[06:00] https://www.youtube.com/user/l0de/live IS POPPIN HOT RIGHT NOW STILL GOING!! CALL 315-505-4666. IRC.EFNET.ORG #lrh [06:00] tsimonq2 called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting () [06:00] CarlFK niko Unit193 hggdh Tm_T DalekSec el mneptok ahoneybun phunyguy mquin Pricey DJones nhandler ilbelkyr Jordan_U wxl kloeri valorie ikonia seednode popey ubottu Flannel yofel acheronuk tonyyarusso Pici Mamarok ubuntulog chu nhh tomaw [06:01] oh, fun [06:01] In ubottu, lotuspsychje said: !kylin is please update url 404, add channel tnx [16:21] pragmaticenigma called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest8282) [16:25] Is someone available to handle Guest8282, they are being disruptive and making it difficult to help others [16:26] nm i guess, they got the message