
ubot5`Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:00
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:31
ubot5`Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is an official part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin04:32
pragmaticenigmawhat are you looking for there lotuspsychje04:34
lotuspsychjeall the factoids i try to change and suggest never get fixxed04:34
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: <lotuspsychje> !kylin is please update url 404, add channel tnx04:35
lotuspsychje<ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail04:35
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Your startup bug. My issue does not seem to be related. My blame log: http://termbin.com/l4zg . super fast, no ?04:37
lotuspsychjelets check04:37
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yes thats very quick04:38
lotuspsychjenot sure why it hangs on my side..04:38
kostkonhttp://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/  search for "computer" and enjoy the background hum..04:39
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I do have something that takes a long time to start the desktop . Not taken the time yet to investigate ... 12 seconds !04:39
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: systemd-analyze critical-chain04:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Will see in the AM before I get all fired up :)04:42
lotuspsychjeokay mate04:42
pragmaticenigmaugh... I dislike... just install so-in-so's ppa help in main04:47
pragmaticenigmaand then they go silent when it doesn't work04:47
Ben64dude didn't even listen to the original request either, it doesn't solve the issue04:48
kostkonespecially that PPA which contains loads of package and can mess up your system. im pretty sure if you run apt-get update apt-get upgrade after adding that PPA it'll update half your packages04:49
Ben64yeah those are annoying04:49
kostkonthat's why i only add official ppas which contain only the project packages usually 1 or 204:50
Ben64i have a few ppas... one for youtube-dl, google chrome, and wine04:51
kostkonand now i find myself using snaps whenever i can04:51
Ben64made my own ppa but couldn't get it to build properly so it has nothing in it, but i added that one too :D04:51
pragmaticenigmaI use PPAs after really looking hard at what they provide04:52
Ben64it's really confusing :(04:52
kostkonyou'll get it eventually it's not that hard04:52
Ben64i can't figure out dependencies04:53
pragmaticenigmaright now I have the one that provides Nvidia drivers from the Graphics Driver Team at Canonical (repackaged Nvidia drivers with proper Ubuntu configurations)04:53
kostkonwell it's got one package already04:53
Ben64failed to build04:54
kostkonpragmaticenigma, that's from canonical should be safe indeed04:54
pragmaticenigmakostkon, yeah... I got frustated with the propritary bundle in the main repo... was getting wicked tearing on video playback04:57
pragmaticenigmakostkon, part of it I blame on Unity and compiz... really hate that the "eye candy" affects performance so greatly04:58
kostkonyou can set it to low-fx now if you want the've added the option04:59
pragmaticenigmakostkon, I've tried various tweaks, which end up with a finiky experience05:00
pragmaticenigmawith 18.04 around the corner I'm being optomisitc that Gnome desktop will result in a better experience05:01
kostkonlol i wouldn't count on that05:02
kostkongnome shell is even more finicky i believe05:02
pragmaticenigmaI feel it has a bigger team on it... not just canonical05:03
pragmaticenigmaIt's my opinion that Canonical should have stuck with Gnome Desktop through and through. I know it didn't work well for mobile/touch platforms. It just has more experience behind it I feel05:05
kostkonyeah that's true but if you consider the fact that they still haven't managed to fix that major memory leak bug it offers some perspective on the limits and what the gnome team can generally accomplish in the given timeframe whatever this is i don't know how often they churn out major versions05:08
kostkonunity is a good DE. and if you actually think about it they've never abandoned gnome05:09
kostkonthey never finished unity8 and unity7 is gnome based05:10
Bashing-omkostkon: Interesting article - fixed the memory leak - maybe : https://feaneron.com/2018/04/20/the-infamous-gnome-shell-memory-leak/ .05:10
lotuspsychjein 18.04 ppa adding will be even more easy i read05:10
kostkonBashing-om, good to hear and let me say.. finally05:12
Bashing-omkostkon: +10 -05:13
pragmaticenigmakostkon, they figured out the memory leak05:13
pragmaticenigmakostkon, they just don't have an elegant fix yet. They're brute forcing at the moment till05:14
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: yeah i think the gnome guys are happy ubuntu taking over alot og bugs now05:14
Bashing-omNote that Gnome gave our Will Cook a pat on the back .05:15
pragmaticenigmaMy thought is that KDE and Gnome are the two mainstays of the community. If there is ever any hope of making Linux + Gnu a chance at becoming the average users option, we need to stick to what we know and what has the largest adoption05:16
kostkonpragmaticenigma, theyre doing a lot of gc it seems im ok with it as long as it works decently05:17
pragmaticenigmakostkon, the memory leak came from them deleating the root of the tree, instead of finding the root and deleting from its branches back down to root05:17
lotuspsychjewe got all kinds of flavor lovers and new distro's comming out every day05:18
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje, yes, but nearly every new distro that has had staying power has always choosen Gnome or KDE05:18
lotuspsychjetrue or xubuntu based05:19
Bashing-omWell; this flavor lover is going to call an end to this session .. \o05:20
lotuspsychjebed lover05:21
lotuspsychjenite nite Bashing-om we take over from here now05:21
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: type sudo halt05:21
pragmaticenigmahibernate is more apropos?05:22
kostkonor use rtcwake05:25
pragmaticenigmathink it's also time for me to go to hibernate05:26
lotuspsychjesleep well pragmaticenigma05:27
Bashing-omhibernate LOL ...laters .05:27
pragmaticenigmathough I took a 5 hour nap earlier this afternoon which is really messing with my sleep desire now05:27
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: thats a good idea to feel real twilighted05:27
pragmaticenigmamm hmm05:31
lotuspsychjei rather wakeup too early then in-between-naps05:31
lotuspsychjeotherwise i feel too zombie05:32
kostkonit's lotuspsychje's turn to bail :P05:37
lotuspsychjehe troll on us :p05:38
ubot5`Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes05:38
kostkonneeds... updating05:38
lotuspsychjethey gonna have so much work at final release..05:39
kostkonin a couple of days05:39
kostkonit's gonna be a good release05:39
lotuspsychjefinally big changes :p05:39
lotuspsychjedid you see the new welcome screen kostkon ?05:40
kostkonyeah good stuff05:40
lotuspsychjegreat for the newcommers :p05:40
lotuspsychjethe livepatch...might skare a bit05:41
kostkoni hope so. livepatch a bit technical yeah they should have left it out05:42
lotuspsychjesky887: you see if you want, you can!05:42
lotuspsychjekostkon: yeah or some enable/disable in options right?05:42
sky887but the offtopic channel THATs what really boggles me05:43
kostkonlotuspsychje, yep in system settings somewhere maybe in software settings or whatever it's called nowadays05:43
lotuspsychjesky887: register, identify05:44
ubot5`For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.05:44
lotuspsychjekostkon: found systemoptions/privacy/send info to canonical05:44
sky887NickServYou are now identified for sky887.05:44
kostkonlotuspsychje, it's in there as well?05:45
sky887im using Polari, IS THAT A PROBLEM?05:45
kostkonor just the send your system info to canonical thingy?05:45
lotuspsychjekostkon: yes, aha found it livepatch is in software&sources now05:45
sky887maybe a BANNED!05:46
sky887maybe im*05:46
lotuspsychjesky887: when joining a channel you should have error in the freenode status window05:47
lotuspsychjesky887: cannot join channel because...blabla05:48
sky887i cant access the freenode status window05:48
lotuspsychjewhy's that?05:48
sky887dunno 'ow rly05:48
sky887hehe :)05:48
lotuspsychjesky887: your not trolling on us now are you?05:48
kostkonwhich channel are we talking about05:49
lotuspsychjehe wants offtopic05:49
lotuspsychjethats registered?05:49
sky887what happend?05:50
sky887i want it05:50
lotuspsychjesky887: about what?05:50
lotuspsychjesky887: how about you install hexchat and try again05:50
ducassegood morning05:51
lotuspsychjehey ducasse05:51
sky887i really dont know how to see status msgs in Polari, maybe i should use another client - which ones are you using folkz?05:51
lotuspsychjesky887: i just suggested one05:51
sky887ill do that then05:51
sky887but then i dont get the popups (or DO i?)05:52
kostkonpolari? never heard of it05:52
lotuspsychjesky887: hexchat shows a nice freenode status window yes05:52
lotuspsychjesky887: then we will see why you cant join offtopic05:53
sky887Key, Ex-Chat it is05:53
ubot5`xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.05:53
kostkonsky887, lol no. hexchat. xchat is obsolete05:53
sky887yes ofc ofc i MEANT Hexchat05:54
kostkonof course you did05:54
lotuspsychjesky887: ok now less talk and action! :p05:54
sky887see ya soon!05:55
sky887im ON it05:55
kostkonwhere are you going :S05:55
kostkonlet's hope he rejoins05:55
lotuspsychjei specially invited him in discuss :p05:55
lotuspsychjeits my new system, to avoid ramble in main...here we can take them right kostkon05:56
ducassemorning lotuspsychje, how are you today?05:59
lotuspsychjegreat here ducasse05:59
sky887MADE it!05:59
lotuspsychjesky887: we can see it!05:59
lotuspsychjeducasse: cakes & coffee today :p06:00
ducasselotuspsychje: have a fun b-day party :)06:00
lotuspsychjety ducasse06:00
lotuspsychjettyl guys06:04
lotuspsychjeand have a nice day06:04
guivercsky887, re: question in #ubuntu & 18.04 (not really a support issue, why I'm answering here) .. i suspect a few of us already use 18.04; at least on one machine..06:33
BluesKajHowdy folks10:27
ducassemorning, BluesKaj - all well today?10:34
BluesKajhey ducasse. well i have a cold, but otherwise ok10:36
BluesKajhow are you doing?10:36
ducasseooof, hope you get better soon. i'm good thanks, thinking of taking a nap :)10:37
sky887_Hi all!10:38
BluesKajthanks ducasse, it'll just have to run it's course...have a good nap...naps are good :-)10:38
BluesKajhi sky887_10:39
ducassethere's not much else to do, so thought i'd grab the opportunity10:40
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all10:43
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how are you doing? party finished?10:43
lotuspsychjeducasse: no, we cleaned up now chill till party :p10:43
lotuspsychjecakes are here from bakery :p10:44
lotuspsychjeducasse: hows your day so far?10:45
ducassecakes! \o/10:45
ducasseall quiet here, mate10:45
lotuspsychjeraspberry PI cake and ananas cake10:45
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje10:46
lotuspsychjesomething like this10:47
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj10:47
lotuspsychjedid you have welcome screen on kde on bionic?10:47
lotuspsychjejust got it after updates on desktop here10:48
BluesKajjustthe plymouth "kubuntu" logo10:48
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: how about livepatch screen?10:49
BluesKajlotuspsychje, not that I'm aware10:50
BluesKaji can reboot to have a look10:50
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: well actually makes sense, as the welcome screen is gnome related10:50
BluesKaji'll check10:50
lotuspsychjeso i presume only on ubuntu-desktop10:50
BluesKajnope mjuat the regular K fanciful logo after the login10:52
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: so found out livepatch settings are now in software&sources10:53
BluesKajwhich one /10:54
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: tab updates10:54
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: 'use canonical livepatch to...10:54
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: no, built in from canonical now10:56
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: wait lemme screenshot10:56
BluesKajI use muo -legacy for app references, the new discovery one is awful10:57
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: https://imgur.com/a/x5jCf8g10:59
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: that livepatch popup screen also asks to enable/disable send system info the canonical11:00
BluesKajno, don'[t have anything like that here11:01
BluesKajI found the livepatch in the software center , but i prefer to do my  own updates/upgrades min the konsole, kde/plasma does do auto updates with the unattended upgrades app11:06
lotuspsychjehmm activities button got more cool now11:24
lotuspsychjemouse hover show all apps open11:24
* BluesKaj uses the icons only taskbar for that11:30
BluesKajwell icons only task manager11:31
sky887_Is 18.04 released?11:32
ubot5`Not yet!11:32
lotuspsychjesky887_: but you can test/help bug the daily iso in #ubuntu+111:32
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/11:33
lotuspsychjesky887_: final release at 26 april11:37
lotuspsychjesky887_: ltsupgrade from xenial, reccomended wait till june 18.04.111:38
sky887_I won't wait :-)11:39
lotuspsychjesky887_: your the boss of your system11:41
sky887_I'm waiting til it arrives on the ubuntu site11:42
sky887_Oh I was mistaken. I do it just by the book11:42
sky887_It arrives 26th of April on Ubuntu.com am I right?11:44
lotuspsychjesky887_: during the day yes11:44
lotuspsychjenice page that11:46
lotuspsychjewe should have it on trigger..11:46
sky887_Cool :-) lookin forward to it.  I have a pending or der on a new desktop PC as well. I'll install it instead of windowd11:46
JimBuntu"Python 2 is no longer installed by default. Python 3 has been updated to 3.6. This is the last LTS release to include Python 2 in main." <-- Me no likey11:46
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ apt-cache policy python2.711:47
lotuspsychje  Geïnstalleerd: 2.7.15~rc1-111:47
JimBuntuI remember you mentioned it was installed lotuspsychje , I still don't like the release note. I'll find out for myself if it's in the live system shortly.11:48
sky887_Woo hoo it's released!!!!!11:57
sky887_*gotcha *11:57
sky887_For a sec anyhow11:57
sky887_Just being silly. Hehe12:01
lotuspsychjewe almost believe you wow12:01
sky887_Yep for a sec cuz I'm the autorithy on this matter12:02
sky887_Hm.. If i download it now. Will it be updated to its final version and beyond automatically?12:05
lotuspsychje!final | sky887_ no joke12:05
ubot5`sky887_ no joke: If you install a development version of Ubuntu bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.12:05
sky887_I might just do that12:05
sky887_Ah interesting I'll copy that12:06
sky887_I'm on it!12:08
lotuspsychjegood boy12:09
lotuspsychjeanother soul sold to ubuntu :p12:09
sky887_Ah heck yeah!12:11
sky887_I'd like to download am iso of the 18.0412:16
sky887_Where do I get it?12:17
lotuspsychjesky887_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:18
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
ducassewhat a special little snowflake17:08
ducassei'm guessing he gets to be pretty lonely17:09
oerheksi thought i gave the good direction..17:10
oerheksmaybe one needs to logout/login for a ln to get active?17:10
oerheksnever really got my hands dirty on that.17:11
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, no... what they were trying to do was pointless.. moving the files to another folder and symlinking is the same as having the config file in the original place17:12
pragmaticenigmait doesn't hide anything17:12
pragmaticenigmaoerheks, it's my guess... they are up to no good (!warez) and wanted our help in covering their tracks17:13
ducassei can think of a reason, but i'm no longer very inclined to get involved :)17:16
pragmaticenigmais curious what ducasse thinks... oh well17:17
ducasseif you have an encrypted folder in your home, you might want to keep certain things like keys or config files with passwords etc there17:19
pragmaticenigmaducasse, but symlinking there would bypass that, no?17:20
pragmaticenigmaducasse, assuming the folder is unlocked17:20
ducasseyes, while the folder is unlocked it is just as accessible, but you can easily lock it17:21
pragmaticenigmabut then the application wouldn't behave as expected since it's lost the ability to find it's config file17:22
ducassei'm not saying it's ideal, i'm considering it as a possibility17:24
pragmaticenigmayeah, I guess for the paranoid, there is a reason there is tails17:24
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:52
SlidingHornhowdy lotuspsychje17:54
lotuspsychjehey there SlidingHorn17:54
ducasse\o lotuspsychje17:55
lotuspsychjehey ducasse chill day?17:55
ducasseyup, making dinner now17:56
lotuspsychjecool bon apetit ducasse17:56
ducassethanks :) how was your party? good cake? :)17:57
lotuspsychjeyeah it was nice, and bread & sandwiches afterwards17:58
lotuspsychjesunny day again here17:58
oerheksno more warning for dirty languages :_D18:25
pragmaticenigmawha? oerheks18:27
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: cwr swearing18:28
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje, oerheks - I'm not following what you're saying/meaning18:29
oerheksbesides "I cant remember... " he used not welcome language18:29
pragmaticenigmayeah, but I don't follow how the "no more warning"18:30
lotuspsychjemight mean he got enough of the swearing users :p18:31
pragmaticenigmaI dunno... my head hurts too much to think further on it18:34
pragmaticenigmaand the conspiracy topic in main is making it hurt more18:34
lotuspsychjewhat do you mean conspiracy pragmaticenigma ?18:35
oerheksoh that steamy guy ?18:35
lotuspsychjewauw dconf-editor pretty neat on bionic18:36
lotuspsychje!info dconf-editor bionic18:37
ubot5`dconf-editor (source: dconf-editor): simple configuration storage system - graphical editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.0-1 (bionic), package size 392 kB, installed size 2122 kB18:37
SlidingHornlol oerheks - "you know what?  Fine.  Have at it."18:38
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
=== sky889 is now known as sky887
bugzbunnyHave you people get over being upset me being here?23:49
=== bugzbunny is now known as bugzie
oerheksyes, lets make you an Op23:57
bugzieMy new nick will bugzie23:59

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