
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, very insightful explanation :)02:15
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:35
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
ducassegood morning, everyone06:14
guivercmorning ducasse - great sleep I hope & ready for your day (& on second++ cup of c..)06:20
ducassehi guiverc - still waking up here but think i'm ok, thanks, how about you?06:22
guivercvery good thanks :)06:25
SlidingHornmorning ducasse  :)06:39
ducassehi SlidingHorn - how are you today?06:42
SlidingHornNot too bad :)  Yourself?06:44
ducassei'm good, i think :)06:44
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse guiverc SlidingHorn07:02
guivercMorning lotuspsychje - ready for your day I hope, hot coffee in hand :)07:06
lotuspsychjeyeah just made one :p07:06
ducassemorning lotuspsychje07:06
lotuspsychjehad a nice day with your visit ducasse07:08
ducasseyes, was out shopping last night. getting ready for the weekend? :)07:09
lotuspsychjeyeah finally :p07:11
ducasselotuspsychje: any plans for the weekend?07:17
SlidingHornI screwed up my sleep schedule...I think I'm gonna try to have some coffee and stay up07:22
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah birthday cakes & more birthday sat & sun07:22
ducasselotuspsychje: your birthday?07:28
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah for me and my dad, but its in may for me, early party07:29
ducasseah, ok. when in may?07:30
ducassei'll try to remember, so we can get you a cake :)07:33
JimBuntuHappy Friday, April 20th, peeps!10:57
guivercThanks JimBuntu & Happy Friday to you too.10:59
BluesKajHi Folks11:07
JimBuntuGreat morning to you Bluekaj11:09
JimBuntuUnsure why I am in a good mood, but I think I'll try to keep it.11:10
ducassehi JimBuntu, keep your good mood, feels better than being grumpy :)11:11
JimBuntuYeah, I think so... I also think that like being grumpy is contagious, being happy can be too... we shall see how that plays out for today.11:12
guivercJimBuntu, sounds good, don't turn on a tv, nor look at a newspaper, just go outside & look at the trees, wildlife etc...  Sip your tea or coffee & enjoy!11:13
ducasse...and stay away from the trolls!11:15
ducasseany plans for the weekend, JimBuntu?11:15
BluesKajHey ducasse, JimBuntu11:16
ducassehi BluesKaj - having fun with the new connection?11:16
BluesKajwell, it's what I expected and so far so good , ducasse :-)11:17
BluesKajthey tried to block my vpn , but that was easily defeated by changing the DNS settings in the router11:19
ducasseblocking your vpn - wth for?11:19
BluesKajdunno, your guess is as good as mine11:20
BluesKajtrying preserve bandwidth is my guess11:21
BluesKaja lot of ISPs do that here in NA11:23
ducassewow, weird. sounds more like stuff they do in china.11:25
BluesKajit's a  small attempt to prevent illegal downloads, most computer users with a little bit of knowledge about networking can work around it.11:27
guivercISPs here in aus started blocking more sites in last few months I noticed, it was to stop illegal downloads the site the directed you to said  (they caught sites unrelated to anything illegal too)11:29
ducasseright. they're dns blocking a few torrent sites here, but it doesn't seem like the block lists are actively maintained.11:30
JimBuntuGreat, so they are basically helping the darknet have more reason and users... good job big brother11:30
guivercmy isp doesn't like xubuntu-community-wallpapers  ... 403 [forbidden] for 18.04 just like 17.10 & all back to (i forget when, before 12.04)...   my isp must think they are X rated11:33
BluesKajmost of the biggie torrent sites like piratebay, limewire, and rarbg aren't blocked here, the oddtime they get taken down by heavy traffic tho11:33
JimBuntuguiverc, I would definitely be sending in bug tickets, possibly on a daily basis for blocking that11:35
guivercyeah I should  (again!) - i haven't sent one in awhile so will...  (its their local mirror only)11:38
BluesKajI just use my own wallpapers11:38
BluesKajor some from thje kde site11:38
JimBuntuI normally use my own, but blocking something like xubunu-community-themes seems a little silly to me... if it's only the local mirror, maybe there are other items on the mirror causing it.11:39
BluesKajthat is kind ofstrange alright11:41
guivercits the same files each time..  was upgrading 17.10 (ubuntu+xfce+mate+..) to 18.04 which aborted due 403 on files; i've added a non-isp-mirror to bypass for now (do it each install)   http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/  & try and access xubuntu-community-artwork [403] but others no issue...  i'll send em an email...11:46
guivercI too use my own chosen wallpaper - but I do love looking thru the defaults so I do want em.  (au.archive.ubuntu.com gave me the isp-denied files)11:49
JimBuntuSo, it's that well known of an issue that the archive maintainers are aware and have a workaround, yeah, it's probably due to other things that resolv to the same IP/etc.11:50
guivercwhich is probably too complex for the ISP's monkeys to understand & explain to me.... should I still raise a ticket with them?11:52
guiverc(them being isp iinet)11:52
guivercor lp or other?11:53
JimBuntuI would raise the flag with them, they can decide what to do from there.11:54
guivercwill do, thanks JimBuntu11:55
BluesKajtrying to setup the vpn proxy in konversation, but looks like it's still buggy11:55
BluesKajproxy doesn't work, even with plain old nickserv11:58
BluesKajgonna try one more change11:59
BluesKajConnection to server chat.freenode.net (port 8001) lost: Proxy host not found ....hmm12:01
pragmaticenigmabummer... gksudo is no more in 18.0415:11
leftyfbI never used it anyway15:14
leftyfbsudo worked fine for me15:14
pragmaticenigmaI do so much via nano when it comes to changing system files... not much use for me either. About all I used it for was launching baobab so I could scan from "/"15:38
nicomachusI always got gksudo and gksu confused anyway and felt weird using them.15:41
daftykinsleftyfb: you're not supposed to use that against GUI apps because it can screw up permissions15:43
daftykinshowever if you are sudo-ing a GUI app in the first place, more often than not, you're doing something wrong :D15:44
leftyfbdaftykins: I never have a problem15:44
daftykinswell we saw users with it going wrong loads, so i don't know what to tell you :)15:44
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, would you have a link to something to help explain the difference? I've always struggled to explain why a person should use gksudo versus just raw sudo15:46
daftykinsnot to hand no, but it's something along the lines of it running the GUI app with your home directory but as root - so the user's ~ files can get permissions changed15:48
daftykinsbeen too long since i did support to remember clearly :>15:53
daftykins(i don't use any desktop Linux)15:53
* SlidingHorn gasps15:54
daftykinshrmm this intel microcode updates for spectre mitigation thing is becoming a real problem imo15:54
daftykinsfor example, i have an intel sandybridge (second generation) core i5 laptop here from Sony which i repaired when a client spilled a drink over it15:54
daftykins13", dual-core with HT, 8GB DDR3 and a cheap SSD... but it's not going to get a BIOS update at all15:55
daftykinsmind you this is only a problem for Windows i guess since you guys running a Linux natively can just have the boot-time microcode updated15:55
daftykinson another system though, a friend helped me insert the microcode into the BIOS and then i was able to flash the result - meaning it was done for any OS15:59
daftykinsno BIOS downloads are available for this system, so i will have to have a go at whether i can dump the existing one15:59
daftykinsthere we go, dumped the BIOS fine16:15
tomreynhow do you "insert the microcode into the BIOS"? wouldnt this modified bios be rejected because its signature would mismatch?16:41
tomreynor is there just no signature check?16:41
tomreynand how do you do it anyways (how do you find out how to insert the microcode into the firmware image)16:41
daftykinstomreyn: often there is a check yeah, you just use a secret utility switch which ignores that16:42
daftykinsthere are tools out there which can read an image, identify each distinct module, then overwrite an old with a newer16:43
tomreyndaftykins: you mean binwalk?17:20
daftykinsoh for the tool, i have no idea17:20
daftykinshighly doubt it's a Linux one though if that's what that is17:21
tomreyndaftykins: i'd like to read a how-to on this is there is one. or just one describing how you did it.17:21
tomreynbinwalk is linux, yes.17:21
daftykinswell as i mentioned a friend modded the image for me, so i've got no idea17:21
daftykinsall i did was dump the existing and then send it to him :)17:21
tomreynoh i see.17:21
daftykinsif we chat again sometime i'll ask for the forum link again, he definitely linked me - i just didn't bother to learn myself17:22
daftykinsi don't know why i said no though - i'm sure any tool that can read image files will be capable17:22
tomreynstill interesting. i've seen such being done on bios modding forums, but it's always this "i dont explain how i do it because i'm an expert and don't want to share" approach.17:22
daftykinshaha yeah i know what you mean17:23
daftykinsin fact when i followed the guide it didn't work because the BIOS vendor had replaced the afudos.exe tool with one that no longer had the special switch for ignoring signatures17:23
daftykinshad to find a follow-up post which had a link to an alternative which still had it17:24
tomreynwas this uefi or legacy bios?17:24
daftykinsan Asus Q87M-E BIOS which is natively EFI, but with CSM capability17:25
tomreyni see, nice, so a modern one.17:26
tomreyni wonder whether we could come up with firmware manufacturer specific generic instructions for staging uefi firmware updates for installation on next boot.17:27
daftykinshighly unlikely to be safe17:27
tomreynwell if you just stage it and have the firmware check the signature on next boot then i guess it couldbe safe17:28
tomreyneither it takes it or leves it be.17:28
tomreynbut surely some of those signature checks are not entirely reliable17:28
daftykinsthe tool had to be told to force flash, some people reported that some functions misbehaved afterward17:28
daftykinstomreyn: the tool's 'force' option also does a full erase prior, so definitely an all-or-nothing approach :)17:40
daftykinschip swaps would be the only way back out of that17:40
tomreynyou probably needed to take some extra 'precautions' since the firmware was not validy signed17:55
daftykinsnah i just went for it :D only £8 on ebay to have a guy in the Netherlands ship you a new chip with a version of your choice flashed! :D17:56
daftykinsor i could have attempted to reflash via hotswapping in another board17:56
pragmaticenigmaI don't think they put enough we're tracking you items in there19:22
JimBuntuIf I were Canonical, I would activate the camera every so often... how many people are wearing pants is an important metric.19:25
daftykinswould that package be called BeaverPantSpotter ?19:27
JimBuntudaftykins, Well, it would track more than pants.. could probably s/Pant//19:27
daftykinsi debated typing it as such ;)19:27
JimBuntuGotta keep it friendly. But think off all the new stats... How many Ubuntu users have beards? Now we know thanks to BeaverPantSpotter !19:28
JimBuntu"Nose ring detected,... taking actions "19:29
pragmaticenigmatin foil hat detected... uninstall hexchat19:29
JimBuntu"Single ear detected, adjusting L-R Stereo balance"19:29
daftykinsphew :)19:29
JimBuntuLOL, "Tin foil hat detected, activating double-VPNs"19:30
daftykinsfirst time user, freenode webchat disabled19:30
JimBuntuROFL. At least the #Ubuntu channel19:30
daftykinsindeed :>19:30
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu, that's when it detects dimly lit room with ham radio in background19:30
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, meanie19:30
JimBuntu"Kids playing in background, activating safe browsing"19:31
* pragmaticenigma is guessing JimBuntu has Ham radio in background with dimly lit room19:31
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, it's a brightly lit room, today... it's sunny out19:32
pragmaticenigmaSingle VPN mode19:33
kostkon"Retro machine in the background detected installing quake"19:33
kostkonSNAP time! https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/quake-shareware19:33
daftykinstomreyn: got the link from my mate - https://www.win-raid.com/t154f16-Tool-Guide-News-quot-UEFI-BIOS-Updater-quot-UBU.html19:51
daftykinshe's taking a look at whether there is the microcode for my chosen machines BIOS right now - also an Intel ME update19:51
tomreynbah this looks super finnicky19:54
tomreynbe glad you have friend who apparently knows his ways around the rough edges19:54
tomreynthanks for the link though19:54
daftykins:D np19:55
daftykinsit's still not without risk, i'd be a bit more nervous doing it to my own personal systems19:55
daftykinsi was a guinea pig with my little haswell system for him, because Asus have abandoned his motherboard which was quite rude19:56

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