
veeberswallyworld: migrating a model to a controller of a newer version is supported right?00:49
veebersthumper: can you share the 2.3.6 upgrade bug link please?00:50
wallyworldveebers: yep00:51
anastasiamacveebers: 2.3.6 upgrade bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/176572200:52
mupBug #1765722: upgrade to 2.3.6 failed: the dotted field is not valid for storage <docteam> <openstack> <sts> <juju:In Progress by jameinel> <juju 2.3:In Progress by jameinel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765722>00:52
veeberswallyworld: ok, we might have a bug then :-\ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pmt4cfYd64/00:52
veebersawesome, cheers an00:52
veebersanastasiamac ^ :-)00:52
anastasiamachaha, yes let's NOT abbreviate!! :D00:52
wallyworldveebers: oh, i forgot, we don't yet support migrating models with offers00:52
veeberswallyworld: ah, hah ok. No bug then, just unsupported :-|00:53
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
wallyworldveebers: yeah, cause if you migrate a model with offers, things connected to them will break00:53
veeberswallyworld: ack, makes sense. Have I misunderstood the macaroon testing plan from Friday, or does this throw a spanner in the works?00:54
wallyworldveebers: no, i just forgot about the migration limitation00:55
veeberswallyworld: ack, I'll shelve for now and get this initial tomb PR up.00:56
veebershuh, this is concerning: juju destroy-controller mbakev2-offer . . . Continue? (y/N):ERROR controller destruction aborted: read /dev/stdin: resource temporarily unavailable00:58
vino_wallyworld: have a min01:09
wallyworldvino_: yeah, just finishing testing, it fails with this error01:09
wallyworld2018-04-23 01:08:31 ERROR juju.service.systemd service.go:134 failed to read conf from systemd for application "juju-db": get conf failed (cat /lib/systemd/juju-init/juju-db/juju-db.service): error executing "/bin/systemctl": cat: /lib/systemd/juju-init/juju-db/juju-db.service: No such file or directory;01:09
wallyworld2018-04-23 01:08:31 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:551 "state" manifold worker returned unexpected error: failed to read conf from systemd for application "juju-db": get conf failed (cat /lib/systemd/juju-init/juju-db/juju-db.service): error executing "/bin/systemctl": cat: /lib/systemd/juju-init/juju-db/juju-db.service: No such file or directory;01:09
wallyworldlet's jump into standup ho01:09
vino_yes please.01:09
kelvinliuwallyworld, I think i found something different. Do u have a few minutes on hangout?01:12
thumperwallyworld: can you file a bug about migrating models with cmr?01:13
wallyworldkelvinliu: give me a few minutes, talking to vinu01:13
wallyworldthumper: ok. it's something we need to figure out how to handle, won't be trivial01:13
* thumper needs food badly01:14
kelvinliuwallyworld, all good, let me know when u r free thx01:14
veebersbabbageclunk: I'm seeing 'go vet' 'lock copy' errors on develop. It doesn't seem like the file has changed recently. You re-enabled that check and fixed the issues thought right?01:43
babbageclunkveebers: yup yup01:44
babbageclunkHang on, looking01:44
veebersbabbageclunk: am I going crazy? :-P  Seeing the issue in mongo/mongometrics/mgostatsmetrics.go01:44
babbageclunkhmm, I'm getting gofmt probs before the go vet.01:45
veebersbabbageclunk: gofmt probs are recent, they are in progress to revert :-)01:46
veebersI've since fixed the check and merge jobs so they actually fail on go fmt/vet errors01:46
babbageclunkveebers: running verify.bash doesn't fail once I comment the gofmt check out. It passes the go vet check. Maybe that code isn't actually being checked - is the package used?01:49
babbageclunkIf I run `go tool vet -all .` in mongo/mongometrics I don't get any errors.01:51
veebersI wonder if I'm doing something odd01:52
veebersbabbageclunk: cheers I'll double check I'm not doing something screwy on my end.01:52
babbageclunkpaste the error you're seeing maybe?01:53
veebersbabbageclunk: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/63SRG6JCH9/01:54
babbageclunkveebers: have you updated mgo?01:57
babbageclunkveebers: in my code, line 38 is copying a struct that only has int fields, but I can see that the package it's in has a global mutex. If the mutex has been moved into the struct that would do it.01:58
thumperit's always the case where you think you have a nice simple bug, then it all goes to pot01:59
anastasiamacthumper: the bug u picked did not look simple...01:59
thumperi thought it might have been01:59
anastasiamacanastasiamac's definition of simple bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/176568802:00
mupBug #1765688: create-storage-pool unnecessarily requires key=value pairs <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1765688>02:00
veebersbabbageclunk: what rev of gopkg.in/mgo.v2 do you currently have?02:00
anastasiamachahaha, awesome comment :)02:00
babbageclunkveebers: ^02:01
veebersbabbageclunk: huh, yeah samsies, is yours patched via our make add-patches?02:01
babbageclunkno, it won't be - I generally don't run make release02:02
babbageclunkOh, this is in the build?02:02
veebersbabbageclunk: I just reverted mine (as I had add-patched it), but still failure. I'm confused. I need to look harder I think02:02
babbageclunkThat would explain it02:02
babbageclunkYeah, it's the stats race patch02:03
wallyworldkelvinliu: free now for a chat if you need02:06
* thumper quitely extracts himself from this bug02:06
babbageclunkveebers: that means the vet error is highlighting a real problem.02:06
veebersbabbageclunk: sigh, yeah passes for me on a second run.02:06
veebersbabbageclunk: right, introduced by the patch02:07
babbageclunkveebers: I don't think it's too hard to fix - the code needs to pass around *Statses rather than Statses.02:13
babbageclunkveebers: (and the patch needs to make GetStats return *Stats too)02:14
veebersbabbageclunk: ack, I'll take a go at it shortly. Just trying to determine now why the merge/check jobs failed to pick itup02:15
veebersbabbageclunk: I'm a little confused now :-\ I cleared out those dirs (mgo.v2 etc.) did godeps, applied patches and verify no longer complains. The issue is still there though right? passing around mgo.Stats02:30
babbageclunkveebers: yeah that's weird - if you apply that one patch, you should be able to see the lock in the Stats struct02:31
wallyworldthumper: got a minute to join a team standup hangout?02:52
thumperwallyworld: ack02:52
thumperveebers: can you pull 2.3.6 out of streams?02:58
veebersthumper: technically yes? I'm sure it's possible I'm not sure how to do it off the top of my head, would have to have a look02:59
thumperveebers: please look02:59
veebersthumper: ack, will do02:59
babbageclunkthumper: have a moment?03:03
thumperbabbageclunk: kinda03:03
thumperbabbageclunk: 1:1?03:04
babbageclunkthumper: sure thanks03:04
thumperanyone? https://github.com/juju/bundlechanges/pull/3505:01
babbageclunkthumper: oh go on then05:02
thumperbabbageclunk: are you still looking at it?05:10
babbageclunkthumper: yeah, sorry - also having a discussion on irc.05:10
babbageclunkSorry done now05:12
veebersbabbageclunk: (having circled back) so odd, *now* I see the govet issues when I run verify script. Any way, would one edit the current patch? maybe spin a new one using the existing as a basis?05:45
babbageclunkveebers: Not sure - I think editing the existing one is better (less confusing to debug later).05:46
babbageclunkveebers: it's a bit iffy though - this changes the public interface of the package. But the previous change *kind of* already did that by adding a mutex to something that's returned by value.05:47
veebersbabbageclunk: ack, I'll attack that tomorrow. For now I'll try run the tests I was hoping to run this morning so I can proposed a PR ^_^05:48
veebersthanks for your help earlier, was scratching my head a bit05:48
babbageclunkno worries - that's pretty mysterious.05:48
babbageclunkHey, we should probably migrate to the fork of mgo! ;)05:49
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
vino_hey WallyWorld : i have few questions07:16
vino_wallyworld : for the first PR i can verify by myself juju-updateseries.07:47
vino_Just keeping u posted.07:47
vino_i need help only for the second PR.07:47
* vino_ away for tea08:13
* vino_ back08:26
wallyworldvino_: hey08:36
vino_i tried reaching u08:37
wallyworlddid you have a PR you wanted me to look at?08:37
vino_now i am in middle of something...08:37
vino_i am abt to.08:37
wallyworldsure, np08:37
vino_but just one question.08:37
vino_i cudnt move the agentinfo.c from service to agent folder due to circular package issue..08:37
vino_more code added and service needs that file and agent needs service.08:38
vino_so i am moving it to core/agents08:38
vino_is that fine for u08:38
wallyworldah right, sure, that happens sometimes. i think it may be ok, will be able to take a closer look when i see the PR08:38
vino_and the question i have is.08:39
vino_inside agents folder..08:39
vino_i do notice tools dir..08:39
vino_which i feel can be moved to core/agents/tools08:39
vino_which is more generic.08:39
vino_i want to do it and send it the PR.08:39
wallyworldlet me take a quick look08:40
vino_can u take a look at that folder and let me know ur opinion.08:40
wallyworldvino_: the packages have slightly different focus. let's leave for now. we can discuss more tomorrow08:42
vino_oh ok.08:42
vino_i was doing few chnages08:42
vino_i will revert.08:42
vino_so yes.08:42
vino_we can look at it tomorrow.08:43
vino_i will send it for review.08:43
wallyworldthe PR will be simpler with just the upgrade bits08:43
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
veeberswallyworld: re: cmr and migrating, I cannot destroy my controller now (after the failed attempt to migrated a shared model), error is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4PjdrN4BDJ/23:36

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