
rbasaknacc: looks like it's stuck on thunderbird. Not sure how long for00:37
rbasakIt's on 38.3.0+build1 currently00:38
rbasak(doesn't appear hung, just chugging through it)00:38
rbasakPossibly since the 17th.00:39
naccrbasak: yeah, i just blacklisted thunderbird02:04
naccrbasak: fyi, i've also been removed from usd-import-team -- you and dpb1 can decide if i should be readded02:04
dpb1nacc: fixed02:08
dpb1hi there02:08
rbasaknacc: I wonder if thunderbird will actually finish02:11
rbasakSo I've been hesitant to kill it02:11
naccrbasak: sure, it will be an interesting test of a huge repo02:12
naccorig tarballs are massive02:12
naccdpb1: thanks02:12
rbasakIt's on ~#140 now, of 792, working backwards.02:13
rbasakSo it's most of the way there.02:13
naccrbasak: cool02:14
naccrbasak: if it does finish, we should look at final repo size to determine if we should remove from blacklist, i think?02:14
rbasakIf it finishes, it will push, and after that it'll grow only incrementally. So will it matter?02:16
naccrbasak: every import has to clone it02:16
naccrbasak: which implies pulling down GBs of data for one package02:16
rbasakIt's 31G currently02:16
rbasakGood point02:16
rbasak45G remaining02:17
naccand we wanted to sync with cjwatson the impact of these huge packages02:17
rbasak(of free space)02:17
naccrbasak: yeah that seems about right02:53
cpaelzergood morning05:21
rbasaknacc: would you like to continue working with me on landing these outstanding MPs, or would you prefer to hand them over to me to get them landed? I'm happy either way, just want to be sure that my expectations match your intentions.10:27
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coreycbdosaboy: jamespage: keepalived 1:1.3.9-1build1~cloud0 is in queens-proposed now11:47
Neo4I can send messages from my mailserver to gmail.com and accept11:59
Neo4using roundcub11:59
Neo4it seems dovecot works11:59
Neo4how can I put my server to thunderbird?12:00
Neo4no there each linux user from /etc/passwd accosiated with mail user12:00
Neo4error? http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1524571581.png12:08
Neo4What data there should be?12:08
Neo4what is my IMAP, what is my smtp ?12:08
Neo4who can test my settings?12:17
Neo4telnet mail.kselax.ru 2512:18
Neo4show nohitng and12:18
Neo4telnet mail.kselax.ru 14312:18
Neo4is it right?12:18
SchmendrickHi all. I'm looking at trying to build custom cloud images (i.e., the same user experience, but a larger set of pre-installed packages). Does anybody know if the information on this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images) is still up-to-date?12:45
SchmendrickIs this how the images on cloud-images.ubuntu.com are built?12:46
lorenzosuIn 16.04 how can I set-up two network interfaces so that one uses dhcp and the other one has a static IP? (This is a guest in virtualbox).13:08
hyperlumiclorenzosu: Fairly easy.13:09
hyperlumic/etc/network/interfaces, just add a second iface stanza appropriately.13:09
lorenzosuhyperlumic: meaning both interfaces need to be set to static?13:10
hyperlumiclorenzosu: No, why would they need to be13:10
lorenzosuhyperlumic: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y2BvY2mB2Z/13:12
lorenzosuhyperlumic: with that enp0s8 works correctly but enp0s3 (which is actually NAT in virtualbox) can't connect to the internet...13:12
hyperlumicI will never understand why people ever specify the broadcast address...13:13
hyperlumicSo, DHCP provides a gateway, typically. I'd check your vbox configuration to make sure that it's not trying to hand out a gateway if you're expecting to route internet traffic over the other interface.13:14
hyperlumicAnd I'd also check that vbox is actually using .1 as its gateway "interface" address.13:14
lorenzosuhyperlumic: I don't understand what you're saying sorry13:15
hyperlumicThen I'm not sure how to help you further.13:15
blackflowentries under iface (address, netmask, etc...) need to be indented iirc13:15
lorenzosuhyperlumic: if I set both to dhcp everything works as expected, apart the fact that I want enp0s8 to have a static IP13:15
hyperlumicblackflow: Don't think it matters.13:15
hyperlumicblackflow: I could be wrong.13:15
lorenzosublackflow: so that would mean I'd have to explicitly set the other interface to static and specify parameters for that as well?13:16
blackflowI could be wrong too, but I remember something about that being important13:16
blackflowlorenzosu: no, what I meant is hit a tab before each address, netmask, gateway   and you don't need broadcast.13:16
hyperlumicYou don't even need netmask.13:16
hyperlumicUse CIDR format in the address.13:17
blackflowyeah, should be sufficient.13:17
lorenzosublackflow: you mean indenting the addresses makes them 'local' to only that interface?13:17
blackflowyeah the manpage says indentation is not required, so I was wrong.13:18
lorenzosuWas switching into Python mindset, but that sounded weird lol13:19
blackflow(I'm a python dev, so probably that's why I remembered something about that being important for interfaces :)  )13:19
blackflowso anyway, are you sure that's the correct subnet for enp0s8 ?13:20
blackflowwait, you said enp0s3 didn't work, the dhcp one?13:21
lorenzosublackflow: yes, the problem isn't enp0s8 (I have ssh'd into it etc.)13:21
lorenzosublackflow: correct13:21
lorenzosublackflow: I think enp0s3 is trying to use the gateway set for enp0s813:22
lorenzosuor other parameters.13:22
blackflowwell what does netstat -rn   show?13:23
hyperlumicDon't use netstat.13:24
hyperlumicLong deprecated. See also ifconfig, etc.13:24
blackflowalright then   ip route show13:24
hyperlumic'ss' is the correct command.13:24
hyperlumicOh, sorry, routing.13:24
blackflowss is sock stat, not routing13:24
hyperlumicip route, yeah.13:24
hyperlumicNot enough coffee yet...13:25
blackflowand here's the thing, the two NIC setup can't work with two (default) gateways. dhcp sets one, as hyperlumic said, so it should be dropped from the static config.  dhcp + static config is usually for a  default/public/WAN + LAN interfaces, so depending on which is which, the default one should have the gateway13:26
lorenzosublackflow: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZFzbtQKq2Z/13:27
lorenzosufrom what I understand both interfaces seem to try and use
lorenzosuI think13:28
blackflowof course. that's the meaning of "default" gateway. Meaning, the kernel will route packets for 10.0.2.*  via enp0s3,  and packets for 192.168.56.*   via enp0s3, and all other packets via gateway IP and NIC which belongs to the subnet of it.13:29
blackflowin your case, enp0s8.13:30
blackflowso note that it's not the NIC using the gatway, it's the kernel when routing packets.13:30
lorenzosumhh ok so... any idea on how to amend this?13:31
blackflowlorenzosu: what exactly do you want to achieve?13:34
lorenzosublackflow: idea was to have enp0s3 all automatic with dhcp, and enp0s8 with a static IP. This is a virtual machine, so it makes sense to try and keep the host-only network interface on the same IP so as to access to the database, server, ssh, etc.13:35
RoyKhyperlumic: or just "ip r" ;)13:41
hyperlumicRoyK: s'what I do.13:41
blackflowlorenzosu: in that case don't specify the gateway for enp0s8 and let dhcp set it, so basically just     address    for the iface stanza13:42
RoyKdoes the bot have any "network basics" links? seems they are needed all the time in here13:42
lorenzosublackflow: that worked, thanks!13:48
lorenzosuEssentially now I have this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cNmkvBg5qz/13:48
lorenzosuAnd this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WCsgTDxcqy/13:49
naccrbasak: i'm happy to work with you, pending the CLA, i guess -- so if there are small changes, maybe you can just do them?13:56
naccrbasak: also not sure on my time availability13:56
rbasakOK, thanks13:56
blackflowlorenzosu: yup, that's it.13:58
lorenzosublackflow: thanks13:58
Neo4who know what the error? wher auth? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h4XW3YP2c3/14:06
rbasakNeo4: possibly only available after STARTTLS?14:07
rbasakThough I don't know if ESMTP/STARTTLS allows that.14:07
rbasakJust speculating.14:07
Neo4rbasak: see Ive got new error http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1524579856.png14:25
Neo4now servers are accessible and pasword or login not accessible, when I do authentication to roundcube I use only login14:26
Neo4neo and password14:26
Neo4now maybe need something change for I use mail instead login?14:26
rbasakNeo4: you might find "swaks" helpful to debug.14:31
rbasakNeo4: I'd focus on getting swaks working first, and then move on to other frontends.14:32
runelind_qI moved my mdadm raid1 to a new system, but it looks like it is in a degraded state with sdb missing: https://pastebin.ca/401814714:35
runelind_qif I do fdisk -l, sdb does inded show up14:35
runelind_qshould I just mark it as failed, wipe sdb, and re-add it to the array?   I'm currently booting from it.14:36
Neo4see this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/86KFtf8ZrV/14:59
Neo4how to make authentication?14:59
Neo4there test@kselax.ru and test pasword user15:00
Neo4Ive got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CVfMXtwNGT/15:10
Neo4hash was made from row '\000test\000test'15:11
Neo4What does ti means? It means my SASL not use domain and I got error?15:11
Neo4who can add this mail to your mail clietn15:33
Neo4mail: test@ksela.xru15:33
Neo4pass: test15:33
Neo4and say me what is wrong with it?15:33
Neo4smtp: mail.kselax.ru port 58715:35
Neo4imap mail.kselax.ru port 14315:35
naccrbasak: i can cleanup the merge-base branch and land it. do you want to work on the tmpdir fixes?15:35
naccdpb1: ahasenack: --^ fyi, i think that means ubuntu merge will work soonish15:37
ice9is MAAS something like Ansible or Puppet?15:41
naccdpb1: although i probably need to wait for an answer on the CLA15:44
rbasaknacc: I can, but I was intending to look at the importer test/fix branches again first. What order do you think would be best?15:58
naccrbasak: i think that's fine, the importer cleanup side is mostly annoying when a big package fails (e.g., it's in our current failure list). I think that should be relatively minimal if you update your importer snap to the latest (which has thunderbird blacklisted)15:58
naccrbasak: otherwise, those failures will fill up your disk quickly, if they happen (or if one does, then it affects others, which also fill up the disk, etc.)15:59
rbasakGood to know, thanks15:59
rbasakThe thunderbird import is still running.15:59
rbasakIt's had maybe an hour doing "git gc" after the patches unapplied import. At least that's where I think it's up to.16:00
rbasakAfter that it'll be patches applied and a push presumably.16:00
naccrbasak: alternatively, if you do happen to be watching and see failures, you can kill the large imports and manually clean up the tempdirs16:00
naccrbasak: the `git gc` is manually or git auto-performed? if you can tell16:00
rbasakLooks manual to me.16:00
naccrbasak: ok, it could be done then16:01
naccwe only gc at the end of the import16:01
rbasakAt the end of patches unapplied you mean?16:01
naccrbasak: the end of the full import16:01
naccimporter.py:378 in master16:02
rbasakI was watching the ps output, and saw each dpkg-source -x (since that was taking a while) followed by the git add -A (-f?) which I think is the dsc to tree hash function16:02
naccrbasak: both unapplied and applied use that now16:02
rbasakThe dpkg-source was giving away the dsc filename16:02
rbasakOh, OK16:02
naccrbasak: so it depends on if you see the --skip-patches or not16:02
rbasakI don't recall.16:03
rbasakBut now I look, applied tags are present.16:03
naccif you do, unapplied, if you don't, applied16:03
naccso yeah, it's presumably done16:03
naccand is GCing a large repo :)16:03
rbasakThat's good news, thanks.16:03
rbasaknacc: it's pushing :)16:40
naccrbasak: nice!16:40
ahasenackhi nacc, good news16:44
naccrbasak: so (presuming i find some time today), you're ok with me landing the merge fix + your cleanups in master?16:44
naccrbasak: also, from a release manager perspective, i think i'm assuming you'll cut an 0.8 and force push it to all branches (master will be FF) after we land the importer changes16:45
rbasaknacc: +1 to fix the docstring and land the merge fix in master16:59
rbasakYeah, agreed on the 0.8.16:59
naccrbasak: great, thanks17:01
naccrbasak: done (merge fix)17:34
naccrbasak: lol, thinko on our part18:06
naccrbasak: we've got people.canonical.com/~nacc in our snapcraft yaml18:06
naccrbasak: can you regen those tarballs, put them in your people.c.c space and update the yaml in master?18:06
naccrbasak: i believe each tarballs instructions are in the yaml explicitly18:07
Neo4what is difference between:18:41
Neo4$ hostname18:41
Neo4$ hostname -f18:41
Neo4it show diffrerence output18:41
sarnoldcheck the manpage :)18:42
Neo4hostname -f shows18:42
Neo4yes I guessed18:42
Neo4-f FQDM18:42
Neo4I don't know how there that certificate appeared https://ssl-tools.net/mailservers/kselax.ru18:43
Neo4I didn't generate it18:43
sarnoldoh that's a cool site, thanks18:44
rbasaknacc: ack19:21
naccrbasak: thanks, i think CI and store builds will be broken w/o that19:33
granttrecanyone familar with the current state of ubuntu jeos?21:20
naccgranttrec: uh, it doesn't exist?21:21
granttreclol, rip, did something replace it?21:22
naccdunno what was it?21:22
sarnold"just enough operating system"21:22
sarnoldfor a few months ten years ago that was the name given to netboot images21:22
granttrecstripped down ubuntu server for virutlization21:22
sarnoldmaybe it was replaced by ubuntu core, which then got replaced by a different ubuntu core which then got replaced by snappy? :)21:22
sarnoldgranttrec: maybe one of the generic cloud images would suffice21:23
granttrecsarnold: can I get a link? new to this stuff21:23
naccthere's also minimal now21:25
sdezielnacc: now == 18.04 ?21:25
sarnoldsorry, went off to talk with furnace repair guy ..21:27
sarnoldgranttrec: images are published here http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/21:27
naccsarnold: not sure, but i think so21:28
sarnoldgranttrec: there's a "simplestreams" tool of some sort that knows how to parse and verify json data that describes them21:28
naccsmoser: --^ perhaps you know better21:28
granttrecsarnold: thanks21:28
sarnoldgranttrec: .. and back again, hah21:33
sarnoldgranttrec: there's a uvtool or something similar from the server team that import the images into libvirt and boot the things without much effort; a little bit of time with cloud-init to customize the installs might be worth while too21:34
granttrecsarnold: thanks for the advice so far, my goals are more along the lines of setting up a sandboxed dev enviroment for myself that I can nuke whenever I feel like it, a vm seems like a bit of over kill, I just want to create something simple and easy to set up21:36
sarnoldgranttrec: ah! then perhaps just perhaps lxd would be a better fit? :)21:37
sdezielamen to that ^21:37
granttrecsarnold: I was thinking that, but not sure how that would go since I might want multiple projects in one place, and it seems containers are best suited for seperate specific projects, but I'm looking into it, this is for hobby devel btw21:39
sarnoldhobby, job, job, hobby ... pretty thin line in the open source world :) hehe21:40
granttrecsarnold: lol :) this idea started since I want a little peace of mind when following setup steps `curl | sh` and easy un-install when i'm no longer interested in a project.21:43
sarnoldheh, I'm way too paranoid to ever blindly do the curl | sh thing even on a VM. there's just too many VM escapes and terminal escapes and ssh channels terrify me and and and ..21:44
sarnoldI wind up reading so many shell scripts ..21:44
granttrechaha aint that the truth21:46
irwissto be fair even apt-get has a veeeery long chain of trust that you implicitly trust21:46
sarnoldirwiss: knowing half the people involved with that chain of trust helps immensely :D21:46
sarnoldI realize that doesn't scale real well..21:47
irwissyou need just 1 spoon of poop to spoil a barrel of honey21:47
dpb1granttrec: hey21:53
granttrecdpb1: sup21:53
dpb1granttrec: the stripped down ubuntu is called 'minimal server image'21:53
granttreci'm aware but ubuntu wiki indicated jeos purpose was for virutlization21:55
granttreccurrently reading up on lxd to get what I want21:56
dpb1if you want to try with lxd, you can:21:58
dpb1lxc remote add ubuntu-minimal-daily https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/daily --protocol=simplestreams21:58
dpb1then lxc launch ubuntu-minimal-daily:bionic21:59
dpb1we haven't published a lot of instructions yet since bionic isn't released yet, but will be doing so in the coming days/weeks21:59
granttrecdpb1: thanks for the advice22:01
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dpb1also, one last thing, since you are interested in virt, and not just containers.  https://community.ubuntu.com/t/beta-release-multipass/2696  That's intended to make it dead simple to launch vms with updated images.22:05
rbasakapt-get trust: one key thing is that there's a single respository as a sync point. You're in the same boat as everyone else, and others care enough to examine that boat.22:27
rbasakAnd a rather large set of Debian and Ubuntu developers will fix the boat if a serious problem is reported to them, as opposed to what might be a much smaller upstream or a more focused upstream team who have other priorities.22:28
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