[00:00] What do you mean make me an Op? [00:02] So far the OPs, have done their duty as being neutral, I am going to evade chu +q and join #ubuntu [00:03] impossible, but good luck [00:06] chu +q my ipv6 [00:06] You mean I don't a new ipv6? [00:06] or ipv4? [00:13] good(early) morning guys [00:17] wow, you are up early lotuspsychje - what gives? [00:17] SlidingHorn: coke to restore my stomac [00:18] too much food [00:20] Billionairs do have problems too [00:20] lol [00:21] I didn't know lotuspsychje was rich... :P [00:21] SlidingHorn: whats your bank number mate :p [00:22] Hell, I'll give it...nothing in there for anyone to steal anyway :P [00:22] * lotuspsychje transfer 0$ to [00:22] sudo make money [00:23] dont forget to click the .exe backdoor so i can steal it back from ya [00:23] I am a Dutch frog, kiss me [00:24] depends what you will become [02:16] morning guiverc [02:17] morning lotuspsychje - you've been busy I see here, let alone real life :) [02:18] hehe === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [04:30] Wandering off to bed ..g nite all \o [04:54] https://www.deviantart.com/art/Unity-the-one-that-works-741497784 [04:54] lol [06:40] good morning [06:43] morning ducasse [06:43] hi EriC^^ - how's it going? [06:44] good thanks, you? [06:44] too early to say, but i think fine, thanks :) [06:45] :) [07:12] ^__^ [07:12] \o jink [07:14] o/ [10:24] Hi folks [10:25] Hi Kaj. [10:26] Hi jink [12:07] hey pauljw :) [12:10] hi EriC^^ :) [12:11] Hey pauljw, EriC^^ [12:13] hi BluesKaj [12:14] what's new pauljw ? [12:17] nothing new here, BluesKaj, watching the grass grow as it rains... :) [12:17] finally have some spring-like weather here [12:17] ahh rain , that would be good for a day or so :-) [12:18] great, I think it's finally here now too. [12:19] yeah, we needed some rain. get the pollen out of the air. [12:31] spring is almost 3 weeks late here according to the Environment Canada meteorologists [12:31] :) [12:31] a week ago it looked like the middle of Feb [12:33] it's been a weather roller coaster here for most of the past couple of months [12:33] global warming eh?...well not here :-) [12:34] but it's a beautiful morning , so i shouldn't complain too much [12:51] hey BluesKaj [12:51] glowbull warming, hardly, that myth is out the window... [13:07] ok, big dkms and nvidia driver upgrade .. gotta reboot [13:09] whew... [13:10] 3 days to official release so Bionic has to be close to stable by now :-) [13:11] eh, or there will be a .1 in a week :p [13:19] BluesKaj, the code should have been frozen last Thursday, per the schedule [13:20] JimBuntu, just had a dkms upgrade, obviously non default due to the nvidia proprietary driver [13:21] BluesKaj, there could be a delay between freeze and update release... the kernel was frozen on the 12th, or so says the schedule. [13:23] well, I'm also looking at a new soundcard, I'm not happy with looping the audio thru my TV to the receiver using the hdmi. [13:26] my older audio receiver doesn't have hdmi inputs unfortunately, but it does have coax and toslink inputs for SPDIF off the pc [13:29] oddly enough this MSI mobo doesn't have SPDIF , only HDMI and Display Port digital audio and the regular analog audio panel [13:32] I suspect spdif may be losing favor in the consumer market [13:40] looking at this card ...it's an older proven design and appears to be quite linux freindly from what I've read about it , practically plugnplay https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Sound-Cards/Xonar_DSX/ === sky887 is now known as sky887^ [13:44] I'm an old audio guy/hobbyist..just gotta have decent sound , even with these old ears :-) [13:46] Ah, ok, more power to you. If it's something you enjoy, then have at it :-) [13:50] I just recently found an old external sound card from Steinberg lying dusting in a cardboard box. It's working perfectly! Good sound is a must! [13:51] Dabbled a bit in music production [13:55] Closest I ever came was a PCI Sound Blaster Live [13:56] Hehe that's so old [14:06] they still work well tho on older pcs [14:11] Lol [14:12] I have a m-audio Audiophole 192 on a 10yr old HP pc ,and it still works ghreat [14:15] err Audiophile192 :-) [14:15] making some late breakfast there [18:43] gotta love when you offer 3 separate solutions and someone simply starts cussing you out [18:44] SlidingHorn: Main: Some peoples' children .. Sometimes we just have to let it slide . Cannot help where there is no help . [18:54] pragmaticenigma: that's the same one who just cursed me out, so just beware [18:55] I'm aware [18:57] wow, what a jerk [18:57] wth has he got stuck up his behind? [18:58] ... adds to /ignore [18:58] also ... the issue was PEBKAC, and they had a crap attitude about it [18:58] exactly. [18:59] Iwas about to post ::wow, lotsa help coming your way with that rant and attitude , can't wait to see who shows up :-) [19:00] really makes you want to assist, doesn't it [19:00] * SlidingHorn is tempted to post a "let me startpage that for you" link [19:01] but that would actually help them.. [19:04] nacc: I thought you had ops status for some reason [19:05] * pragmaticenigma must be ignored by nacc too ... lol [19:05] jk [19:09] pragmaticenigma: :) [19:09] pragmaticenigma: nope, not an op [19:20] all in favor of nacc as op, raise your hand... sad thing is, we can't see anyone [19:21] * leftyfb raises hand [19:21] I'll have to read the logs for the laugh, but I'm a bit lost on this one " it's not important to be correct at the expense of helpful" [19:22] If they're anything like me, I have a tendency to reverse my negatives and positives when I'm stressed and frustrated [19:22] "you know what I meant" causes way more problems than people realize [19:22] though when stressed or frustrated I step back and collect my thoughts better [19:23] "I gave you all the wrong options, but you felt better because someone was 'helping' you... in turn, I helped you, you're welcome." [19:25] most users like that character don''t really want help ..they just want to rant and let off steam...if they really wanted help would say so.and wait for an answer [19:26] they would say so rather [19:26] do ops ever retro-ban (i.e. look at someone's IP after they've left and ban them so they can't return)? [19:26] I love the "you know what I meant" ones too... All I see is black and white text on a screen. I cannot see your face, I cannot hear your intonation, I do not know your history, I do not know your idioms. In IRC I'm only marginally smartter than a computer at interpreting your thoughts [19:26] SlidingHorn, I've never seen that [19:27] shame. [19:27] It's hard to do that since I think the ban on host ... not ip [19:27] users must be informed of a quiet or ban afaik [19:28] the ban can be on ip [19:28] or nick [19:30] found out where he works though... === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [19:31] or it coild be a vpn [19:32] could [19:32] BluesKaj: nah, he has a script in the github he posted with his email address...found him on facebook. [19:33] (no, I'm not going to use the info...just was bored) [19:34] github publishes users email addresses? [19:35] BluesKaj: no - he has an id_rsa.pub file with an email address that has his full name [19:35] or did h epost that himself [19:35] oh brother , how imaginative [19:36] he posted an id_rsa.pub? let alone one that had his email in it, sheesh [19:36] no attempt at security there [19:37] it's in his gists [19:37] I always forget... isn't the .pub the public key? [19:38] yeah, that's the one you would place in your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file [19:38] meaning it's the key you share with others... no? [19:39] he's also got a python phishing script in there - what a wonderful little script kiddie [19:40] pragmaticenigma, Depending on the purpose you would share it. Such as if you wanted them to install it and allow you to SSH in or any other key use. [19:40] I find it funny that he made a gist of it, I figure that was one of various methods for some program to relate the github account to the user account that signed up [19:41] I thought it was actually in a repo, but it seems that isn't the case. [19:41] I know there was a bug on github that was exposing e-mail addresses... though that was patched awhile ago... can't fix stupid though [19:48] anyone else immediately change that god awful red bar color at the top of the active window in terminator? [19:55] leftyfb, I think the better question might be "did anyone NOT immediately change the red bar color?" [19:55] :) [19:57] that is an opinion, right? [19:57] :-D [20:08] That would be funny... like where you have to change your password right after signing in, although... this time... something like "I know you are going to hate my default color scheme, you must select new colors before proceeding." [20:10] * pragmaticenigma thinks the Ubuntu dev team is colorblind [20:11] oerheks: ^ ^ that's how to determine if it's opinion ^ ^ === guiverc_d is now known as guiverc [23:07] UWN is in process of publishment. 1st peek: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2389933 .