
=== Menzador97 is now known as Menzie
HECTORCZhi, i made a mistake. and i don't know how to search my problem. first i have installed 17.10 on my laptop. after i wish to conect to a w10 resource. but fail. so i try to uninstall samba. but i thing i have removed to much. how to reinstall samba to the original settings03:06
HECTORCZthe i have reinstalled samba, but, i canot use the "conect to server" function in the menu, it say i dont have gvfsd installed. thats why i say i have removed to much03:09
alkisgHECTORCZ: try: sudo apt install ubuntu-mate-desktop04:35
mk-cheezi0usso may this is a dum q...  but im trying to install mac os sierra on an amd hp laptop... long story short im stuck...04:56
sir_guy_carletonhello, anybody there?06:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:10
sir_guy_carletonwhat happens if delete an ubuntu parition that currently dual boots between it and a windows 10 parition? would the windows 10 parition be bootable if the ubuntu parition is gone?06:13
alkisgsir_guy_carleton: usually the answer is "no", but it depends a bit on if you're using mbr or gpt06:15
alkisgGrub gets written to the master boot record, so it will run even after you remove the ubuntu partition, but it will not find Ubuntu, and it will complain "os not found! grub rescue>"06:15
alkisgSo you should restore the windows version of the MBR code, before or after removing the ubuntu partition06:16
sir_guy_carletonokay, thanks. i'm running the mbr (i.e. legacy bios), i might just reinstall windows and a linux distro.06:18
=== marco is now known as Guest74340
=== Guest74340 is now known as MaR_OC
oli_bHello everyone16:19
oli_bcan anyone help with a question about the last release?16:22
lapagafrom applications you can start as many instances of caja as you want but from plank dock you can only do one...any way to change plank do start more than one instance?16:52
=== pavlushka is now known as X11
=== X11 is now known as pavlushka

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