
OvenWerks(or somehwere)00:01
krytarikhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004438.html - btw, and images are ready for us now too.00:18
captain-tuxJust got the e-mail as well. I'll try to run some tests tomorrow or early next week.00:37
krytarikI hope ErichEickmeyer or Roos will be mailing a call for testing later.00:38
krytarikOr indeed, Ross. :P00:38
ErichEickmeyerI’m at work right now, so I’ll send out the call for testing as soon as I can. Probably another 60-90 minutes.01:00
krytarikYou know, the notion that shipping stuff by default isn't so important anymore nowadays because there has been a shift in what installation media is being used...03:59
OvenWerksthere is not much difference in price between a 2g and 16g any more.04:00
OvenWerksThere is a difference in length of download though04:01
krytarikI mean the conclusion was that because CDs/DVDs aren't often used anymore, we don't have to ship as many apps.04:03
OvenWerkspeople still run live usb sticks.04:04
krytarikPeople use USB stick however, which can hold even more data.04:04
OvenWerksbeing able to make a custom stick would be nice.04:05
OvenWerksonly include the sw one likes04:05
krytarikI mean I agree with the idea to slim down the installation image a little - but that reasoning is totally off.04:07
OvenWerksYes, we crossed the cd/dvd bridge long ago.04:11
krytarikWell, it still fits on a DVD - but as was said, not all computers have optical drives anymore.04:13
ErichEickmeyerPerhaps I wrote that part wrong in the notes, but there's no reason not to slim-down the ISO image. I may not have crystallized those thoughts correctly.04:19
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I don't think we were commenting on your exact words, just talking the merits of size in general.04:21
ErichEickmeyerAh, okay.04:22
krytarikYes, you didn't reflect that incorrectly.04:24
eylulI would argue that download amount is still a thing, while internet is faster true, people do have limited amount of space to do so. as for usb, if you are regularly going to use a live usb, persistent systems are better anyway at least in our use case14:01
eylulI would also ask if there is a livecd/usb use case for ubuntustudio in particular (and this is not a rhetorical question I am genuinely not certain one way or another)14:01
eylulas production usually requires a) a semi persistent setup b) quite a bit of specific hardware (so not portable to say an internet cafe environment)14:02
eylulI think this is something we do need to think about in a larger scale krytarik , ovenwerks, ericheickmeyer what exactly our use cases are, once the project is back on track. :)14:03
krytarikeylul: Yeah, I certainly don't see people running about with Live USB media with Studio on it either - but the test before install use case is still there anyway, of course.16:09
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
OvenWerkseylul: the big live USB drive use is preliminary mixdown on the train or perhaps some tracking. Also showing a client a partially done project on their window computer. This is not a big thing at all, a quick export would do fine for the second and just the program for the first as latency is not an issue.16:41
OvenWerksThose are just the two use cases I have heard of more than once.16:41
OvenWerks(from people who actually do these things :)16:42
OvenWerksbeing able to build a custom live disk for these purposes makes more sense.... and there is always AVL16:45

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