
howzitcalMorning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone :)!06:23
howzitcalduck duck go is getting waaaay better!07:21
=== dlPhreak is now known as technominator
howzitcalmorning technominator 07:33
howzitcalhey psychicist08:01
chesedohi howzitcal technominator and others08:08
technominatorhowzit chesedo 08:08
technominatorand psychicist 08:08
howzitcalhey chesedo 08:09
chesedotechnominator: awesome and yourself?08:15
kbmonkeyhi hi o/08:55
howzitcalhey kbmonkey 09:05
chesedohi kbmonkey and nlsthzn12:00
kbmonkeyhi chesedo !12:01
nlsthznhi chesedo and kbmonkey :)12:57
howzitcalIt's cold as balls in KZN!16:09
howzitcalhey all16:09
howzitcalhey kbmonkey 16:20
kbmonkeyhello 16:21
howzitcalhow goes it?16:21
kbmonkeywas a long day 😃17:00
howzitcalanyone alive?21:15

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