=== zeus is now known as Guest62751 [02:51] wallyworld: was thinking about the default num_units, there is anothe edge case with subordinate charms, not sure the bundlechanges library knows about them... [02:51] just another thing to think about [02:51] wallyworld: also, we should push chatter from #juju-dev here [03:29] morning all [03:29] thumper: I set the topic and I left that node myself, not sure if you want me to idle with a "all pings must be made on #juju" message ? :) [03:31] jam: would that work? [03:32] Hi jam, thanks for getting the release rolling, just about to finish it off now :-) [03:33] veebers: thanks for working on it [03:33] thumper: I don't think you can set a reply that only works in one room [03:35] veebers: I have to say, the checklist is nice when it all works, but when there are any issues, it does take a lot of work to know how to recover. [03:36] jam: ack, it seems we still have some ways to go to improve the process. I guess there is still a large amount of assumed context there. [03:42] * veebers annouces juju 2.3.7, moves on to SRU process for xenial [04:21] veebers: nice. [04:21] * veebers regrets eating almost a whole box of girlguide biscuits [04:21] veebers: just to add context. we messed up because a few of the builders failed to install go, so we didn't have binaries for all archs/platforms [04:21] but the next steps didn't check that everything was available, so they got half broken. [04:22] the "copy from the build_* location to the agent-archive location" copied 2 binaries, but the others had failed to build [04:22] but that meant you couldn't rerun the copy, because there *were* intermediates present. [04:22] jam: d'oh I saw those comments. That needs to be improved. You're right to say that normally someone in "the know" grabs the commit sha to relase [04:22] oh no :-\ that's a pain [04:22] veebers: if it wasn't for the fact that I've been tweaking the CI bot, i woudln't have known where to look, etc. [04:23] veebers: anyway, just trying to find the balance between "expand knowledge in the team" and "specialization makes it go much faster for people who understand" [04:23] jam: wow, ok yeah there is def room for improvement there. Looks like we'll have another release debrief so we can squeeze out the issues [04:23] indeed [04:25] as much as I want to say "it's a much better process than before" that doesn't make it a good process :-) Always room for improvement [04:39] thumper: we should push chatter here yes. let's just close juju-dev [05:08] wallyworld: it is hard to close an IRC channel [05:08] yeah, that is true i suspect [05:08] on freenode at least === _thumper_ is now known as thumper [05:57] wallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8649 [05:57] looking [05:58] thumper: you proposing against 2.3 in case we do another release? [05:58] wallyworld: yeah [05:58] will also bring into 2.3 [05:58] ugh [05:58] righto [05:58] 2.4 [05:59] remember we were planning 2.3 as an LTS [05:59] thumper: with the new facade method, i had a recollection that the python client library would be unhappy if its version of the api caller for a given version didn't match the methods on the juju apiserver facade [06:00] so adding a new facade method to apiserver might make python lib fail some tests? not sure [06:00] ugh... [06:00] we may need to rev the version [06:00] should check with cory [06:00] * thumper nods [06:00] yeah [06:01] or I could just rev the facade [06:01] leave that comment and I'll rev it [06:01] that would be safest [06:01] ok [06:13] thumper: reviewed [06:13] ta [10:03] manadart: ping for your thoughts about bug #1765342 [10:03] Bug #1765342: 2.4 enable-ha complains about no address w/ unstarted machines [10:03] maybe we should treat a machine with *no* addresses at all as just ignored? [10:28] jam: Will look in a mo'. [10:39] jam: Commented there. I think it is OK to ignore no addresses in the particular guard. [10:50] Question: is there a way of adding a resource to the model testing a charm with amulet? [10:51] I can execute by hand a juju deploy with --resource, but then, i have any unit available using sentry [10:51] i have no unit, i mean [12:07] manadart: any chance to look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8653 === skay is now known as Guest10797 [12:23] jam: Approved. === Guest10797 is now known as skay [14:16] manadart: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8654 fixes the "juju enable-ha; juju enable-ha" complaining when the machines haven't started yet [14:33] jam, does the new HA stuff affect recovery when the majority of cluster members are broken? a user must restore from backups? [14:39] pmatulis_: if you've killed nodes, then you should be able to "juju enable-ha" to get back into a safe state. If you went into HA=3 and lost 2 nodes then you have the normal "it can't proceed without user intervention" [14:40] pmatulis_: but if 1 machine just dies, then doing "juju remove-machine DEAD; juju enable-ha" should get you back up and with 3 nodes again. [14:47] jam, ok, re your last point, does the order of those commands matter (i.e. does enable-ha ensure *working* members or just the total number of members?)? [14:50] jam, also, does a dead controller affect the 'HA' column of `list-controllers` (i.e. if one of three dies will it show 2/3?)? i'm wondering how a user can be alerted of a dead controller (degraded cluster) [15:27] pmatulis_: in 2.4 it ensures the *total* number of members. so the user must use "remove-machine" for enable-ha to treat it as really gone and not just sleeping. [15:27] pmatulis_: juju status -m controller ; will show one as "down" [15:42] im wondering if theres anyone around who can help with the openstack provider, more specifically "juju metadata generate-image" [15:42] not sure if its a bug or im not doing it right [17:03] Hello! How do I login to JAAS without a browser ? trying to do "juju deploy cs:~someuser/some-charm-1" and gets a request for a Couldn't find a suitable web browser! Set the BROWSER environment variable to your desired browser. [17:04] elox: do you have the charm command? [17:05] sure sec [17:05] juju deploy cs:~erik-lonroth/mydbtest-1 [17:05] elox: so you can login to jaas with "juju login jaas" and you can log into the charmstore with charm login [17:06] elox: I think juju login has a full CLI input, and charm login has a url to copy to browser in another machine/etc [17:06] I know I can login by using a browser, but if I don't have a browser available ? [17:06] elox: none available at all? I mean I run it remote and copy the url to my local laptop browser window. [17:07] ... if I'm, lets say, in a datacenter with a console only =D [17:07] elox: type it out on your cell phone? :) [17:07] rofl [17:07] elox: but I think juju login jaas isndans browser [17:07] Give that a go [17:08] isndans? [17:08] Is sans browser [17:08] juju login jaas -B [17:08] Not sure what you mean [17:09] elox: rick_h_^^ [17:09] AAAhhhhh [17:09] I thought -B was the default now [17:11] Hm, I still get the question when trying to deploy to my localhost [17:11] lxd [17:12] Ah on, deploying to localhost. So it's going to use your charm login [17:12] ok ? [17:13] Oh, adding the -B worked [17:13] again [17:13] juju deploy -B cs:~erik-lonroth/mydbtest-1 Located charm "cs:~erik-lonroth/mydbtest-1". Deploying charm "cs:~erik-lonroth/mydbtest-1". [17:13] big thanx [17:14] ok, I didn't realize deploy had a -B and it should use your existing login [17:14] * rick_h_ learns something new [17:15] I'm trying to learn this before tomorrow when I need to get some staff to do the same as me here. Its a bit of a hurdle. [17:16] But with some great help from @bdx and yourself, I will make it through [17:42] what is your best way to redeploy a charm without having to redo deployment of a full machine etc? [17:42] upgrade-charm? [17:42] hack the code on the box and let the hooks rerun? [17:43] well, I have a new version and I remember some tips and trix from me asking the same question a few months ago [17:43] .... at that time, I think I was to new to all this to cope with the informaion [17:44] well if you have an updated version in the store [17:44] you can upgrade the charm [17:45] depends what you're trying to test I guess [17:45] Yeah... I'll manage =) juju remove-application ........ [17:55] elox: magicaltrout and if you're local you can upgrade-charm --switch and such [17:56] basically upgrade charm but using the options to either use a new local path (after charm build) or a new version in the store with just upgrade-charm from where it came from [18:02] jam, can you confirm that controller HA is active/active (load balancing)? also, a hot standby is technically a valid HA strategy. is there anything you can think of that i could elaborate re 'hot standby'? [18:18] rick_h_: the mysql charm points to marcoceppi 's github repo [18:19] but that repo doesn't seem to be the charm home [18:19] any idea where it lives? [18:19] magicaltrout: oh hmm, I thought that was true. [18:19] well I'm trying to find its zesty support tag in metadata.yaml [18:19] and i can't see it in that repo [18:19] cause its hosed in zesty which is currently the default [18:20] either that or marcoceppi hasn't pushed his latest [18:20] i'd get rid of that zesty tag for now [18:21] yea, https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/mysql/archive/metadata.yaml [18:21] yeah the install hook fails [18:21] 100% of the time [18:21] that's what's there and that's for the cs:~mysql-charmers/mysql [18:21] lack of python or something [18:22] and that's the home page setup for that url, so I've got nothing else to go off of there [18:23] well i've stuck an issue in his github but its hard to fix cause i don't know which source he's built off of [18:24] don't demo mysql though rick_h_ ;) [18:24] magicaltrout: heh gotcha. I might see marcoceppi next week at the sprint I'll check with him [18:25] going anywhere nice? [18:29] magicaltrout: berlin sprint to plot out 18.10 [18:29] magicaltrout: should be fun but wish it was somewhere I could bring my bike and ride :P [18:30] hmm never been to Berlin somehow [18:30] I hope its nice and wet for you ;) [18:30] booooo [18:30] looks like it'll be about like at home [18:30] if the forecast holds up [18:38] cmars: you around? [18:38] magicaltrout: i am, how goes? [18:39] not bad just trying to get some sanity in my life which with 2 interns learning juju is tricky i'll admit! ;)