
SircleMy http site does not redirects to httpS. Is there anything wrong with configs? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/908348203:12
Sirclenevermind ^03:17
fricklerjamespage: coreycb: maybe one of you can help with investigating why upgrading UCA from pike to queens seems to have broken upstream tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-gate/+bug/176563809:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765638 in OpenStack-Gate "legacy-tempest-dsvm-full-devstack-plugin-ceph job failing" [Undecided,New]09:38
lilacdoes anyone know why i'm encountering the following error trying to deploy ubuntu openstack?10:08
lilacconjure-up hangs on the first image (one sec)10:08
lilacand MAAS displays the failure events seen in the second image (one sec)10:08
parloslilac, are the interfaces on the node correctly tied to the PXEnetwork? I had something similar, the node was discovered/commissioned. But when deploying, the node did the first install (OS), but then it switched the interfaces so, it could not reach the service providing information..10:48
lilaccould you clarify what you mean by "correctly tied"?10:48
lilacPXE boot works fine10:49
lilacseemingly DNS, NAT, DHCP, PXE all work fine on the private/pxe network10:49
parlosfor instance, maas is on 10.30.0.x fabric0, after 'deploy' during install, the 10.30.0.x address is now assigned on fabric1, on the node..10:49
parloshence, unless fabric 1 routes the 10.30.x traffic its going to timeout.10:50
lilachmm okay10:51
lilaci'll take a look10:51
parlosthis is what happend to me when I did my first juju charms... (afaik conjure-up is just a frontend...)10:51
parlosone more hint,. also check storage config. .10:52
parlosI had cases where the bios boot was set to PXE, then boot drive b... --> but as the normal installs endup on sda (first drive), the reboot complains data, treating drive as raw...10:53
parlosGL & HF10:53
lilacthanks parlos10:59
lilacparlos: where would i be checking this?  it looks fine in maas11:01
parlosI'm doing it in the maas ui, interface and storage tab... ... probably looks fine,11:02
parlosif you can check the console of a device as it is deployed/powered on, when your deploying/conjure-up11:03
lilacokay so i SSH'd into the node that i presume is being prepared as the juju controller11:11
lilacits network interfaces look fine based on MAAS interfaces tab and `ip addr`11:11
lilaci think i noticed a misconfigured machine11:14
lilacinterfaces were connected the wrong way around11:14
Neo4Hi guys!12:09
Neo4what to read bout dovecot?12:09
Neo4is this book good?12:09
Neo4I've got it12:09
Neo4Now i have depression, will read for calm nerves... :(12:09
Neo4couldn't have install mail server...12:12
Neo4dovecot more complex even than postfix12:12
ahasenackhave you tried mail-stack-delivery? It sets dovecot up for you with postfix12:15
ahasenackcould be a starting point12:15
Neo4ahasenack: no, I think for a while for VPS enough one postfix,12:22
Neo4sites will able to send mails and nice12:22
Neo4mail server is needed nobody, I want to set up it for myself12:23
Neo4and experience12:23
Neo4I saw video there guy installed DNS server seems on virtual machine and was able to send massage on mail server12:24
Neo4it's not exactly12:25
Neo4I want too install DNS server, create two domain on one domain put server and other...12:25
Neo4something like real model of internet12:25
ahasenackmaybe you are trying too much at first. Even with a quickstart package like mail-stack-delivery, you would be able to poke around once it's setup, and see how things are done, and use it as reference when installing a fresh one by hand, package by package12:30
Neo4ahasenack: ok, I'll save this mail-stack-delivery in file and will try it too12:31
Neo4ahasenack: just don't have common picture about dovecot12:32
Neo4but have many questions12:32
Neo4after that book, if read it fast you would know all futures12:32
ahasenackif you really want to understand things, there are not shortcuts12:33
ahasenackeach one of these things have their own book to read12:33
ahasenackpostfix, dns12:33
Neo4ahasenack: in #dovecot channel very active support, people very fast react if compare with #postfix :)12:33
ahasenackimap/pop, etc12:34
Neo4ahasenack: I know IMAP - internet mail access protocil, POP - post office protocol.12:35
Neo4yes, books help, but bad that book is written by author of dovecot, and it seems not good because author can write using difficult words. Better when it is written by ordinary users12:35
pankaj_I am having problem with keyboard layout I choosed when Installing ubunt-server. It types all the alphabets and alphanumeric characters the same that are given on my keyboard. But when I type symbols they all are different. So,How to change keyboard layout?14:07
pankaj_Hello, Is their anybody?14:12
tewardpatience is a vritue you know14:12
tewardpankaj_: yo might want to look at the answers on https://askubuntu.com/questions/342066/how-to-permanently-configure-keyboard - one of the answers might help.14:13
MaxelHi all, I've run into an issue with ubuntu package manager being able to install packages where a package has a dependency and it doesn't get those packages automatically15:05
MaxelI'm trying to install keepassxc right now, but I remember it happening when I was trying to install another package in the past15:06
qmanthat usually happens when you change your sources to ones that have incompatible packages15:08
Maxelqman, so the issue becomes whoever is creating the package I'm trying to download?15:13
qmanif you are using unofficial sources, then either the source is not for the version of ubuntu that you have, or the source is broken15:14
digsI am trying to figure out which version(s) of apache solr will be included in the upcoming 18.04 LTS server release. Can someone point in my the correct direction or if you know...?15:27
tewarddigs: if yuo mean solr-jetty or solr-tomcat as listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Solr, then I believe 3.6.2 is the base version with additional package-level specific changes from Debian in it.15:44
tewardnot 100% sure of this being what you need, but that's the closest answer I think to what you need.15:44
sdezieldigs: "rmadison $PACKAGE_NAME" will tell you which versions ship with which Ubuntu release15:45
sdezieldigs: seems like 3.6.2+dfsg-11, see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3sQmvQMdRY/15:46
ScottEMaxel: Are you, by any chance, installing a downloaded package via dpkg instead of from a repository via apt or apt-get? dpkg does not install dependencies.15:51
MaxelScottE, no, I am doing an apt-get, granted I had to add a private repository to enable it15:51
Maxelthis is what I was trying to do: https://keepassxc.org/blog/2017-10-25-ubuntu-ppa/15:51
rbasakThen your problem is likely with the third party repository. Ubuntu developers don't support third party repositories.15:52
rbasakYou should take it up with their support channels.15:52
ScottEOK, just checking Maxel as that does come up sometimes15:52
Maxelrbasak, I did talk to people on the irc channel for keepass. they wanted me to install the appimage myself, which I could but I like having the management left to the package manager for updates and such15:54
MaxelI also ran into this same problem with a different application, eclipse che, and after seeing this sort of thing happen multiple times wanted to understand why it is happening15:54
rbasakIt's very difficult to maintain external repositories.15:55
rbasakIt's fundamentally a broken model.15:55
rbasakExternal _apt_ repositories, that is.15:55
rbasakNevertheless, it's often possible to fix, but the fix generally has to be in the third party repository, which Ubuntu developers have no control or say over.15:55
rbasakThe specific problem is usually different every time.15:56
rbasakIt's compounded when users add multiple different third party repositories, since they tend to be uncoordinated and the combinations can cause problems.15:56
rbasakUbuntu uses snaps to solve this general problem. AppImage and Flatpak are different approaches to the same general problem.15:58
Maxelhmmm, so either manage the applications myself manually or just do without, or convince the developer to go through the approved ubuntu process15:59
coreycbjamespage: taking a look at networking-arista. it's not building in bionic b/c it's py3-onlly.15:59
coreycband needs python3-neutron16:00
rbasakMaxel: to reach Ubuntu users a snap would be best. Then it'd just be another app in the software center.16:01
rbasak(and be visible by default, etc)16:01
rbasakI don't know what keepassxc needs from a security sandbox standpoint though.16:01
dpb1Maxel: and it's a tractable problem for a single person to ship an assembled app with snaps.16:01
rbasak(eg. to talk to a Firefox plugin or whatever)16:01
tewardrbasak: system access to where the database that it uses to store passwords is.  which in a sandbox can be... tricky... to activate16:02
tewardthere is a keepassxc snap if I remember correctly, but it's got its own set of issues16:02
dpb1it's really not for most apps and debs (into the ubuntu archive), or at least will take you a very long time before you get to that point.16:02
rbasakteward: a snapped version of this app should store it in the correct XDG directory. So the location of the database should  not be a problem.16:02
tewardrbasak: by 'database' i mean a flat file16:02
tewardso if user is trying to use a db they already have in the snap it's not able to find it on, say, external media or such16:03
teward(I had the same issue with keepassxc's snap a long while ago)16:03
rbasakThere's an external media interface.16:03
tewardbut either way, it's beyond our control to fix issues :P16:03
waveformMaxel, or just wait a short while: keepassxc will be included in bionic :)16:03
teward*returns to beating LXD with a pipe to make it behave*16:04
rbasakBut the "difficulty" is sort of the point. Other snaps shouldn't be able to get to your password database. So making a snap for the password manager necessarily involves putting the database in a special place.16:04
tewardrbasak: dpb1: nacc: Just to keep you all in the loop: Perl autopkgtests were holding up the nginx 1.14.0 migration out of proposed, those got fixed (I think) and NGINX 1.14.0 is now available in Bionic.  Which means we're on the stable track of NGINX again, for the LTS, without a post-release MRE.16:38
teward(yay!  we didn't have a repeat of the 16.04 cycle where NGINX stable was released after we had already released 16.04!)16:39
tewardmany thanks to you guys for helping out with the merge from Debian, that was the biggest hurdle in getting this up to date and ready to go (I was super busy heh...)16:39
dpb1great news teward16:41
Maxelsso I actually tried to just do a apt-get upgrade and I'm getting unmet dependencies error19:07
Maxelsahhh shoot, I think it is because my boot mount is full19:14
sarnoldthat one's never fun to debug19:15
sarnoldbut I wouldn't have expected unmet deps to result19:15
trippeh_full /boot happens... a lot19:15
Maxelsyeah, not sure what I should be doing. I used default settings when installing19:16
Maxelsit looks like it doesn't even have 500mb on there19:16
Maxelscan I just allocate more space somehow....19:16
trippeh_/boot is kind of a tricky special case as it tends to live outside of the volume manager19:18
trippeh_so resizing it is not trivial19:18
sarnoldwhat I don't understand is why we're still seeing full /boot .. I thought apt grew knowledge how to keep N kernels around, where N was somewhat reasonable, back ~precise era19:23
trippeh_I dont think I've seen that working unless I've been doing "apt autoremove" once in a while myself.19:23
trippeh_on yum, this just happens with kernels ;)19:24
sarnold$ dpkg -l 'linux-image*' | grep ^ii | wc -l19:24
sarnoldI can assure you I don't go to any effort to manage my kernels manually19:24
sarnoldI'm a very lazy person19:25
sarnoldohhuh. my other rig's got ten installed.19:25
trippeh_perhaps it depends on how you update, like update-manager or apt directly?19:25
trippeh_I've not looked too closely at configuring this19:26
sarnoldoh possible, I don't dist-upgrade that machine by hand all that often19:27
trippeh_it does seem like a lot of peoples /boot's dont get managed properly for whatever reason19:27
trippeh_and my gut feeling is that this is a bigger problem on ubuntu than in redhat/fedora land19:27
sarnoldheh, apt-get autoremove brought that down to .. six. that still seems like a lot. :)19:29
trippeh_it may also depend on how you installed some of the kernels, ie they are flagged manually installed on not by dependency.19:30
sarnoldineffable magic. got it.19:30
trippeh_s/ on/ and19:32
qmanyeah, in my experience that has never worked correctly19:34
qmanI wrote my own script to deal with it19:34
qmanremoves all kernels except the current running one and the latest version19:34
Maxel_sorry, my internet seemed to disconnect at the critical time of discussion over boot20:07
Maxel_so in my case, am I best off just trying to clean up my boot partition?20:08
coreycbjamespage: beisner: xenial-queens-proposed passes smoke tests. i'll plan to promote to -updates first thing monday.20:15
beisnerack thanks coreycb20:16
qmanMaxels: you have to apt-get remove the extra kernel packages that you don't need20:16
qmanMaxels: if you can't due to not enough space to even do that, you can overwrite some of the files you're about to remove with zero-length files and then apt-get remove them20:16
qmanMaxels: be very careful doing this, though, as to not overwrite or remove files that you need20:17
Maxelsis there a guide that describes exactly what I should be doing?20:18
qmannot that I know of20:18
Maxelslast time I did this I think I deleted my document that maps drives, can't remember what it's called20:18
qmanwhat you should do first is figure out which kernels you want to keep20:19
qmanyou can then compare this against what's installed to know which ones to remove20:19
Maxelsthis looks like what you're describing20:19
qmanI typically would keep the actively running kernel and the latest kernel for each type of kernel you have20:19
Maxelsso there's what I've got20:20
qmanonce you know which ones to remove, you'd apt-get remove linux-image-3.something-generic20:20
qmansudo apt-get remove linux-image-[67]?-generic20:21
qmanthat's regex to remove everything in the 60 and 70 versions20:21
qmansudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.4.0-[67]?-generic20:21
qmanif that works, you'll be okay, and just continue removing kernels that you don't want20:22
Maxelsyeah must be what you warned about, wont let me because it says it has unmet dependencies20:22
Maxelsso I should zero out one of these packages bytes?20:22
qmanhow many bytes are free on /boot ?20:23
qmanok, yeah20:23
qmanso, ls -lh /boot20:23
qmanthen zero out some of the files that exist specifically for the older kernel versions you want to remove20:24
qmansuch as20:24
Maxelsdo you mean make a new file with the same name with no content?20:24
qmanecho "" | sudo tee /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-68-generic20:24
qmanyeah, there's lots of ways to do it20:24
qmanthe key is that the file has to exist by the same name, otherwise apt can't remove the package20:25
Maxelsok, now these images don't look like the images listed from the prior command20:25
qmanok, looks like some of them have already been removed manually20:26
qmanwhich is going to be a problem trying to use apt20:26
Maxelsyeah that is probably from my failed attempt to do this20:26
qmanso, pick one of those files with the version in it to do this with to free up some space20:27
qmanthen touch each file that should be there20:27
qmanso a vmlinuz for each version that's installed, an initrd for each, a system.map for each, etc20:27
qmanthen apt should be able to remove them again20:27
Maxelshow can I see which should be there?20:27
qmanthey follow the same naming convention20:28
qmanso you notice there's like 5 files for each kernel version20:28
qmanso touch files by the same name but with the versions from your earlier paste, the versions that apt sees20:28
Maxelsthe uname -r version is 4.4.0-81 though, which isn't listed here20:28
qmanthe initrd files are the biggest so I'd suggest zeroing one of those20:29
qmanyeah, it was probably already removed, unfortunately20:29
qmanso don't reboot20:29
Maxelsahh, ok20:29
Maxelsok, zeroed out a couple files20:30
qmanok, so now you should be able to touch files for each version so that all the filenames are there again20:31
qmanthen you can apt-get remove as above20:31
MaxelsI have to just touch a file in the boot and it'll recover the image I need?20:31
qmanit won't recover the image20:31
qmanit will just create a file that exists by the right name so apt can remove the package20:32
qmanafter you remove the package, you can then install it again20:32
qmanbut only after you free up enough space20:32
qmanby removing all the ones you don't want20:32
Maxelsoh, you mean make the placeholder file for each of vmlinuz, system.map etc....20:32
MaxelsI see 5 of em in total20:33
Maxelsdoes that seem right?20:33
qmanyeah, 5 different kinds of files looks correct20:33
Maxelsalright, I think I've got placeholder files for each20:35
qmanyeah, like that, but you have to do it for all the installed versions20:36
Maxelshow do I get a list of installed versions?20:37
Maxelsis it just every initrd.img file here?20:37
qmanin the apt or dpkg output from before20:39
qmaneach version in that list20:39
Maxelsok, a bit of work I gotta do here20:40
Maxelsqman, does this look like what you meant? https://pastebin.com/iUHTaSKs20:49
qmanyou should be able to apt-get remove stuff now20:50
qmanif you still can't, might need more apt troubleshooting20:50
Maxelscan I remove these old versions?20:50
Maxelsto free up the boot space?20:50
Maxelswith apt-get I mean20:50
Maxelsyeah, still getting the unmet dependencies problem20:52
qmanok, paste the apt output20:53
Maxelssorry, that was incomplete: https://pastebin.com/mXtbnaZj20:55
qmanok, try the apt-get -f install20:56
Maxelsgetting a couple messages taht say no space left on device that are concerning21:00
Maxelsstill doing stuff though21:00
Maxelstotal output: https://pastebin.com/zBR3phqA21:01
qmanso it's trying to install more kernels and failing21:01
qmanbecause there's not enough space21:01
qmanso I'd zero out more of those old initrd files and try again21:02
Maxelswell it just downloaded some of the ones I had 0'd out before again21:02
qmanit's trying to install 108 and 11921:03
qmanso any other ones you zero out shouldn't be overwritten21:03
qmanhmm, try this21:04
qmandpkg --configure -a21:04
qmanthen try to apt-get remove some of them21:04
Maxelsoh, I tried running apt-get -f install21:05
Maxelsshould I kill this?21:05
qmanno, let it go21:06
qmansee what it does21:06
Maxelslooks like the same output: https://pastebin.com/sq0knzEG21:07
qmanok, then I'd wipe out more files and try dpkg --configre -a21:08
Maxelsand yeah, it re-downloaded those initrd.img files21:08
sdezielAt this point, I'd be tempted to move /boot to the / and fix the apt situation21:10
sdezielthen move /boot to it's own partition21:10
sdezielMaxels: it's something you might want to consider ^21:11
qmanI've run into this problem many times, you don't have to mess with your partitioning to fix it21:12
qmanbut it does take some doing21:12
Maxelsyeah, I'm not sure exactly how that would work logistically but I can do that21:12
MaxelsI ahve a like 8tb raid drive attached to this thing, so plenty of space21:12
sdezielqman: I'm not specifically talking about messing with parts, just a temporary way to get some free space then clean /boot proper and revert the hack21:12
Maxelslooks like basically the same result: https://pastebin.com/aLXkBQdR21:13
sdezielsorry for jumping in ;)21:13
qmanMaxels: the file it's looking for doesn't appear to be there, try touching it21:13
qmanI see 81 and 89 but not 87 in your list21:14
Maxelsahh, I should add that for all of them?21:15
Maxelsok, added21:15
Maxelstry the dpkg command again?21:15
Maxelsit ran much faster: https://pastebin.com/YHjCbC5B21:17
Maxelsstill missing something though21:17
qmanit ran out of space again21:17
qmanwhat's there now, in ls -lh21:17
MaxelsI just blanked a couple initrd.img files21:19
digsteward and sdeziel - belated thanks re: solr21:19
Maxelstrying dpkg again21:19
sdezieldigs: np21:19
Maxelslooking better so far21:19
qmanok, it's trying to process 4 kernel packages so it looks like it's going to try to build 4 initrds21:19
qmanso you need at least that much space to get them all fixed21:19
Maxelsahh, so close21:21
Maxelsran out of space again though... not sure what else I can remove21:21
qmanif it succeeded on a couple of them, you can blank those ones21:21
qmanit'll only try to process the remaining ones it wasn't okay with21:21
qman103 104 and 108 should be doable21:22
sdeziel101 too21:22
Maxelsalright, trying again with those freed21:23
qmandid dpkg get any further along or is it still the same packages21:25
Maxels linux-image-4.4.0-83-generic21:26
Maxels linux-firmware21:26
Maxels linux-image-extra-4.4.0-87-generic21:26
Maxels linux-image-extra-4.4.0-83-generic21:26
Maxels linux-image-generic21:26
Maxels linux-generic21:26
Maxelssorry, didn't meant o post each line21:26
Maxelspastebin wont allow any more pastes from me21:26
Maxelsthose appear to be the same ones as before21:27
sarnoldpastebinit can send stuff straight to a dozen different pastebins21:27
qmanok, that's good, it got through some of them21:27
MaxelsI'll check it out21:27
qmanthere's about 5 more initrds in there, you can probably get rid of some more and try again21:28
MaxelsI appreciate the help, gotta duck out for a bit. I'll see if anyone is around in 2021:28
qmanin the 70-90 range21:28
qmanonce dpkg is happy, apt-get remove should work again21:29
Heywhen creating a boot-resource in maas.  how do I determine the "name="what name?"22:14
sarnoldHey: "Although the backend supports multiple boot sources, MAAS itself uses a single source. If multiple sources are detected the web UI will print a warning and will be unable to manage images."  https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/installconfig-images23:36
sarnoldoh. that's boot source, not boot resource. never mind...23:36

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