
krytarikguiverc: Can you not post in monospace font this time though? :P00:01
guiverckrytarik, i don't see ability to change font - i know ~0 about wp, headings, preformatted, paragraph, bold, italics, ..  (in both text & visual mode)00:04
krytarikIf you leave the editor for a bit, I can fix it.00:04
tsimonq2I'll Fix The Thing once it's posted.00:05
tsimonq2That. :)00:05
guivercam out of editor... using gedit now :)00:06
krytarikThat's not what I meant... :P00:07
krytarikguiverc: Fixed!00:12
krytarikThou shall continue.00:12
guivercthanks - it saved it as draft - use it or start again?00:12
krytarikBtw, the trick is not to paste or in fact use at all the "visual" editor, but "text" instead.00:14
guiverci didn't see a 'font' option (i assume you changed default krytarik) - as for visual, it was how i was shown from memory - i can explore later..  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/?p=8325&preview=true  if you'd like to preview  (links are good)  - mentions uwn523 @ bottom which may be 'next post' i normally don't notice..00:19
krytarikI merely removed the '<pre>' tags that got added all over the post automatically.00:20
krytarikYes, it's cool.  I removed the 'more' tag too btw - I think we don't need it for this short one..?00:22
guivercposted - thanks krytarik   ( http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/04/22/first-set-of-bionic-sort-of-rc-images-for-18-04/ )00:23
guivercthanks tsimonq200:23
guivercdoes the <pre> mean preformatted?  (seem to recall those tags in askubuntu)00:25
krytarikOr something - but it does mean codey and monospacey.00:26
guivercthanks - that'll be easier to remember (i hope) - i prefer monospace anyway (but don't explore for fear of..)00:26
krytarikWell, it looks rather crappy on the website though if it's used for everything. :P00:27
guiverc(okay except my own systems, fixing problems b/c I blew it up when others can't see is fun!)00:27
guiverci only read the text; and only see it in liferea (or lynx) so i'd likely not notice00:28
guivercnote: i didn't click 'planet' for it   (i'm now thinking maybe I should..)  ah well00:33
krytarikWell, on the previous release it was on there anyway.00:36
Wild_Manwhy did we post that one article to the fridge instead of waiting to post the news letter? was that just as a favor?00:37
krytarikThis is not only UWN, but also Fridge.00:39
Bashing-omkrytarik: Wild_Man : Would a link on our final freeze summary suffice ?00:40
Wild_ManI thought we just post uwn to the Fridge00:41
krytarikBashing-om: Well, both are different topics - but yeah, if you wanna write about the call for testing too, then sure have a separate one for it.00:42
Wild_ManBashing-om, what do you mean, there is already a summary for final freeze?00:42
krytarikBecause the timing fits really well now too.00:42
Bashing-omWild_Man: yeah .. the summary however does not directly address the plea for final testing .00:43
Wild_ManTwo separate topics, I did not realize you were talking about the plea for testing, yes we need a separate one as krytarik said00:46
guivercthis room is Ubuntu News Team - fridge, UWN & more ... I'd definetly say include it in UWN  (mention the lists.ubuntu links, not fridge one!)00:47
krytarikguiverc: Planetize the post yet? :P00:48
krytarikAlso, I've just seen you used a 'testing' one for the Final Beta - though that was last used in 2012 till then.00:49
guivercnah - i said planet; I wish I'd clicked 'testing' - but still not sure about planet - you say yeah I assume - i'll add the testing00:49
krytarikYou can also do this by 'quick edit' btw.00:50
guiverctesting added and I'm happy.  do you think its worthy of planet?00:51
krytarikNo, I'm not sure either..00:51
guiverctruthfully i think not - i like planet only because more eyes will see it...00:52
krytarikMaybe we want to re-pick up using the 'release' category too.01:02
krytarikWild_Man: Oh!..  Wanna tweet this? :P01:08
krytarik(The other two are for UWN only.)01:09
Wild_Mankrytarik, this one http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/04/22/first-set-of-bionic-sort-of-rc-images-for-18-04/ ?01:12
Wild_ManI was thinking about that a few minutes ago01:13
krytarikWell, the ML link of course, but yeah.01:13
Wild_ManTweet from the Ubuntu Forums account?01:14
krytarikWell,.. you could do that too, of course - but I primarily meant from the @ubuntu_news one.01:15
Wild_ManYou confused me when you said "the other two are for UWN only" I am not sure what you are referring too. Yes  I will do it.01:16
krytarikFacebook and Google+01:17
krytarikAnd cool, thanks!01:17
Wild_Mankrytarik, Done, now I am going to retweet from forums account.01:26
krytarikProper wording there, dude. :)01:29
krytarikErm, now I see though, that's also tailored to the UWN..01:30
krytarikDoesn't matter though!01:30
Wild_Mankrytarik, that is not proper wording?01:31
krytarikNo, I do mean it like that. :)01:31
Wild_ManI tried my best01:32
Wild_Manit is hard with my wife watching tv in the same room, I am not good at shutting out noise01:33
krytarikYeah, I know that can be..01:33
krytarikSomebody wanna make the Final Freeze summary a little less copy-pastey still? :P01:34
krytarikWild_Man: Oh btw, I did add the social media info to the UWN template earlier today.01:47
krytarikWild_Man: Morning.  I've just added two more links to the Xfce component updates summary.. :P  These aren't exactly Xfce apps though, but I figure it's still best to bundle those - Bashing-om (who wrote the summary initially) or you, please make it fit somehow without dropping all the details already in there. :)15:43
krytarikStill wish one could subscribe to the Planet without getting all the full posts btw.15:45
Wild_Mankrytarik, bashing-om wrote it15:52
krytarikYes, like I just said..15:53
krytarikEither way, I just barely got up too and am about to head out, and couldn't come up with an immediate solution to it either - so I figured I should let you both know at least that I added those.. :)15:56
Wild_ManOkay, I am still waking up15:59
krytarikAnd just stumbled about this while checking the IRC logs of today.16:00
krytarikWild_Man: I've just updated the scripts slightly btw, including the summary one as to the newly added section mentioned earlier: https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/commit/?id=23fc11b8de6bb7d437dbacf9a9bc2f9613e7787321:18
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
Wild_Mankrytarik, thanks I will pull the script again22:53
Wild_Mankrytarik, is the new letter ready for the wiki?23:29
krytarikLemme quickly check again..23:30
Wild_ManLooks close if not ready23:31
krytarikYeah, it's cool - go ahead!23:35

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