
apwleitao, the module list for the previous abi ?08:22
maximkAnyone here interested in aarch64 kernel panics on ubuntu 16.04 kernel running on APM Mustang?10:20
cascardolaunchpad is10:31
maximkcascardo: any link with pointers?10:40
cascardomaximk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug11:22
maximkcascardo: thanks11:22
PaulePanterHi. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.17-rc2/14:21
PaulePanterThe packages from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.17-rc2/ do not install under Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, as `linux-update-symlinks` is not found.14:22
apwproblematic indeed14:56
apwPaulePanter, would you file a bug against linux-base for me, so i remember to think about it, post the bug number here for me14:58
PaulePanterapw: I’ll try to do it today.15:10
Gargravarrtyhicks: just wanted to say thank you very much for your help with 1759920, installed 4.4.0-121 this morning after running -119 for a week or two, machine is stable and sssd is working :)17:03
tyhicksGargravarr: that's great to hear - thanks for letting us know :)17:03
Gargravarrnow we look forward to the next incomprehensible microcode+auth system-freeze :)17:05
tyhicksugh, don't jinx it17:12
Gargravarrsurely a jinx is when you say something and the opposite happens, so by saying it, i have actually jinxed it NOT to happen? :D17:13
LocutusOfBorgjsalisbury, the patch for the acer key button seems to be in the approved upstream queue, I don't know the merge window, but should go mainline soon(TM) thanks for the help! I hope bionic new kernel will be uploaded soon too :)18:27
jsalisburyLocutusOfBorg, Yeah, I'm going to SRU the commit, so it's in Ubunutu and not have to wait for it to make it's way through stable.19:12
stgraberogasawara: any known problems with the fan using vxlan on 18.04?19:59
ogasawarastgraber: not that I am aware.  smb ^^20:00
ogasawarastgraber: if you are seeing a problem, please do file me a bug and we'll chase20:00
stgraberdoing some more tests to figure out what's going on, maybe it's just our fault (lxd), will file a bug after I dig some more20:01
ogasawarastgraber: ack20:02
stgraberdoh, looks like broken logic on our side, miscalculating IPs20:07
stgrabershows that we have a total of 0 users using that particular function in LXD networking then :)20:08

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