[02:00] Hey I have a question for you guys :) I think you might be able to answer me, is there any plan for better support for Optimus laptop in Ubuntu 18.04? [02:02] probably it depends upon how active optimus laptop owners have been filing bugs for issues with previous releases with ubuntu and the upstream projects ubuntu incorporates [02:13] Well, could take a spin and see how it works for you. [05:40] define "better" [05:41] "not worser" [05:42] than what :) [05:43] (Had to scrollback to see what I was answering.) Ah, I presume the user had some sort of issues in prior versions, likely 16.04. [08:16] nacc, rbasak, what criterial is the git auto importer using to decide on whether to touch a git repo ? [09:23] apw: currently it's anything in main that isn't explicitly blacklisted [11:26] slangasek: given your comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1741277/comments/5, is it a bug that gnome-control-center recommends libnss-myhostname and therefore it's installed by default on desktop? [11:26] Launchpad bug 1741277 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "Not all platforms running cloud-init end up with the system hostname resolveable by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] [11:26] installed by default> AFAICT, without actually looking. === Guest10860 is now known as _hc [12:35] rbasak: maybe, I opened bug 1766575 it seems to work fine without that installed but feels a bit late to make that change [12:35] bug 1766575 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Drop libnss-myhostname recommends" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766575 [12:36] jbicha: thanks. Yeah I have the same feeling about the lateness. [12:38] juliank, xnox: could you please take a look at this bug? it's a regression with one of the latest uploads: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/1766574 [12:38] Launchpad bug 1766574 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "Installation failed if systemd isn't installed: /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsyslog.postinst: 28: /var/lib/dpkg/info/rsyslog.postinst: systemd-tmpfiles: not found" [Undecided,New] [12:38] jbicha: based on your explanation in the bug, wouldn't removing libnss-myhostname break things like "hostname -f"? [12:39] Given that bug 1162475 is not resolved. [12:39] bug 1162475 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[hostnamed] Changing hostname doesn't update /etc/hosts" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1162475 [12:39] BjornT_: that's invalid [12:40] rbasak: it seems to work here. Give it a try [12:41] xnox: Did you add the systemd-tmpfiles --create /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/00rsyslog.conf? [12:41] the recommends was added to fix an old bug but maybe the bug was also fixed a different way (in systemd??) [12:41] dh_installinit already adds that later on properly guarded by if [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then [12:43] BjornT_: Note that I'm not saying that running a system without systemd is supported. [12:43] But I'm confused why that's there [12:44] juliank: i don't see how it's invalid. it does break, so something is broken. [12:44] BjornT_: I looked at wrong postinst which only had the properly guarded call [12:45] new version now has systemd-tmpfiles call in a different place, unguarded. [12:45] *an additional place [12:45] ah, ok [12:46] BjornT_: But how do you get to a system without systemd in the first place? It's in minimal and core [12:47] juliank: no idea. i just used the ubuntu docker images. i have no idea how they are created, or by who [12:50] juliank, the ubuntu docker image doesn't have systemd preinstalled [12:50] Well, the lxc one does, that's all I know :) [12:51] yeah because it runs an ubuuntu system :) [12:51] Anyhow, sounds like a bug [12:51] what is? [12:52] I think I'll leave that up to xnox to figure out why he added the duplicate unguarded systemd-tmpfiles, but I don't see why it's needed [12:52] I think it needs to Depend on systemd [12:52] I'm not surer [12:53] So with this approach systemd-tmpfiles is required. Whether that needs systemd as an init or not, is a different matter. [12:55] ackk: the other question is whether it's valid for the docker image to ship without systemd, I'm not an expert on this [12:55] juliank, I think that's perfectly fine, there's nothing running by default [12:56] juliank, I mean, it just provies you a base system [12:58] Well, systemd contains a multitude of helper programs that are useful even without systemd-sysv [12:58] and if you're installing rsyslog, how'd that work without systemd? [13:01] juliank, you can run it manually, that's the normal use with docker [13:01] you run a single service in foreground [13:01] Interesting [13:27] nacc: sorry for bugging you, do you know when would debian guys build the llvm-toolchain next? your lldb.h patch hasn't been landed in packages yet: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=895051 [13:27] Debian bug 895051 in llvm-toolchain-6.0 "liblldb-6.0-dev: missing API/*.h files" [Normal,Open] [13:27] (based on http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/l/llvm-toolchain-6.0/llvm-toolchain-6.0_6.0-1_changelog) [13:38] BjornT_, will do. [13:53] kasper3: will look [13:55] nacc: thanks! \o/ [13:56] apw: if that was wrong for some linux* packages, let me know and i can switch them back [13:57] kasper3, isn't this something you should prod debian folks? [13:57] on oftc you can directly talk with sylvestre [13:58] kasper3: and yeah, i don't know, you'd need to ask the debian maintainer. It's in their VCS, so whenever they decide to do a release [13:58] I could upload llvm 6.0, but I don't get why we can't wait for 6.0.1 to be released, the VCS is ready for it [14:03] LocutusOfBorg, please consider this if that is not too much of a trouble, it would unblock my build with llvm 6.0. the main lldb 6.0 headers were missing which nacc's patch fixed. [14:04] stange that LLDB guys made release_60 without noticiing that the final package is not getting :/API directory on any platform.. [14:04] kasper3: right, but only on debian, which is offtopic for this channel [14:05] nacc: sure, i will take it to debian channel. for cross-ref with ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/llvm-toolchain-6.0/+bug/1761009 :) [14:05] Launchpad bug 1761009 in llvm-toolchain-6.0 (Debian) "LLDB.h is missing from liblldb-6.0-dev package" [Unknown,New] [14:31] are currently all autopkgtest in bionic failing for arm64 for a kernel issue? [14:32] I see all arm64 go down with "Errors were encountered while processing: flash-kernel" [14:32] yes [14:33] Laney: thanks, any known bug I could subscribe myself to know when it makes sense to retrigger the tests to get things migrating? [14:33] cpaelzer: Once the new flash-kernel is in we'll retry all of the failed tests. [14:34] oh nice, thank you [14:34] * cpaelzer holding still then [14:51] juliank: perhaps i'm missing something obvious; 18.04 -- `apt-get install maven openjdk-8-jdk-headless` and java8 and java11 are installed; `apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk-headless; apt-get install maven` only java8 is installed? [14:53] nacc: 11 aka 10 is the default [14:53] you always get it [14:54] doko: but why? maven's dependency is default-jre-headless (>= 2:1.7) | java7-runtime-headless [14:54] doko: and obviously you don't "always" get it, if you install java8 first [14:55] what are you trying to do? [14:55] doko: a user is trying to install maven and use java8 in #ubuntu+1 [14:55] it worked before 18.04, per the user [14:55] openjdk-8 is in universe, you should keep away from it [14:55] doko: that's neither here nor there [14:56] from what i can tell from the apt dependencies, the single-line version *should* work [14:56] is there is a dependency on any default package, then you get 11 [14:57] doko: it's an *or* [14:57] doko: that is horribly broken if the or is ignored? [14:58] I don't see anything broken [14:58] doko: maven depends on either the default JRE *or* something providing a java7 JRE [14:58] doko: java8-jre provides a java7 JRE. and this user does not want java 11 [14:58] and there are no other rdeps on any default package in the rdeps? [14:59] no, as I said, running them one after the ohter does *not* install java11 [14:59] so i completely disagree it has to be installed in this case [14:59] it feels like apt is mis-resolving the | [15:03] nacc: can happen [15:04] juliank: the user is reporiting aptitude works correctly [15:04] juliank: do you want me to have them file a bug? [15:04] no [15:04] it's working correctly [15:05] or rather, I think we have a bug for that anyway [15:05] that said, stuff like that can happen [15:06] juliank: ok, it seems to have changed in this case for them from prior releases [15:06] some ansible recipe that worked until 18.04 and our java madness :) [15:06] it depends on concrete dependencies and scoring I guess [15:06] and hash values [15:06] juliank: ok, so the 'best' solution, perhaps is to force the java8 installation first by manual, then install maven? [15:07] yes [15:07] juliank: thanks, i'll let them know [15:09] nacc: so I don't find the bug, so if they want to open one, that's fine. But I definitely remember reading about this [15:09] cool, i'll let them know [15:16] nacc: The problem is simple: They specified openjdk-8-jdk-headless, but need to specify openjdk-8-jre-headless. [15:17] Otherwise, the order is undefined [15:17] java7-runtime-headless is provided by a jre package, not a jdk [15:18] I know, confusing [15:20] juliank: even though openjdk-jre-headless is a dependency of openjdk-8-jdk-headless? [15:20] yes [15:21] openjdk-8-jre-headless, rather [15:21] apt is dumb [15:21] ok, apparently this didn't hit them before, but i'll let them know [15:21] juliank: thanks! [15:22] nacc: we really need a minimization pass for that, but we don't have one [15:22] juliank: np, thanks! that does make sense to me [15:23] So all we're left with is a greedy algorithm that picks too much stuff to install :) [15:23] at least it could solve it [15:23] :) [15:26] juliank: lol [16:31] tdaitx, I uploaded cmake [16:31] but please open an upstream bug for this issue [16:31] LocutusOfBorg: ack, thanks! [16:32] do you have a bug report? [16:42] rbasak: libnss-myhostname> yes it's a bug, how did that creep in? :P [16:58] slangasek: j_bicha filed https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766575 [16:58] Launchpad bug 1766575 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Bionic) "Drop libnss-myhostname recommends" [Low,Fix committed] [17:00] slangasek: how urgent is libnss-myhostname. We were thinking about just SRUing it eventually [17:02] jbicha: apparently it's not urgent since it's been in main since xenial without my knowing [19:01] kees: hmm, did you forget to rotate the chairs in the tb agenda? [19:04] infinity: I guess you're out to lunchinner, and won't make the TB meeting? [20:31] slangasek: You guessed correctly. [20:32] infinity: woo I'm a psychic [21:08] slangasek: please moderate my ubuntu-devel-announce email (call for votes for DMB) [21:11] jbicha: done [21:51] jibel, Laney - in your magic bug report of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1765724 I see that, in-fact, despite initial timeouts and multiple attempts, the swap does come up eventually, and it is activated. The gnome-shell however fails to start on said machine. [21:51] Launchpad bug 1765724 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Xenial -> Bionic - System fails to boot after upgrade - gnome-screensaver & gnome-shell fail to start?" [Undecided,New] [21:52] jibel, Laney - could you check the logs there, to see if that machine is (a) a VM and (b) is not capable of running gnome-shell and (c) needs to be reconfigured with some other graphics card? (e.g. QXL or which one is the good one?) === led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22 [23:56] sarnold: Here? [23:57] hey Unit193 :) [23:57] Mind a PM? [23:57] sure