
wxl[m]tsimonq2: was nio's mention of swap (as a by product of hibernation) the clue there?01:49
tsimonq2wxl[m]: Yep.01:49
tsimonq2wxl[m]: gQuigs pointed it out. :)01:50
tsimonq2wxl[m]: #ubuntu-release backlog. ;)01:50
wxl[m]Nice. At least that one makes sense unlike the installion task in ubiquity. I think I'm about bald from that01:51
wxl[m]Any other major bugs to squash?01:52
tsimonq2Not that I'm aware of.01:52
tsimonq2Although, there is one thing.01:52
tsimonq2Things were switched to tty1; I think lightdm got screwed over by that.01:53
tsimonq2Try installing Lubuntu but then restarting.01:53
tsimonq2You don't get prompted to press Enter.01:53
tsimonq2You have to go to tty1.01:53
tsimonq2wxl[m]: Can you repro?01:53
wxl[m]I'm not sure i understand. Got a bug?01:54
tsimonq2Not yet.01:55
tsimonq2I just noticed it today.01:55
tsimonq2I'll get a bug Soon.01:55
lubotErich Eickmeyer was added by: Erich Eickmeyer04:55
lubot<tsimonq2> Hey, welcome!04:55
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Hey! Glad to be here.04:55
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> (honestly, wasn't expecting anybody to be awake)04:55
lubot<tsimonq2> heh04:55
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm firefighting. :P04:55
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> I've seen your name popping-up everywhere in the past 10 minutes, so I figured as much.04:56
lubot<tsimonq2> hehe04:56
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> My firefighting was on Monday when OMG Ubuntu decided to break the Ubuntu Studio "Reboot" news, which we hadn't even made completely official. :S04:57
lubot<tsimonq2> Fun... /s04:58
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Indeed. Actually, it was Tuesday, but no matter, it was still unexpected. But... oh well, cat's out of the bag, might as well roll with it.04:58
lubot<tsimonq2> Right04:58
lubot* tsimonq2 wishes bugs would go awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...04:59
lubot* Erich Eickmeyer only has one to worry about: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qjackctl/+bug/176188705:00
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> And it's minor.05:00
lubot<tsimonq2> If anything, that's a wishlist bug. :P05:00
lubot<tsimonq2> Lucky. ;)05:00
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Yep. That's why it /might/ make the release notes. /shrug05:01
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Although, having to make the FFe "no/no-go" calls this past week has been nervewracking, interesting, and fun.05:01
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Rather, "go/no-go"05:02
lubot<tsimonq2> ofc :)05:02
wxl[m]Yay Ubuntu Studio returns!05:31
lubot<Erich Eickmeyer> Ubuntu Studio never left. It was just... sleeping. Someone had to poke that bear.05:33
wxl[m]Well I've seen other members of the family lurking about so I figured as such. Besides, it's a utility distro, i.e. it's borne out of need, so it was always going to keep rolling05:35
lubot<fbnbmns> @tsimonq2, How can i help?12:30
lubot<Neyder> @tsimonq2, Missed this, how can I help, too13:05
lubotIgor0572 was added by: Igor057213:54
lubot<Igor0572> А по русски можно писать?13:58
ubot93Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:59
lubot<Igor0572> Спасибо за ответ!14:01
lubot<Jyoti> Hi! I installed the Lubuntu Next from daily build on a desktop (not a Virtualbox) and got the wifi working just writing "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source"14:46
wxl[m]@jyoti that's not a bug per se15:15
lubot<Jyoti> to get the wifi to work i also removed connman15:22
wxl[m]Now that seems strange and I cannot imagine why that would be the case15:25
wxl[m]What I would urge you to do is to try to reproduce it from a fresh install. If you can do that, you can list the steps required to write a bug report. Make sure when you run `ubuntu-bug` that you have conmsn installed15:27
lubot<Jyoti> After reinstalling Connman i lost the wifi again. So, maybe the connman must be the reason for the wifi issue on Lubuntu Next15:55
wxl[m]Maybe being the operative word. Do the above and we can find out for sure15:55
lubot<Jyoti> More precisely: the connection appears as established but it is as if a firewall prevented you from browsing the net or transferring data.15:57
wxl[m]The bug command will gather logs that could help diagnose such unobvious problems. You might even get away with reinstalling it to confirm it goes away. Just plug in while you run it so it can upload the bug16:00
wxl[m]neyder: wuzzup16:00
neyderwxl[m]: just connected trough IRC16:01
wxl[m]neyder: Matrix over here.16:03
lubot<Jyoti> Sorry, I understand that I should have given the information in another way but as I have no knowledge about how to reproduce and report a bug and so I communicated here16:04
wxl[m]@jyoti I understand, but do not share your hardware so I will have trouble reproducing. So if you could, you can help us out. Try this: install conman, check network. If it fails, plug in and run `ubuntu-bug conman`. Done!16:07
lubot<Jyoti> Ok. I will do that. I installed connman and after that the wifi still apears as "established" but something is blocking the conexion. I will connect with a mobile phone and send the report as you told me16:14
lubot<Jyoti> Installing apport...16:17
lubot<Jyoti> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/tfdPdy1.jpg16:31
lubot<Jyoti> Bug #176597416:32
lubot<Jyoti> Maybe the issue as some relation to the tethering funcionality. Bye16:34
lubot<Jyoti> I installed Connman again to confirm that if the wifi start to  work again. It was confirmed, the data transfer by wifi again deblocked and I have net again . It's Connman that blocks the network.16:51
wxl[m]@tsimonq2 where is conman coming from?17:22
wxl[m]@jyoti no need for further replies on the bug. Just ignore Alf, at least17:22
wxl[m]@jyoti the good news is you gave us the info we need to fix it, so good job and thanks!17:24
lubot<Jyoti> Thanks17:58
lubot<tsimonq2> @fbnbmns @Neyder If you want to help with the manual, try polishing up what is at https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-manual19:06
lubotOtherwise, look at the spec to see what there is to write.19:06
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Alternate amd64 [Bionic Final] (20180421.1) has been added23:27
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tsimonq2Everyone please help test. :)23:38
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu Development | Support: #lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Bridges: @lubuntudevel (Telegram), #lubuntu:disroot.org (Matrix) | /!\ /!\ HELP TEST THE BIONIC BEAVER! https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004438.html /!\ /!\
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] (20180421.1) has been added23:48
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] (20180421.1) has been added23:48

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