
Scary_Guyjinx, you owe me a coke :p12:35
Scary_Guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI2GVcjXXI8 (my obscure reference of the day)12:37
Scary_Guyalso anyone here use OPN Sense?   gotta say I'm absolutely loving it12:39
waldo323is that a fork of pfsense?14:11
Scary_Guyyep, it is15:18
waldo323what are the big differences between pf and opn sense?17:21
jrwrenlinux v. freebsd?17:30
waldo323oh hmm i thought they were both based on freebsd 1117:33
Scary_Guythey are17:49
Scary_GuyOPN is based off of PF, which is based off of m0n0wall, which is based off of FreeBSD17:50
jrwrensee i have no idea.21:21

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