
krytarikThat is to say, that clearly was in context to the general call for testing that day we also posted on the Fridge.00:16
krytarikBut I also wouldn't have chosen to retweet the other one.00:16
krytarikAnd when I suggested tweeting about the latter, I hadn't realized yet that while the Twitter account is named 'ubuntu_news', that's also tailored to the UWN.00:19
krytarikAnyway, I'm still stuck in Python encoding hell here.. :P00:20
Bashing-omkrytarik: And me as the gofer, do not see how I can help that :(00:21
krytarikTbh, often enough it's just hit and hope anyway. :D00:23
Wild_ManI noticed the change from here to there but I copied it form the microblog,txt file so I knew it had been changed to say that so I did mot want to edit it, all though I think it strange that way01:11
krytarikWell, I just "fixed" that! :P01:16
krytarikWild_Man: Oh, but it wasn't actually "here" before either, it was "welcome to..." - which imo is both boring and not quite fitting either.01:29
krytarikWild_Man, Bashing-om: Yes, in the GDoc there was one section in a different place, and the 'general' header didn't have the 'community' bit in it.02:28
Wild_Mankrytarik, we should make it match the wiki newsletter template right?02:29
Bashing-omkrytarik: make it match ?02:31
Wild_ManBashing-om, he is already working on it02:34
Bashing-omWild_Man: Are we ever Blessed !02:35
Wild_ManI am going to rest most of the night, this new med is making me tired and grumpy02:36
krytarik..Oh, I thought that was sufficiently indicated. :P02:38
Bashing-omWild_Man: The stress is off .. We start again tomorrow :)02:38
krytarik(Made the GDoc match on everything, that is.)02:39
Bashing-omkrytarik: if the expectation that the gofer fix it .. best bring more than just the lunch :)02:40
krytarikI'm not sure what you mean by that - but btw please y'all stop mangling the formattings with each other, otherwise I'll scale down the differences there.. :P02:44
krytarikLike specifically the italic stuff.02:44
Bashing-omkrytarik: My aim is to do it right .. when I error, please slap my wrist .02:46
Wild_ManI never use italics at least not that I know of, I do not like italics they are harder for me to read02:48
Bashing-omI have yet to have any other need than the default font .02:49
Bashing-omleftyfb: Welcome to the mad-zone :) Ya ain't gotta be crazy, but it helps :P03:35
Bashing-omWild_Man: krytarik ... leftyfb has expressed an interest in helping .03:36
krytarikOh cool.. :)03:36
Wild_Mangreat Bashing-om!04:07
Bashing-omleftyfb: musta gone to sleep :P04:09

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