[07:37] morning boys and girls. [08:20] o/ [08:26] o/ [09:43] hey peepz [09:45] hi knightwise [09:46] just installed 18.04 on my old imac [09:46] very impressed so far [09:49] :) [09:56] also installing it on my xps13 , cant use the windows version on my xps because of the GDPR [09:58] i havent tried it yet, might roll a live usb before i upgrade, to test things out. [09:58] i usually wait a week or two after the release in case there are any whoopsies [09:59] yes, hence my precaution of testing prior also. [10:00] its pretty clean . Its amazing how fast gnome/unity is right now [10:00] even on a dual core imac with 4 gigs of ram and a 128ssd [10:01] still no bluetooth love though. i think it has something to do with the firmware of the bluetooth chip of my xps [10:01] so no bluetooth mouse :( [10:02] :( [10:02] i had problems like that with the wifi on my ibm thinkpad. [10:02] which is a shame if you have a 1200 euro top of the line laptop and need to plug in an IR receiver for your mouse [10:02] i'm not fan of bt mice or keyboards. you think about a problem, you come up with a solution. you start typing and have to wait 5 seconds for bt to unsuspend... :-/ [10:03] Hmm.. dont have that problem very often [10:04] i've seen it on every bt keyboard so far and i've seen a fair few. haven't tried apple keyboard mind and they may have added a few shortcuts to make it more elegant [10:05] does anyone else have BT issues with their XPS ? [10:05] is anyone awake with an xps you mean :-) [10:48] zmoylan-pi: correct :) === flying_s_ is now known as flying_sausages