
dpb1Hey: best to ask in #maas01:08
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Neo4what is dns server set up on ubuntu for test how it works?13:14
Neo4it seems there exists a few dns reqursive and alteretative13:14
Neo4who know what dns use my internet connection and how it works, I get connection automatically using CHDHD13:15
RoyKwell, google has and - works for me13:43
RoyKand *poof* he went13:43
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mojtabaHello, I have defined a systemd service and I have enabled it using systemd enable serviceName; but when I restart the computer it does not run again, and I have to run systemd start serviceName. Does anybody know what is going on and what should I do?16:40
RoyKmojtaba: if you pastebin the systemd config file, it might be easier to help you ;)16:44
mojtabaRoyK: sure, just a sec.16:45
mojtabaRoyK: http://paste.debian.net/1021487/16:46
Neo4guys which is webmail the best?18:26
Neo4squirrelmail is written to be old for now and better to use roundcube, it's the most popular webmeiler, isn't it?18:26
RoyKNeo4: I beleive roundcube is the preferred atm, yes18:50
RoyKNeo4: personally, I use zimbra, but that's a PITA to manage in terms of upgrades across distros etc, but then, mostly it works very well - but still - use a dedicated vm for it18:53
fishcookerafter do $ sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1200 should i restart the networking on 14.04... how to restart the network safely?18:58
fishcookeris # ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 ... safe ?18:58
Neo4RoyK: yes, its written in book 2014 yesr that roundcube better and modern than squirrelmail, Maybe now doesn't have sens set up it. Will try roundcube, Ok we can try both for experience18:59
Neo4there eixsts also hord18:59
Neo4about zimbra have never heard18:59
RoyKit's more of a groupware system than a webmail frontend19:00
_KaszpiR_fishcooker http://bryanapperson.com/blog/restarting-network-interfaces-in-ubuntu-14-04/19:01
RoyKfishcooker: better use iproute2, as in the command 'ip' - ifconfig is outdated https://baturin.org/docs/iproute2/#Change%20link%20MTU19:02
RoyKfishcooker: doubt you'll even need to restart the network19:03
_KaszpiR_you forget it's ubuntu ;)19:03
RoyKfishcooker: out of interest, why mtu 1200? it's rather on the low side19:04
RoyK_KaszpiR_: no, I didn't ;)19:04
_KaszpiR_I'm too used to 'nuke and create new server' with ubuntu19:05
RoyK_KaszpiR_: are you a windows sysadmin? ;)19:05
_KaszpiR_not really19:05
RoyKwell, I've only used linux since 1994 or so, but I rarely nuke a server instead of fixing issues19:06
_KaszpiR_I'd say most windows sysadmins are more towards 'pets' in  'cattle vs pets' principle19:07
_KaszpiR_I'd say it depends on the cluster scale19:07
RoyKit does19:08
_KaszpiR_with 2 servers it's sometimes not worth to kill a cow ;)19:09
RoyKwell, we have some 300 servers at work, 60% linux, 39% windows (or thereabouts)19:10
_KaszpiR_let's say add two zeros in my case19:11
* RoyK just works for a smallish university19:11
_KaszpiR_thankfully no windows, which makes life much easier19:11
_KaszpiR_but whatever server number, the number of server roles counts more19:12
RoyKbut with that amount of servers, do you use ubuntu?19:12
_KaszpiR_because you can have like 300 servers with 100 roles, while I can have 30000 servers with 4 roles ;)19:12
_KaszpiR_do I use ubuntu? depends on the role ;D19:13
RoyKmost of our machines are quite dedicated19:13
RoyKthe old thought about one server to rule them all is somehow outdated19:13
_KaszpiR_not realy19:14
_KaszpiR_*not really19:14
_KaszpiR_having a cerntral server to manage other helps19:14
_KaszpiR_but it's more toward a service and keeping it HA accoring to SLO/SLA19:15
RoyKsure, but keep that pretty safe, and don't let it run too much stuff19:15
RoyK7-factor authentication and so on :D19:15
_KaszpiR_uh not what I ment by 'exackly' :D19:16
Neo4RoyK: you have 300 comps server in one university?19:21
Neo4one server is one computer?19:21
RoyKnot physical servers - most of them are virtual - we're at 90% virtualisation or thereabout19:22
Neo4_KaszpiR_: and you said there 30000 and it's as well virtual servers?19:22
_KaszpiR_bare metal and vm19:23
_KaszpiR_most vm19:23
Neo4RoyK: ok, I though you said small university and so many computers, it looks like one server one computer...19:23
Neo4_KaszpiR_: understood19:23
_KaszpiR_like 95% or more19:23
_KaszpiR_some bare metals are pets, oh so furry pets ;)19:24
_KaszpiR_some metals are cattle19:24
_KaszpiR_but we have also some pet vms19:24
RoyKgenerally, physical servers are good for three things, virtualisation, storage and for very specific things that need to be independant of everything else, but then, well, you can setup a small virtualisation cluster for them as well19:24
_KaszpiR_it's just unaviodable or making proper ha/ft or cluster setups is overkill19:24
_KaszpiR_now bare metals are very simple hosts just for virtualization or storage layer19:25
Neo4RoyK: one server equal one IP? if servers is placed on one physical coputer they are all will have equal IP?19:26
Neo4I'm interesting how digitalocean works, there each VPS has unique IP19:27
RoyKNeo4: no, each server has its own address, like always19:27
RoyKwe're moving more servers to plain IPv6 atm, because we don't want to use NAT unless we have to, and there aren't enough IPv4 addresses left19:27
Neo4ok, anyway I don't understand what difference between ipv4 ipv6 and what is NAT, doesn't matter19:29
RoyKthe anti-NAT thing is mostly about logging, since we do it on the edge19:29
Neo4If virtual servers place on the same coputers, coputer has one IP and it should be all server have the same one IP?19:29
Neo4it should be so19:29
RoyKNeo4: google ipv6 - you'll need to learn it some day ;)19:29
RoyKNeo4: in linux/kvm or something similar, you just setup a bridge and attach it to a nic and then add virtual interfaces connected to that bridge19:30
Neo4ok, in one day will learn :)19:30
RoyKin vmware, you have a virtual switch and just assign a nic or two to a vm and give them whatever VLAN tag they would need19:31
Neo4RoyK: see it means that physical computer should be include many others IP ( something like many other wires)19:31
RoyKsame applies to anything else - depending on how big your system is19:31
RoyKerm - wires are connectors, below layer 1 in the osi protocol, IP is on layer 3 - you can have a ton of IP addresses over a wire, and you mostly have19:32
RoyKhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LANW3m7UgWs, perhaps19:34
RoyKjust learn it19:34
Neo4RoyK: I added to bookmarks19:35
Neo4will watch later19:35
Neo4RoyK: do you know what is DNS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72snZctFFtA19:35
Neo4it's nice explanation19:36
RoyKI know DNS, yes ;)19:36
Neo4RoyK: I badly even after vide, how many total number of IP? ? it means mre that this number can't be19:37
Neo4other words it's 25525525525519:37
Neo4each country has her own ip range...19:38
RoyKno, please spend some hours on youtube or something19:38
Neo4ok :)19:38
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themoonisshiningis 14.04 trusty the latest version of ubuntu server22:23
Seveas_themoonisshining: no, 17.10 is. And 16.04 is the latest LTS version. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be released in 3 days time22:29
compdocthere any difference between Ubuntu desktp and Ubuntu Server, except the gui? is anyhing tuned differently?23:44
RoyKcompdoc: the gui23:52
compdocyeah, seems everything is the same with the kernel23:53

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