[03:12] Does anyone know how to reduce the crazy mouse acceleration in Xubuntu 17.10.2? The sliders and values in Xfce4 setting manager do nothing at all. [03:13] *17.10.1 [03:14] xset m */* * where "*" is a value, does nothing. [06:12] hello [06:23] Hi. [06:26] hello, i want to ask, can xubuntu run activex web pages? [06:28] Luvagit: it's not about Xubuntu [06:28] it's about your browser I think [06:28] That's an IE thing. [15:51] heyyyy [15:51] weird problem [15:53] im using I believe xlogin [15:53] and it looks super basic which im fine with [15:54] but - it lacks session configuration options [15:59] not sure even where to look === pavlushka is now known as X11 === X11 is now known as pavlushka === malysps is now known as Spass