
Unit193albinard: Heya!  Finally popping on when I'm active!02:03
albinardjoining in02:03
albinardHey, I'm old - need my sleep:)02:04
albinardI like your latest Core ISO - really smooth, takes everything I've thrown at it02:05
Unit193I can't remember if I've asked before, but do you happen to have EFI hardware?02:07
Unit193And one would hope, it's getting close to release time!02:07
albinardYes, but I've always used the BIOS alternative02:07
albinardSeems to work with limited tech smarts02:08
Unit193Yeah, BIOS is a bit easier to set up.02:10
Unit193For EFI/secure boot tests, I've either had to use qemu or rely on other people to test as I just have the older BIOS stuff.02:11
albinardGood to hear - I thought I was the only one left!02:12
albinardI'd try to help you out, but the learning curve would be a bit too steep 02:17
albinardfor a timely answer.02:17
Unit193Yeah that's all fine, thanks though.02:20
albinardIsn't the installer part the same as for other *buntus02:23
albinardexcept for the branding or lack of it?02:23
Unit193Yeah it uses ubiquity, same as everything else.  Just doesn't include the slideshow.02:24
albinardThen wouldn't an EFI test of any *buntu serve, since02:25
albinardonce it's partitioned, it should be all set to go?02:26
Unit193Ubiquity would just be the installer, casper and other aspects would be more what we're looking at for EFI.02:26
albinardOops - I guess I never look further into things todistinguish the components that thoroughly.02:28
albinardGuess I haven't much helpful to add, so I'll say goodnight and thanks for great ISOs!02:32
FurretUberHi, I`m testing the Live System of Xubuntu http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds/170812/testcases/1303/results and it failed. Ubiquity never opens and the system is entirely in English. Was this reported already?04:16
FurretUberThe grub options when booting in UEFI mode don`t allow the user to choose the language04:18
FurretUberInstead of two menu entries, one to try and another to install, there should be only one to start Xubuntu, and that entry must use maybe-ubiquity instead of only-ubiquity04:19
FurretUberThen the user would be able to choose the language04:19
flocculantknome pleia2 - can we have some testing love on twitter/g please :)06:58
flocculantanyone got efi enabled machine to test bug 176604707:33
ubottubug 1766047 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Impossible to choose a language when booting in UEFI, as Ubiquity never opens due to problematic grub config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176604707:33
knomeflocculant, tweeted07:39
knomeflocculant, https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/98795898130071552007:39
flocculantknome: thanks :)07:39
knomeclearly twitter shouldn't have extended the allowed character count... now you just start writing these long poems :P07:41
flocculantha ha ha 07:42
flocculantyou politely said what I was a bit blunter about on facebook07:42
knomedunno about that world, i tend to be able to avoid that domain for the most part :P07:42
flocculantwell I kind of do it to keep in contact with a few people - and pleia2 didn't like doing it, so I was friendly to her :p07:43
knomeyeah, it's mostly good to split things anyway07:43
flocculant"Thanks for any likes and shares - but what we really need so that we can actually release in a few days is for people to actually follow through and test. "07:43
knomeanyway... bbabl/bbl07:43
knomehave a fun sunday07:44
flocculantyea - you too07:49
flocculantbluesabre: mailed lists for rc/final and did facebook, knome did twitting 10:21
bluesabreflocculant: nice10:22
bluesabreI'm working on catching up on a month's worth of release announcements for my apps10:22
flocculantdon't think there's much nastiness hiding in installs now10:25
flocculantsome oddities installing from uefi apparently - but no hardware I can look on there10:26
flocculant!team | you will hopefully have seen leigh and willem around over the last few weeks - both new testers, they had more problems trying to deal with our tester info than anything else. To that end I asked them both to look -they are. Once the dust has settled post-release there will be stuff for you all to look at10:28
ubottuyou will hopefully have seen leigh and willem around over the last few weeks - both new testers, they had more problems trying to deal with our tester info than anything else. To that end I asked them both to look -they are. Once the dust has settled post-release there will be stuff for you all to look at: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19310:28
bluesabrevery nice10:29
flocculantindeed - they've both put in a lot of time for it :)10:29
ochosibluesabre: nice work on the release posts!12:09
bluesabreochosi: thanks! going to try to be better going forward with release announcements happening at the same time as releases :)12:13
ochosibtw, a cli interface for mugshot would be nice12:14
ochosiso you can automate setting up stuff12:14
ochosi(would come in handy @work)12:14
bluesabreochosi: that would basically be the thing that powers mugshot, chfn12:14
ochosiright, but does chfn have a nice cli?12:14
ochosioh, it's actually not that bad 12:15
bluesabreapparently it's different between fedora and ubuntu for some reason, but yeah, pretty usable12:15
ochosithe avatarr is missing12:15
bluesabremight be something to add in the future12:15
ochosiis that more than saving the pic as .face?12:15
bluesabreThat's basically it, but it might do something with accountsservice as well12:15
bluesabreand syncing pidgin to .face12:16
ochosidoes lightdm still use .face?12:16
ochosior some accountsservice stuff now12:16
ochosi(haven't dealt with it for so long...)12:16
bluesabreI think so... not sure atm :D12:16
ochosialrighty, nvm12:16
bluesabrehaven't really touched the codebase in quite some time :)12:16
ochosias long as mugshot works all is good ;)12:17
flocculanthi ochosi 12:19
ochosihey flocculant 12:20
ochosiand thanks for chipping in on the release ml12:21
flocculantochosi: no worries - something I have opinions on ;)12:21
FurretUberflocculant: qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1536 -cdrom xubuntu-bionic-desktop-amd64-2018-04-21.iso  -bios /usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd -enable-kvm -cpu host14:27
FurretUberOf course there should be qemu-system-x86, qemu-kvm and ovmf installed14:28
FurretUberThe issue is the grub configuration, so that affects all flavors of Ubuntu 14:30
flocculantmust be ovmf I was missing - always got errors trying to uefi with kvm14:31
flocculantFurretUber: the bug has been pinged to people in -release btw14:32
flocculantapparently not, still get errors trying to uefi with the virt manager setup14:34
FurretUbervirt-manager? Video QXL? Another bug14:35
flocculantnot sure 14:36
flocculantFurretUber: tbh I'm not that bothered - have a hard enough time getting people to do testing on actual Xubuntu bits14:37
flocculantbooting the iso is canonical problem 14:37
FurretUberThe Xfce4 part is mostly OK. I would tell xfce4-volumed should handle better if pulseaudio daemon is restarted, but now the pulseaudio plugin is being used by default. From the components I use I reported what I've noticed (the screenshooter, taskmanager)14:41
flocculantFurretUber: I know - I see bugs, you in here, you in #u+1 :)14:42
FurretUberI have not reported a lot of things related to Xfce4 because simply there are very few problems I noticed. Many are not related to Xfce4, so I end talking a lot in #ubuntu+114:43
pleia2flocculant: g+ done14:43
flocculantFurretUber: ack - I always read though - have pings for xubuntu and xfce in some channels14:44
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)14:44
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2.1.7 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2-1-7-released-tp50937.html (by Graeme Gott)16:45
Unit193- Fix memory leak when recreating window.16:45
Unit193That'd seem a bit important...16:47
flocculantperhaps :)17:21
flocculantthen again 17:23
flocculant- Fix crash when last search action is deleted. probably does as well17:24
FurretUberHi, what may be the cause of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boinc/+bug/1765768 ?17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765768 in boinc (Ubuntu) "boinc-manager notification icon is problematic" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:42
flocculantochosi did say something a while ago about small icons in the new notifier 17:49
flocculantother than that - no idea17:49
FurretUberIt's strange this happens only on boinc, Discord and xfce4-power-manager are fine17:50
flocculantand it's a bit late in the day for things like that - if you get installer crashes or something else critical I'll be a bit more positive about it17:50
flocculantFurretUber: I see similar with transmission17:50
FurretUberTransmission icon is fine here, strange17:59
ochosiflocculant: small icons where?18:18
flocculantochosi: on the new notifier plugin 18:20
flocculantnot really sure what the end of that discussion was - nine tls was involved perhaps18:20
ochosibut in what context? in the bubbles?18:20
ochosior in the menu?18:21
flocculantochosi: oh sorry - sn plugin - not notifications18:21
ochosicant remember saying anything about that, but who knows - its been a long cycle :)18:21
flocculantforgot your relationship with the other notify thing :D18:21
flocculantanyway - this close ot Thursday *I* really aren't worried about an odd icon - an exploding install - yep I'll worry ;)18:22
flocculants/aren't worried/can't worry is probably a better way to say that 18:23
Unit193But a memleak...18:24
flocculantI did say perhaps :p18:25
Unit193But meh, I don't use whisker, soo.18:25
flocculantand there's another nasyish fix in the previous release of whisker 18:25
flocculantochosi: sn plugin is on the far right of the panel http://i.imgur.com/UMMfT0m.png18:26
ochosiflocculant: does it only happen with transmission or with other icons too? also, what do the settings of sn-plugin say?20:21
flocculantochosi: network manager is the same - doesn't matter what different settings I use there20:24
flocculantochosi: oh ... I see there's an icon sie tool then :p20:34
ochosiflocculant: does that make a difference then?20:42
flocculantunless I make it too big for panel - then it gets cut20:43
ochosiso we need different default settings..?20:43
ochosior does it look ok ootb in the default session20:43
flocculantjust checked the iso actually - looks ok there20:43
flocculantshame it doesn't take icon size from panel size - it is what it is - and I'll not complain cos I can't fix it myself :)20:44
ochosiit's strange that it doesnt20:45
ochosii thought it does20:46
ochosimaybe something to ask ninetls about20:46
flocculantpretty sure I'd not set it to 13px locally - or I'd know why it was so small :D20:46
ochosianyway, in the gtk3 panel there is an api call for querying the icon size in the panel20:46
ochosiso all plugins should behave/scale the same20:46
flocculantok - that sounds good 20:47
flocculantas you know - flocculant wants all the gtk3 stuff in the iso as soon as practical :D20:47
ochosiyup, it should be fine for 18.1020:47
flocculantlooking forward to that 20:47
Unit193Have fun with that.. ;P20:49
ochosiwe will :)20:50
knomere: flavor-specific cdimage stylesheets, let's start iterating from here: https://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/cdimage/cdimage_xubuntu.png20:59
knomeping flocculant, ochosi ^20:59
knomethis is without any changes to the markup...20:59
ochosilooks quite nice already21:02
knomethis is throwing our generic stuff at it21:07
ochosido we want to highlight any of the lines?21:10
ochosilike the zsync or the ISO lines21:10
knomethat's a regular apache file listing21:10
ochosiin that case no :)21:10
knomeprobably not, no21:10
knomei mean, it would be impossible without tweaks to the code21:11
knomesince everything else except the .html files are of unknown type21:11
ochosiother than this i have no complaints21:13
ochosilooks good!21:13
knomegoing to put our logo somewhere21:13
knomeand look at the possibility to have a link back to our website21:13
knomethat likely needs changes in the code21:13
knomebut it's doable since lubuntu is doing it already21:14
knomeand i think that's an important enough thing to introduce some delta21:14
ochosioh, i thought the page was going to get our website header too21:15
knomewell... nope21:15
knomenot without hacking21:15
knomeand no, it's not going to be the live header21:16
ochosinvm then21:17
ochosijust do a reduced header with only a link back to our website21:17
knomeprobably something like the docs21:17
ali1234ochosi, bluesabre: can we talk about panel-switch please?21:56
ali1234i sent some more patches a couple of days ago21:57
ochosiright, sry, was out helping friends move21:58
ochosianything dramatic that needs immediate attention?21:58
knomeochosi, with logo: https://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/cdimage/cdimage_xubuntu_logo.png21:58
ali1234maybe, i'm not sure21:58
ali1234that's what i want to talk about :)21:58
ochosiknome: noice!21:59
knomethe code bit we need to change is to make the header image link to xubuntu.org instead of ubuntu.com21:59
knomeand we can fix the favicon at the same time...21:59
ali1234basically i found two bugs in panel-switch, and possibly a third that i haven't fixed22:03
ali1234one bug causes it to crash, the other can cause it to corrupt your config, and the third one might cause it to miss changes you made22:03
ochosithat all sounds sucky22:12
knomeUnit193, hullo? [:22:12
ochosiali1234: not sure we can still upload in time, you gotta get to bluesabre with those patches. to the worst we can do an SRU22:12
Unit193Eh?  I didn't do anything?22:12
knomenot yet..22:12
knomehow does one create a new git repo in launchpad? just push to git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/.. ?22:13
Unit193Push to create, correct.22:13
knomeanything else i should be aware of?22:14
knomeprojects can take git and bzr repositories at the same time?22:14
Unit193Just make sure to push correctly.22:14
knomemeaning what?22:15
krytarik..Plz to gitify the docs too!22:16
Unit193knome: https://git.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs22:18
knomefor things that are "completely in our control", i'd go all git or all bzr, so if you want things to happen (and think i'm the right person to listen for advice), then start working on a proposal to move completely to git22:20

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