
mupIssue snapcraft#1982 closed: Update snaps_tests to use the testing tools from tests.integration <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1982>01:16
mupPR snapcraft#2096 closed: tests: don't use os_release and repo from snapcraft <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2096>01:16
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mupPR snapd#5082 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>03:32
zygaGood morning05:15
zygaMan, after all the rain last night the plants and flowers outside smell like in some deep forest :-)05:16
zygaOnly if it was a few degrees warmer05:16
zygaHow are you doing?05:16
mborzeckizyga: it's spring after all :) but yeah everything is in the crazy growth phase, i expect i'll be less than entertained when mowing the lawn this weekend05:25
zyga We don’t have one to mow, maybe rent some sheep :-)05:29
mborzeckisheep, i like mutton :)05:32
mborzeckimvo: morning05:33
mvohey mborzecki !05:33
mvomborzecki: how are you?05:33
mvomborzecki: and how is snapd, any urgencies or fires?05:34
mborzeckimvo: no fires afaik, zyga anything on-fire on your plate? :)05:34
zygaJust hot breakfast05:35
zygaWelcome back mvo05:35
zygaThere is one issue but not widespread and yet to be understood or reproduced05:36
mvozyga: no fires> I like that!05:36
mvozyga: which issue is that, do you have more details?05:36
zygaYeah, just not at my pc yet05:37
zygaApparmor profiles sometimes go away on boot for some apps05:37
mvozyga: heh, no worries05:37
mvozyga: oh, this one - from sergio, right?05:37
mborzeckimvo: 2.32 branch builds are failing on travis, there was a recurring issue allocating certain machines in linode05:38
mvomborzecki: ok, slightly unfortunate, lets hope we can put 2.32 to rest. with 2.33 it will all be gce based and great and all that05:39
* zyga done with kids, now dog and then just work :)06:37
mvomborzecki: did you notice the spread error of 5080? it looks real06:37
mborzeckimvo: yes, i need to adjust the test, we're showing 'system' now in snap interface output06:38
mvomborzecki: cool, just wanted to make sure its known06:38
zyga#5081 is interesting and short and will open the path for the three fixes to layouts I have pending in case06:38
mupPR #5081: interfaces/apparmor: add chopTree <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081>06:38
zygain case anyone wants to look :)06:38
jameshzyga: fwiw, I've got a follow-up PR for the user-mounts branch, that extends the use of Secure.BindMount to file bind mounts too: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/508206:40
mupPR #5082: cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5082>06:40
zygajamesh: ack, I saw06:44
zygaI am waiting for a review from Gustavo who expressed interest but I would love to merge your branch ASAP06:44
kalikianagood morning07:09
pstolowskihey kalikiana07:12
zygagood morning kalikiana07:14
mvozyga: if you don't have something ready I will look into the mountinfo issue (1763266) now07:31
zygamvo: the mountinfo with #07:31
zygamvo: if you want to, I planned to look at that after layout permission issue I found yesterday evening07:32
mvozyga: this mountinfo has a superblock options with a space07:33
zygado you have a sample?07:33
mvozyga: but yeah, looks like a nice morning task07:33
mvozyga: sure, its in the bug, one sec07:33
zygawe handle spaces because they should be escaped07:33
zyga(so not really spaces)07:33
mvo28 1 8:4 / / rw,relatime shared:1 - bcachefs /dev/nvme0n1p6:/dev/sda4:/dev/sdb4 rw,errors=continue,background_compression=zstd,foreground_target=ssd,background_target=rotational,promote_target=invalid group 2,fix_errors07:33
zygalooks like a kernel bug :/07:33
mvozyga: the superblock options (promote_target=..) has spaces07:33
zyganormally all spaces are escaped07:34
zygabut this has to be done everywhere correctly07:34
zygalooks like not here :/07:34
zyga(I mean normally in the kernel)07:34
mvozyga: should we add a workaround or ask the kernel folks to fix it?07:35
zygadouble check the spec07:35
zygaand add a workaround, we need to work on the kernels as they are07:35
zygaI'd also send a patch to the kernel after confirming this is wrong07:35
mvozyga: fair enough, I have a look07:38
mvozyga: do you mean Documentation/proc.txt when you say "spec"? or is there more of a spec than this file?07:44
zygathis and the man page07:44
* mvo nods07:46
mborzeckihm played a bit with systemd-bootchard to check if we could somehow use it to debug some of the issues with slow startup, but i don't understand why it's discarding samples for some of the processes07:52
mborzeckiand not only processes from a snap, just regular processes too07:53
Chipacamborzecki: how are you using it?08:09
Chipacamborzecki: and how is it different from 'systemd-analyze plot'08:09
mborzeckiChipaca: i've patched it to support filering by uid (--uid=123) and only sample new processes (--new), basically what i did is run systemd-bootchar from command line, start some snaps, view the graph ;)08:11
Chipacamborzecki: interesting08:13
zygamvo: remember we have a 2nd parser in C08:16
mvozyga: I do08:24
mvozyga: but I concluded its a kernel bug08:24
zygaI agree08:24
zygawhat happens because of the bug?08:24
zygahow do we misbehave?08:24
mvozyga: he says it does not start but  Ithink we fixed this08:25
mvozyga: it may still have problems when snap-confine runs though08:25
zygaUbuntu 4.15.0+bcachefs.git20180404.42e79d6-1-generic 4.15.1508:25
zygainteresting, it's a custom build08:25
mvozyga: yeah, bcachefs is not upstream yet08:27
zygahuh? I used it a few years ago and it was all in the archive08:28
zygamaybe it was DKMS08:28
zygaI don't remember08:28
mvozyga: I did a apt search bcache and did not find a dkms, also downloaded our kernel tree (deb) and greped but maybe I missed something?08:29
zygamvo: does "/var has 'other' write 41777" ring any bells08:58
zygait's not in our tree08:59
mvozyga: does not ring a well, where do you see this?09:00
Chipacazyga: cmd/snap-confine/seccomp-support.c:die("%s has 'other' write %o", path, stat_buf.st_mode);09:00
zygamvo: when I run "true"09:00
zygavia snap run stack09:00
* zyga has poor grep skills somehow09:01
zygathank you chipaca09:01
Chipacazyga: :)09:01
zygaI grepped through bash and dash09:01
* Chipaca is having a good dady so far09:01
* Chipaca jinxed it09:01
pstolowskizyga: wow, that layout fix PR has grown quite a bit09:09
zygait's my working branch09:09
zygaI chop bits and propose them separately09:09
zygaI'm working on the third fix09:09
zygain reality it's not that long but there are several places that use a helper so tests changed09:09
pstolowskii see; yes I see a lot of tests09:09
mvobtw, did we figure out why `snap try` is/was so slow for cachio?09:12
zygamvo: not that I know of09:16
* mvo nods09:17
mupPR snapd#5083 opened: image: support refreshing soft-expired user macaroons in tooling <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5083>09:43
pedronismvo: hi, welcome back09:44
mvohey pedronis - good morning!09:44
zygaChipaca: super trivial for you https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/508409:52
mupPR #5084: osutil,interfaces: use uint32 for uid, gid <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5084>09:52
mupPR snapd#5084 opened: osutil,interfaces: use uint32 for uid, gid <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5084>09:52
pedronismvo: was your comment a +1 or a question? if it was a question I tried to answer09:59
mvopedronis: its a compliment, its pretty cool that this can be added now in such a trivial way09:59
pedroniswell, I wouldn't call it trivial, it's kind of obscure, but until we know the roadmap a bit unclear how much to spend improving this10:00
mvopedronis: thinking about it, a small comment in the type toolingAuthContext might be good, something like "// ... is used to support refreshing of soft-expired user macaroons"10:00
mvopedronis: yes, fair point10:01
mupBug #1760841 changed: snapd does not parse /etc/fstab properly when using mhddfs <Snappy:Fix Released by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760841>10:01
pedronismvo: pushed, can you look again10:04
pedronisrewrapped the comment now10:05
willcookezyga, remember the bug from a week or two back where classic snaps were killing the Wayland session?  I've just tested the new mesa and it works, but the problem seems to have been resolved by something else in the last couple of weeks.  Could be a new xwayland, but we don't think so.  Anyway - the problem is resolved in my testing.10:13
zygawillcooke: is this released now? popey has his session being killed by snaps very often lately10:13
zygawillcooke: I will try again on my system10:13
zygathank you for letting me know10:13
zygaand is this only in bionic or also in xenial?10:13
popeyI'm getting my session killed when snap connects the opengl interface10:14
popeyhasn't happened since I updated to latest nvidia driver, fingers crossed10:14
popeyand I'm not using wayland10:14
willcookezyga, this is on my 18.04 machine (no Wayland by deafult on 16.04).  I just installed and upgraded (no proposed) and rebooted, logged in to the wayland session and made a Skype call.10:20
willcookeIf you can still crash it, could you try this ppa?  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/ubuntu/x-staging10:20
zygaI will try my bionic machine first10:21
Chipacaany chance of a second review of #4983 ?10:32
mupPR #4983: osutil/sys, client: add sys.RunAsUidGid, use it for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4983>10:32
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapd#5085 opened: many: fix false negatives reported by vet <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5085>10:37
mupPR snapd#5086 opened: osutil,interfaces,cmd: use less hardcoded strings <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5086>10:44
threshI'm having a weird (?) confinement issue I think?  /home/thresh/snap/vlc/common/.cache is no longer writable by the vlc snap?10:44
threshkf5.kservice.sycoca: ERROR writing database "/home/thresh/snap/vlc/common/.cache/ksycoca5_en_NtlNTj_f3j_omvvKHGdLzPa9Q1A=" . Disk full?10:44
zygathresh: dimes | grep DENIED10:45
threshdon't see anything for that particular filepath10:47
thresh[197467.950484] audit: type=1400 audit(1524566792.497:2281): apparmor="DENIED" operation="link" profile="snap.vlc.vlc" name="/run/user/1000/snap.vlc/vlcRTFlpM.11.slave-socket" pid=17509 comm="vlc" requested_mask="l" denied_mask="l" fsuid=1000 ouid=1000 target="/run/user/1000/snap.vlc/#5640602"10:47
zygathis is a separate issue, snaps cannot create sockets in /run without an interface10:48
threshthat's on Debian Testing, snapd 2.30-5+b110:48
threshoh ok, let me take a look which interface that is10:48
zygamvo: ^^^10:48
zygamvo: we need to hug debian10:48
zygathresh: 3.30 is very old, we are now at 2.32.5 with a ton of bug-fixes10:48
zygathresh: we need to update debian10:49
thresho ok10:49
mupPR snapd#5087 opened: many: fix various issues reported by shellcheck <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5087>10:51
threshshould I file a bug so it won't be forgotten?10:52
thresh(and where)10:52
zygathresh: yes, sure on launchpad.net/snapd10:52
threshspeaking about /run, what's the interface name should I use?  I browsed https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/interfaces and didnt find much relevant10:53
threshI guess I can manually backport snapd to Debian locally just to try it out too10:53
zygathresh: it looks like some sort of IPC for vlc itself10:53
zygaI don't know10:53
zygado you know what is that socked used for?10:54
threshthe one in the apparmor denial, I don't10:54
threshthe ksysoca thingie is KDE stuff, happens when a file dialog is starting up under Plasma10:55
threshI suspet they might be related, since they happen at the same time10:55
Chipacaof course running an exec.Command from a pinned thread doesn't work in 1.6 :'(10:56
Chipacaworks just fine in 1.1010:56
Chipacadarn it10:56
Chipacamvo: mborzecki: does snapd as packaged depend on sudo?11:02
mborzeckiChipaca: don't think so11:02
mborzeckiChipaca: runuser?11:03
Chipacamborzecki: is that everywhere we support?11:03
mborzeckiChipaca: it's in util-linux, so maybe, worth checking11:04
Chipacamborzecki: and does it take a numeric id11:05
* Chipaca tries that11:05
pedronisChipaca: I'm still blocking #4790, right ? I need to re-review11:06
mupPR #4790: jsonutil/puritan: introducing puritan.String & etc <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4790>11:06
pedronistoo many open PRs11:07
zygaChipaca: reviewed 498311:07
Chipacamborzecki: mvo: OTOH snapshots adds a dependency on 'tar', so maybe adding a dependency on sudo isn't too onerous11:07
zygaChipaca: wanna read "chopTree" PR? :)11:10
zygaI really need it out to do more fixes for layouts11:10
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygamvo: I sent some trivial cleanup PRs for issues reported by run-checks --static11:15
mupPR snapcraft#2104 opened: many: allow building in containers with no version in project <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2104>11:16
mvozyga: cool, thank you11:18
mvoChipaca: no need (on debian/ubuntu) to add a dependency to tar, tar is essential already11:20
mvoChipaca: sudo otoh is something we should depend on11:21
mvoChipaca: if there wasn't the "apt-get upgrade" issue11:21
Chipacamvo: and is util-linux essential?11:22
mvoChipaca: yes11:22
mvoChipaca: why?11:22
ChipacaI'll use runuser then11:22
Chipacamvo: because runuser doesn't take numeric ids11:22
mvoChipaca: essential is good11:22
Chipacamvo: so I need to pass the username11:23
mvoChipaca: aha, I see, you need sudo for sudo --user ?11:23
Chipacamvo: nah, i can use runuser11:23
Chipacait's just that i'd prefer not to :-)11:23
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacamvo: just me being grumpy11:23
mvoChipaca: ok :)11:26
ackkmvo, hi, is the SSL certs setup different in a snap? I added a self-signed cert to the chain and a curl on the host works, but an app in the snap fails fails to check the certificate11:29
zygaackk: hey11:32
zygaackk: where are the certificates stored?11:32
ackkzyga, well I added it to /etc/ssl/certs and run update-ca-certificates , so it should be listed there11:33
zygaI see11:33
zygaackk: we don't allow host certificates to be seen by snap applications11:33
zygaackk: they only see those that are shipped by the core snap11:33
ackkzyga, and where are those?11:33
zygain /snap/core/current/etc/ssl11:34
ackkzyga, also, how is that done? if I snap run --shell and list /etc/ssl/certs I do see my cert there11:34
zygaI mean, the same location11:34
zygajust baked as read-only in the core snap11:34
ackkzyga, so if I list /etc/ssl/certs from a snap shell should  I see the dir in core?11:36
zygayou will11:36
ackkzyga, I don't seem to11:37
zygaand what do you see?11:37
ackkack@maas:/home/ack/canonical/src/maas$ ls -la /etc/ssl/certs/ | grep ext-au11:37
ackklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     12 Apr 24 09:58 8135fe7f.0 -> ext-auth.pem11:37
mupPR #24: Renamed .bzrignore to .gitignore. Added .coverage. Removed the ./ in front of ignored paths <Created by elopio> <Closed by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/24>11:37
ackklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     12 Apr 24 09:58 a35f5088.0 -> ext-auth.pem11:37
ackk-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   1159 Apr 24 09:17 ext-auth.pem11:37
ackkzyga, ^ those are my certs11:37
ackkzyga, (from snap run --shell maas)11:37
zygaah, is this a base18 thing?11:37
ackkcore18 :)11:37
pedronisthen is undefined11:38
zygait should behave the same11:38
zygaackk: what is /etc/ssl on your host?11:38
zygais it a symlink?11:38
ackkzyga, you mean outside of the snap? no, it's a dir11:39
ackkbut it seems core18 doesn't have its own /etc/ssl11:39
ackkyeah, it's not there11:39
zygain that case we don't hide it11:39
zygait should be your host's /etc/ssl11:39
zygasorry that this is confusing11:39
zygaif I could change one thing we did years ago11:40
zygaI'd make /etc an artificial fs maintained by snapd11:40
ackkzyga, ok, so it it indeed the one of the actual system, but for some reason it seems apps are not getting certs from there11:42
zygaackk: no idea how SSL stack works11:42
pedronisanyway the current behavior of core18 is likely not what we want11:43
ackkzyga, ok, thanks for confirming the filesystem layout11:43
zygayes, I agree11:43
zygathough the issue of SSL certs being a bit odd is still a valid one11:43
zygait's unclear how they work11:43
zygaand definitely not documented that it is what we want11:43
pedroniswe have had requests to add certs11:44
zygayes, I recall11:44
pedronisso really we want something that is the union of various things11:44
pedronisI fear11:44
zygaI mean we should be consistent and not unexpected11:44
zygaand documented11:44
pedronisjust offering what's in the host in not what we want though11:44
pedronisor at least not as default11:44
zygayes, I think we want to look at /etc11:45
zygato be ready for 2011:45
zygasince 18 is a bit too soon11:45
ackkzyga, pedronis fwiw I see a weird behavior, if I pass --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/certs to wget it works11:45
zygacan you strace it11:46
ackkbut that should be the default (and indeed it works without outside the snap)11:46
zygato see where it goes normally11:46
ackkzyga, not inside the snap11:46
zygait probably follows some config/symlinks or other magic11:46
zygaackk: snap run --strace ;D11:46
ackkzyga, but how do i run wget i the snap from snap run?11:46
zygajust hack a command that has what you want to run11:47
zygasnap run --stace maas.justesting11:47
zyga--strace :)11:47
ackkzyga, can I manually add a wrapper in a snap try snap and execute it ? :)11:47
ackkah, nice11:48
* Chipaca -> lunch11:48
ackkzyga, how do i do that? I created the wrapper file, and added a /snap/bin/maas.wget symlink but it doesn't work11:52
zygaunpack your snap, add a command and snap try it11:52
ackkzyga, do I need to add the command to some manifest?11:53
zygaackk: yes, to meta/snap.yaml11:54
ackkaah, thanks11:56
ackkzyga, I'm getting this error: cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory11:57
zygadid you "snap try" after creating the new entry or before it?11:57
zygasnap try should fix it (again)11:58
ackkzyga, even if it's already mounted?11:59
ackkah, TIL you can do that11:59
ackkI thought bad things would happen11:59
mupPR snapd#5088 opened: tests: checking interfaces declaring the specific interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5088>12:00
ackkzyga, ah, now I can snap run the command, but --strace just reports exit statu 112:01
ackkzyga, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kR8pwb6gSt/12:02
zygahmmm, no idea :/12:03
ackkok, thanks12:03
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids12:12
jdstrandthresh (cc zyga): that socket denial is actually a 'file' rule for 'l'ock. we allow that in the default template. there might be a bug. can you file it either in the forum or at https://bugs.launchpad.net/apparmor/+filebug?12:15
zygahey jdstrand :)12:15
threshjdstrand, I can do it - which information should I include on the launchpad?12:16
jdstrandthresh: please include the denial and the output of: grep '/run/user' /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.vlc.vlc. then attach grep '/run/user' /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.vlc.vlc12:22
jdstrandthresh: then attach /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.vlc.vlc12:22
jdstrandhey zyga :)12:23
jdstrandthresh: oh, and the output of 'snap version' and 'cat /proc/version'12:23
zygajdstrand: I'm working on three layout issues, two are fixed and third is in progress (just some gardening needed and tests)12:24
jdstrandyeah. I know you need 508112:24
jdstrand(and cool)12:24
zygajdstrand: it would help if you could look at 508112:24
zygayes :)12:24
zygabut no rush, maybe someone else will review it before12:24
zygaI need to garden some testing helpers and add syscall.Lstat12:25
zygajdstrand: the third bug was that the mimic would not retain the ownership and permissions of the original directory12:25
* jdstrand nods12:25
threshwoah, any idea what went wrong with firefox here:  http://thre.sh/stuff/2018-04-24-152506_1523x1011_scrot.png12:26
thresh59.0.2-1, refreshed in March .. :12:26
zygajdstrand: fortunately tmpfs can be mounted that way but adding that one extra Lstat call makes a lot of noise12:27
threshlibreoffice does not start now, too12:28
jdstrandthresh: are these snaps?12:29
threshjdstrand, yes12:29
jdstrand(firefox and libreoffice)12:29
jdstrandthresh: do you have security denials?12:29
threshI do not have that in dmesg12:30
threshsnap run libreoffice reports "No fonts could be found on the system."12:30
jdstrandthresh: fyi, normally looking at journalctl will give you a complete picture (eg, dbus denials are not logged in dmesg)12:30
jdstrands/dbus/some dbus/12:31
threshnothing new with sudo journalctl --folow and then snap run libreoffice12:32
jdstrandthresh: I'm not sure what that issue would be (others in the channel can comment). it could be either the snaps, something changed on the system underneath them (eg, a dist-upgrade) or a bug in making the fonts available12:32
jdstrandthresh: did you run a dist-upgrade?12:33
threshI did that a couple days back, but I've re-logged in since then12:33
threshmaybe it's time for a reboot12:34
threshlet me check if non-snapped GTK sotware works12:34
jdstrandsince it happened to two different snaps, I would suggest looking at snapd then. zyga can you think of why thresh has snaps that can no longer find fonts?12:34
threshwell, thunderbird (non-snapped) works fine12:35
threshI'm on core 16-2.32.5, rev 448612:36
zygathresh: what is your host? xenial?12:37
zygajdstrand: mount profiles are optional so if we fail to mount fonts we don't stop12:38
zygathresh: can you please run this:12:38
zygathresh: sudo /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns firefox12:38
zyga(quit all firefox processes before)12:38
zygathresh: SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=1 snap run firefox12:39
zygathresh: and attach the output please12:39
threshzyga, debian 9, testing12:39
threshs/ 9//12:39
zygadebian sid?12:40
zygadid you rebuild snapd form source then?12:40
threshdebian buster12:40
threshI can no longer reproduce after a reboot, sorry12:40
threshno, I havent rebuild snapd12:40
zygaI see12:40
threshsnapd version is 2.30-5+b1, snap list core core  16-2.32.5  4486  stable    canonical  core12:41
zygais snapd on debian at 2.32.5?12:41
zygaso just Sid is wrong12:41
threshI *did* have a weird issue with fonts on VLC too, but then it magically started working12:41
threshso will do that reporting next time I experience that, good to know - thank you12:42
threshI think Sid has the same snapd as per https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=snapd12:42
mupPR snapd#5089 opened: tests: adding google-sru backend replacing linode-sur <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5089>12:47
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
threshuhm, now that's confusing12:58
threshthresh@coal ~ $ snap version12:58
threshsnap    2.32.512:58
threshsnapd   2.32.512:58
threshdpkg -l snapd reports 2.30, though12:58
zygathresh: that's deliberate12:59
pedronisyou have reexec turned on12:59
threshthank you13:02
mupPR snapd#5071 closed: tests: replace snap try when possible to speedup tests execution <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5071>13:07
mupPR snapd#5090 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: poke hokes when creating source paths for layouts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5090>13:14
zygajdstrand: I opened a reasonably simple PR for the 2nd layout issue I found, it's now isolated from issues 1 and 313:16
threshjdstrand, regarding vlc apparmor issue; the problem is, I'm shipping parts of KDE (kio, to be exact), so users' look and feel would be fine under K (think themed Qt)13:25
threshso I'm not really sure this belongs in an upstream vlc apparmor policy13:25
threshmaybe I'm missing some plug13:26
jdstrandzyga: ack. note I'm still work on sprint stuff13:35
zygajdstrand: ack13:35
zygathat's fin13:35
jdstrandthresh: well, the issue with vlc is that you are seeing a lock denial and the policy has a rule to allow it13:36
jdstrandthresh: so there might be a bug in the parser or the kernel13:36
jdstrandthresh: please report it so it can be investigated13:36
threshjdstrand, allright.13:38
threshgrep '/run/user' /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.vlc.vlc is nada, btw, there is no /run in that file whatsoever13:39
Chipacamvo: was https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4750#issuecomment-369862204 meant to be a +1?13:41
mupPR #4750: store: getStructFields now take pointers <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4750>13:41
cachiomborzecki, zyga, please could you take a look to https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10 again?13:41
mupPR spread-images#10: New task to add debian-sid as a gce image <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10>13:41
jdstrandthresh: oh, well, then that isn't an apparmor bug. can you paste the profile somewhere? eg, http://paste.debian.net/13:42
mborzeckicachio: just finished going though it :)13:42
threshjdstrand, there you go http://paste.debian.net/1021796/13:46
jdstrandthresh: so, that profile indicates forced devmode and the lockfile should be handled by /** rwlkm. please file the bug. you can just paste the profile in the bug rather than attach it (since it is small; also leave out the grep for /run)13:48
jdstrandthresh: really, show the denial and then everything in the paste :)13:49
cachiomborzecki, tx13:50
threshjdstrand, a bug against apparmor then?13:51
mupPR snapd#5091 opened: many: hold refresh when on metered connections <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5091>13:54
jdstrandthresh: yes please13:54
threshuhm, that's weird, I never assumed it was devmode14:05
threshwonder why snap info vlc doesnt tell thatn then14:05
threshwelp, snap install vlc --beta --devmode now shows it as "devmode" in snap info vlc;  however I still see security policies applied14:06
threshand snap install vlc --beta --jailmode results in error: cannot install "vlc": this system cannot honour the jailmode flag14:07
mvoChipaca: that was a thank you for the extra explaination. I will reply to the PR but I'm really sitting on the fence about this one, it does not fell (to me and my ignorance) that we win much with the change. but let me read it again14:10
niemeyerChipaca: I'm off the call, and still have time left before my next activity.. please let me know when you're back14:18
Chipacaniemeyer: i'mback14:22
zygacachio: after lunch, but sure :)14:22
cachiozyga, tx14:23
niemeyermvo, Chipaca: Provided a small comment there too14:24
niemeyerChipaca: Cool, back to the standup?14:24
Chipacaniemeyer: sure14:24
niemeyer(sorry for the noise, it's still here)14:24
pedronismvo: your addition to the 5s topic,   we discussed also the maing of stop vs stop --disable for sockets and timers, which is probably something that work should take into consideration14:40
* cachio lunch14:42
pedronismvo: I can add something myself if that's ok14:43
mupPR snapcraft#2084 closed: Osx travis <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2084>14:44
pedronisChipaca: I wondered who would be the first to use Simple ironically ;)14:47
* zyga is back from school/dog/lunch break14:49
mvopedronis: sure, just add14:52
pedronismvo: done14:52
mvopedronis: sorry for the delay, was in a meeting14:52
mvopedronis: thank you14:52
zygacachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5088 has issues in one interface test14:53
mupPR #5088: tests: checking interfaces declaring the specific interface <Simple> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5088>14:53
zygacachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5089 needs a trivial fix14:54
mupPR #5089: tests: adding google-sru backend replacing linode-sur <Simple> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5089>14:54
mupPR snapd#5083 closed: image: support refreshing soft-expired user macaroons in tooling <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5083>14:55
Chipacapedronis: I wonder why you wondered14:55
ChipacaI blame zyga14:55
zygaI blame zyga too14:56
Chipacazyga: this is about #506614:56
mupPR #5066: overlord/snapshotstate/backend: introducing the snapshot backend <Simple> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5066>14:56
zygawell, I didn't do _that_ :D14:57
Chipacazyga: simple means it's got no poles14:57
Chipacazyga: right?14:57
zygano poles or no slavs?14:57
Chipacazyga: it's hard to tell if you're running with the joke or thought i meant Poles, over IRC. Just to be clear: I meant no zeros in the complex plane, which are called poles14:58
Chipacabah. 1/f etc etc14:59
zygaoh, I didn't run with that joke, I must have intersected with the real plane earlier14:59
Chipacazyga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeros_and_poles#/media/File:Gamma_abs_3D.png15:00
Chipacazyga: dem poles15:00
zygaChipaca: now I will be reading wikipedia for the next hour!15:01
Chipacapsh. amateur.15:01
mupPR snapcraft#2102 closed: tests: use a common cache for the integration tests <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2102>15:05
mupPR snapd#5059 closed: tests: add pending shutdown detection <Go! Go! Go!> <Simple> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5059>15:09
kyrofaChipaca, if I run `snap watch --last=refresh`, it sounds like that will _not_ cover automatic refreshes, right?15:09
kyrofa(since auto-refresh is also an item)15:10
Chipacakyrofa: do you have an auto-refresh change there?15:11
Chipacakyrofa: I'd have to go look through code to answer with confidence (and i'd rather not given my current stack)15:12
Chipacakyrofa: if you do, curl -s --unix-socket /run/snapd.socket http://localhost/v2/changes?select=all  | jq '.result[].kind'15:12
kyrofaChipaca, yeah there's an auto-refresh there15:13
kyrofaIt's done, though15:13
Chipacakyrofa: then that's the one you want to wait on, if you're looking at the same issue kalikiana was looking at15:13
Chipacakyrofa: if it's Done, then watch will return immediately15:14
kyrofaChipaca, ah, you're familiar with that issue? Yeah, kalikiana is using --last=refresh, my question is whether it should actually be --last=auto-refresh15:15
Chipacakyrofa: yeah probably15:15
Chipacakyrofa: it'll be harder to test for :-(15:15
Chipacabut yes15:15
Chipacathe situation as described was with an auto-refresh ongoing15:15
kyrofaNo reason we can't do both, but in a realistic scenario, I think the auto-refresh is the real problem15:15
Chipacaas long as you ignore the error, yes15:16
Chipaca(watch will error if there is no change of that kind)15:16
kyrofaOh, good to know15:16
Chipacakyrofa: try 'snap watch --last=potato'15:17
* Chipaca hopes he hasn't made anybody nervous with that15:17
kyrofaChipaca, it worked!15:20
Chipacakyrofa: by the way, what was the reason for the validation error you were getting yesterday?15:20
kyrofaChipaca, the app command wasn't pointing at an existing file15:20
Chipacakyrofa: did you read that in the log?15:21
kyrofaChipaca, no, after zyga mentioned that apps were validated I just took a closer look. I had fixed it by the time you mentioned it was actually logged15:21
Chipacaaw, ok15:22
Chipacakyrofa: I'll probably be adding a '(details in the log)' or something to help people find that info15:22
Chipacanot any time soon though15:22
* Chipaca 's plate is full15:22
kyrofaChipaca, how quickly after first boot do you think snapd would try to autorefresh?15:29
kyrofaOr is there a delay or some sort?15:30
mvokyrofa: with the current snapd there is a delay of ~2h iirc15:30
Chipacathere's a hold off of 2h i think, and then a random window15:30
Chipacakyrofa: see 'snap refresh --time'15:30
kyrofaCan I hack around that for a test? Convince it to autorefresh?15:30
kyrofaOh, handy15:31
Chipacakyrofa: I think you should be able to give it a window small enough to be useful in a test, yes15:32
ChipacaI never remember the syntax for it though15:32
kyrofaOh right, THAT feature, yeah let me look it up15:32
kalikianaChipaca: kyrofa It was my understanding `snap watch --last=refresh` covers automatic refresh. Is that indeed not the case?15:36
Chipacakalikiana: watch is fairly dumb and snap-side only, and it's a simple match on the change kind15:37
Chipacakalikiana: code is in cmd/snap/last.go if you want to look15:38
mupPR snapd#5087 closed: many: fix various issues reported by shellcheck <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5087>15:52
mupPR snapd#5092 opened: snap: do not use overly short timeout in `snap {start,stop,restart}` <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5092>15:59
pedronisChipaca: I reviewed #479016:07
mupPR #4790: jsonutil/puritan: introducing puritan.String & etc <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4790>16:07
pedronisChipaca: it needs a different summary when merged16:07
Chipacapedronis: ack, thanks16:08
Chipacai'll probbaly get to it tomorrow16:08
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mupPR snapd#5084 closed: osutil,interfaces: use uint32 for uid, gid <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5084>16:18
* kalikiana eod16:18
zygawillcooke: sorry for the late response, I just logged into a fully up to date 18.04 wayland session and yes, Skype still kills it16:35
willcookezyga, interesting.  Did you try the canonica-x ppa too?16:35
zygawillcooke: this is on a thinkpad t470 with just intel graphics16:35
zygagnome-shell segvfault https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/I8gILg4y/16:36
zygano, I haven't16:36
zygaI'm about to, just looking fot that PPA name16:36
zygathank you16:37
* ogra_ guesses the times are over weher you could just blame microsoft and be done ...16:39
ogra_slangasek, when you initially created the pc-gadget, you didnt include a GPL boilerplate ... was that an oversight or is it actually not needed to include it (asking because of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gadget-snap-licenses/ )16:44
ogra_(not that anybody bothered to include it later either ... )16:45
zygawillcooke: crashed16:46
zygaso no change16:46
zygalet me know if anyone on your team needs any hands-on time with this16:46
willcookek, that sucks.16:46
willcookezyga, would you mind commenting on here please?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/175469316:49
mupBug #1754693: Xwayland crashed with SIGABRT in st_renderbuffer_delete() <amd64> <apport-crash> <bionic> <reproducible> <ubuntu> <wayland-session> <mesa (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754693>16:49
zyganot at all, one sec16:50
slangasekogra_: I think at the time we were creating those gadget snaps it wasn't clear what the convention was for including license information; but the fact that it wasn't there at all, definitely an oversight16:52
ogra_slangasek, ok, thanks .. just wanted to make sure it wasnt on purpose ... (because bootloaders are special or whatnot)16:53
slangasekogra_: bootloaders are not magically immune to copyright law ;-)16:54
ogra_yeah, i thought so ... :)16:54
kyrofaroadmr, I'm having trouble logging in with snapcraft, is there a problem?17:07
roadmrthere is17:07
kyrofaI see a "Snap downloads interruption" but everything is green17:07
roadmrkyrofa: at the very top of the page there's an announcement17:07
kyrofaRight, that's what I'm talking about17:08
roadmrI don't understand then.17:08
noise][that shouldn't be affecting login though17:09
ogra_oh, is that the reason why i'm bombed with store mails recently ?17:11
ogra_Launchpad uploaded this snap package to the store, but the store failed to17:11
ogra_scan it:17:11
ogra_  __all__: The upload does not appear to be a valid package.17:11
roadmrkyrofa, noise][ : I did see some sluggishness with unrelated store API accesses, that *might* have caused snapcraft login to barf17:11
ogra_the 4th now in 20min17:11
roadmrogra_: yes, that would be the store being unable to download the snap for scanning17:11
nessitakyrofa, what's the error you are getting?17:11
ogra_ah, k17:11
kyrofanessita, 50417:12
roadmrogra_: if any of your snaps end up in a wedged state and you can't wrangle them out yourself, let me know. We should have fixed that, this is a trial by fire for our fix :D17:12
kyrofaTook a long time to discharge, and now it's getting 504s on /dev/api/account17:12
ogra_roadmr, fun fact ... nit even remotely "my snaps" :) thats snapcraft itself (i seem to be a collaborator for whatever reason)17:13
ogra_*not even17:13
roadmrogra_: oh fun :)17:13
kyrofaogra_, yeah it's owned by snappy-dev or whatever that group is17:17
nessitakyrofa, just calling snapcraft login?17:18
kyrofanessita, after entering my login info and 2fa, yeah17:18
kyrofaAlso happening with exported logins on travis17:19
nessitakyrofa, ok so many that was the dashboard API for when getting the account details17:19
nessitaroadmr, ^17:19
mupPR snapcraft#2104 closed: many: allow building in containers with no version in project <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2104>17:21
mupBug #1766667 opened: commands in a container cannot write to inherited filehandles such as stdout <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766667>17:21
* cachio afk17:44
zygamvo: does 5092 mean we need a .6?18:31
zygaI'm about to EOD so I won't review it today18:31
zygabut I was curious18:31
kyrofaroadmr, nessita any progress? I still can't login, blocking work18:31
nessitakyrofa, see is-outage, there is a network issue in the datacenter18:37
kyrofaDo we have any communication around this? Tweets, forum posts?18:44
roadmrkyrofa: our procedure calls for updating status.snapcraft.io (which we did, the announcement at the top), and post something sticky in the forum (we didn't, apologies - the procedure we have is newish)19:02
roadmrkyrofa: we hadn't been asked to tweet about it :) if you were to look at twitter, where would you look?19:02
roadmr(which account I mean - to e.g. decide if we use an existing one or create a new one)19:02
roadmrkyrofa, nessita : as for the "everything is normal" thing on status.snapcraft.io - the thing is that we use an external provider for this19:02
kyrofasnapcraftio, but snapcraftstatus or something would be even better19:03
roadmrand they consider a service green if it responds to a small subset of queries, even if slowly (as is the case now)19:03
kyrofaroadmr, I'm getting 504s, that's not slow, that's timeout19:03
roadmrthey are more lenient than our clients :) so that's why the dots all show green. Our IR will have an action to check if we can tighten those times19:03
roadmrkyrofa: right - the monitoring service does NOT do "snapcraft login" so it wouldn't hit the code path that's timing out for you19:04
roadmrkyrofa: so you would prefer a dedicated twitter account that only posts when the status changes? and not something buried in snapcraftio's normal feed?19:06
kyrofaroadmr, I think of this as the ideal: https://twitter.com/githubstatus19:06
nessitasorry for the missing post, that was my bad, here it is https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slow-snap-store-downloads-and-slow-sso-interactions/512119:06
kyrofaroadmr, but that's just me, give it some thought19:06
roadmrthanks for the ideas!19:07
kyrofaWhatever the deal is with the dashboard, something's not right. That's all I wanted to say19:07
kyrofas/dashboard/status thing/19:07
kyrofanessita, should that be sticky?19:13
nessitakyrofa, I'm not sure what sticky is in the forum, sorry19:13
roadmrnessita: noise][ can make the post sticky if you point him to it19:14
roadmr(means it'll appear at the top until unstickied)19:15
threshhow are apparmor policies apply to binaries other than the main snap entrypoint running under the same namespace?19:48
kyrofathresh, depends on how the binaries are being run. By the "main entrypoint" ?19:51
kyrofaIf so, its confinement is inherited19:51
threshso what I do is I run snap run vlc,  then Qt (which VLC is linked to ) I guess forks some KDE-related processes19:52
threshI'm looking at what's hapenning with VLC beta snap on 18.04, and it's the same issue as I have on Debian, apparmor denials19:52
kyrofathresh, what does that KDE-related process do?19:53
kyrofaThis KDE-related thing must be something you're shipping in VLC? Do you need to (i.e. is it required?)19:55
threshcorrect, that's something I ship in VLC snap.  I need it for VLC to look nice under KDE (e.g. use Open File dialogs relevant to the platform it's launched on).19:55
threshas Qt shipped in Xenial is too bad with that, and I don't get any theming (well, only the default windows 95 one) on any platform except Unity.19:56
kyrofathresh, ah, the windows 95 one. Isn't minimalist "in" these days?19:57
kyrofathresh, do you get these denials on xenial as well? Or just 18.04 and debian?19:58
threshthe apparmor messages on 18.04 are http://thre.sh/stuff/snaps/apparmor-issues/messages.txt19:58
threshI'm yet to test xenial, don't have it on my virtualbox yet19:58
kyrofathresh, this utility must be dbus-based?20:00
kyrofathresh, what is it called? I suspect we need an interface covering it20:00
kyrofaLike xdg-open20:00
kyrofajdstrand, will know far more20:01
kyrofaDarn hexchat. Minus the comma20:01
threshI have no idea20:09
threshthanks kyrofa, I guess my usecase is really weird20:14
threshbut then I wonder what other Qt5 apps do when they want to look nice everywhere20:14
kyrofathresh, yeah great question. There must be similar functionlity for gtk, no?20:15
kyrofathresh, I can't pretend to be much of a desktop dev though20:15
kyrofakenvandine, are you around?20:15
kyrofa(as much as I'd love to be sometimes... I miss qt)20:15
kenvandinekyrofa, yup20:15
kenvandinekyrofa, lol20:15
* kenvandine reads20:16
kyrofakenvandine, yeah starting around 12:4820:17
threshhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-do-people-build-qt-gui-applications-snaps/3714/4 says there is no good way, except using newer Qt5 than shipped in Xenial, which I do now20:18
kenvandinethresh, so what's your question?  How to get better looking toolkit provided dialogs like the file picker?20:21
threshwell, it all stems from there, yes.20:21
kenvandinethresh, and you're bundling qt5 right?20:23
kenvandinehow's kde involved at all?20:23
threshthe problem is, when I use newer Qt5 - from KDE Neon, built for 16.04, since I can not build VLC on anything newer that might have newer nicer Qt5, weird things are happening when running in snap.20:23
threshI am.  And to be able to utilize KDE support in newer Qt5, I also bundle some K* packages.20:24
threshwithout all that, I don't even get icons on VLC interface when running on anything else than Unity.20:24
kenvandineprobably better to ask greyback20:24
kenvandinegreyback, ^^20:24
kenvandinethresh, and you use desktop-qt5 right?20:25
kenvandinefrom the snapcraft-desktop-helpers20:25
kenvandinemaybe that's trying to exec some k* process internally, and of course snap doesn't allow exec20:26
kenvandine[ 1858.294589] audit: type=1400 audit(1524599246.290:314): apparmor="DENIED" operation="link" info="Failed name lookup - deleted entry" error=-2 profile="snap.vlc.vlc" name="/run/user/1000/snap.vlc/#34" pid=8907 comm="vlc" requested_mask="l" denied_mask="l" fsuid=1000 ouid=100020:26
kenvandinethat's probably the most curious thing20:26
threshit seems like it does exec it yes, but I *do* see output from ksysoca and friends, so they are launched (but probably are confined so they cant open much?)20:27
kenvandineultimately this is what xdg-desktop-portal is for20:27
thresh12:15:41 < thresh> kf5.kservice.sycoca: ERROR writing database "/home/thresh/snap/vlc/common/.cache/ksycoca5_ru_ukOlKAnKObXkPNxFifGg50oJz9A=" . Disk full?20:28
kenvandinebut we aren't quite there yet20:28
thresh12:16:26 < thresh> and Couldn't write "/home/thresh/snap/vlc/273/.config/kdeglobals" . Disk full?20:28
jdstrandthresh: I forwarded the bug to jjohansen, who is apparmor upstream. on Debian and Ubuntu 18.04, they both have the 4.15 kernel. they also have the new apparmor userspace20:28
threshstuff like that20:28
jdstrandthresh: so I suggest putting more info into the bug. it feels like a regression in lock rules20:28
threshthanks jdstrand!20:28
jdstrandthresh: more info if you find new things20:29
jdstrandthat is20:29
jdstrandjjohansen: fyi, http://thre.sh/stuff/snaps/apparmor-issues/messages.txt for more locking issues. I'm told that is with 4.15 from bionic20:29
threshI've attached that to the bugreport on launchpad, too20:29
jdstrandjjohansen: s/locking/lock rule/20:29
jdstrandthresh: cool, thanks20:30
threshkenvandine, oh yeah, I'll be more than happy if I wouldnt have to shipp all that since it's not exactly VLC domain :)20:30
kenvandinethresh, we're close :)20:30
jdstrandjjohansen: actually, thresh already attached that to the bug, so nothing new here it sounds like20:31
jdstrandjjohansen: what is interesting is that, aiui, the 18.04 4.15 kernel is of course a strict profile, where the Debian 4.15 kernel has that wide open 'devmode' profile20:32
jdstrandjjohansen: ('aiui' because I've not verified myself any of this)20:32
threshjfyi just tried keepassxc, and it doesnt even show any labels on my KDE, so yeah..20:35
threshthanks everyone, I appreciate it20:36
threshgood night20:36
Chipacamwhudson: moin21:05
Chipacamwhudson: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7fx8cCKp36/ with go < 1.10 seems to point to a bug in Go, but 1.10 has changes in the area that seem to fix it (maybe by chance; haven't looked in detail). Do you think it's worth reporting?21:08
jbichakenvandine: I installed the gnome-characters 3.28 snap https://paste.debian.net/1021881/ is that a bug that it suggests I connect to the gnome-3-26-1604 snap?21:25
jbichaand the gnome-3-28-1804 snap description says it's built using xenial21:29
mwhudsonChipaca: national holiday today21:50
Chipacamwhudson: :-) enjoy21:50
=== devil is now known as Guest92578
kenvandinejbicha, not a bug, that is built against gnome-3-26-160422:50
kenvandinejbicha, oh, you installed the beta22:52
kenvandinethe console output from the helpers needs to be made more generic, we won't be able to know which platform you need22:53
kenvandinejbicha, we aren't quite ready to use the stuff based on 1804  :(22:53
jbichahow come it can't know which platform is needed?22:53
kenvandinethe shell script won't know22:53
kenvandinenot without querying snap22:54
kenvandineand that would slow down startup time22:54
jbichabut wouldn't it only need to do if the snap failed to launch normally?22:54
kenvandinemaybe we can grep generated yaml in $SNAP/meta/22:54
kenvandinetrue, only if the mount point is empty22:55
kenvandinewe'll do that22:55
jbichado you want a bug filed somewhere?22:55
kenvandinejbicha, please do22:55
kenvandinewith auto-connecting and auto-downloading we should actually never see that message :)22:56
kenvandinereal soon now22:56
jbichahttps://paste.debian.net/1021889/ strange response from snap22:58
kenvandinejbicha, that's very odd22:58
kenvandinejbicha, gnome-logs from beta won't work btw :)22:59
kenvandineit crashes...22:59
kenvandinecore18 doesn't provide log-observe22:59
kenvandineis my current theory22:59
jbichaum, gnome-logs 3.28 actually runs here…22:59
kenvandinefrom candidate it will22:59
kenvandinenot from beta23:00
jbichathey're the same thing right now I think?23:00
kenvandineok, maybe i never pushed the broken one :)23:00
kenvandineit must be the one using gnome-3-26-160423:00
jbichathat makes sense because I didn't even connect anything this time23:01
kenvandinethat is an odd message from snapd though23:01
kenvandinei need to run though23:01
mupIssue snapcraft#2037 closed: core refresh in container build breaks build <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2037>23:26
mupPR snapcraft#2098 closed: lxd: wait for on-going refreshes to finish <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2098>23:26
mupIssue snapcraft#1919 closed: Add Always support when sending errors <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1919>23:29
mupPR snapcraft#2101 closed: errors: implement an always option to send to sentry <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2101>23:29
mupPR snapcraft#2103 closed: package: make use of snapcraftctl snapcraft features <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2103>23:38

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