksahhhhhhhh, got you know07:40
jibelseb128, at the end of run in bin/ubiquity-dm there is this07:42
jibel            for gs_schema, gs_key, gs_value in gsettings_keys:07:42
jibel                subprocess.call(07:42
jibel                    ['gsettings', 'reset', gs_schema, gs_key],07:42
seb128that's after the greeter exit though07:43
jibelthe other reset is in unset() of gsettings.py but it is never called07:45
seb128jibel, didrocks, it's not ubiquity, in fact those get reset on first gsettings write07:48
seb128I did a gsettings set of the screen-reader key manually07:48
seb128and everything did reset07:48
didrockshey Nafallo07:49
didrockshum… this is weird07:49
didrocksbetter doing your gsettings set manually07:49
seb128hey Nafallo07:49
didrocksyou should maybe try a dconf dump?07:49
seb128I tried to strings ~/.config/dconf/user07:50
seb128the changes are in the db07:50
didrockssimilar :)07:50
didrocksin the db before being reverted?07:50
seb128at least it references the keys that are modified07:50
didrockseven more surprising…07:50
seb128I though that maybe it has in memory status not commited on disk or something07:50
seb128but no :/07:50
didrocksyeah, exactly…07:50
didrockshence my question on dconf dump07:50
seb128also there are 2 dconf-service active for the user with different dbus session address07:51
seb128but I tried to kill the 2 and it's not making a difference07:51
didrockscan you try gsettings set on something completely unrelated to GNOME?07:51
didrockslike a key for one of our service07:51
didrocksto see if that still reverts07:51
seb128let me see07:51
didrockscan be something listening on GNOME schemas and reverting on any :change07:51
willcookemorning all07:56
willcookehow is it Friday already?07:56
seb128hey willcooke07:56
seb128puzzling friday it is07:56
seb128trying to understand the ubiquity ways07:57
willcookejibel, have you test UEFI installs recently?07:57
didrockshey willcooke07:58
Nafallohi willcooke07:58
willcookejibel, ignore, this laptop is in UEFI mode, and works fine07:58
seb128didrocks, it's any key, I tried settings com.ubuntu.update-notifier something08:00
seb128didrocks, it doesn't revert if I kill dconf-service :/08:00
seb128and let a new one be spawned08:01
didrockswell, that makes sense at least08:01
didrocksyou have the two trying to write, and one with the old memory mapping08:01
didrockshey Laney08:01
didrocksso, the question is why 2 are launched I guess08:01
teeramisuHello, 12 days ago I created Bug 1762200, nobody answered yet. I think it's important before final release. can you take a look at this?08:02
ubot5`bug 1762200 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[xorg.conf missing]nvidia detects 2 screen but there is no 2 screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176220008:02
didrocksor do you only have an old one? You told that 2 were running, but that was maybe after you set the key already?08:02
didrocks(so maybe 2 session bus or address?)08:02
seb128it doesn't make sense08:03
didrocksseb128: why? my guess is that:08:03
seb128the second one from the env is a sudo process on a gsettings set command to set volumes-visible08:04
seb128I guess the ubiquity code is just fucked08:04
seb128it try to do set with the wrong context08:04
seb128already in the existant code08:04
didrocksseb128: look at /proc/$pid/environ for the 2 dconf process08:04
seb128I did08:05
didrocksto see what env is incorrect and why a second is spawn08:05
seb128no, what I just wrote08:05
seb128there is the normal one08:05
seb128and one resulting from a sudo gsettings set on that nautilus key08:05
didrocksbut env variables are exactly the same in the 2?08:05
didrocks(which was my question)08:05
seb128no, the normal has the right address08:05
seb128the run/uid from the user08:05
seb128the other one has a random long checksum08:06
seb128let me pastebin those08:06
didrocksyeah, have you tried to simply remove the code where ubiquity spawn that second process? (from line 406 in bin/ubiquity-dm)08:07
seb128SUDO_COMMAND=/usr/bin/gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop volumes-visible false08:08
didrocksindeed, different session bus08:08
didrocksyeah, so I think what happens:08:09
didrocks- gsettings from ubiquity contact one of the 2, it writes the settings -> ok08:09
seb128good idea for the ubiquity-dm dconf spawn08:09
didrocks- something else set a key outside, contact the first one -> it doesn't have the new key -> write what he has in memory08:09
jibelwillcooke, morning, yes on a real laptop and it worked why?08:10
seb128the second one shouldn't exist08:10
didrocksI'm worrying that actually ubiquity-dm is trying to only contact dconf-write on this "private bus"08:10
didrocksbut worth a try08:10
jibelwillcooke, the only thing that doesn't work is users installing in bios mode on uefi hardware08:10
seb128the only code that writes that key is https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/view/head:/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py#L63608:11
jibelwell, "only" ...08:11
didrocksseb128: oh, it seems ubiquity tries to reuse the session bus08:11
didrocksso, it's weird it's setting a new one08:11
seb128didrocks, I'm going to check some uid checks as well, thanks for the help, I'm coming back once I get a bit more debug info/context08:11
didrocksdo you have the process hanging around?08:11
seb128no, I just closed, I need to reboot08:11
didrocksseb128: yeah, just try to check ubiquity proc environ08:11
didrocksnext time :)08:11
seb128I'm going to add debug prints and restart08:11
didrocksline 398 FYI08:11
Laneythis sounds like fun08:11
seb128Laney, it is :p08:12
seb128k, on that note I'm moving back to my desk, no point starting a new debug session from here and my battery is almost empty08:13
seb128be back in 10 min or so08:13
willcookejibel, I saw someone on the hub saying it was broken, but in my testing it wasn't.  What's the use case for bios mode on UEFI?  Is that something people actually need to do, or are they holding it wrong?08:15
jibelwillcooke, they don't need to and there is a warning when they try to do so but if they continue grub installation fails08:17
willcookejibel, not a release blocker then?08:17
jibelwillcooke, IIRC there is a bug report to completely block this path because it cannot work08:17
jibelwillcooke, no08:17
willcookejibel, thx08:18
juliankwho fixed google calendar online account integration? thanks for that. it's so useful to see my meetings again in shell :)08:18
jibelwillcooke, this post https://community.ubuntu.com/t/grub-efi-amd64-signed-failed-to-install/5274 ?08:19
jibelthere is not much info08:19
jibelI'll check anyway to make sure nothing broke08:20
willcookejibel, yeah that's the one.  It's fine, I just tested it, it worked08:22
willcookeit = normal install on UEFI08:22
GunnarHjGood morning all!08:54
seb128hey GunnarHj08:54
seb128how are you?08:54
GunnarHjA question, since I'd like to understand: The seeded snaps, are they on the ISO?08:54
Laneyseb128: have you seen that misc.py only looks at PKEXEC_UID and gsettings.py only looks at SUDO_USER?08:54
Laneyhey GunnarHj08:54
didrockshey GunnarHj08:55
GunnarHjseb128: The purpose is not ISO space optimizing, I suppose. ;)08:55
seb128GunnarHj, no, it's to get on with modern technologies08:55
seb128Laney, no, I didn't, in fact I didn't notice before now that gsettings.py was changing user/using sudo, that explains things08:56
Laneythat part seems unusual to say the least08:57
LaneyI'd think that dropping privs alone should be enough08:57
Laneybut misc.py needs to use SUDO_UID too otherwise it doesn't work from the live session08:58
Laneythat desktop file uses sudo not pkexec08:58
Laneywell or change that part I guess08:59
juliankIs it intentional that gnome-initial-setup runs after initial install and relogin?08:59
seb128I wonder if we could just        misc.drop_privileges_save() and use the gsettings binding rather than the wrapper?08:59
seb128juliank, what do you mean "and relogin"?08:59
juliankseb128: Installed upgrades, logged out, and back in again.08:59
seb128you go in 2 sessions in a row?08:59
seb128got it*08:59
juliankRan through gnome-initial-setup, it picked up my current keymap and deleted the others.09:00
juliankapart from that it did not seem harmful09:00
Laneyseb128: probably apart from keeping the API09:00
Laneylike this one lets you just try setting keys on schemas that aren't installed09:00
Laneygsettings is a bit opinionated about you trying that :-)09:00
seb128juliank, you had a screen about locale/keyboard?09:01
didrocks"a bit"09:01
seb128juliank, what session do you use?09:01
GunnarHjjuliank: Thought that the keymap part of gnome-initial-setup was hidden.09:01
jibelI didn't see any locale/keyboard page when I upgraded this morning09:02
seb128they are not displayed in Ubuntu sessions09:02
seb128but maybe juliank is using a GNOME session09:02
juliankoh yes I am09:03
Laneyare we supposed to show g-i-s there?09:03
* juliank thinks it makes sense on first install, but not on upgrades09:03
seb128robert didn't change the behaviour for !Ubuntu09:03
seb128well, even on first install09:04
seb128I guess it could be called upstream experience :p09:04
juliankwell upgrades would be fine too if it did not delete additional keymaps09:04
Laneyit needs integrating with the upstream install experience then09:04
seb128I don't have really an opinion on that, out of that fact that it duplicates ubiquity questions09:04
LaneyI have an opinion that it shouldn't be run09:04
seb128sounds fair enough09:05
seb128we need to fix that then09:05
GunnarHjLaney, seb128: Selecting language from g-i-s won't reasonably not work well, if the code hasn't been tweaked similar to g-c-c.09:06
Laneynow you have to break the upstream g-i-s experience :/09:06
seb128well we don't have the installer side so it's broken anyway on Ubuntu09:06
LaneyIf someone's using our g-i-s package09:07
jibelsil2100, kbd pre-selection is fixed on today's iso. Thanks!09:07
seb128Laney, you mean?09:07
LaneyWe remove the desktop file or whatever09:07
seb128it is in any case, it duplicates ubiquity questions09:07
LaneySome derivative that is using g-i-s gets that update09:08
Laneyoh look, their gis is now broken09:08
didrocksas we have per-session XDG_CONFIG_DIRS, we can maybe ship the autostart there? (but it means, shipping for xorg, wayland, communitheme xorg, communitheme wayland)09:08
Laneyit's about turning it off for other sessions though09:09
LaneyBasically it's taking a package which was working if you wanted to use it and making it not work09:10
LaneyCan't see another way though09:10
seb128well, hypotetical derivative needs an override then, that's part of being a derivate to need to adapt09:10
seb128for what it's worth I don't know of any using it atm09:10
seb128so I don't think it's a big deal09:10
Laneyok, Ubuntu archive Ubuntu packages to do whatever we want with09:11
seb128for what it's worth I don't think it is/was in a working state09:11
seb128as GunnarHj said that needs at least to be made to work with how we do translations09:11
seb128anyway, I agree it's suboptimal09:12
seb128and wrong in theory09:12
seb128I'm just saying that in practice it shouldn't be a disaster09:12
Laneyjuliank: would you mind filing a bug please?09:13
LaneyI'll probably get this too if I restart but I didn't yet09:13
seb128Laney, so going back to ubiquity, I'm a bit lost09:14
seb128Laney, you think that gsettings.py is doing something wrong with SUDO handling?09:15
LaneyIn the ubiquity-dm session as far as I know ubiquity is started via pkexec09:15
Laneyin the *live* session it is started by sudo09:15
Laneyyou get PKEXEC_* variables in the first case and SUDO_* ones in the second09:15
Laneywhich tell you which user you came from09:15
Laneythat's what ubiquity is using to know who to drop back down to09:15
seb128I'm in ubiquity-only and I dump the env from gtk_ui.py around the gsettings calls to disable screensaver09:16
Laneybut the code is checking different ones in different places09:16
seb128and the env has SUDO_USER=ubuntu09:16
seb128and no PK env09:16
Laneyso if it's using SUDO then the misc.drop_all_privileges thing doesn't work09:16
seb128it doesn't make sense why it's not creating issues in other places if that's the case :/09:17
juliankLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-initial-setup/+bug/176564409:18
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1765644 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "After install, runs in gnome session after logging in again, deletes alternate keymaps" [Undecided,New]09:18
juliankthe title is too long09:19
juliankI must say I liked the experience of g-i-s09:19
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vn4tKc9S73/ is a print(os.environ) after         self.disable_screen_reader() in gtk_ui.py09:19
juliankapart from that thing09:20
seb128juliank, we don't intend to use it09:20
juliankit looked nice09:20
seb128at least not this cycle09:20
seb128we built on it for the ubuntu welcome wizard in ubuntu session09:20
seb128we are going to look at include some of the upstream screens next though09:20
seb128like online accounts config09:20
juliankthat one seemed actually useful09:20
juliankkeyboard setting not so much :)09:21
juliankthough just having a Welcome screen is kind of nice too :)09:21
seb128Laney, oh, there is a PKEXEC_UID as well which I didn't notice earlier, I guess pkexec just set SUDO_USER as well09:22
seb128k, I think I'm going to do the same as yesterday, early lunch and then I try to rip off that sudo use see if it's really needed09:23
Laneyhow do you get a tty from the only ubiquity sessions?09:24
Laneythought that was fixed09:24
seb128it is09:24
Laneyoh yeah09:24
seb128I can switch to a vt using the normal ctrl-alt-fn09:24
Laneyit just takes like 10 seconds09:24
Laneyseb128: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TBPv8pD254/ that's what I can see from /proc/ubi/environ09:28
jibelbug 1765651 should probably be fixed for the release ?09:48
ubot5`bug 1765651 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Do not run gnome-initial-setup during OEM preparation stage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176565109:48
Laneyprobably fixing julian_k's would fix that too09:49
LaneyIMHO they could be nominated / assigned but it's not really up to me :-)09:49
jibelseb128, willcooke ^^ WDYT?09:50
jibeldidrocks, I think telemetry data should include information about OEM installation and the end user setup. For example if I do an OEM install in English and the end user setup in French, it just tells me the installation is in english not the settings selected by the end user.09:53
willcookejibel, yeah, sounds sensible09:58
tseliotWimpress, mwilson-e: can you test the new nvidia-prime, please? (when it's built) https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ubuntu/deleteme-nvidia10:00
mwilson-etseliot: Will do.10:02
mwilson-etseliot: Tested on 1 unit so far with MATE and it works. :D10:19
tseliotmwilson-e: that's good. I can't reproduce the problem here either with the new package10:21
tseliotI suppose all the other Ubuntu flavours use lightdm, that's why it was failing10:21
Wimpresstseliot: Sure thing.10:22
Wimpresstseliot: I'm encountering some issues here.10:51
WimpressI've purged all *nivia* paackages from the system.10:52
Wimpress*nvidia packages10:52
WimpressWhich also mean nvidia-prime is not installed. But your testing ppa is enabled.10:53
WimpressAh, found the issue.10:54
WimpressI still had the graphics-drivers PPA enabled.10:54
tseliotWimpress: issues with nvidia-prime?10:58
WimpressI'm retesting again now.10:58
WimpressI purge all nvidia packages, which means nvidia-prime is not installed and rebooted.11:01
WimpressInstall nvidia 390 drivers via Additional Drivers UI. Rebooted.11:01
WimpressThe display manager still works, but nvidia-prime was not installed and libnvidia-compute-390:i386 is a broken package.11:02
tseliotdid you purge libnvidia-compute-390:i386 manually before reinstalling?11:03
tseliotneither ginggs nor I managed to reproduce that11:04
tseliotmaybe try reinstalling libnvidia-compute-390:i38611:04
WimpressI'm going to test again and make sure no cached packages exist.11:05
didrocksjibel: good point! g-i-s is runing after the OEM welcome user session, correct?11:08
didrocksjibel: so, using the current user language can be an option, no?11:08
didrocks(current == session)11:08
didrocksthe location isn't an issue I guess as we are taking the user's session one11:09
jibeldidrocks, yes it does. current user settings would work11:18
jibeldidrocks, I reported bug 176567211:18
ubot5`bug 1765672 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "Add information about OEM installation and end user setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176567211:18
seb128jibel, Laney, robert_ancell is off next week so better not count on him to fix those issues before release11:21
ricotzhey desktopers11:21
seb128hey ricotz11:21
ricotzis someone able to test a firefox package on s390x?11:21
ricotzseb128, hey11:21
seb128ricotz, try asking xnox maybe11:22
seb128Laney, right, your pastebin env is similar to the one I pastebined a bit earlier11:22
Laneywb seb12811:23
Laneyyes no SUDO stuff there11:23
seb128oh, that's a difference11:23
ricotzxnox, hi, would you like to test a firefox 60 beta build for s390x? available in https://launchpad.net/%7Emozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next11:23
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vn4tKc9S73/ was mine from the gtk_ui code with a print(os.environ)11:23
seb128that has PKEXEC_UID but also SUDO_USER11:24
didrocksjibel: many thanks! I'll move them to github as a reminder and this starts to build a list for the first update :)11:25
didrocksjibel: so, just to sum up, TZ shouldn't be an issue, correct? Only language11:27
didrocks(you used TZ as well in the bug report)11:27
jibeldidrocks, TZ too. The end user selects his own TZ11:30
jibeldidrocks, and maybe screen resolution too11:30
didrocksjibel: well, TZ and screen resolutions are taken during the session11:30
didrocksso it's already the end user selection if g-i-s runs after oem-setup second stage11:30
didrocksThe only part which are OEM (taken from the install) is what is under the "Install" section11:31
jibeldidrocks, it's fine then11:31
didrocksInstall has Media, Type, PartitionMethod, DownloadUpdates, Language, Minimal, RestrictiedAddons,Stages11:31
didrocksI think only Language should be moved out to session, indeed11:32
jibelright, looking at the data file, only the language11:32
didrocks(I guess we can even remove it from ubiquity in the long term)11:32
didrocksyep, thanks for confirming!11:32
jbichajuliank: yes, it's intentional that gnome-initial-setup runs for upgraders who have never run it before. Ubuntu GNOME included g-i-s in 17.04 & vanilla-gnome-desktop still pulls it in11:41
juliankjbicha: well you want to talk to Laney then so he does not disable it?11:41
juliankor somebody else11:42
jbichajuliank: do you want to file a bug upstream about your particular issue (the keymap thing not that it runs on upgrades)11:42
juliankyes I can do that in an hour or so11:43
* juliank goes on lunch walk11:43
jibelif I want to restart the wizard what do I reset?11:47
jbichajuliank: hmm, Fedora 28 doesn't show the keyboard page for existing users, we could possibly do that too but we'd have to take their patch and rewrite our vendor.conf11:47
jbichajibel:    rm ~/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done11:48
jbicha(g-i-s-done is an empty file)11:48
jibeljbicha, thanks11:48
jbichait won't ask you about livepatch if you've already configured that11:49
jibelI cannot configure it anyway. It fails on 2FA11:49
jbichaoSoMoN: congratulations 🎉11:50
didrocksworth checking livepatch is set immediately11:53
didrocksso that the report reports the enablement status :)11:53
didrocksI thought we want as well to show the report on upgrade, having a non versioned g-i-s-done stamp file will need to be revisited11:53
jbichadidrocks: oh if we want to ensure it runs for upgraders, even for those who installed g-i-s before (like those upgrading from UG 17.04), maybe we need to adjust that stamp file name *now*11:57
didrocksjbicha: oh correct…11:58
didrockswell, it's for .1 maybe at this stage11:58
didrocksbut still worth considering11:58
jbichait might be awkward to actually fix that for .1 …11:58
didrockswillcooke: seb128: thoughts? ^11:58
seb128I don't think many users installed g-i-s11:59
jbichacurrently implementation is just an empty file ~/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done so it doesn't tell you what GNOME or Ubuntu version was used11:59
seb128so I don't think it matters much11:59
didrocksjbicha: was it installed by default on UB?12:00
seb128I don't think many people installed UG12:00
seb128and those likely want to use a GNOME session not an Ubuntu one12:00
didrocksok, so not having them ~ not important12:00
seb128and the wizard is not displayed there12:00
jbichadidrocks: just for 17.04; it wasn't even pacakged for xenial12:00
didrocksseb128: +112:00
didrocksok, so sounds we can keep it like that12:00
didrocksand then, for next cycle, let's put the version in the file12:01
didrocks(instead of piling up a lot of empty timestamp files)12:01
Laneyyou won't be able to use the AutostartCondition then12:01
didrockswe can even have different behaviors between "was it already displayed before on a previous release or not?"12:01
didrocksyou feel piling empty files are better thus?12:01
didrocksdon't really like it, but yeah, AutostartCondition worths it…12:02
Laneywhy piling?12:02
Laneyclean up the old ones12:02
didrocksshared home between install? :p12:02
didrocksotherwise, you will keep flip-flap12:02
didrocks(I know, something people shouldn't do)12:02
Laneycome on12:03
Laneymost applications don't have forwards compatibility in their databases12:03
didrockswe can give it a try and see if we have angry feedbacks ;)12:04
jibeldidrocks, bug 176569312:08
ubot5`bug 1765693 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[telemetry] Record OEM installation mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176569312:08
didrocksjibel: thanks! :)12:09
didrockswaow, you even list the debconf key12:09
didrocksroyal bug report! :)12:09
* didrocks feels like upgraded to 1st class now12:10
oSoMoNthanks jbicha12:13
juliankjbicha: that sounds good to me12:16
juliankbut I have not looked at the patch12:16
juliankThe live patch stuff only shows up in the Ubuntu session, right?12:16
juliankI was like, "just because I want GNOME does not mean I don't want livepatch", but it actually makes no sense; as you'd login to an ubuntu session first thing after install12:18
jbichajuliank: we're interested in trying to merge the GNOME and Ubuntu versions of gnome-initial-setup a bit more in the future12:32
=== amano_ is now known as amano
jbichampt: I filed some first-login-window bugs. Who can I ping for them to get looked at sooner? https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/101 102 10512:36
ubot5-ngCanonicalLtd bug 101 in desktop-design "First login: What's new: wording suggestions" (comments: 2) [Open]12:36
ubot5`Error: Launchpad bug 101 could not be found12:36
jdstranddidrocks: you probably noticed, but if not, apparmor with your communitheme patch is now in bionic12:39
Wimpresstseliot: OK, I have mostly good news :-)12:39
jdstranddidrocks: if you need it for other releases, please comment in the bug12:39
WimpressInstalling the nvidia drivers via the Addition Drivers UI or via `apt install nvidia-driver-390 results in a successful install, nvidia is enabled and lightdm works.12:40
WimpressHowever, I still experience https://pad.lv/1765053 when installing via `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall`12:42
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1765053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "Errors were encountered while processing: /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-x8YVfC/03-libnvidia-compute-390_390.48-0ubuntu2_i386.deb" [High,In progress]12:42
didrocksjdstrand: I did notice! I just made people eagerly waiting for it aware about it! Many thanks :) This is only needed starting from 18.04, all good!12:43
jdstranddidrocks: thanks for the patch. glad we squeezed it in12:43
jibeluh, looks like we have a problem when users upgrade with an encrypted swpa12:44
jibelsystem hangs on boot when it tries to activate it12:45
seb128urg :/12:45
willcookejibel, swap file? rather than partition?12:46
jibelswap partition12:48
jibelI cannot even enter recovery mode12:48
seb128do you know why? sounds line something foundations might understand better than us12:50
jibelnot yet, I'll file a bug once I've enough info, and indeed it's a foundations thing12:53
jbichajibel: bug 1736072 was in my history13:01
ubot5`bug 1736072 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Encrypted swap does not work" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173607213:01
jibeljbicha, it's very similar but this bug report is really confusing, talking about ubiquity. In my case it's an upgrade from xenial with an encrypted home. I'll file a separate report and they can always duplicate13:05
Wimpressdidrocks: Do you have a few minutes to discuss ubuntu-report?13:52
seb128Wimpress, don't ask to ask just ask?13:53
WimpressI know people are busy :-)13:53
WimpressToo British.13:54
oSoMoNplease excuse me for begging your pardon :)13:55
Wimpressdidrocks: ubuntu-report send is only executed via the GNOME first run wizard, correct?13:58
seb128Wimpress, atm yes, but there is a cli utility and the api can be used by derivates who want to14:02
tseliotWimpress: I'm not sure about that, to be honest14:02
didrocksWimpress: so yes, you can either use the C lib or the Go one or the CLI14:03
didrocksbut current integration is via GNOME first run wizard14:03
didrocksyou have man pages on the CLI (automatically generated)14:03
didrocksthe Go API if available at https://godoc.org/github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report/pkg/sysmetrics14:03
didrocksand the C is at https://godoc.org/github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report/pkg/sysmetrics/C14:04
didrockscheck the README.md of the project: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-report14:04
WimpressI just wanted to confirm that no reports are being sent via Ubiquity.14:04
didrocksyou will have it writing a file14:04
didrocksas /var/log/installer/telemetry14:04
didrocksbut it's not used by anything14:05
WimpressIt is therefore the responsibility of each flavour to instruct users to submit, or not, their reports as the first run wizard does in Ubuntu.14:05
didrocksWimpress: upgrade will also flesh out a file14:05
didrocksin /var/log/upgrade/telemetry14:05
WimpressShould flavours send reports to the same URL as Ubuntu?14:05
didrocksbut same than ubiquity, it won't be used14:05
didrocksI think they should14:06
didrocksthere is the current running session sent as info14:06
didrocksbut you can't really say something is xubuntu, ubuntu or ubuntu-mate14:06
WimpressAnd install media, which includes the flavour.14:06
didrocks(well, we report the install media)14:07
didrocksbut then, what would be about ubuntu-mate where I install ubuntu-desktop? :p14:07
didrocksor the contrary14:07
didrocksthis is why current session is the best IMHO14:07
didrocks(and no different URL)14:07
didrocksmaking sense?14:07
WimpressSo perhaps sending to the same URL as Ubuntu is fine?14:07
WimpressWell add something to Welcome to facilitate this.14:08
didrocksWimpress: excellent! Do not hesitate if you have any integration question14:08
didrocksdo you plan to use the API or wrapping the CLI?14:08
WimpressJust the cli for now. Simplest thing possible.14:09
didrocksyeah, so look at the various command in the manpages to automate it14:09
WimpressWell put a similar UI to GNOME first run in front of it.14:09
didrocks(they are in the README)14:09
WimpressYep, I've read it 🙂14:09
didrocks\o/ at least, it's been useful for one person! :)14:10
didrocksbasically, I guess, you will do:14:10
didrocks$ ubuntu show <- get the json from here14:10
didrocks$ ubuntu send yes|no14:10
didrocks(no is the optout message, yes is to send the previous report)14:11
kenvandinejibel, irt bug 176565114:14
ubot5`bug 1765651 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu Bionic) "Do not run gnome-initial-setup during OEM preparation stage" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176565114:14
kenvandinejibel, do you know how to detect if we're in the OEM preparation stage?14:14
kenvandineor anyone ^^14:14
didrocksprobably some env var? /me doesn't know much about OEM14:15
jibelkenvandine, let me check14:15
jibelkenvandine, if really you want to be sure, current user is 'oem', set to log in automatically and /home/oem/Desktop/oem-config-prepare-gtk.desktop exists14:32
jibelthis user is removed on first boot after the system is prepared14:32
jibeli'll document the bug report14:32
kenvandineoh... probably just check if the current user is oem14:33
kenvandinewe should never want to run in that case14:33
Laneycan't the file be touched for the oem user?14:33
jibelwell if your username is 'oem' then you won't see the initial setup :)14:34
jibelright we could do that too in the ubiquity hook14:35
jibelmuch simpler actually14:35
kenvandinejibel, that's probably the best fix14:35
jibelmoving to ubiquity then14:36
kenvandinejibel, great!14:36
Laneyyes in plugininstall.py when it sets up the oem user14:38
jibelunrelated to the original bug I reported but slightly worrying for the initial setup https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1765724/comments/314:43
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1765724 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "Xenial -> Bionic - System fails to boot after upgrade - <email address hidden> fails to start" [Critical,New]14:43
seb128ok, I give up trying to understand why gsettings changes signal don't work in ubiquity14:56
didrocksseb128: fresh brain on Monday might help :)14:57
seb128didrocks, Laney, jibel, the keys unsettings themself I explained, the wrapper does that14:58
seb128    subp = subprocess.Popen(14:58
seb128        ['sudo', '-H', '-u', user, 'gsettings', 'get', schema, key],14:58
seb128        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,14:58
seb128or sudo empty the env so the DBUS_ADDRESS... is not set and a new bus is spawned14:58
seb128adding '-E' to the arguments fix that part14:58
didrocksmaking sense14:58
seb128no extra dconf-service anymore14:58
seb128no key unset14:58
didrocksso, at least, no double service, which is a win :)14:59
seb128but I can't get the gsettings changed signal to work14:59
seb128without or without dropping priviledge14:59
seb128the dbus env is correct14:59
seb128the gsettings api documentation states "Note that settings only emits this signal if you have read key at least once while a signal handler was already connected for key ."14:59
seb128which I though could have been the issue14:59
seb128but I added a get_boolean() call to the code after the connect, no luck14:59
didrocksyeah, I was going to mention that14:59
didrocksthat would have been my bet for that issue :/15:00
seb128that's my current patch15:00
jibelLaney, do we care if the owner is root?15:01
didrocksseb128: I should be free on Monday for a peer looking into that issue if you want15:01
Laneywant me to look in a bit?15:01
didrocksI would say, still get that in15:01
Laneyjibel: umm, probably, can't you use 'install'?15:01
seb128didrocks, Laney, help would be welcome if you guys have some idea, as said my current work is on there ^15:01
didrocksseb128: I'll go off in the next minutes, hence proposing looking at that together at that time (but still push your changes, they are valid)15:02
seb128didrocks, I'm at least going to proposed the '-E' use15:03
seb128let's see on monday15:03
didrocksseb128: yeah, the -E is safe and needed anyway15:03
seb128maybe Laney pokes a bit still today and figure out something15:03
didrocksto connect to the right bus15:03
seb128I'm pondering cleaning the ubiquity-dm dbus activation/dconf-service code15:04
seb128I wonder if that could be useful for any other derivative15:04
didrocksseb128: the impact is on flavors…15:04
seb128probably not, but there is no need to change that at this point15:04
didrockscorrect :/15:04
didrocksif we avoid for us spawning it that way, I don't think it worths touching15:04
didrocks(that way == -E)15:04
didrocksI don't spot anything on the connect change signal from your diff…15:07
seb128anything wrong you mean?15:08
didrocksyeah, sorry15:08
seb128thx for looking15:08
seb128as said let's forget about it for this week15:08
seb128maybe Laney sees something15:08
seb128otherwise new round on monday15:08
didrocksyeah, let's do this! :)15:08
seb128thx didrocks!15:08
seb128at least we explained the dconf unset thing15:09
didrocksyw, and nice hunting, even if not yet completely resolved ;)15:09
didrockshappy the theory was correct :)15:09
didrocksseb128: just, ubiquity-dm is using the glib mainloop, correct?15:10
didrocksto deliver signals…15:10
didrocksI guess so, just asking ;)15:10
seb128good question15:10
Laneyyou mean ubiquity itself?15:10
Laneyit's gtk ...15:10
didrocksLaney: well, the code is in ubiquity-dm which launch ubiquity UI as a subprocess, no?15:11
seb128the callback is in gtk_ui.py15:11
didrocksah no, that part of the code is in gtk_ui.py15:11
seb128which is the frontend15:11
didrocksok, so obviously not it15:11
didrockswell, let's sleep on that15:11
didrocksand enjoy the week-end and park+sun :)15:12
seb128thx, same to you!15:12
didrockssee you on Monday guys!15:12
didrocksthx :)15:12
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
seb128shrug, just did a nautilus upload that got rejected15:32
seb128jbicha, you forgot to commit/push your recent changes to the vcs :/15:32
seb128ok, I guess one less fix uploaded to bionic then, I need to step out, maybe later15:34
seb128jbicha, if you fix the vcs I can retry to include those, I uncommited/force pushed back15:34
jbichaseb128: pushed now. Sorry about that. I seem to be having lots more trouble remembering to push to bzr these days :|15:34
seb128jbicha, thx15:43
seb128k have a good w.e desktopers16:04
seb128I'm out for a bit, might deal with a bit of backlog still later16:04
oSoMoNhave a good one seb128 !16:05
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
Laneythis is some weird shit16:29
LaneyI tried making the GSettings an instance variable in case it was going out of scope16:57
LaneyI made it so that gsettings.py wasn't making a new dconf-service process spawn (hacking DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in the child processes)16:58
TrevinhoLaney: looser :-D16:58
Laneythe GSettings isn't getting connected to the right dconf daemon somehow16:58
Laneythis is some messed up stuff16:59
Laneyif you make it write then the callback is called16:59
Laneybut then there's an error that it can't commit the change "the connection is closed"16:59
Trevinhoyou need to define the runtime dir too16:59
* Laney slaps Trevinho 16:59
Trevinhoat least, not sure what you're trying though16:59
Laneydbus and dconf is already running16:59
LaneyI just want to get on the existing ones16:59
Trevinhoah, yeah I mean the standard ones'17:00
Laneyprobably XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set17:00
Laneybut I don't need to spawn anything new, and DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is ok17:00
Laneythis is the wurst17:01
Laneythe bockwurst17:01
LaneyI'm going17:02
Laneywe're off to a pizza place for a friend's birthday17:02
TrevinhoNo, when it involves friends it's always ok17:03
TrevinhoI even eat that horrible pizza with you guys in holland17:03
oSoMoNit's 5 past beer, I'm off to a micro-brewery17:05
oSoMoNhave a good week-end everyone!17:05
willcookerighty ho, time for something else.  Happy weekend all17:30
teeramisuHello, is this bug? should i report bug? https://gist.github.com/Parduk/790a233bbfa3b1f807c772089a671f8518:35
jbichateeramisu: do not use sudo to run gnome-control-center18:56
teeramisujbicha: so its not bug right?19:04

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