
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
Trevinhoduflu: thanks for that bug :)05:53
dufluTrevinho, you're welcome. Although it reminded me how unsure about upstream's fix I am06:32
didrocksgood morning06:37
dufluMorning didrocks06:41
didrockshey duflu06:45
seb128hey Trevinho duflu didrocks07:19
dufluHi seb12807:19
Trevinhomorning seb12807:19
Trevinhoand didrocks07:19
didrockshey Trevinho, seb128 :)07:19
dupondjeI quite recently (since the libinput upgrade?) see the following bug: When I type, it sometimes gives a short hang, and then the char i'm typing is repeated like 5-15 times07:26
seb128do you use wayland?07:31
seb128don't :p07:32
ubot5`Gnome bug 777693 in general "Input event (e. g. typing on keyboard) is sent repeatedly during high load" [Normal,Needinfo]07:33
ubot5-ngbugzilla.gnome.org bug 777693 in general "Input event (e. g. typing on keyboard) is sent repeatedly during high load" [Normal, Needinfo] - Assigned to gnome-shell-maint07:33
ubot5`bug 777693 in PernillaSYS "Crash-bug when trying to view registrations if none of the users conferences is locked" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77769307:33
didrocksseb128: so, ubiquity on 16.04 a11y support is even worse: it's in english both in the installer and in the live session07:34
didrockshere, we would have it in english only the installer mode, not in the live session07:34
Trevinhoand... night time here, bye07:37
didrocksbye bye Trevinho07:37
seb128night Trevinho07:38
seb128didrocks, Laney managed to make the callback work yesterday07:38
* didrocks bzr pull07:38
Trevinhoseb128: got the mail?07:38
didrockshum, not in bzr07:38
* didrocks looks at logs07:38
seb128Trevinho, yes, you forgot the status of your milestoned bugs again :p07:38
seb128didrocks, workaround, not fix07:39
Trevinhoseb128: I didn't forget... there's no news :-D07:39
seb128didrocks, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/04/23/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t19:3507:39
didrocksbetter than the subprocess I guess?07:39
dufluNight Trevinho07:39
seb128Trevinho, we are supposed to include those anyway, even if you say "no news, planned for SRU"07:39
dupondjeseb128: hehe :) Xorg doesn't allow scaling 1 screen, but not the other I guess? :) So thats why I need wayland07:40
seb128unsure about that, it might be the case07:41
seb128hey Nafallo07:41
seb128didrocks, so yeah, at least that helps understanding the issue, now for how to workaround in a nice way...07:41
didrocksseb128: well, this is what we understood yesterday basically… being root and dbus rejecting sending the message07:42
seb128right, but I didn't understand why the drop privileges calls were not working07:42
seb128Trevinho, thanks! and have a good night :)07:43
didrocksseb128: because the uid stays the same07:43
didrocksyou keep being 007:43
didrocksonly the euid is changed07:43
didrockswhen you drop priviledges without subprocessing07:43
didrocks(as ubiquity wants to gain again root privileges later on)07:44
* duflu is also seeing error messages that tell me I am uid 007:44
didrocksthe whole issue is that ubiquity is one process gaining/dropping privileges as needed. And we start to get the limitation of that architecture IMHO07:44
seb128didrocks, sorry, door bell...07:47
willcookemorning all07:48
seb128didrocks, yeah, I was just puzzled at why the drop privilege is not working for dbus but it is, we just regain the privilege before the check is done in an async way07:48
dufluHi willcooke07:48
seb128didrocks, that explains the bit I didn't understand07:48
seb128hey willcooke07:48
didrocksseb128: hem, I mentioned that yesterday to you :)07:48
didrockshey willcooke07:49
willcookehi duflu - was justing thinking about the mem leak patches.. I dont think we've had any problems with it.  Worst case feedback seems to be "no change", a few people have said it helps.07:49
seb128didrocks, I didn't understood properly/realize that a sleep before the restore would be enough07:49
willcookeyou think we can release it?07:49
dufluwillcooke, I think we already released it(?)07:49
seb128didrocks, you said that the callback was probably coming after we restored the privilege and such discarded07:50
didrocksseb128: I'm a little bit vary about a sleep… What happens if the user press Super + Alt + S later on?07:50
seb128though now I'm unsure07:50
didrocksisn't what you said?07:50
seb128does the signal register needs to happen during that time07:50
seb128or does the change need to happen?07:50
didrocksmy theory for #207:50
didrocksnot #107:50
seb128I understand from L_aney's comment that the register was enough07:50
seb128let me test07:50
dufluwillcooke, I changed the bug to in progress the other day, awaiting more fixes. But definitely an improvement already07:50
didrocksseb128: that would be better, I'm worried if it's #2, as it can happen anytime07:51
seb128right, let me see07:51
didrocksalso, are we sure nothing else happens in parallel which can gain privileges?07:51
didrockstell me if you need any help07:51
seb128willcooke, duflu, we "failed" at blocking the gjs update in proposed so it went to bionic proper directly on thursday07:51
dufluYeah, 5 days ago07:52
dufluAll good07:52
didrockshey Laney07:52
willcookeah, "problem" "solved" then :)07:52
willcookemorning Laney, how's London?07:52
seb128willcooke, Lucaks probably didn't see your request on the email, but yeah, that solves a problem for us07:52
dufluwillcooke, just as well because bug 1763878 was desperate for the release07:52
ubot5`bug 1763878 in gjs (Ubuntu) "[regression] Many programs crashing at exit with assert failure: ../../../../src/cairo-hash.c:217: _cairo_hash_table_destroy: Assertion `hash_table->live_entries == 0' failed. Called from cairo_debug_reset_static_data()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176387807:52
Laneyhey didrocks willcooke07:53
Laneyyeah it's alright07:53
Laneyseems to be a nice looking coffee shop across the road now07:53
Laneywill check it out later07:53
willcookeduflu,  the other one on my radar was classic snaps crashing the session in Wayland, I think that's related to the xwayland issue.  Less pressing for release.07:53
willcookeduflu, was that on your list, or should we find someone to look at it?07:53
willcookeLaney, there was talk of free coffee to Blue Fin residents, might be worth asking Stef07:54
dufluwillcooke, it wasn't no. The reason is that we have many much noisier issues. Probably hundreds. I didn't mean to be rude07:54
willcookeduflu, np07:54
seb128willcooke, duflu, I asked tjaalton if he could upstream/handle the xwayland one, unsure what's the status07:55
dufluHeh. Which Xwayland one, seb128?07:55
tjaaltonmesa 18.0.1 was released, best to test that first07:56
seb128duflu, the one willcooke was asking about, classic snaps making xwayland segfault07:56
seb128duflu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/175469307:56
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754693 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Xwayland crashed with SIGABRT in st_renderbuffer_delete()" [High,Confirmed]07:56
dufluOh yes. I recall he assigned it to Mesa07:56
seb128tjaalton, do you have that update in a ppa?07:56
tjaaltonnot yet07:56
seb128can you let us know once you do?07:57
didrockssome people didn't understand that it's a bot posting the snap: https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-communitheme/pull/122#issuecomment-383327290 :)07:57
ubot5-ngubuntu bug (Pull request) 122 in gnome-shell-communitheme "enhance selected day" (comments: 2) [Closed]07:57
seb128I'm sure willcooke would be happy to give it a try :)07:57
seb128willcooke, right? ;)07:57
didrocksat least, people are trying the PR snap and confirming!07:57
seb128didrocks, :)07:57
willcookethe xwayland crashing classic snaps - yes indeed - will test that07:58
willcookeoh, didrocks, using communitheme, can you open gnome calculator and tell me what you see? ;)07:58
willcookeI think you'll say "nothing at all"07:58
seb128willcooke, transparent bg?07:58
willcookedarn, I thought I'd found something new07:58
seb128bug #176081807:58
ubot5`bug 1760818 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "gedit and gnome-calculator transparency/graphics corruption issue" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176081807:58
seb128well that one is with our current/old themes07:59
seb128but likely the same issue07:59
seb128Laney, your ubiquity changes work in -dm, no reset of keys or second dconf-service anymore08:00
seb128thank you for the fix!08:01
didrockswillcooke: I worked on it for some times and that was part of my weekly report :)08:01
didrocksdiscussed on the hub, snapcraft forum, and bug reports ;)08:02
didrocksbasically, gtk-common-themes now has communitheme in as a workaround (never got an answer from the snapd team to have a proper theme support :/)08:02
didrocksand kenvandine, when he will have time, need to update the snaps to use the theme plugs08:02
didrocksbut it means that any snap not declaring and supporting the theme plugs will be transparent…08:03
seb128didrocks, was that about the transparent bg?08:03
seb128are you sure about that?08:03
seb128we have transparent bg issues with the old theme as well08:03
seb128see the bug reference I gave08:03
seb128I'm not sure it's snap specific?08:03
seb128we had reports with the deb as well (at least on the old theme)08:04
seb128there might be a snap issue on top?08:04
didrockswell, it's different08:04
didrockshere, the whole UI is transparent08:04
didrocksnot part of it08:04
didrocksand switching themes make it works08:04
didrocksbasically, you have apparmor denials on /snap/communitheme/current…08:04
seb128ah ok, sounds different indeed then08:04
seb128shame, I though it could help us to understand the issue with ambiance :p08:05
didrocksI still think the "gtk-common-theme" + special plug won't address the bigger issue with themes and snaps08:05
didrocksas not all snaps will declare those plugs08:05
didrocksand thus, will render transparently :/08:05
didrockstried to get the snapd team on it, but never got a respond…08:05
seb128yeah, if that's not handled on the snapd level it's not going to be great08:05
didrocksyeah, once kenvandine updates our default snaps, at least, those works08:06
didrocksuntil someone start a another snap and will trigger the bug08:06
didrockssee my last comment08:07
seb128willcooke, k, well known issue in any case :)08:10
willcookeDifferent note, I think the u7 theme is pulling in g-calculator deb08:11
didrocksis a reverse dep08:12
didrocksso yeah08:12
willcookeyeah, that makes sense08:12
didrocks(also unity-scope-calculator)08:12
didrockswillcooke: tip of the day for you: apt rdepends gnome-calculator ;)08:13
didrocksit's nicer since the move from apt-cache to apt, shows you if it's a recommends, deps, suggests…08:13
seb128with --show-installed=yes if you want to limit to what is installed08:13
seb128which usually makes easier to understand your local install situation08:14
didrocksah, not on apt show though…08:14
* didrocks doesn't find an equivalent in the manpage…08:15
c-lobranohi all08:17
willcookethanks didrocks!08:17
didrockshey c-lobrano08:18
c-lobranodidrocks: thank you for taking time to repeat again and again the same snap story every time someone asks :D08:18
didrocksc-lobrano: see, it was a combo this time, github AND here ;)08:19
c-lobranotoo bad github doesn't have aliases for messages :)08:19
didrocksI was just typing the answer when I got the question on that channel :p08:19
didrocksI'll make a stock response soon :p08:19
didrockskenvandine: FYI, I can't assign it to you, but as we discussed theming in snap: https://github.com/ubuntu/gtk-communitheme/issues/354#issuecomment-38384503908:20
ubot5-ngubuntu bug 354 in gtk-communitheme "None of the default provided snaps in 18.04 work properly with the snap community theme" (comments: 3) [Snap, Open]08:20
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 354 in gnomad2 (Ubuntu) "gnomad2 needs superuser access" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35408:20
didrocksat least, now, people won't mix it up with the evince issue anymore (even if both are due to the same root case: apparmor denials)08:20
mvoRAOF: hey, if you are around, I would love to chat about 1763266 (the mountinfo bug) a) does it still prevent snapd from starting with 2.32.5? b) do you see more ill effects, like snaps stop working when you try to run them?08:27
mvoRAOF: also I added some more info (and a potential kernel patch) in the bug, would love to hear if that helps08:27
Laneyseb128: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm08:29
seb128didrocks, Laney, so, back to this screen reader issue08:29
seb128lol, good timing :p08:29
Laneythink we might have figured it08:29
Laneynot sure you need to drop there ...08:29
Laneythink the regain was actually causing problems08:29
seb128how so?08:29
seb128well, without the drop/restore the callback is never called either, we tried that08:30
seb128time to rewrite ubiquity to be an user process and call to polkit to privileged actions? :p08:30
Laneythat was printed08:31
seb128interested, what did you do exactly?08:31
Laney        self.a11y_settings = Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")08:31
Laney        self.a11y_settings.connect("changed::screen-reader-enabled", on_screen_reader_enabled_changed)08:31
Laney        print("current value is: %s" % self.a11y_settings.get_boolean("screen-reader-enabled"))08:31
seb128in gtk_ui.py?08:32
seb128I'm not sure how that's different from what I do in http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch08:33
Laneyyou do drop and regain08:33
Laneyand it's not an instance variable, maybe that matters08:34
seb128in a second blob08:34
seb128+        settings_a11y1 = Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")08:34
seb128+        settings_a11y1.connect("changed", on_a11y_changed1)08:34
seb128+        print(settings_a11y1.get_boolean("screen-reader-enabled"))08:34
seb128+        misc.drop_privileges_save()08:34
seb128+        settings_a11y = Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")08:34
seb128the *1 variant is not under drop/Restore08:34
Laneywell give that a try please08:34
Laneythere's also a self.a11y_settings = None at the top08:34
* didrocks doesn't see the difference apart from only listening to one key and not the whole schema subfolder08:35
Laneywhat if settings_a11y1 goes out of scope and the handlers are disconnected08:36
seb128that could well be08:36
didrockshum, interesting idea08:36
seb128shrug, maybe lost days of poking around due something as stupîd :/08:37
didrockswell, it's stupid in some way, but as you have an handler, gobject-introspection python bindings should get an hold on the reference…08:37
didrocksbut yeah, not a bad idea at all if this is the cause08:38
RAOFmvo: sure!08:44
RAOFThat bug doesn't prevent me from using snaps *until* something tries to run `snap refresh`, at which point all snaps irreparably break.08:45
RAOF(that something might be the systemd unit that runs `snap refresh` around boot time 😀)08:46
RAOFBug #176326608:47
ubot5`bug 1763266 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snapd fails to start (failed to parse /proc/self/mountinfo)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176326608:47
tseliotapw: hey, apparently nvidia-driver-390 is in the "libs" section rather than in "restricted/misc" (I tested this with python-apt). This causes the Additional Drivers tool to see it as "open source". Can you fix this, please?08:48
apwtseliot, looking08:48
apwtseliot, restricted/libs/optional/100% it is in restricted, but as you say restricted/libs08:51
mvoRAOF: ok, so you can run snaps and interact with snapd until a refresh happens. and at that point you get an error from snapd (it stops running?) and when you "snap run test-snapd-tools.echo hello" it will fail? if so, I would love to get the error message from snap run (assuming you have test-snapd-tools installed) and the output of "journalctl -u snapd" after it starts failing. I think we need to make it more rob08:51
mvoust :) however the underlying issue is a bcachefs bug (see LP bug)08:51
tseliotapw: I suspect that moving it to restricted/misc would solve the problem08:51
apwtseliot, is it not the restricted bit which tells us it is a dangerous thing ?08:51
RAOFmvo: sure! I'll get that info next time I trigger it, and forward that patch upstream. Thanks!08:52
tseliotapw: python-apt doesn't really return the "restricted" part from restricted/libs, but it does return the full "restricted/misc" for some reason08:53
apwtseliot, you mean because it is libs it is '' sort of thing, and restricted is lost ?08:53
mvoRAOF: thank you! woah, if you forward it, let me just fix the one tiny issue I noticed in it08:54
tseliotapw: I'll show you with a python script08:54
apwtseliot, /me trusts you ... lets try moving it08:55
tseliotapw: thanks08:55
apwtseliot, the publisher is grinding hard, so it will be a while for sure08:55
RAOFI won't do anything with it until tomorrow, so you've got like 12 hours before I touch it again 😀08:55
alexarnaudHello all08:55
tseliotapw: that would be fine. Still less work than me changing the detection code again08:56
tjaaltonseb128: pushed mesa-18.0.1 to ppa:canonical-x/x-staging, building now08:57
seb128tjaalton, nice, thanks08:57
seb128willcooke, ^08:57
tjaaltonstill building08:58
tjaaltonnot available yet08:58
willcookeack, will watch it08:58
tjaaltonmaybe in 20min08:58
didrockshey alexarnaud09:00
seb128didrocks, Laney, so yeah, it works with the self.a11y_settings = None definition...09:01
dufluHmm. Is this meant to take zero time?09:02
dufluApr 24 17:01:34 haz systemd[1]: Starting Stop ureadahead data collection...09:02
dufluApr 24 17:01:34 haz systemd[1]: Started Stop ureadahead data collection.09:02
seb128well, I'm trying https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZWww3TFdNy/ but I'm having some weird issue now, the dconf/user in /run is owned by root and gsettings is unhappy, trying without the misc.py changes09:02
didrocksseb128: \o/09:03
didrocksgood call Laney ;)09:03
tseliotLaney: hey, any chance you can have a look at this? It would be good to have a working Additional Drivers tool in time for the 18.04 release: https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/software-properties/software-properties/+merge/34388209:03
didrocksduflu: I think ureadahead is disabled on ssd?09:03
* duflu shrugs. "never trust log messages"09:04
dufluseb128, those login problems are suddenly gone btw. I was trying to get detailed logs. Plus I can't reproduce on other machines09:05
NafalloI had a login problem this morning. not sure what happened.09:06
Nafalloafter login I just had a purple screen, and could move the bluetooth mouse09:07
seb128did you had a failed login first?09:07
dufluNafallo, bug 176613709:07
ubot5`bug 1766137 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176613709:07
Nafallonope. pretty sure it wasn't a failed login...09:07
Nafallobut then again, perhaps.09:07
dufluNafallo, sorry bad bug description09:08
alexarnaudjbicha: Do you plan to add a symlink on the sane package to avoid work around describe on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/170735209:08
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1707352 in sane-backends (Debian) "the change from libsane to libsane1 broke many (all?) 3rd party plug-ins for sane" [Unknown,New]09:08
Nafalloonce I did the ctrl+alt dance to a different terminal and back, gdm came back with a login screen.09:08
Nafalloafter that it worked :-)09:08
duflubug 1766137 :)09:08
ubot5`bug 1766137 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Login fails (blank purple screen and mouse pointer only)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176613709:08
* Nafallo takes a look09:08
seb128didrocks, Laney, k, so that works in the sense the callback is called but it's screwed. I'm going to try again the drop/restore priviledge but keeping the definition so it doesn't get out of scope.09:09
NafalloI thought the interesting thing was that the bluetooth mouse was already working, but perhaps that happens earlier on a system level?09:09
Laneyseb128: don't, I tried that09:09
seb128didrocks, Laney, with that current change the dconf user file is root owned and the callback always return" false"09:09
Laneythat is what I was describing yesterday09:09
seb128so I think it spawns a dconf-service as root09:10
dufluNafallo, yes the BT mouse will work system-wide09:10
seb128and fails to read the user value09:10
seb128it gets the changed signal09:10
seb128but it always read as "false"09:10
didrocksprobably due to different $HOME as well09:10
seb128so the wrong value is probably my fault09:11
seb128I used "gsettings.get_value(key).unpack()" in the callback09:11
seb128I should probably use the wrapper09:11
seb128that does the sudo/gsettings cmd dance to get from the correct user09:11
seb128but that's not going to resolve the fact that /run/...dconf/user is owned by root09:11
seb128and that makes gsettings unhappy/complaining about the permissions09:12
dufluNafallo, in fact you can use your Bluetooth mouse in a VT too (if gpm is installed)09:12
Laneyon_screen_reader_enabled_changed: False09:12
Laneyon_screen_reader_enabled_changed: True09:12
Laneyit works here09:12
LaneyI don't have that root thing09:12
Laneylet me reboot to a clean environment09:12
seb128Laney, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZWww3TFdNy/ ... something is probably wrong in my diff09:13
seb128Laney, do you read the value using the wrapper?09:13
Laneyit's like settings.get_boolean("screen-reader-changed") in the callback09:13
Nafalloduflu: thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll subscribe, but you seem able to reproduce this so no further action needed?09:14
dufluNafallo, actually I can't reproduce it or the other bug today09:15
dufluIt's not a midweek bug09:15
Nafalloduflu: okay. just let me know if I should do something then :-)09:16
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
seb128Laney, well it's not the callback, because I boot, go to a tty and do a gsettings get and get the dconf permission error, without trying to activate the callback in -dm first09:18
* seb128 doesn't understand09:18
dufluNafallo, maybe enable debug in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf, reboot, start watching 'journalctl -f' from an ssh login, then try and login and reproduce it.09:19
dufluNafallo, because upstream wants more info: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/22709:19
ubot5-ngGNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 7) [Opened]09:20
ubot5`Error: Gnome bug 227 could not be found09:20
didrocksthe dconf perm error is on the tty with a simple get?09:21
seb128same I've been doing since I started testing09:21
didrocksweird, I'm pretty sure I didn't see that yesterday09:21
seb128the file is indeed root owned09:21
didrocksok, so no patch at all on ubiquity?09:21
seb128didrocks, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZWww3TFdNy/09:21
didrocksjust doing a get on a tty09:21
seb128that patch09:21
seb128booting in rescue.target, applying the patch09:22
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
seb128waiting for -dm to be loaded09:22
* didrocks fires up vm09:22
seb128going to a tty09:22
didrockspaste.ubuntu.com is annoying for copying raw patch, as requires login :/09:22
seb128didrocks, Laney, k, I changed back the sudo calls to use -E instead of '--preserve-env=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' and no root problem anymore09:23
seb128weird, I tried the patch with '--preserve-env=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS' this morning and it seemed fine09:23
seb128I'm a bit puzzled now :/09:23
seb128but I tried 3 boots with the diff from pastebin before and I had the issue 3 times09:23
didrocksseb128: try to pass HOME09:24
seb128now I loaded the same diff but changed for -E09:24
Laney-H sets HOME09:24
didrocksoh right09:24
seb128k, I don't understand :/09:24
Laneywhat exactly are the steps to get this?09:24
Nafalloduflu: hmm. looks like we may not have confirmed this is actually a wrong login issue, right?09:24
seb128Laney, mine is09:25
seb128- pick "install" on the syslinux menu09:25
seb128- f609:25
seb128dhclient to have internet09:25
seb128wget the patch from people page (using the ip, I've no dns)09:25
seb128patch -p0 in /usr/lib/ubiquity09:25
seb128-> ubiquity-dm loaded09:25
seb128then ctrl-alt-<fn> and gsettings get or look at at the log09:26
dufluNafallo, I'm not going to comment in there further while I can't reproduce it. But when I could reproduce it I did confirm authentication is successful (as other people confirmed too). Only the gnome-shell process is missing09:26
Laneyok, thx09:26
dufluAlso no crash file09:26
seb128Laney, didrocks, I need to go pick somebody, back in a bit and I re-do another testing round09:26
Nafalloduflu: excellent. that was the only part I thought was odd :-)09:26
seb128Laney, didrocks, what I tried now is http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/new ... that version gives me the root owned error, I did a try where I changed the --preserve-env to -E before applying the patch and that worked09:27
seb128orca started and read screen09:27
seb128anyway, bbiab09:27
* didrocks starts a vm09:28
didrocksok, confirming what seb128 says09:33
didrocksit tries to create /run/user/999/user09:33
didrocksI thought that was dconf-service would would try to create that file09:34
didrockswhich is with the correct perms and id09:34
didrocks(and the folder 999 as well09:35
didrocksknowing we already have ~/.config/dconf/user with correct perm and ownership09:35
didrocks(also, we don't use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for dconf here…)09:37
didrocksso something makes dconf fallback to XDG_RUNTIME_DIR maybe?09:37
Nafalloduflu: it will probably take a while. my other laptop was quite outdated and doing updates now ;-)09:38
didrocksHOME=/home/ubuntu in spawn dconf-service process, as expected by -H09:38
didrocksLaney: confirming laney?09:44
Laneyit's probably XDG_RUNTIME_DIR09:44
Laneytry adding that09:44
didrocksit's in the process…09:44
didrocksif you look at dconf-service09:45
didrocksbut can try09:45
Laneyyou can't see what the gsettings calls had though09:45
didrocksit's weird that setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR would have it using $HOME instead of XDG_RUNTIME_DIR though09:45
didrocksbut let's see09:45
didrocksXDG_RUNTIME_DIR is correct in ubiquity, so let's try to pass that to the gsettings call09:46
jbichagood morning09:50
willcooketjaalton, duflu - sooo, PPA is built but before I installed it I wanted to make sure it was still broken, and.. it's not?! i.e. Installed slack and skype and it didnt kill the wayland session09:50
willcookeso I guess that's good :)09:50
willcookehi jbicha09:50
dufluwillcooke, only Mesa changed?09:51
willcookeI did an apt upgrade first and saw a new xwayland go past, so could be that09:51
didrockshey jbicha09:51
jbichawillcooke: do you know if mpt is out this week. I'm disappointed that I haven't had any response to the 3 issues I filed mentioned at the end of https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/6609:51
ubot5-ngCanonicalLtd bug 66 in desktop-design "Visual design for first-login window" (comments: 21) [Closed] - Assigned to lyubomir-popov (lyubomir)09:51
ubot5`Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #66 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/66). The error has been logged09:51
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
didrocksseb128: Laney: so, adding --preserve-env=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in the gsettings call from ubiquity/gsettings.py works.09:52
dufluwillcooke, the new xwayland doesn't sound related (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/2:1.19.6-1ubuntu4)09:53
didrocksseb128: Laney: still weird that setting that variable doesn't activate something which tries to write here instead of HOME, but oh well09:53
didrocksand confirming as well that the screen reader works in ubiquity-dm09:53
willcookejbicha, sorry I don't know.  I haven't been in the office this week yet.  Perhaps Laney might have seen him in the office09:53
didrocks(well, it's in english…)09:53
didrocksbut not a regression from 16.04 apparently09:53
jbichaI don't even know how Design works these days, to know if m_pt is responsible for desktop issues or if I should be pinging someone else09:53
LaneySaw him yesterday I Think09:54
Laneydidrocks: ok, nice (you comma separated it with the session bus, or?)09:54
didrocksLaney: yes09:54
ads20000duflu: Ohh I didn't realize that was your IRC nick. Thanks for having a look at my bug and it's unfortunate that you don't have the same issue so that we can get what upstream is asking for. I'll try and get hold of someone's else's computer to SSH in from but my friends are trying to encourage me to study so it might be tricky xD09:54
didrocksboth works, you can comma separate or repeat it09:54
dufluThis is sounding familiar again. didrocks do you have a link to whatever you're discussing?09:55
didrocksswitching to live session give you then orca in french09:55
LaneyI added that to my branch09:55
jbichaLaney: sorry to interrupt, but could you review bug 1762293 ?09:56
ubot5`bug 1762293 in appstream-generator (Ubuntu) "FFE: Sync appstream-generator 0.7.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176229309:56
Laneylooking fwd to the ubiquity mp to launch/track orca then09:56
Laneyjbicha: not really, I'm actually trying to deploy that now so I don't have time for reviews09:56
didrocksduflu: this is an issue with orca not starting in the installer due to perm/ownership issues09:56
LaneyI think I saw mp_t around09:56
didrocksLaney: pushed?09:57
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
Laneyoops I accidentally pushed to trunk09:57
Laneymeant to go to my branch09:57
didrocksyeah, the typical issue with bzr and tracking branch09:57
didrocksyeah, I had your branch opened :)09:57
Laneyoh well09:57
didrocksgood enough ;)09:57
Laneyits going to be reviewed again in the queue anyway09:57
jbichaLaney: asgen is unseeded universe so if we hadn't filed the FFe, maybe we could have just synced?09:58
didrocksok, so let me try a live session directly09:58
didrocksand starts orca from it09:58
Laneythe "new" patch clearly needs further work to track killing orca when you go to False, and that unpack stuff and "is True" needs replacing with get_boolean09:59
Laneyso going to asgen stuff for a bit, ttyl09:59
Laneyjbicha: (it can be backported, it's not a big deal, don't get worked up about it)10:01
Laneythere have been lots of followup commits and fixups, the initial request was hasty10:02
jbichathe asgen package isn't a big deal to me, it was just on my list10:02
Laneyok, then I suggest closing this request10:02
didrocksseb128: Laney: ok, works as well when started from a live session + ubiquity started. However, it's in english and not in french again (compared to being started as part of the session, with ubiquity-dm first, activate a11y, quit to login to live), but not a regression from 16.0410:03
Laneyalright, feel free to investigate that if you want (for .1 probably?)10:03
didrockspressing Super+Shift+S again close orca10:04
didrocks(and there was only one running in the session, the one spawned by ubiquity)10:04
Laneyin dm too?10:04
didrocksdidn't try in dm, I'm in the live session case right now10:04
jibelLaney, can you review/merge this https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/ubiquity/lp1741690_remove_separate_greetee_a11y_icon/+merge/343906 ?10:04
dufluseb128, willcooke, I'm heading off. Do you need me on Wed?10:06
willcookeduflu,  I think we're good.  Have a good one.10:06
willcooke(tested the PPA still works)10:07
Laneyjibel: ask xnox or infinity please, trying to keep in asgen mode10:07
Laneylooks like it has a conflict?10:07
sil2100jibel: I can take a look as well, after the text conflicts get resolved10:09
tseliotLaney: I suppose you're too busy. jbicha or mvo maybe? https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/software-properties/software-properties/+merge/343882 (LP: #1753333) (my fix works)10:10
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1753333 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Using "Software and Updates -> Additional Drivers" to Switch Fails" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175333310:10
sil2100jibel: but I hear xnox already did ;)10:10
Laneytseliot: sorry, might get some time later10:11
tseliotLaney: ok, thanks10:11
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
jibelsil2100, conflicts in the changelog is fioxed10:15
=== jhernandez is now known as jhernandez_
tjaaltonwillcooke: alright10:26
jbichaalexarnaud: symlinking library .so names is a very unusual step so no, I don't plan to do that10:26
alexarnaudjbicha: Are you not afraid of breaking of hardware during migration 16.04 => 18.04?10:27
jbichaalexarnaud: I suggest complaining upstream about the soname bump if you think it's a problem10:27
alexarnaudDon't you think it's not a packaging responsibility to maintain user experience during upgrade?10:30
jbichaI don't think it's Ubuntu place to add symlinks for different soname versions10:32
willcooketkamppeter, have their been any changes to the printing stack in 17.10 in the last week or so?  I'm seeing many more "I found a printer" type notifications than usual, but could be my machine/network/printer/wind direction10:32
jbichaif bumping the soname is so disruptive to third party drivers, then maybe the soname shouldn't be bumped10:32
alexarnaudI understand10:32
jbichaUbuntu also can't be the only distro with this issue…10:33
alexarnaudjbicha: I'll contact Debian maintainer. It's not possible to let broken hardware.10:43
jbichammm, Debian maintainer doesn't like Ubuntu people complaining about his package he left in experimental :|10:45
alexarnaudI know.10:46
alexarnaudYou do a great job on this package anyway :).10:46
alexarnaudBut I assume we don't target the same user base. My user isn't able to debug hardware after update.10:47
jbichamaybe talk to upstream (not Debian), sane-backends 1.0.27 was released almost a year ago10:48
willcookeseb128, you think this is anything to worry about?  https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/eabb483bd4584c745292dbf0b45214b2f5d7501310:51
willcookeLooks like it's failing to get a lock, so probably something else going on at the same time10:51
alexarnaudjbicha: Thanks for you help and patience :).10:53
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
seb128Laney, didrocks, k, good that it was the env :) I'm unsure we need to deal with "killing" orca since it exit itself when the gsettings key goes to false from what I saw during testing11:18
Laneysounds OK then11:19
Laneya comment to say that would be good so nobody gets worried11:19
seb128willcooke, the error seems mostly noise to me, that should probably not trigger apport ... it looks like apt is already in use when unattendred-upgrades wakes up, it should probably just bail out and retry later11:19
seb128I didn't follow up what's the curent state of the art mp11:20
seb128did anybody propose one with the orca activation?11:20
seb128or do you mean code comment?11:20
Laneynot that I saw11:20
Laneywhen orca is launched11:20
jbichaGunnarHj: gnome-initial-setup looks better translated in French now11:36
GunnarHjjbicha: Right, and in a few other languages. Quite a few missing, though, such as German and Chinese.11:47
seb128Laney, didrocks, jibel, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubiquity/start-screen-reader/+merge/34397511:52
Laneyseb128: thanks, I'll leave two comments11:54
Laneyok, three :P11:56
seb128Laney, I removed the read because it's working fine without it11:57
seb128but since the documentation mentions it you are probably right it's safer11:57
Laneyok, but it's correct to start orca anyway if the key is true isn't it?11:57
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
* kenvandine upgraded to bionic and lost wifi... 13:08
seb128didrocks, Laney, thanks for the review, pushed some tweaks (what took me longer is trying to get things indented correctly, yeah python :/)13:10
seb128and I'm not even sure that's right13:11
seb128            self.a11y_settings =13:11
seb128            Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")13:11
seb128looks weird to me :/13:11
seb128jibel, ^ sorry, just saw your review, already addresed with the changed I pushed for new review13:12
didrocksseb128: shouldn't you have self.a11y_settings = \13:12
seb128I hate python13:12
didrocksI guess also, you will get rejection with that alignement in pep813:13
jibelnp, maybe break after the opening parenthesis13:13
seb128didrocks, no, that's the one I had to use to not have rejections13:13
seb128jibel, you mean?13:13
didrocksseb128: I guess it pass because it's 2 statements for it13:14
jibelit's easier to read with the indentation than breaking at the = sign13:14
didrocksseb128: have you tried running it?13:14
didrocksI would be surprised it runs13:14
didrocksand so 2 instructions -> aligned -> ok13:14
seb128didrocks, you are right it needs the \, but then at what level does next line needs to indent?13:15
seb128python is so annoying in that regard13:15
didrocksseb128: ahah, so, there is where I have my issues with pep8 :)13:15
seb128well 79 lines limitation rather than python13:15
didrocksI generally do it incrementally :p13:15
didrockstrying to increment13:15
didrocksrun pep813:15
didrocksand so on…13:15
jibeland line break after the parenthesis is the style used in ubiquity13:15
mgedminhttps://pypi.org/project/black/ is an ambitious new project that aims to format Python code automatically13:16
seb128right but "org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications" is too long if I intend on the same level13:16
seb128or I need to cut the string13:16
seb128it's ridiculous13:16
seb12879 is too low to intend13:16
seb128intend -> wrap13:16
didrocksseb128: come to my club!13:16
* didrocks makes first members joining free for a year13:17
seb128            self.a11y_settings = Gio.Settings.new(13:17
seb128                                     "org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")13:17
seb128that seems to work13:17
seb128but it's not nice looking :/13:17
didrockssyntactically, it's working13:17
didrocksif pep8 is happy, good13:17
didrocksseb128: see, go, -> gofmt automatically ran for you, code automatically formatted, no debate :p13:18
seb128k, pushed again13:19
* mgedmin would indent 4 spaces more than the line above13:19
jibel+            self.a11y_settings = Gio.Settings.new(13:19
didrocksmgedmin: but then, you will be above the 79 chars limit13:19
jibel+                "org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications")13:19
seb128jibel, you might need to pull --force, I didn't want to do 2 "white space commits" so changed the previous one and repushed --force :p13:19
jibellooks nicer13:19
seb128thx for the hint13:20
* mgedmin meant what jibel pasted13:20
jibelseb128, it's fine13:20
seb128k, let's redo a test on the iso now13:20
seb128to see if I screwed anything13:20
didrocksah "less" not more then13:20
seb128bah, and it's almost meeting-o-clock and I didn't start writting my summary13:22
seb128kenvandine, hey, sorry I just remember that I think you pinged me (was that yesterday?) for some snap testing?13:26
seb128I read that I think after been away but then forgot about it13:26
kenvandineseb128, no worries, osomon tested :)13:26
kenvandinegedit in stable now has translated dialogs :)13:26
seb128k; good13:26
Nafalloheh. the days starting to blend together in release times, seb128 ? ;-)13:26
* kenvandine now has a dedicated VM for french testing :)13:27
didrocksseeing the amount of frenchies on this team, this isn't surprising :p13:27
didrockshuge progress made since 2010 (and even more since 2004 :p)! :)13:27
NafalloI wonder what year I took evening French classes because of the Desktop team ;-)13:28
Nafallo2005 perhaps?13:28
didrockstricked into it!13:28
Nafallonah. didn't need much motivation to choose french to be honest :-)13:29
seb128didrocks, Laney, jibel, of course I screwed something, a11y_settings needs to be self.a11y_settings, I repushed over :p13:29
Nafallomeeting! :-D13:30
didrocksseb128: and you have to refix the identation to make it under 79 char… and… and… :)13:30
kenvandinemeeting time!13:30
kenvandine#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-1313:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Apr 24 13:30:57 2018 UTC.  The chair is kenvandine. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.13:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick13:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic:
kenvandineRoll call:  andyrock, dgadomski, didrocks, duflu (out), jbicha, jamesh (out), jibel/heber, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN (out), seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)13:31
kenvandinelet's get started13:32
kenvandineHappy release week!13:32
kenvandine#topic andyrock13:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrockNot a productive week, PTO Friday and sick yesterday.13:32
andyrock- Fixed LP: #176184113:32
andyrock- Fixed LP: #176498913:32
andyrockIn progress:13:32
andyrock- Update upstream patch to add ubuntu-sso provider in gnome-online-accounts13:32
andyrock- Adding close buttons to ubuntu-welcome13:32
andyrock- LP: #176472313:33
andyrockNo RLS bug for me.13:33
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1761841 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Notification for livepatch are not shown." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176184113:33
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1764989 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "[ubuntusso] Cancelling polkit authentication shows a generic error" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176498913:33
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1764723 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "gnome-initial-setup says that Livepatch is "all set" even if enabling is still in progress." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176472313:33
kenvandineandyrock, thx!13:33
kenvandine#topic dgadomski13:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* verified latest patch for bug #176466813:33
dgadomski* debugging a problem with WPA2 enterprise (EAP-TLS) with NM and wpasupplicant directly. I'm going to gather all info and report a lp bug.13:33
ubot5`bug 1764668 in libvirt (Ubuntu Bionic) "guest cleanup script fails to iterate" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176466813:34
kenvandinedgadomski, thx13:34
kenvandine#topic didrocks13:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocks  * Multiple ubuntu-report fixes/enhancements (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-report/1.0.8):13:34
didrocks    - complex screen configs with multiple frequencies13:34
didrocks    - add timeout config for hanging servers13:34
didrocks    - list architecture as part of POST data13:34
didrocks  * After discussions, switch to vendor dependencies for support in ubuntu-report:13:34
didrocks    - change autopkgtests and ship now upstream vendor dependencies (1.0.9 + 1.0.10)13:34
didrocks  * Switch to reading from chassis_vendor to sys_vendor after talking to Entroware (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-report/1.0.11)13:34
didrocks  * Seed gnome-initial-setup and ubuntu-report CLI tool (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/1.417)13:34
didrocks  * Investigate only second login working on Wayland for communitheme. After investigation, this results in 2 bugs:13:34
didrocks    - one communitheme specific one, which under Wayland, doesn't set default paths (the scripts are running after wrapper on Wayland, contrary to Xorg): https://github.com/ubuntu/communitheme-snap-helpers/commit/46413618dcd52555d844262bbd69dfd4700568e213:34
didrocks    - another one where old sessions aren't properly closed, and we were blindly appending the same values multiple times. Fixed in xorg https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xorg/merge_requests/3, https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xorg/merge_requests/4. Fix in gnome-session https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/3.28.1-0ubuntu2. Proposed fix in snapd (waiting for it to be reviewed):13:34
ubot5-ngX Strike Force bug (Merge request) 3 in xorg "Protect against multipleadditions of the same paths to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" (comments: 0) [Merged]13:34
ubot5-ngX Strike Force bug (Merge request) 4 in xorg "Protect duplication in XDG_DATA_DIRS" (comments: 0) [Merged]13:34
ubot5-ngsnapcore bug (Pull request) 5075 in snapd "snap/env: fix env duplication logic" (comments: 1) [Open]13:34
didrocks    - This incindently fixes Visual Studio Code, slack and other electrons apps crashing after multiple logout/login: https://launchpad.net/bugs/176435513:34
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1764355 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Visual Studio Code, Slack and other electrons apps crash due to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS keeps getting expanded every login" [Undecided,Fix released]13:34
didrocks  * ubuntu-settings communitheme's change default font (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings/+bug/1764974)13:34
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1764974 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Change default interface font size in Community theme" [Undecided,Fix released]13:34
didrocks  * Restore edge -> master snap autopublication (https://github.com/ubuntu/communitheme-snap-helpers/commit/c39b212dfaa695fed7a2682e55f2d9301bac459f)13:34
didrocks  * Continue publishing inteviews on my blog (will be done on Wednesday)13:34
didrocks  * Discussing, bug triaging and answers13:34
didrocks  * Review lightdm-settings NEW package for double checking confirmation for sil_210013:35
didrocks  * Debug and inspect ubiquity "no callback" with a proposed fallback fix (http://pastebin.com/raw/Wjh0K2Pg)13:35
didrocksNo rls bug assigned remaining.13:35
kenvandinedidrocks, thx13:35
kenvandine#topic duflu13:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: duflu
kenvandine* GJS:13:35
kenvandine  - Fix released for that massive crash regression that started last week (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gjs/+bug/1763878). Although we continue to collect duplicates from machines not yet updated...13:35
kenvandine  - Gnome Shell memory leaks are also much reduced by the same gjs update (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1672297)13:35
kenvandine* Gnome Shell performance improvements improve!13:35
kenvandine  - [20% drop in render time/GPU/CPU usage] Disabled mipmapping on window previews: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/8913:35
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1763878 in gjs (Ubuntu) "[regression] Many programs crashing at exit with assert failure: ../../../../src/cairo-hash.c:217: _cairo_hash_table_destroy: Assertion `hash_table->live_entries == 0' failed. Called from cairo_debug_reset_static_data()" [High,Fix released]13:35
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 89 in mutter "MetaShapedTexture: Disable mipmapping (emulation)" (comments: 1) [Opened]13:35
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1672297 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [Critical,In progress]13:35
kenvandine  - [50% drop in CPU/GPU usage] Iterated on my previous offscreening optimization: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/7313:35
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 73 in gnome-shell "js/ui: Choose some actors to cache on the GPU" (comments: 5) [Opened]13:35
kenvandine  - [20% drop in CPU usage] Revived another great little fix that upstream forgot: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/8713:35
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 87 in mutter "ClutterActor: Preserve valid paint volumes till the next relayout/repaint" (comments: 2) [Opened]13:35
kenvandine  - Happy news: A couple of my older performance fixes finally made it into bionic (mutter 3.28.1-1):13:35
kenvandine    . https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/commit/b2f9de9813:35
kenvandine    . https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/blob/debian/master/debian/patches/clutter-Smooth-out-master-clock-to-smooth-visuals.patch13:35
kenvandine  - Reorganized the performance issues into two lists (many list items are in progress but you can't tell):13:36
kenvandine    . https://trello.com/c/Q6JYXPPs13:36
kenvandine    . https://trello.com/c/pe5mRmx713:36
kenvandine* Totem performance, back under investigation, tried and failed (https://trello.com/c/7zeMdP0S)13:36
kenvandine  - Implemented multi-buffering in clutter-gst to try and fix stuttering. Unfortunately it didn't help. Turns out the bottleneck is in the GL(X) rendering, which never catches up to decoding so can't benefit from buffering.13:36
kenvandine  - Implemented direct pixmap-texture rendering to reduce the GPU load in gstreamer-vaapi. Unfortunately it didn't help by an adequate amount. And is not quite polished enough to propose upstream yet. Now with less reason to finish it.13:36
kenvandine  - Given up for now. See https://trello.com/c/7zeMdP0S13:36
kenvandine* Trying to figure out login failures (only started last week):13:36
kenvandine  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/176526113:36
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1765261 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu 18.04 login screen rejects a valid password on first attempt. Usually works on the second attempt" [High,Incomplete]13:36
kenvandine  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/176613713:36
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766137 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Password accepted but login fails (blank purple screen and mouse pointer only)" [High,Confirmed]13:36
kenvandine* Daily bug management across gnome-shell, mutter, gdm3, ubuntu-themes, bluez, pulseaudio, dkms, wayland, totem, mpv, libinput.13:36
kenvandine  - Not a great week this week: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRDHPxGBHqM6XkT_S8ggtYfD0xchKSUD_z9PopNVE3G1rU05fVSnxDGcDsEstl7gu7N-tzCU6mLUp2V/pubchart?oid=254968654&format=interactive13:36
kenvandine  - So I'm about to put out a public call for people to adopt some neglected packages: gnome-terminal, gedit and gnome-control-center...13:36
kenvandine#topic jbicha13:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: jbicha
jbicha• Removed gksu from Ubuntu13:36
jbicha• Haven't removed old webkitgtk yet. Blocker is gnucash. gnucash 3.0 was ported to gtk3 but its build tests fail in Ubuntu (but not in Debian!) bug 175874013:36
ubot5`bug 1758740 in gnucash (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync gnucash 1:3.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175874013:36
jbicha• Applied gegl security fix for bionic bug 176556313:36
ubot5`bug 1765563 in gegl (Ubuntu Artful) "gegl: CVE-2018-10114 (ppm)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176556313:36
jbicha• Sponsored late mutter & gnome-shell updates yesterday13:37
jbicha• No progress on my bionic tracking bug 1761554, sorry13:37
ubot5`bug 1761554 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Bionic) "[bionic] Extended characters in GNOME screen keyboard don't get entered" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176155413:37
kenvandinejbicha, thx13:37
kenvandine#topic jamesh13:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: jamesh
kenvandine* The user-mounts branch is hopefully ready to merge: all the spread13:37
kenvandinetests pass, code review, and security review.  However Gustavo wanted13:37
kenvandineto do one last review prior to merging:13:37
kenvandine* I put together a requested followup to expand the bind mount code to13:37
ubot5-ngsnapcore bug (Pull request) 3963 in snapd "cmd/snap-confine: add support for per-user mounts" (comments: 21) [Open]13:37
kenvandinehandle file bind mounts: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/508213:37
ubot5-ngsnapcore bug (Pull request) 5082 in snapd "cmd/snap-update-ns: use Secure.BindMount to bind mount files" (comments: 1) [Open]13:37
kenvandine* I'm currently testing a third branch to plumb xdg-document-portal13:37
kenvandineinto the sandbox using user-mounts, which will allow testing out the13:37
kenvandinefile open/file save features of the desktop portal.13:37
kenvandine#topic jibel/heber13:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: jibel/heber
jibelRelease week and release testing, still need a fix in the installation for the screen reader which should be really soon.13:38
jibeland that's all13:38
kenvandinejibel, thx13:38
kenvandine#topic kenvandine13:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: kenvandine
kenvandine* Merged LD_PRELOAD of bindtextdomain PR and rebuild the gedit snap in the store. https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/10613:38
kenvandine* Created new gnome-3-28-1804 based on bionic and published it in the store.13:38
kenvandine  - requested auto-connect of the content interface as well https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-for-gnome-3-28-1804-content-interface/5043/313:38
kenvandine  - Note this requires base:core18 which is currently only available in the edge channel but destined to stable any day13:38
ubot5-ngubuntu bug (Pull request) 106 in snapcraft-desktop-helpers "LD_PRELOAD bindtextdomain to load translations from multiple paths" (comments: 1) [Closed]13:38
kenvandine* Created branches of snaps to use gnome-3-28-1804 and core1813:38
kenvandine  - gnome-calculator and gnome-characters are in the beta channel13:38
kenvandine  - gnome-logs is in the works13:38
kenvandine* Working on generating desktop-preinstalled images13:39
kenvandine* No assigned rls bugs13:39
kenvandine#topic laney13:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: laney
Laneyit's a bit lame, room is busy13:39
Laneyqueue reviews13:39
Laney• more asgen work, the new version is deployed and generating now13:39
Laney• some debugging / help(?) with ubiquity & orca & permissions13:39
Laney• couple of FTBFS fixed13:39
Laney• pkgbinarymangler broke the archive, fixed that13:40
Laney• ported udisks2 delta back to debian, fwded remaining patch upstream, re-enabled libblockdev-crypto2, uploaded & synced13:40
Laney𝌚 ("tetragram for release")13:40
kenvandineLaney, is the release sprint going well?13:40
Laneyyeah it's fine13:41
Laneyneeds moar ubiquity13:41
kenvandinecool, no hair on fire i guess :)13:41
kenvandineLaney, thx13:41
seb128Laney, I've updated the mp, I think it addressed your review comments13:41
kenvandine#topic oSoMoN(out)13:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: oSoMoN(out)
Laneyseb128: yeh, will look13:41
kenvandineout the rest of the week and didn't send a status report13:42
kenvandine#topic seb12813:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• daily launchpad bugs & e.u.c reviews13:42
seb128• iso testing13:42
seb128• ubiquity debugging, wasted some days to understand what was going on. Thanks Laney, didrocks and jibel for helping debugging and for the code reviews, we got a working set of changes now13:42
seb128• helped with some translations issues13:42
seb128• discussed/reviewed gnome-initial-setup bugs/proposed changes13:42
seb128• sponsored some nautilus fixes from Trevinho13:42
seb128• milestoned bugs13:42
seb128∘ bug #1726143, no update, the "milestoned" part is fixed the remaining is for SRU or later13:42
ubot5`bug 1726143 in nautilus-share (Ubuntu Bionic) "Automatic installation of samba fails with "could not find package libpam-smbpass"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172614313:42
seb128(probably other bugs poking I forgot to list, I've been busy with ubiquity all day and forget to properly wrote the summary, just did in a rush)13:43
kenvandineseb128, thx13:43
kenvandine#topic tkamppeter13:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Made cups-browsed able to re-generate queues correctly when queues it had created got remove or overwritten. Required major changes in printer discovery and queue creation process.13:43
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2018: Student projects are officially announced by Google. Started/continued mentoring.13:43
tkamppeter- Bugs.13:43
kenvandinetkamppeter, thx13:43
kenvandine#topic trevinho13:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: trevinho
kenvandine· gnome-shell and mutter (downstream):13:44
kenvandine  - Some fixes on the proposed patches, and added new one:13:44
kenvandine    https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mutter/merge_requests/213:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 2 in mutter "debian/patches: handle xwayland crashes better" (comments: 2) [Merged]13:44
kenvandine· gnome-shell and mutter (upstream):13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/7913:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 79 in gnome-shell "St cache texture destroy fixes" (comments: 0) [Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/8413:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 84 in mutter "window: Return -1 if meta_window_get_monitor is called on an unmanaged window" (comments: 0) [Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/merge_requests/8213:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 82 in gnome-shell "Support unmanaged windows monitor index (negative)" (comments: 0) [Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/63 (rework)13:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 63 in mutter "theme: Override theme using GTK_THEME env variable" (comments: 20) [Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/8513:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 85 in mutter "cogl: Do not unref a NULL object" (comments: 0) [Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - Upstream reviews, cherry-picks and merges13:44
kenvandine· gtk (affects nautilus):13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/11713:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 117 in gtk "stack: protect set_visible_child_name from NULL stack" (comments: 1) [Merged]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/merge_requests/11813:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 118 in gtk "Gtkplacesview finalization fixes" (comments: 0) [Closed]13:44
kenvandine· nautilus (upsteram):13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/merge_requests/19513:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 195 in nautilus "window-slot: Clear pending selection after freeing it" (comments: 3) [Merged]13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/merge_requests/98 (updated)13:44
kenvandine  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/merge_requests/112 (updated)13:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 98 in nautilus "Recent Files search provider" (comments: 26) [1. Feature, 5. Search, Opened]13:44
kenvandine· Theme fixes and rework (all landed):13:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 112 in nautilus "directory: update recent files manager on rename or file move" (comments: 30) [1. Feature, 5. Operations, Opened]13:44
kenvandine  - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/infobar-default-color/+merge/34374913:44
kenvandine  - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/placessidebar-improvements/+merge/34374813:44
kenvandine  - https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/menubar-colors-fixes/+merge/34366313:44
kenvandine· Fixed the indicator-sound FTBFS (and landed):13:45
kenvandine· Fixed a build issue in the telegram-snap:13:45
kenvandine· Working on ther JS fixes and nautilus crashes / issues13:45
kenvandine#topic robert_ancell(out)13:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: robert_ancell(out)
kenvandineHoliday this week13:45
kenvandine#topic http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html13:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bu
kenvandinedesktop only has one bug?13:46
seb128which is fixed13:46
seb128well, fix is in proposed13:47
seb128I guess people have been too busy to tag things :p13:47
seb128there is lot we need to fix in SRUs but not for release at this point13:47
kenvandine#topic aob13:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-03-13 | Current topic: aob
didrockskenvandine: do you think that if we don't get GNOME 3.28 snaps that we can get the slot autoconnecting and such for gtk-common-theme?13:49
didrockskenvandine: as you saw, I have daily pings (even multiple today :p)13:49
didrocksso the community is eager it seems to have theme snaps (especially in communitheme where they are transparent)13:49
kenvandinedidrocks, we need to request the auto-connect on the forum13:50
didrockskenvandine: mind doing that? Happy to help, but you already have done it for the platform, correct?13:50
kenvandinedidrocks, updating all the snaps wasn't at the top of my todo list, i really want to get back to the hyper-v image13:50
didrockskenvandine: ok, willcooke told me to mention it to you and check, so I guess done :p13:51
kenvandinei'll file the auto-connect request13:51
kenvandineit'll be later this week before i can update all the snaps13:51
seb128kenvandine, we don't care about 'all the snaps" for the release but we might about those on the iso?13:51
seb128or what core is going to be seeded on the iso?13:52
kenvandineseb128, true, i can quickly update the seeded snaps13:52
kenvandinecore 1613:52
kenvandinetoo late to change that13:52
seb128k, so we probably want to stay on that for our snaps for the release13:52
kenvandinei really wanted to switch to core1813:52
seb128we can update in the store after release13:52
kenvandinebut it hasn't made it to stable yet13:52
didrocksis autodownload of default content-provider will work on snap refresh?13:52
kenvandinei can add the theme support to the seeded snaps though13:53
jibelseb128, pep8 tests are still failing, line 727 is over indented13:53
kenvandineoh... install yes but not sure about refresh13:53
kenvandinei'd assume13:53
didrocksworth a test :)13:53
didrocksthanks kenvandine!13:53
Laneyjibel: I fixed it when merging13:53
kenvandinemvo, ^^ will autodownload of default provider happen on refresh?13:53
Laneynot that push is finishing13:54
seb128jibel, Laney, thx, I don't understand why it doesn't tell me about it here :/13:54
seb128$ pep8 ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py | grep -v E40213:54
seb128oh well13:54
seb128thanks Laney!13:54
LaneyI ran tests/run-pep813:55
Laneyor whatever it is13:55
kenvandinedidrocks, actually i'd rather not add the theme bits to the seeded snaps right now, because that would mean we should really seed the common themes snap13:55
kenvandineseems too late to update the seed13:55
jibeli built the package to install it on the iso13:55
didrockskenvandine: so, maybe on release day?13:56
didrocksas long as snap refresh install the default provider, sounds good :)13:56
kenvandineat least in the candidate channel by release day :)13:56
kenvandineso we can get some testing in13:57
didrocksyeah ;)13:57
didrocksthen pushing the trigger!13:57
kenvandinedidrocks, i'll make sure to get an answer on the downloading of the default provider13:57
seb128we can probably wrap the meeting13:57
seb128seems like discussion drifted to non meeting specific chatting13:57
kenvandineseems done with AOB13:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer → lots of help
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Apr 24 13:57:40 2018 UTC.13:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2018/ubuntu-desktop.2018-04-24-13.30.moin.txt13:57
didrockskenvandine: perfect, keep me posted!13:57
kenvandinethanks all!13:57
seb128$ pep8 ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py | grep E12613:57
seb128 pep8 --ignore=E402 ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py13:58
Nafallo2018-03-13 :-D13:58
seb128ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py:727:38: E126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent13:58
seb128go figure13:58
jbichaandyrock: people don't like that gnome-initial-setup doesn't have window buttons?13:59
andyrockjbicha: seb128 asked me to add them13:59
jbichaandyrock: do you know about new user mode for gnome-initial-setup?14:00
seb128jbicha, some don't want to be bothered with a welcome wizard and want to be able to close it without having to go through the steps14:00
andyrockjbicha: we use the existing user mode14:00
seb128jbicha, we are just investigating that change atm, not going with it14:01
andyrockjbicha: we'll show the button if it's "existing-user-mode" and the current desktop is "ubuntu"14:01
jbichaseb128: there is a Quit button in the app menu that works; however it is designed so that the wizard will come back on next login until your complete it14:02
jbichathe current version is only 3 screens14:02
jbichaandyrock: ok14:03
seb128jbicha, maybe we should just change it to not come back in ubuntu session if that item is used14:05
seb128the decoration buttons look a bit weird14:05
mvokenvandine: auto-download of new/changes default providers is not implemented at this point. its very high on the todo list and we expect it for the next release. do you need it more urgently?14:11
andyrockseb128: I can do that as well14:12
andyrockyour call14:12
seb128andyrock, I think that would make sense14:12
andyrockok so I just need to create the stamp file if that action is triggered (and if it's an ubuntu session)14:13
seb128thx andyrock14:13
seb128sorry for not thinking about that first, I think it's good enough for us14:14
andyrockI'll open a bug too, to track the status14:14
didrocksmvo: do you mind mentionning this on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-application-and-snap-themes/4946? Telling that communitheme snap won't work with other snaps until this is implemented? I have daily pings about it right now…14:16
didrocksand having a reference point would be great!14:16
kenvandinemvo, well yeah, as our default snaps update to use core18 and gnome-3-28-1804 content interface14:21
kenvandinewe need to ensure those are downloaded automatically14:21
kenvandinemvo, same for the content interfaces being added for the themes14:21
mvokenvandine, didrocks I push that even higher now14:22
kenvandinemvo, how about autoconnect on refresh?14:23
kenvandineif we change the snap to use gnome-3-28-1804 instead of gnome-3-26-160414:24
kenvandineit should connect on refresh right?14:24
jibeldidrocks, your change to add the oem key to telemetry makes the installer crash14:33
didrocksjibel: oh! :( I did a quick try by maybe mistype after this?14:34
didrocksjibel: do you have the stacktrace?14:34
jibeldidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CCpDKV9jq2/14:34
didrocksjibel: was it running in oem mode?14:35
jibeldidrocks, no14:35
jibelnormal installation14:35
jibelLaney, ^^ do not release ubiquity 18.04.11 pls14:36
didrocksLaney: jibel: let's get it this MR out to not delay it more14:36
didrocksjibel: not sure I understand the stacktrace though, it's the same key than you mentioned as well oem-config/enable14:37
Laneyjibel: push a revert?14:37
jibelyes revert it, it's a minor change14:37
Laneysorry, I meant can *you* push it please :P14:37
didrocksif self.db.get('oem-config/enable') == 'true'…14:40
* didrocks puzzled, the rest of ubiquity code is using it14:41
didrocksthx jibel14:46
jibelubiquity's full of mysteries ...14:47
didrocksyeah, I'm really puzzled on that one14:47
didrocksmaybe only oem_user_config is working14:47
didrockswhich is the OEM mode set and ignoring getting the oem-config key14:47
* didrocks doesn't know the different between the 2 and it's not documented14:48
xclaessewow, alt-F4 switch to TTY instead of ctr-alt-F414:50
jibelthe good news is that the screen reader is now working \o/14:50
xclaessethat must be a really recent regression in 18.04, haven't noticed that behaviour previously14:50
jibelxclaesse, are you using wayland?14:51
mvokenvandine yeah, auto-connect on refresh should be fine14:51
jbichaxclaesse: are you in a virtual machine?14:51
kenvandinemvo, cool14:51
mvokenvandine (sorry for the delay, I had a meeting)14:52
kenvandinemvo, so we really need autodownload14:52
xclaessedon't think so14:52
xclaessenot a VM, no14:52
seb128xclaesse, did you recently update? those are usually weird console-setup cases14:53
mvokenvandine: I look into it today/tomorrow14:53
xclaesseseb128: I updated this morning but didn't restart the session14:54
xclaessemaybe I should reboot14:54
kenvandinemvo, thx14:54
seb128xclaesse, yeah, you should, I think the system is in a weird state maybe14:54
didrocksthe console-setup issue back again maybe :(14:56
xclaesseseb128: ok, reboot fixed it... thanks15:00
seb128xclaesse, nice, yw15:03
seb128didrocks, yeah, in some upgrades cases :/15:03
jbichaseb128: what do you think about LP: #1766575 ? I think it's safe for 18.04 (but arguably not very important either)15:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1766575 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Drop libnss-myhostname recommends" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176657515:05
seb128jbicha, I don't have a strong opinion, ask #ubuntu-release if they consider it worth taking for a respin?15:07
seb128otherwise I think it's fine as a SRU15:07
Laneyprobably rather people stopped uploading already15:08
seb128jbicha, you have your reply :)15:09
seb128though uploading as a SRU is probably fine15:09
seb128but we might want to see if there are other g-c-c changes/fixes we want to bundle if we SRU it15:09
jbichasure, thanks15:10
jbichaI believe uploading that will allow libnss-myhostname to drop to universe15:14
didrocksTrevinho: there is quite some conflicts on the volume-slider bar if I want to rebase. Are you sure there will be a review if I rebase? I did rebase and fix conficts taking some days this cycle already for nothing, that's why I'm powndering15:25
Laney24/04 16:43:43 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubiquity [source] (bionic-proposed) [18.04.11]15:45
Laney:V V:15:45
willcookeandyrock, where should I put bugs for the g-o-a u1 plugin?  (At least I think that's where it should go)15:53
andyrockwillcooke: gnome-online-accounts (ubuntu)15:53
willcookethx andyrock15:54
andyrockwhat bug?15:54
kenvandinedidrocks, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-of-gtk3-themes-icon-themes-and-sound-themes-interfaces/511815:56
willcookeLaney, xnox - re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/1706939  if that can't be fixed, can we add a message to the screen to say "You need to reboot your machine" or something like that?15:57
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1706939 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "A live session can't be shut down due to "[ *** ] (2 of 2) A start job is running for ... (22s / no limit)"" [Medium,Confirmed]15:57
willcookeI can reproduce that here easily15:57
willcookeso I can do debugging if that helps15:58
Laneywillcooke: in a VM or on hardware?16:00
didrockskenvandine: excellent, thanks!16:00
willcookeLaney, certainly hardware, will double check on a VM now16:01
xnoxwillcooke, if you can reproduce, that's good.16:04
Trevinhodidrocks: I can review.... But you know I don't feel confident in pushing. Yesterday we were discussing this a bit on gnome hackers... They said to ping more. But I think we did. Didn't we?16:04
xnoxwillcooke, first after booting, what is actually "waiting/hanging", is that NetworkManager-wait-online?16:05
xnoximho that should not be enabled on the live-session.... as well, we cannot assume we will get networking up.16:06
* xnox checks that16:06
didrocksTrevinho: we pinged at first every 3 days, and then weekly16:06
didrocksTrevinho: for a couple of months16:06
didrocksso, yeah, we did. Telling to ping more is hemf…16:06
didrocksTrevinho: ok, I'll rebase, probably going to take a day seeing the number of changes… (AGAIN)16:07
willcookexnox, got some real hardware and a vm just about installed.  Should I do anything before I tell it to reboot?16:09
willcooke(of course, this time it will just work)16:09
willcookeandyrock, oh, sorry, missed your reply - it seems that if you have a g-o-a u1 account *already set up* then on the g-i-s livepatch setup screen the u1 plugin just craps out when you click go16:11
willcookeand takes you back to g-i-s16:11
willcookebut nothing happens16:11
andyrockwe should show an error16:12
andyrockit's not a bug in gnome-online-accounts16:12
willcookeI need to do some tests to reproduce, but before I finish the install I want to see if I can help debug this non-rebooting problem16:12
andyrockbut in gnome-initial-setup16:12
xnoxwillcooke, well, did you configure networking at all?16:13
andyrockwillcooke: not sure how we should handle this16:13
xnoxwillcooke, e.g. i guess it's wifi only, and you didn't setup wifi on this thing? thus your system is offline.16:13
Trevinhodidrocks: reversing the volume patches make them to apply properly, so you can just reuses this trick. At least so it was when I was cherry picked the change16:17
willcookexnox, the real machine is wifi, and I did select the wifi network, did download updates etc etc.  The vm (think's that it) is on wired16:17
willcookethe wifi one is connected and online16:17
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
didrocksTrevinho: well, as there is some refactoring, I need to move the volume patches as well around16:21
didrocksbut yeah, I was going for a git log on the file, and moving things around16:22
Trevinhodidrocks: good... I'll bring this up in Cambridge again. And Jonas will also be at the sun sprint.16:23
didrocksTrevinho: great! Thanks :)16:23
willcookeand as expected, this time the real machine rebooted just fine16:24
willcookebloody thing16:24
xnoxwillcooke, so. it depends how quick or slow you are.16:25
willcookexnox, does rather smell like that16:25
willcookexnox, I'll try again and do it as fast as I can16:26
xnoxwillcooke, depends if wifi configured within 30s or not, of starting NM-wait-online unit.16:26
xnoxwillcooke, can you try booting and waiting 45s before configure wifi; do install, reboot, see if it reboots (case A)16:26
willcookexnox, ack will do16:26
xnoxwillcooke, boot wait 45s, configure wifi, change to tty3 do $ systemctl stop NetworkManager-wait-online.service; $ systemctl start NetworkManager-wait-online.service; $ systemctl is-system-running => ensure it is "running"; logout; complete install; reboot see if it reboots (case B)16:27
tseliotmvo: hey, are you done with the meeting?16:39
willcookexnox, Case A: hangs.16:50
willcooketesting case B now16:50
xnoxwillcooke, did you use "install ubuntu / ubiquity-dm" or "try ubuntu / live session"?16:51
xnoxwillcooke, also was it EFI boot, or bios boot?16:51
willcookeand erm, can't remember which option I selected, I can test again16:51
willcookePretty sure it was Try Ubuntu16:52
willcookesince that's the one at the top16:52
xnoxack, cause you did not see try-ubuntu, you had the EFI boot for it.16:52
willcookeCase B I'm doing with Try Ubuntu16:53
willcookegrr. n-m thinks I'm offline but I'm not17:02
willcookek, now its woken up17:03
willcookexnox, Case B - also hangs.  But this time there is no text on the screen at all17:14
xnoxwillcooke, press enter?17:19
xnoxwillcooke, it should be displaying message "Please remove installation media and press enter" no?17:20
xnoxwillcooke, is it nvdia graphics? intel graphics?17:20
xnoxwillcooke, bring that thing to the office tommorow?17:20
willcookexnox, intel.  If you think it can get fixed for release, I can come down tomorrow I think.  Lemme try it again, because n-m faffed about for a while before it knew I was really online17:24
willcookeand yes, press enter17:25
willcookeno ttys were alive17:25
willcookehrm. wtf. This time I booted off the USB stick, I've got the "Live session user" login at the greeter17:26
willcookeon the plus side, when I told it to shut down it asked me to remove the drive and hit enter, and that all worked.17:26
willcookexnox, should it make a difference if I connect to the wifi via the n-m applet or via the installer itself?17:28
xnoxwillcooke, should not.17:35
willcookeTried Case B again, still hanfs18:09
willcookexnox, bah, everything I try hangs.  I'm in the office on Thursday, but is it worth me coming down tomorrow as well?  I can do if you think it might be possible to get a fix in to the release18:22
xnoxwillcooke, tomorrow is better than thursday for hangs.18:25
xnoxwillcooke, thursday is better for bubbly and whiskey18:25
willcookeright, see you tomrrow then. and Thursday18:25
xnoxwillcooke, there is hotel, if you want to stay overnight?18:27
willcookeI'll need to clear it with the work boss and the home boss18:30
willcookejbicha, how do I mark that I've added a bug to the release notes in LP?19:13
willcookejbicha, ignore, worked it out19:15
willcookeandyrock, sorry for the delay on this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/176669419:19
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766694 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "If U1 is pre configured in g-o-a LivePatch in g-i-s fails to install" [Medium,Confirmed]19:19
andyrockwillcooke: I'll try a way to fix it, but I guess the priority is not high because why a u1 should be already configured at this point?19:23
willcookeyeah, it's an edge case I think19:24
willcookeand there's a work aroud19:24
willcookeif we can do the same thing as we do in Software & Updates, where it shows you the list of accounts and lets you choose one, that would be nice I think19:24
willcookebut yeah, I dont think people should have a u1 account set up already, even upgraders from 17.10 right?19:24
jbichaonce livepatch is set up, g-i-s won't show the livepatch page19:34
andyrockwillcooke: we could use this: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/6219:36
ubot5-ngCanonicalLtd bug 62 in desktop-design "Authentication in gnome-software using gnome-online-accounts" (comments: 14) [Priority: High, Open] - Assigned to matthewpaulthomas (Matthew Thomas)19:36
ubot5`bug 62 in Launchpad itself "Maintainers can add themselves to the CC: list too" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6219:36
andyrocklet me check if what I've in mind is possible19:37
andyrockwillcooke: so we could do like that19:38
andyrockif an account is already setup and you try to add the same account19:38
andyrockwe get the error GOA_ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXISTS19:38
andyrockin this case we ignore the error and we get the account manually19:39
andyrockor I can implement that design19:40
andyrockas you prefer19:40
willcookeandyrock, I think that since this is a fairly small edge case, we don't need to rush it.  If doing it properly per the designs on that github issue will solve this problem, we should spend the time working on that rather than a quick fix up.  wdyt?19:43
andyrockwillcooke: I prefer to implement that design too19:43
andyrocklet's wait for the design to be completed before we implement something that needs to be changed19:44
andyrock*to be changed later on19:44
andyrockthe only thing that needs to be completed in that design is the "logout" option19:44
willcookeandyrock, coolio, thanks19:44
andyrockwe don't need that in g-i-s19:44
andyrockbut let's see what's the final design19:45
willcookeyeah sounds good19:45
willcookeok, calling it a night20:13
willcookelaters d00dz20:13
gQuigsthe new "welcome to ubuntu" is pretty neat :)20:14
juliankI updated my bionic a few minutes ago. Login takes a long time, like 10-20 seconds for shell UI to appear. There stuff from proposed is in there (shell, kernel, samba, perftools, base-files. modemmanger), not sure if that's the issue.20:17
juliankin a gnome session20:17
juliankanyone else seeing that?20:19
julianklogin screen -> black/grey/depends - 10-20 seconds _> shell ui20:19
juliank     1min 1.401s gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service20:20
juliankhmm, could that be because I have a davfs2 mountpoint and am not connected to the network?20:20
seb128could be20:21
juliankthough it's autofs20:21
juliankbut apparently the autofs is mounting once that monitor starts20:22
seb128it's a new issue since today? would be useful to know still if it you get it without those mounts20:22
juliankno, I think it just starts with a different hotspot20:23
juliankit's on Telekom_FON, and that requires one of those portla pages to login20:23
juliankshould probably patch gvfs to ignore autofs mount points in monitoring20:26
juliankI had issues with that combination a lot20:26
seb128that seems worth an upstream report20:26
seb128on that note I reboot to test something and call it a day20:26
juliankJFTR: that's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77174020:30
ubot5`Gnome bug 771740 in udisks2 volume monitor "gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor activates autofs mountpoints" [Normal,Reopened]20:30
ubot5-ngbugzilla.gnome.org bug 771740 in udisks2 volume monitor "gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor activates autofs mountpoints" [Normal, Reopened] - Assigned to gvfs-maint20:30
ubot5`bug 771740 in webtrees "svn11392: Missing </div>" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77174020:30
juliankdid the ubots just talk to each other?20:30
sarnoldthat's what that looks like :)21:17

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