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mibnotsupportedHi all, is 18.04 20180424 ok to use right now?06:59
mibnotsupportedWill I easily be able to update it out of RC in two days06:59
hateballmibnotsupported: if you're already on 18.04 you will just update as normal07:03
mibnotsupportedAh ok, so no need to change sources of some unstable channel in a bit?07:09
hateballmibnotsupported: nope07:10
mibnotsupportedGreat, thanks! Gonna go throw it on in that other partition07:10
katnipis there a +1 channel for kubuntu 18.04?08:00
acheronukkatnip: not officially, apart from #ubuntu+108:11
acheronukI think at this stage, lines are blurred as to what goes where08:15
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mibbitnotsupportlmfao just managed to pull that rc image of kubuntu 18 amd6408:56
mibbitnotsupportand just found that oem install didn't passed but with bug. installation works but computer won't reboot itself. something about microcode08:57
mibbitnotsupporti have a haswell i5 and just got the end of 2016 bios patch with IME fix08:57
mibbitnotsupportwonder if it'll do the trick...08:57
blueduckhi guys, just wanted to congratulate and thank you guys for the work you did in 18.04, its the best release yet.09:06
acheronukblueduck: good to hear. thanks09:15
user|8803What about kubuntu 18? Can I have a manual of it?09:34
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katnipwhat is shim signed and does it require a reboot?09:54
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hateballkatnip: sounds like you have installed the nvidia driver?10:09
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katnipno nvidia10:22
katniplaptop with amd/intel10:22
katnipif it doesnt require a reboot that is fine with me :)10:23
katnipit installed as an update alone10:23
mibbitnotsupportyup. kubuntu apr 24 daily failing from bootable usb10:25
mibbitnotsupportupdate microcode10:25
mibbitnotsupportamd64 image10:25
mibbitnotsupportcpu is i5 4210u i think10:26
mibbitnotsupportif that's even the right microcode i'm talking about, hell if i know10:26
mibbitnotsupportI don't get this... my GRUB install is the beta one commonly used prior to this10:36
mibbitnotsupportI updated my bios to latest, which probably has some spectre/meltdown workarounds10:36
mibbitnotsupportBut that old grub still works. Meanwhile this image won't even show me the grub menu fml :/10:37
BluesKajHi folks11:08
mibbitnotsupportHi. So anyone was able to install the latest ubuntu snapshot on a physical machine running an intel cpu?11:14
mibbitnotsupportAll bug reports talk about failure to reboot. Mine doesn't even show me the grub options11:15
BluesKajmibbitnotsupport, what does it show ?11:17
mibbitnotsupportI think it's this, prior to even showing me the grub options:11:17
mibbitnotsupportTSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata: please update microcode to version: 0x20 (or later)11:18
mibbitnotsupportThen hangs in a black screen eventually11:18
BluesKajmibbitnotsupport, if you can get to a tty, ctl+alt+F2-F6, then this will probly solve your problem, https://askubuntu.com/questions/984970/firmware-bug-tsc-deadline-disabled-due-to-errata-what-should-i-do-about-thi11:22
mibbitnotsupportYes, I'll try that, but not sure: didn't look like I had any options. Will I even have apt-get, sudo, etc available at that point? It's just the syslinux11:24
BluesKajonce you have a ttty/vt prompt just run, sudo apt-get install intel-microcode11:24
mibbitnotsupportAlright, I'll brb. Gonna try it. The host machine is this one unfortunately11:25
neydergood morning, gentile people11:42
neydertrough years, i have many HDD with my home, so how can i merge and sync those $HOME into current main system?11:43
neyderi mean how to compare two dirs, find duplicate files and syn all to one11:43
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync11:44
neyderty BluesKaj, i knew to sync, but duplicate files in $/HOME/f/o/o and $home/bar11:45
BluesKajmy understanding is rsync avoids duplication if the correct options are used11:46
neyderBluesKaj: will read11:57
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bodhistarshello world12:45
acheronukit worked12:46
bodhistarsfresh new kubunto on my rig12:46
BluesKajright, allworking well, bodhistars/12:48
bodhistarshad some problems in uefi12:48
bodhistarsand flikering screen on nvidia \12:49
bodhistarsall done now12:49
BluesKajyeah, UEFIs a pain I'm lucky to avoid with my hybrid BIOS12:50
bodhistarsu are lucky12:50
BluesKajMSI Z370 Pro motherboard ..cool design12:51
acheronuk'all done now' means what? fixed?12:53
bodhistarswell flikering in dual screen /12:53
BluesKajbodhistars, have you run the Driver Manager in System settings to find the recommended driver for your nvidia gpu?13:01
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neyderhow to check which graphic server i'm running?15:27
neyderbionic running15:28
acheronukinxi -G15:32
curryflowerkubuntu support!19:20
curryflowerdpkg query: package 'bcmwl-kernel source' is not installed and no information is available19:37
curryflower"sudo modprobe wl"      returns: modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found in directory..... apologies, not really sure where to start with this question.. but it seems that some packages are missing... i tried installing the bcmwl from the live usb but it says dependencies not met19:39
curryflowerand a few other things I noticedso basically, no internet connection on the laptop.. unable to sudo apt update with errors like "temporary failure resolving us.archive..." "security.ubuntu.com" etc19:40
curryflowerdkms is not installed, and after sudo apt install dkms the error returns "unable to locate package dkms"19:42
valoriecurryflower: can you hook up the laptop with a cable or so?19:53
curryflowersadly, I cannot. Luckily, I have an additional laptop.19:53
valoriekubuntu isn't made to be installed without access to the internet19:53
curryflowerI do have access to the internet19:53
valoriehow about using a phone and sharing internet with it that way?19:53
curryflowerThe problem is that laptop I've just installed Kubuntu on cannot access the internet19:54
curryflowerIt's only allowing for wired connection19:55
curryflowerI can install the packages manually from the USB, and I've located most of the necessary ones... but some have to be manually extracted and i'm not sure where to place them20:04
katnipkubuntu #120:06
geniiWe tend to agree20:08
jejones3141I have updated two computers to 18.04 final beta, and for some reason I am presented with a graphic keyboard when I log in. Before, there was just a button that I believe presented it as an option. Neither computer has a touchscreen, and I would like to not have to make the graphic keyboard go away. Where is this configured?20:28
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