
yeatsflying_sausages: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11777792/1692794 will probably help00:18
ken_I am having installing mkchromecast in Ubuntu Mate.  Downloaded deb package....tried to install it....the Status says Error: Dependency is not satisfable: python3-pychromecast00:32
ken_any ideas how to resolve?00:32
granttrecken_: download the dep00:33
ken_i did00:34
ken_double clicked00:34
ken_package installer00:34
ken_then error00:34
granttrecken_: might be a broken package, google around to check00:36
granttrecdoes anyone have a problem with scaling in firefox or chrome in ubuntu? does not seem to scale as well as on windows...00:37
w30e84sdho!Oatmeal Bertrand Russell - A History of Western Philosophy (pdf).rar00:41
ubottuw30e84sdho: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:41
xmorgainelist of irc channels00:49
foobar__I have a HP microserver running 14.04, tried a 'do-release upgrade', now my driver/kernel module for my network card won't load, its a Broadcom BCM572301:01
foobar__'lshw -C network' shows it to be UNCLAIMED, lsmod says tg3 is not loaded01:02
foobar__if i try: 'modprobe tg3' I get ERROR could not insert tg3 Unknown symbol in module or unknown parameter01:03
Bashing-omfoobar__: Proprietary driver // got broke in the upgrade process ?01:03
Bashing-om!bcm | foobar__01:03
ubottufoobar__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:03
foobar__if I check the directory of /lib/modules/4.4.0-121-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/ tg3.ko is not present, but on a fresh 16.04 install it is there01:04
foobar__ubottu OK will try that link01:05
ubottufoobar__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:05
Bashing-omfoobar__: That is "assumming" that Broadcom BCM5723 is still proprietary .01:06
foobar__if I copy over the tg3.ko from the fresh ubuntu16.04 running identical kernels, and run a depmod,modprobe tg3, I now get: error could not insert 'tg3' Exec format error01:07
foobar__Bashing-om not sure01:08
Bashing-omfoobar__: Lots and lots I do not know .. but rather than copy over a file from an old build on an older kernel, I do suggest a new build on the current kernel .01:09
foobar__You mean compile the module?01:10
foobar__This guy has the exact issue as me: https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2354105.html01:11
foobar__Except his solution was to reinstall01:12
foobar__I copied this tg3.ko from another 16.04 with 4.4.0-121 kernel01:12
Bashing-omfoobar__: Let me go read the instruction . Be back soonest .01:13
Bashing-om!info bcmwl-kernel-source xenial01:18
ubottubcmwl-kernel-source (source: bcmwl): Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source. In component restricted, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1486 kB, installed size 7008 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)01:18
foobar__Mine is ethernet, not wireless01:18
Bashing-omfoobar__: Yes, the 2 are intertwinned .. the ^ " bcmwl-kernel-source " is going down the wrong hole .01:20
foobar__Sorry I don't follow, should I try to install that package?01:21
Bashing-omfoobar__: No, that ^^ is not for the BCM57xxx series .. I be trying to find the install instructions for your chip set .01:28
gbellinoz1I've got dozens of logs coming in from various machines.  For some, I've written a tool that just shows me the differences day-to-day.  But others are just noisy.  I use logcheck but think I need something more sophisticated.  I just want to see the problems.  What's the tool of choice these days for that?01:29
BudgiiIs there a program that I can make a backup of my system then 'install' it into a new OS? i'm wanting to go from Budgie to Solus.01:38
BudgiiOr just on upgrade option would be cool.01:38
SlidingHornBudgii: try #solus - this is an ubuntu support channel01:39
gbellinoz1I see nagios is still around... I guess I need to distinguish between watching, summarizing, alerting...01:42
gbellinoz1I just want a daily email with only the unusual stuff that happened.01:42
Bashing-omfoobar__: Still looking .. not found a "solved" solution to this time .01:44
Bashing-omfoobar__: Sorry. I do not find a solution . Will take others here with the geater experience to aid you .01:54
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arooniquestion: //  8.0K     0  8.0K   0% /media/HardDriveArooni ;; mounting a samba drive  but it reports the wrong isze02:09
foobar__Bashing-om OK, thanks for trying.02:10
Bashing-omfoobar__: Has my interest . I will watch the progress .02:12
poogleHi I'm installing ubuntu from a minimal ISO on a usb stick, and it's not seeing my wireless card, and is only trying ethernet. when I open shell from installer, and type ip link list, I only see lo and enp6s0 ... but lspci is showing that the wifi (rtl8188) is loaded ... how do I bring up the wifi interface?02:13
oerhekspoogle, not with the mini iso, use a regular iso for that02:20
poogleoerheks, You can't activate wifi from mini iso?02:21
oerheksnope, but next ubuntu will have the minimal option included.02:23
pooglebummer ... thanks though02:25
oerheks2 more days, get used to  ̶g̶k̶s̶u̶ gedit admin://<location of the file>03:01
cfhowlettpkexex gedit works as well03:02
oerhekstrue, so there is more than one way to do it03:04
adrian_1908Oh, interesting. I there some link on that new method? I think I briefly saw it mentioned here (or elsewhere) a few months ago.03:06
oerheksoh sorry for the nwslatter spam, but this issue is really good03:10
Bashing-omoerheks: And the gksu issue has a summary :)03:13
foobar__Bashing-om getting closer: "dmesg | grep tg3" tg3: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout03:16
adrian_1908thanks! :)03:17
Bashing-omfoobar__: My looking and "tg3" is a Red Hat module . I do not know that it translated over to ubuntu :(03:20
naccBashing-om: tg3 is an upstream kernel module03:21
naccalso present in ubuntu03:21
Bashing-omnacc: :) noted .03:22
Bashing-omnacc: foobar__ can not get the module to load . Above my skill set .03:23
foobar__Bashing-om Hmm, I installed ubuntu desktop 16.04 in Virtualbox, and checked the directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-121-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/ and tg3.ko is there03:24
foobar__No worries03:24
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial03:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB03:25
protocol_hive /join stocks03:25
Bashing-omfoobar__: All I can say is that it should workie .. why, not I do not know .03:26
cfhowlettlinuk, no profanity here.  NONE.03:40
linukhit me03:41
linukfuck me03:41
zllmy name is zhanglulu03:41
=== abc is now known as Guest76133
DalekSeclinuk, zll, u0_a244: Play elsewhere.03:42
linukwho are you?03:43
* Randolf supports the removal of those users at that IP address.03:45
en1gmaim running ubuntu 16.04.1 and just did an update through software update and im getting this after i rebooted and did an 'apt get autoremove' "The link /vmlinuz.old is a damaged link"03:55
en1gmahttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/NC9v7NXKdd/   <<< thats my output after i did the apt-get autoremove03:56
en1gmacan someone tell me what i should do at this point?03:57
cfhowletten1gma, reboot.03:57
oerheksare  initrd.img.old /vmlinuz.old links you set manually ??04:01
Bashing-omen1gma: what kernels are present ' ls -al /boot/ ' ?04:04
illuminatedceph is interesting --- quite complex, but interesting04:07
en1gmak 1 sec. checking04:16
Bashing-omen1gma: 2 kernels remain :) .. now what is symlinked ' ls -al /vmlinuz* /initrd.img* ' ?04:22
en1gmalrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Apr 23 22:49 /initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-39-generic lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Apr 23 22:49 /vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-39-generic04:24
en1gmadang. that was supposed to be two lines04:24
en1gmaso i dont need to re-run grub again like it says i might need to?04:26
en1gmaits moments just like these that im glad im not dual booting with windows anymore. to many close calls04:26
asprazzhello guys..  I am on 16.04 should i upgrade to 17.10 or 1804:27
Bashing-omen1gma: I would rather see ^ that complete output in a pastebin - see that there is no linkage to the -38 kernel .04:28
lotuspsychjeasprazz: we reccomend lts to lts upgrade in june 18.04.104:28
asprazzlotuspsychje: Oke so is it the new release comming up...?04:29
lotuspsychjeasprazz: yes final release is april 2604:29
asprazzthank you.... btw there nothing in pastebin04:29
en1gmaBashing-om ok 1 sec04:31
Bashing-omen1gma: working on setting up the symlinks for ya .  as is now no danger , The system will boot up again :)04:34
en1gmaoh ok cool04:36
en1gmawhat will the symlink do for me now and can i still run 'apt-get autoremove' and 'apt-get autoclean'? i use those quite a bit04:37
Bashing-omen1gma: ' sudo ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-38-generic /vmlinuz.old ; sudo ln -s /boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-38-generic /initrd.img.old ' .04:38
Bashing-omen1gma: In the event that the 39 kernel does not boot there is the baclup -38 kernel set in place .04:38
en1gmaok gonna try now04:39
en1gmabrb i hope04:40
en1gmaBashing-om reboot made it04:44
en1gmashould i do apt-get update then apt-get autoremove then apt-get autoclean?04:44
Bashing-omen1gma:  The sequence is ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' If autoremove is suggested here then one may do so; If you mp longer want .deb files archived on the system then yes do autoclean .04:47
en1gmathanks alot. gonna do some of the commands now04:48
en1gmaleft autoremove alone04:49
en1gmathanks again04:49
soumyadipmy sudo apt-get update is very slow04:49
soumyadipother things are running good04:50
soumyadipI mean browser and all04:50
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
shreyasbapat_Hi! I am Shreyas and I wish to contribute to Ubuntu. Can someone please help me get started?05:08
Bashing-om!contribute | shreyasbapat_05:09
ubottushreyasbapat_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu05:09
Bashing-omshreyasbapat_: Also see : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2260620&p=13206678#post13206678 <- Find a task .05:12
shreyasbapat_Okay! Thanks a lot for help!05:12
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omkarnathsinghHi all. good morning.06:40
omkarnathsinghUbuntu LTS 18.04 any early users here?06:41
ducasse!18.04 | omkarnathsingh06:41
ubottuomkarnathsingh: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+106:41
omkarnathsinghOkay. Thanks.06:42
lotuspsychjeomkarnathsingh: in #ubuntu+1 you can install the daily iso if you want early06:51
omkarnathsinghlotuspsychje: I am already using 18.04 daily build. I am more interested to see whats reaction of others. Thats why I joined here. (New to IRC)06:53
lotuspsychjeah come to #ubuntu-discuss if you like omkarnathsingh06:53
Noruxis there a way to reset my /etc/network/interfaces ?07:07
maumhow can I access mysql? -> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user07:07
ducasseNorux: what do you mean reset? it's a text file, you can just edit it.07:09
NoruxI mean reset it to its original value07:10
ducasseno, there isn't.07:11
akaymaum: did you specify a password and an user? -> mysql -u root -p07:11
maumakay: thanks the issue is solved!07:12
akayNorux: the default of that file is to look for DHCP, i. e.: auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp07:13
Noruxakay: I know that, I somehow managed to destroy it and now it only has two lines. I tried to setup a DNS Server but I'm dumb >.<07:14
akayso just set it back to iface eth0 inet dhcp and delete your dns lines? :)07:14
akayreplace eth0 with your corresponding iface, see ifconfig07:16
Noruxakay: There are none in there. `cat /etc/network/interfaces` shows: `auto l0 \n iface l0 inet loopback`07:17
akaythen type in sudo ifconfig, look out for the interface that has your LAN IP07:18
Norux`ifconfig` gives me interfaces enp5s0, lo and wlp2s007:18
akaythen its the enp5s0 one07:18
akayso do this:07:18
NoruxI do have internet connection on LAN, but can't start the wifi hotspot07:18
akayoh... i see.07:18
hlias_tempHello, is something wrong with xenial-backports ?07:19
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: why?07:20
hlias_tempapt-get yields 403 Forbidden error\07:20
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: your not behind router or firewall?07:20
akayNorux: you might try to manually add your wifi interface back to the interfaces file by typing this into the file:07:21
akayauto wlp2s007:21
akayiface wlp2s0 inet dhcp07:21
hlias_templotuspsychje: check the link I gave you07:21
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lotuspsychjehlias_temp: yeah not working on my side either, ask in #ubuntu-mirrors please07:21
ducassehlias_temp: ask in #ubuntu-mirrors if there are any known problems with that mirror07:21
akaymaybe that will be enough to get you up and running, dont forget to sudo systemctl restart networking07:21
hlias_tempthanks guys07:22
granttrechow can I create an image of my system using gnome disk utility?07:22
lotuspsychje!backup | granttrec07:23
ubottugranttrec: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:23
=== OS-36259 is now known as eternal_n00b
granttreclotuspsychje: I use deja dup, but I want a quick way to make an image so i can revert back to it07:25
ZajtWhat is the opposite eto sudo a2enconf ssl-params, if I want to disable it?07:28
akayZajt: a2disconf07:29
Noruxakay: Ah, thanks. I'll try it right away.07:31
Noruxakay: Still gives me an error on connect: IP-Configuration not available (original error message not in english)07:33
akaywhat does ifconfig say? can you try to connect to a wifi first before trying to create a hotspot?07:33
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: i reported it, its taking care of tnx for the report07:34
Noruxakay: http://termbin.com/xez707:34
hlias_templotuspsychje: sorry for not reporting it directly, I'm a bit bussy!07:35
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: no sweat, not really your task07:35
Noruxakay: yes, I can connect with WiFi07:35
akayNorux: deutsche fehlermeldungen werd ich verstehen :p so, can you try to connect to a wifi so we can close out some error sources?07:35
akayNorux: nice. let me read into hotspotting, brb07:36
Noruxakay: danke dir :)07:36
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: check again after 12min plz07:36
hlias_templotuspsychje: you can check directly the url, if I am not mistaken07:37
hlias_templotuspsychje: if it gets fixed there shouldn't be a 403 error07:37
lotuspsychjehlias_temp: its been taking care of07:38
transhello can you help me to find for ubuntu - a offline software like  http://utilities.webdunia.com/hindi/transliteration.html07:39
=== a_ is now known as my2c
transhello can you help me to find for ubuntu - a offline software like  http://utilities.webdunia.com/hindi/transliteration.html Webdunia Engine for Transliteration (WET)07:43
lotuspsychje!patience | trans07:44
ubottutrans: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/07:44
transyea thanks i searcheda lot but does not found any on help.ubuntu.com07:45
lotuspsychjetrans: apt-cache search offline, while you wait?07:46
transwhat offline seach will have to do with finding a offline transliteration software for ubuntu  ?07:47
lotuspsychjetrans: you are here online right now right07:47
transyes i need a software for translation automatically english to hindi without going online on ubuntu07:48
transphonetic english to hindi from keyboard for ubuntu07:49
lotuspsychjetrans: you can make webpages offline too if you want07:49
user___Hello,   Following scenario:  16.04  remote server. Ubuntu RAID 1.  used DD to image the array md0,md1,md2 and dd to restore to the same server. Reboot the server and I can not access it via ssh but I can ping it.  Can someone give me some pointers on getting access to the system? I have no GUI or web services installed on it. No VNC only ssh as of now.07:50
lotuspsychje!who | Irritiable|LT07:51
ubottuIrritiable|LT: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:51
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translotus i need a deb for ubuntu a software that work as offline to convert phonetic english that i type from keyboard get transiliterated automatically to hindi07:52
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JimBuntutrans, I don't know of an immediate solution... check this out though -> http://www.hackourlife.com/typewrite-in-hindi-and-sanskrit-with-latex/07:56
ZajtIs there a way to clear logs for some users accounts in ubuntu?07:58
akayZajt: what logs? need more info07:59
Zajtlike people ssh into their accounts and maybe create some files(will check if they have created some files) but wanna reset all that stuff07:59
Zajtso it won't be any logs that they have done some things, don't think they are any files though but will check08:00
Irritiable|LTZajt: Malware project?08:01
=== jona303 is now known as codinghorror
=== codinghorror is now known as jona303
ZajtIs it possible to install git for multiple user accounts or do I need to install it with it's own email for each user account?08:10
jlucZajt, you could /join #git for git support08:13
confluencyZajt: it's a package. It gets installed system-wide like most other programs.08:13
Zajtalright great08:13
confluencyZajt: everyone has their own configuration, but everyone can use the same installed application.08:13
Zajtokay great08:14
Rembohow can i grep txt from all files content in a folder?08:16
EriC^^Rembo: grep "text" *08:16
RemboEriC^^, this command will search recursive including in subfolders files?08:18
EriC^^no, grep -R "text" /dir  for recursive08:19
confluencyRembo: you can also have a look at ack.08:19
confluency(ack has a successor now; I'm forgetting what it is. It's a "nicer" grep which recurses and ignores version control directories by default.)08:20
confluencyThe successor utility is called ag; I'm looking for the package name.08:22
EriC^^!find ag08:22
ubottuFound: ceilometer-agent-central, ceilometer-agent-compute, cloud-image-utils, designate-agent, designate-pool-manager, designate-zone-manager, dovecot-managesieved, exim4-daemon-heavy, exim4-daemon-light, exuberant-ctags (and 2406 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ag&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all08:22
confluencyThe executable is called ag; I think I have mine aliased to ack.08:23
user___Any one around can help me with restoring A server using DD ?08:24
dreadkopp83hey guys. anyone might be able to help me set up network bonding ?08:34
dreadkopp83this is my /etc/network/interfaces: https://hastebin.com/afulireqen.php08:35
dreadkopp83when i run a 'systemctl restart networking' i read that 'No slave joined bond0' , dmesg says APv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): bond0: link not ready08:37
slavplaywho is using The beat of 18.04 ubuntu?08:56
kostkonslavplay, #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 related questions08:57
slavplaydamn wifi08:57
slavplay1579 online yet no reply08:58
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Noruxslavplay, what is your question09:09
atif5any human here ?09:21
NoruxA lot09:21
atif5nope all 1500  are bot09:21
guivercatif5, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please just ask it. Please use a single line, and be patient as many people do other things09:21
adrian_190899% are eternal superfluous idlers, but the remaining people might be able to help you if you state your problem.09:22
bobaHi, I would like to check out a git repository modify it (change existing files or remove some of them) zip it and send it to someone else. However, I would like to not give them access to the git repository (i.e., when they unzip the folder they should not be able to do git pull or similar). How should I do it?09:40
Triffid_Hunterboba: rm -r .git09:40
Triffid_Hunteroh, maybe -rf because git marks some things as read-only09:40
Noruxboba, Triffid_Hunter: put a rm .gitignore there too, maybe?09:42
Triffid_Hunterboba: well .gitignore isn't really part of the git history, that's instructions to git from the developer on which filetypes to blacklist.. you can remove it if you want09:43
Gargravarrboba: https://stackoverflow.com/a/163769/41942609:45
bobaTriffid_Hunter: Norux thanks. so the complete command would be "rm -rf .git .gitignore"09:46
Gargravarrapparently this will still contain .gitignore and other .git* files but will exclude the .git working folder09:46
Noruxboba: that will remove any git-associated files.09:47
Gargravarrboba: could simplify with 'rm -rf .git*'09:47
Gargravarrthat's guaranteed to delete any git metadata09:47
NoruxGargravarr: careful. He might have a file called .git-information.txt or something like that09:48
GargravarrNorux: this is very true. i never said it wouldn't delete any non-git data :)09:48
Gargravarralthough having any git-related but important information as a dot-file is a silly practise anyway09:49
bobaThank you everyone. For now it seems the simplest would be to do "rm -rf .git .gitignore .gitmodules" or "rm -rf .git*". I will also check https://stackoverflow.com/a/163769/419426, what Gargravarr suggested.09:59
Gargravarrwith SVN, it's standard practise to run 'svn export' to get a clean copy of the versioned tree without any of the metadata. 'git archive' seems to be the closest10:00
martenwanghow to check the git url with the git command ? as svn info10:01
Gargravarrmartenwang: git remote list10:02
martenwangthank you10:02
Gargravarrmartenwang: ah, i got it wrong10:03
Gargravarrgit remote get-url origin10:03
martenwangGargravarr  hahah10:03
Gargravarreh, it was from memory :)10:03
martenwang<Gargravarr>  ok i am test it now10:04
oooloshello can anyone help me how can I remove trailing white space from files recursively?10:04
Noruxyou can also use the --all flag, if you have many URLs10:04
Noruxooolos: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/102008/how-do-i-trim-leading-and-trailing-whitespace-from-each-line-of-some-output10:05
ooolossorry file names10:06
ooolosi can do it in a single folder10:06
ooolosjust dunno how to do it with find10:06
jinkooolos: find . -name '*.txt' -print0 | xargs -r0 sed -i -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+$//'  # untested10:06
jinkOr what?10:06
jinkMaybe add -type f10:07
ooolosk let me check it10:07
jinkI did NOT test this.10:07
ooolosis ther a way to dry run it10:07
ooolosi was using rename10:07
jinkWhat are you trying to do again?10:07
martenwangGargravarr there is no get-url args10:07
ooolosthis but with find rename -n 's/ *$//' *10:08
ooolosi tried changing the * to {}10:08
Noruxmartenwang: what command did you type10:08
jinkooolos: Ah, renaming, you said remove trailing white space.10:09
Gargravarrjink: you escaped the +10:09
Gargravarrthat won't work10:09
jinkGargravarr: Aren't you supposed to, with sed?10:09
ooolosyeah i want to rename a file by removing white space at the end10:09
Gargravarrjink: nope, it's a regex10:10
oooloslots of file have white space in the ext at the end10:10
ooolosand i have 100 of folders10:10
Gargravarrooolos: in the filename, then :)10:10
ooolosyeah i said that :)10:10
jinkooolos: find . -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 rename 's/ *$//'10:10
Gargravarr'trim trailing whitespace' is a common thing in text files10:10
user___Any one around can help me with restoring A server using DD ?10:10
ooolosk ty10:10
Gargravarruser___: that's a big task, we need more details. what happened?10:11
user___Gargravarr:   Following scenario:  16.04  remote server. Ubuntu RAID 1.  used DD to image the array md0,md1,md2 and dd to restore to the same server. Reboot the server and I can not access it via ssh but I can ping it.  Can someone give me some pointers on getting access to the system? I have no GUI or web services installed on it. No VNC only ssh as of now.10:11
jinkGargravarr: I was right.  It's \+ with sed.10:11
martenwangNorux i get it ,just git remote -v10:12
Gargravarruser___: you will need a bootable system to use DD over SSH. does your hosting setup offer you the option to boot from a live USB/ISO?10:12
Gargravarrjink: well, i'm surprised, i swear i've run into that before10:12
jinkGargravarr: You probably use -E or -r.10:12
ooolos@jink ty that appears to work10:12
jinkooolos: np.10:12
Gargravarrjink: ah, that'd explain it, i almost always use extended-regex10:13
Noruxmartenwang: wow, learned something new, thanks10:13
NoruxGuest51305: hi :)10:13
user___Gargravarr: Yes. I am booted in a live Debian 8 on the server itself.10:13
Gargravarruser___: okay. i've had to do this many times so i'll send you some instructions via DM10:14
user___Gargravarr:  ok thanks.10:14
martenwangNorux yes,thanks10:14
jinkooolos: find finds the files -print0 prints the file names with NUL terminators, xargs -0 picks up the file names with NUL terminators and feeds them to rename.  You don't have to supply the file name argument there, because xargs does that.10:15
=== Pleasures is now known as SemiControl
ooolosah cool10:15
ooolosxargs always confused me a little i always try stuff with exec10:15
jinkooolos: Overly simplified, xargs just does "command file file file file"10:17
ooolos22lol sorry i lost my window10:18
ooolos22i jsut want to say ty to the guy who helpmed me10:20
ooolos22helped me10:20
martenwanglike find ./ -name '*a.ss' |xargs -I {} mv {} ${}.aa ,how i use the {} like a aviable?10:20
bobaGargravarr: I am not sure if "git archive --format zip --output /full/path/to/zipfile.zip master " will do the same as "git clone ..." and then "rm -rf .git*"?10:24
oooloswerid now my windows ha come back i could not focus it before :P10:25
Noruxboba: `rm -rf .git*` will only remove the files associated with git, not pack a zip archive.10:29
rypervencheNo need to use xargs when there is find's -exec10:33
bobaNorux: yes. I will make the zip archive afterwards manually. My point was if it is equally safe to just make rm -rf .git* to disable access to the git repository by the person who will receive the archive.10:35
Noruxboba: Git doesn't touch the other files, so there will be no information about the git repo afterwards.10:36
Noruxif the repo is private, one would need an authorized account anyways, but that's another thing.10:37
MrM1stHi all10:38
bobaNorux: what do you mean by doesn't touch the other files? Do you mean that if I do rm -rf .git* then there are no any other git-related files and hence one cannot issue any git commands such as git status, git pull, etc.?10:39
Noruxcorrect. one would have to do `git init`, `git clone` or something similar first.10:40
bobaNorux: and "git init" or "git clone" in the folder that initially contained the .git* files is only possible if one has authorized account?10:41
Noruxboba: no, but if they run those commands their folder won't be associated with your repository10:43
bobaNorux: I see. Thanks. You mean they won't be able to pull the removed files or retrieve the initial version of the files (before modification)?10:46
pepermuntjesthe ubuntu software center only installs snap packages?10:47
lapagapepermuntjes, you can do snap list to see what snaps are installed10:51
vltHello. I unmounted a USB drive by clicking on the "eject/unmount" icon in the file manager. Now the whole device isn't visible anymore by the kernel. How can I trigger a re-read of the currently plugged in devices without having to un- and replug it?10:51
satoshi_nakam0t0anyone else prefer windows10:53
vltsatoshi_nakam0t0: Maybe.10:54
JimBuntuPlease satoshi_nakam0t0 , no polls.10:54
satoshi_nakam0t0heard windows 10 was faster than ubuntu10:54
JimBuntu!ask | satoshi_nakam0t010:55
ubottusatoshi_nakam0t0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:55
tzafrirI'm not sure where this should be reported, if at all.10:57
tzafrirI needed to test something with an old Yakkety (16.10) system. So I used an old installation and s/us\.archive/old-releases/ .10:58
tzafrirThis worked OK for most packages I needed, but at least some packages were missing. Specifically,10:59
tzafrirE: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zlib/zlib1g_1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu5.1_amd64.deb  404  Not Found10:59
JimBuntutzafrir, 16.10 is nearly 1 whole year EOL. I don't think you need to report it anywhere, since it's EOL.11:03
tzafrirJimBuntu, sure. I use it for historical uses. History is sometimes useful.11:05
MrM1stI've been using different versions of Ubuntu for many years, and found the Wayland-jump in 17.10 to be really refreshing. I find that we're back to X11 in 18.04. Is the reasoning behind this gathered somewhere?11:05
JimBuntutzafrir, Sure, history is useful. Doesn't really matter when talking about an "old" non-LTS release that is hundreds of days EOL though.11:06
tzafrirJimBuntu, but isn't old-releases.u.c itself maintained (at the basic level)?11:06
JimBuntutzafrir, the packages are maintained, but not guaranteed that any specific file will continue to be available indefinitely.11:07
tzafrirI don't expect it not to be buggy. Heck, I won't put such a system on the Internet. But it would be nice to be able to install packages. And zlib is one basic package in the dependency tree.11:08
guivercMrM1st, the X/Wayland 17.10/18.04 has been written about on many occasions, desktop weekly (will cooke), community hub etc...  I'd suggest looking up Will Cooke's writings on the topic for 'reasoning'11:08
BluesKajHi folks11:08
JimBuntug'morn BluesKaj11:08
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:08
JimBuntutzafrir, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zlib/zlib1g_1.2.8.dfsg-2ubuntu5_amd64.deb  perhaps this will satisfy your requirements.11:09
tzafrirYes, this is what I used eventually.11:09
tzafrirIt's not like zlib changes its interface too often.11:10
guivercMrM1st, https://community.ubuntu.com/t/xorg-will-be-the-default-in-18-04-lts/3623  is one reference11:12
MrM1stguiverc: Thanks a lot11:16
MrM1stOn another topic completely. Snaps and security... Any good articles around on that?11:17
user___Gargravarr: PM?11:19
guivercMrM1st, #ubuntu-discuss may be more appropriate for these questions (as not Support related), yes I've read some but wouldn't be able to find or suggest any. You may look in the community-hub for recent stuff, but many weren't there (as its not very old)11:20
guivercnext place to search would be 'insights' (ubuntu insights), but I still don't think that would catch all..  and can't think of any that stand out (but i've less interest in them)11:22
lapagaMrM1st, https://www.infoworld.com/article/3060246/security/ubuntu-snap-doesnt-have-the-security-issue-x11-does.html11:25
MrM1stlapaga: I'm aware of that one :) I thinks that goes for any container being run on a X11 system11:26
Gargravarra support question - what's the current (Xenial, Bionic) method to set the default background on first login? my company has rolled out some nice backgrounds and i want to incorporate them into my standard install script11:26
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pax_rhoshello. using mysql workbench on xubuntu to connect to Percona, from_base64() returns 'BLOB' instead of text string decoded from base64, how to fix that?11:41
Gargravarrpax_rhos: select convert(from_base64(), char(255) character set utf8)11:43
pax_rhosGargravarr: thanks!11:46
Gargravarrworth noting that base64 is the standard way of representing binary data and shouldn't be used for storing strings, it just adds complexity11:46
pax_rhosGargravarr: that's the easiest way to escape charset problems11:51
Gargravarrgood point11:54
Gargravarrif only people would just use UTF-8 everywhere :)11:55
Gargravarryou should now have the correct ARRAY entries in the mdadm.conf file (the UUIDs should be different)11:55
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SchmendrickDoes anybody here know if this page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images) is still up-to-date with respect to how the cloud images are built? It was last updated in 2014.12:40
leftyfbSchmendrick: I doubt that's up to date. You might try asking in #ubuntu-server12:43
SchmendrickThanks @leftyfb12:43
user___Thanks Gargravarr  my problem is solved!   I appreciate your help!12:48
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=== prova is now known as jk^
tang_EveryOne Here?12:58
Gargravarr!ask | tang_13:00
ubottutang_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:00
Gargravarr(hope i'm not overstepping my authority by invoking that :) )13:01
NoruxGargravarr: :D thought about it myself, but didn't have the guts to do so haha13:02
NoruxI'm gonna go now, bye13:03
* Norux waves13:03
* arun007 waves13:05
* pax_rhos tsunami13:10
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feguitok5bom dia algum br aqui13:15
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evelinI have 2 questions about Linux Mint14:03
evelinif someone can help me14:03
Gargravarr!ask | evelin14:03
ubottuevelin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:03
evelinok, thanks14:04
naccerr, no.14:05
nacc!mint | evelin14:05
ubottuevelin: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:05
naccmint is not supported here, evelin14:05
evelinok, thank you14:05
Gargravarrnacc: my bad :)14:08
naccGargravarr: :)14:08
james1138Hello from Indiana. Tech question - how does a person "write" a printer driver? I have a old Lexmark Multifunction x9575 and wonder if possible to "reverse-engineer" its Windows driver?14:08
pragmaticenigmajames1138: that would be a question for another channel14:09
james1138Which channel please?14:09
pragmaticenigma!alis | james113814:09
ubottujames1138: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"14:09
Gargravarrbe warned james1138, printer drivers are pretty involved C/C++ :)14:11
pragmaticenigmajames1138: ##linux ##programming are also good places to start14:11
james1138Less tech question then... any suggestions on which fonts still look best readable with anti-alias turned off?14:11
pragmaticenigmajames1138: That also is not a question for this channel, please try #ubuntu-offtopic14:11
james1138ok thanks14:12
alerayHi, could anyone help me to solve this issue? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49746194/when-i-install-a-software-in-my-ubuntu16-04-i-got-the-following-messages14:12
alerayI have a similar problem14:12
alerayapt gets blocked by firefox apparently14:12
pragmaticenigmaaleray: Did you attempt the suggested fix in that thread?14:12
aleraypragmaticenigma, I tried various things in the thread. let me try again to do it all14:13
Gargravarrseems like the fix leads to a loop. Firefox has gotten itself into a knot, can't be installed, but removing it also causes the error14:14
Gargravarraleray: if you can't remove Firefox using APT, you could try 'dpkg -r firefox' instead14:14
aleraypragmaticenigma, exact same issue as that person14:14
alerayGargravarr, thanks, let me try14:14
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: What I'm attempting to show is that it is likely the random post found might be similar, but unlikely anything to do with the same thing14:15
pragmaticenigmaaleray: Do you have any extra PPAs enabled?14:15
aleraypragmaticenigma, an other error: package is in a very bad inconsistent stqte...14:15
aleraypragmaticenigma, I check14:15
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: indeed, and why i didn't highlight anybody for that comment. first thing i noticed was that the SO question was unresolved14:16
aleraypragmaticenigma, Gargravarr here is my apt/source.list http://dpaste.com/2F1JMHQ14:18
Gargravarraleray: that's all normal, good. do you have anything under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?14:18
alerayGargravarr, no14:19
dbuggerHello everyone14:19
dbuggerCould someone please take a look at this issue? It is kinda lengthy so I posted there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1026439/cant-ping-a-virtualbox-created-using-nat14:19
pragmaticenigmaaleray: try running "sudo apt-get clean all && sudo apt-get autoclean" and try again14:19
aleraypragmaticenigma, ok. still same issue14:20
pragmaticenigmadbugger: as you were told before, you need to find a Virtual Box support channel. We cannot help you.14:20
Gargravarrdbugger: if you can't ping a VM from the host, this is because of NAT, it's working as designed14:21
dbugger3 hours ago it was working14:21
dbuggerand suddenly it stopped14:21
Gargravarrbest to go ask for help in a VirtualBox channel as pragmaticenigma said then - as best i know, it's not /supposed/ to work :)14:22
Gargravarraleray: did 'dpkg -r firefox' do anything?14:22
renfrewMorning all14:23
alerayGargravarr, it give the same error: "package is in very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting removal..."14:23
Gargravarraleray: dpkg has a '--force-remove-reinstreq' option which may get around this14:26
Gargravarrit warns that it may leave stray files, but if you're going to reinstall Firefox, that should be okay (if anyone wants to correct me on this, please do)14:27
alerayGargravarr, safe? Should I give a try?14:27
alerayGargravarr, I don't seem to have this option in my dpkg version14:28
Gargravarrreally? my machine is on Xenial, can't imagine it would be removed by Artful14:29
alerayGargravarr, hummm. Seems like "sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox" worked14:30
aleraygot it from there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/409308/package-is-in-a-very-bad-inconsistent-state-you-should-reinstall-it-before-at14:31
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)14:31
Gargravarraleray: that's a relief :) i just checked dpkg on Bionic and it does have the flag. glad to hear you got it working, often when packages get into a nasty state you wind up reverting to dpkg14:31
transhumanhi on my centos kvm guest (ubuntu 17.10 ) it seems to want to try to start the vmware ps/2 mouse I have no open-vm-tools installed any idea what could be causing this?14:32
Gargravarrtranshuman: sounds more like a KVM issue, that would be the hardware KVM is exposing to the guest. consider changing the config to use a different virtual mouse14:33
* DwiHack19 test14:34
* DwiHack19 apakah ada orang14:34
alerayGargravarr, pragmaticenigma thanks for your help14:34
tdahow do i install moinmoin on ubuntu 1604? after going through the reademe.debian.gz it doesn't work. I am still getting the default apache page, even after disabling 000-default14:47
tdatrying to go to server/MyWiki or server/MyWiki/LanguageSetup gives a 40414:48
migmolrodwhat's in your /etc/apache/sites-available/ folder?14:50
migmolrodi mean /etc/apache2/sites-available/14:50
tda000-default.conf  default-ssl.conf  mywiki.conf14:51
bobaHi, if I delete a file by shift delete in a folder versioned by git, would git detect that and I could commit this as a change or git revert the change if necessary?14:52
JoeD@boba Git can revert the change14:52
naccboba: presuming the file was already tracked?14:52
migmolrod@tda and what's in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/14:53
bobaJoeD: nacc thanks. Yes, I meant already tracked files.14:53
tdamigmolrod: just mywiki.conf14:53
naccboba: yeah, git doesn't care about your GUI/cli usage (as in what you used)14:54
JoeDDoes someone know what are the criterias to Ubuntu pick a linux kernel version and put in a LTS point release?14:54
pragmaticenigmatranshuman: have you tried checking out /join #kvm ?14:54
migmolrod@tda then check out that mywiki.conf to see if everything is ok, if servername is ok, if paths are correct and so14:55
naccJoeD: #ubuntu-kernel14:55
naccJoeD: but also, what's current when the kernel freeze is approaching, etc14:55
JoeDnacc: lame14:55
bobanacc: I was wondering if there is a git delete analogous to svn delete or if I can simply delete the file by shift delete and git would recognize that.14:55
naccboba: `git rm`14:56
naccJoeD: what is lame? you are asking something the kernel developers would need to answer14:56
JoeDnacc: it is lame if the answer is just that simple14:58
transhumanpragmaticenigma, I will thanks for the tip14:58
bobanacc: so just removing the file manually ("rm file" or shift delete on the file) won't work?14:58
JoeDboba: it will work too14:58
migmolrod@tda and remember to at least do systemctl reload apache2 if you make changes14:58
bobaThanks :)14:58
naccJoeD: i mean, if you want to know how they decide, you'd need to ask them :)14:58
naccboba: well, you need to commit the change, of course14:58
bobanacc: but I can also revert such a change as well, I mean if I remove a file manually and ask git to revert that change it will work?14:59
tgm4883boba: well yes, since it could restore from a previous commit15:00
pragmaticenigmaboba: if your changes haven't been comitted, the file will be restored with the next pull from git15:00
tgm4883even if it had been committed, you can always go back15:01
migmolrodguys, i have a logitech g710+ keyboard. i found its linux drivers from the community and i could install it perfectly15:01
bobathank you all. :)15:01
pragmaticenigmamigmolrod: Do you have a question? It's not very clear from what you just said.15:02
migmolrodbut everytime linux-headers and linux-image updates, i lose the driver. how can i make it persistant? blocking kernel updates?15:02
migmolrod@pragmaticenigma yep, it was just quite a bit long XD15:03
pragmaticenigmamigmolrod: it's best to post as much on one line, it reduces confusion and makes it easier to read in the long run15:03
naccboba: yes, this is generic git stuff15:04
bobanacc: thx15:04
* DwiHack19 test15:04
* DwiHack19 Hello15:05
leftyfb!ask | DwiHack1915:05
ubottuDwiHack19: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:05
pragmaticenigmamigmolrod: The problem you're having is because the kernel is not aware of the extra driver. Also, the driver may need to be recompiled against the new kernel with each kernel update. I think what you need is some sort of registration with the kernel config so it knows to automatically retain the driver15:05
* DwiHack19 newbie15:06
leftyfbDwiHack19: do you need help with something?15:06
pragmaticenigmaDwiHack19: to start, please stop using the /me with each message15:06
migmolrod@pragmaticenigma so can i hook into some kind of ON_KERNEL_UPDATE event inside ubuntu and do the recompile + install for that driver? or how can i make kernel aware of the new driver?15:08
pragmaticenigmaDwiHack19: Welcome to the Ubuntu Support Channel. Do you have an Ubuntu related support question? If so please ask it, all on one line. If you would like to chat openly about other topics, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:08
pragmaticenigmamigmolrod: I'm not certain, trying to google for it now15:09
naccmigmolrod: dkms ?15:09
migmolrod@nacc looks like the solution, thanks. i'll let duckduck go do the rest of the job for me XD15:09
naccmigmolrod: yw :)15:10
naccmigmolrod: it's almost verbatim what you asked for15:10
pragmaticenigmathat's what I was thinking of too... couldn't remember the acronym15:10
sere_what is the default jdk version in 18.04 curren15:15
migmolrodi actually found in github a fork of those drivers with a branch called "fix-dkms" XD looks like i will use it15:15
pragmaticenigma!bionic | sere_15:15
ubottusere_: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+115:15
migmolrodthanks for help guys15:15
furaidiHi there! What news about Ubuntu Touch?15:16
pragmaticenigmafuraidi: This is a support channel, we do not have news on development updates15:17
furaidiBut is it still under develop?15:18
pragmaticenigmafuraidi: not by canonical15:18
furaidiWhere can find more info?15:19
pragmaticenigmafuraidi: Google15:19
GargravarrTouch seems to be obsolete anyway, Bionic incorporates support for Surface-like tablets out of the box15:19
furaidiIs it have support ARM MTK85** processors?15:20
pragmaticenigmaUbuntu Touch was part of the Unity development. Unity along with Ubuntu Touch were abandonded by the Ubuntu/Canonical development teams.15:20
pragmaticenigmafuraidi: ARM support will continue15:21
furaidiDo they have their channel?15:21
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krytarikfuraidi: #ubports15:21
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leftyfbDwiHack19: do you need help with something?15:23
DwiHack19cara bls ke orang gimna ya15:24
pragmaticenigma!en | DwiHack1915:25
ubottuDwiHack19: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:25
DwiHack19oh sorry15:25
leftyfb!id | DwiHack1915:26
ubottuDwiHack19: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia15:26
DwiHack19sorry all15:26
DwiHack19see you15:27
CocodudeHello! What am I doing wrong? apt-get says "Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'" but I can telnet to security.ubuntu.com just fine on port 80.15:32
pragmaticenigmaCocodude: The mirror'd site might be in the process of updating packages. Try again in a few hours15:32
Gargravarr'resolving' indicates DNS though?15:33
pragmaticenigmanot always15:33
CocodudeJust added the entries to /etc/hosts and it worked just fine15:34
CocodudeSo it is something weird regarding resolving, but why telnet works I don't know15:34
leftyfbCocodude: try changing the dns your router uses to
Gargravarrindeed, i would point the finger at DNS. graphical/headless, DHCP?15:34
CocodudeAlready pointed at
CocodudeHeadless, staticly configured15:35
Gargravarrhmm, maybe, being fairly new, is being overloaded?15:35
Cocodude16.04. Bodged with /etc/hosts so I'll run a dist-upgrade and see if it magically fixes itself. Just weird as I've never seen this before.15:35
Stokazhey bros15:35
CocodudeGargravarr: Tried with too, and you'd think telnet would cache it for at least a few minutes.15:36
pragmaticenigmaCocodude: depends on the TTL of the DNS entry15:37
GargravarrCocodude: not from my experience, i've seen many system utilities resolve successfully only for another to then make a new DNS request immediately after, as if the cache is only application-specific15:37
BaggaTeaIs it safe to install 18.04 yet?15:37
GargravarrBaggaTea: not officially released until 26th15:37
naccBaggaTea: define safe, but also #ubuntu+115:37
BaggaTea:+1: cheers guys :)15:37
CocodudeIndeed. OK, no probs, just it's good to see if you had any obvious thoughts I was missing.15:37
StokazI need help from american people15:38
naccStokaz: what is your ubuntu support question?15:38
ice9is MAAS something like Ansible or Puppet?15:42
Gargravarrice9: apparently so15:43
naccice9: please don't crosspost15:43
naccice9: there is also a MAAS channel, iirc15:43
sere_how can i get the output of some commands errors netbeans or eclipse15:45
leftyfbice9: Gargravarr: not really. MAAS can be used with juju to achieve a similar goal though15:45
sudormrfanyone ever seen "foo.sh":2: bad minute errors in crontab file, can't install. when trying to run a script from cron? the only entry in the crontab is "0 11 * * 1,2,4 /root/scripts/foo.sh" and the script is executable and owned by root15:46
=== rolf is now known as Guest29474
pragmaticenigmasudormrf: does the bash script have a #!/bin/bash at the top?15:46
pragmaticenigmasudormrf: make sure there aren't blank lines in the crontab setup file15:49
naccsudormrf: read the manpage again15:49
naccsudormrf: "ranges or lists of names are not allowed" for 'month' or 'day of week'15:49
naccoh maybe that only applies to 'day of week' by name?15:49
Gargravarrnacc: i swear i've done 1-5 for dow before15:50
gutsytechsterwhois gutsytechster15:50
naccsudormrf: simples method, reduce your crontab to simpler form first15:50
Gargravarr'by name' would make sense15:50
Guest29474wie kann man den com port aktivieren15:50
sudormrfnacc, just did and same error15:50
naccsudormrf: to narrow down the source, i mean15:50
sudormrfit's not even hitting the DOW so that isn't the issue ATM15:50
Gargravarr!de | Guest2947415:50
ubottuGuest29474: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:50
sudormrfand numbered DOW is allowed15:50
sudormrfpragmaticenigma, I'm looking for errant spaces/new line characters now15:51
naccsudormrf: what is reporting that error?15:51
naccsudormrf: what you pasted looks like cron itself?15:51
sudormrfthat is the exact entry in the crontab, yes15:51
sudormrfcrontab foo.sh reports that error15:51
naccsudormrf: you pasted an error message15:51
sudormrfand the script didn't run yesterday15:51
sudormrfcheck again15:51
naccsudormrf: ... what? you don't run a crontab like that15:51
sudormrffile didn't run15:52
sudormrfso there is an error15:52
Gargravarr...yes, that would be the problem ;) crontab -e15:52
sudormrfGargravarr, already did that15:52
sudormrfthere is only one entry in there15:52
sudormrfthe entry listed above15:52
naccsudormrf: `crontabe <file>` is not what you want15:52
sudormrfcat -v on the crontab file in /var/spool/... doesn't show me any new lines15:53
sudormrfnacc, right, but again, the script didn't run yesterday15:53
naccsudormrf: ok, but that's not the same as the error you just said15:53
naccsudormrf: unless you see that error in syslog?15:53
sudormrflet me check15:53
sudormrfjust modified crontab to run every minute and am doing a watch of 'tail /var/log/syslog' right now15:54
naccsudormrf: crontab edit, and you didn't get any error?15:55
sudormrfno error15:56
sudormrfit appears that the script is running but it's not writing the log15:56
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kumark bhnxa thaha nai xaina15:57
naccsudormrf: right, that's why i was trying to ignore what you pasted before, which was presumably a typo :)15:57
sudormrfI think I've tracked it down15:58
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DwiHack19Welcome back15:59
sudormrfABORT! ABORT ABORT!15:59
Gargravarr!ask | DwiHack1916:00
ubottuDwiHack19: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:00
GargravarrDwiHack19: please ask your Ubuntu support question and we will try to help you16:01
necrophcodrHey! I've got a game that only plays audio when it's active. how do i change the volume using pulseaudio for the application, when tabbing away means the audio stops playing?16:02
manehey guys, just a quick question: will 18.04 be avaible on rpi3?16:03
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manenomomnhey guys, just a quick question: will 18.04 be avaible on rpi3?16:04
necrophcodrmanenomomn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi16:04
necrophcodrit appears so!16:05
sky887There are no OPs (overpowered ones) in off topic and discuss channels16:17
Gargravarrsky887: wrong channel?16:17
naccsky887: what is your point? how is that an ubuntu support topic?16:17
sky887Well. Is it dangerous?16:18
naccsky887: no. and so you're still offtopic.16:19
sky887nacc ok. Sorry16:20
nerdcoreBRHi there, i need home help please!  i have 3 monitors on may desktop, on version 17.10, all was okay, than apear a messagem to upgrade... so, i did this and my pc restarted.. so quem it started, only 2 monitors shows desktop and monitor number 3 are in looping on ubunto loading...16:28
antonmnerdcoreBR, Which version did you upgrade to?16:29
nanoanyone knows a great tool for mapping network? "gui"16:30
kostkonnerdcoreBR, update or upgrade?16:30
leftyfbantonm: he just ran regular updates. 18.04 doesn't ask to upgrade to it yet16:30
nerdcoreBRih thing thats is the same antonm16:30
pragmaticenigmanano: This isn't the right channel for that type of question. Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:30
nerdcoreBRwhas a update aboult 30mb i think16:30
nanoOk sorry.16:30
nerdcoreBRwas a little upgrade...16:31
nerdcoreBRand a bib problem to me =(16:31
GargravarrnerdcoreBR: you'll have logs in /var/log/apt/history.log that will tell you exactly which packages were installed16:31
nerdcoreBRi'm sory16:31
Gargravarrsubtle difference between 'update' and 'upgrade', trips lots of people up16:32
kostkonnerdcoreBR, you are forgiven16:32
tgm4883nerdcoreBR: don't use enter as punctuation16:32
nerdcoreBRtgm4883: ok! my last time in irc chat was about 15 yeas ago! sorry about that16:34
kraiskilhow do I figure out what my ethernet device is? 'ifconfig' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' show only the WLAN and lo devices.16:34
Gargravarrkraiskil: try 'ifconfig -a'16:34
tdaip a16:34
nerdcoreBRGargravarr: was a UPDATE16:34
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kraiskiloops. *facepalm*16:35
Gargravarrlemme guess16:35
GargravarrUSB? not plugged in? ;)16:35
kraiskilThis (modern laptop) lacks an ethernet :|16:35
Gargravarror that16:35
leftyfbmost modern laptops do lack ethernet16:35
kraiskilthought it felt too good to be true :D16:35
tdaif the device is down, ifconfig and ip wont show it, so how do you get its name? if its not something obvious like eth0 or wlan016:36
geniiUse -a switch to see inactive devices16:36
Gargravarri have pretty much the only laptop in the company with an RJ45 jack onboard, everyone else has laptops so thin you can shave with them16:36
leftyfbtda: ifconfig -a will show a downed interface16:36
leftyfbtda: as will /sys/class/net/*16:37
Gargravarr-a is easily remembered as --all16:37
enissayI want to "ls -l" all the files created during the last hour... I found "find . -mmin -60" but then I couldn't link the two (tried | in a lame attempt x_x)16:38
nerdcoreBRnobory can help-me?16:39
pragmaticenigma!patience | nerdcoreBR16:39
ubottunerdcoreBR: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:39
tdaenissay: find returns the list of files. are you expecting it to do something else?16:39
GargravarrnerdcoreBR: i made the suggestion to check the packages that were updated from the log16:39
enissaytda: No, I just need to "to ls -l all the files created during the last hour"16:40
pragmaticenigmaenissay: you can use the -exec argument to execute a second command on each file found with find. see "man find" for more information16:40
Gargravarrenissay: if you want to see the exact 'ls -l' output, you can also do 'ls -l -t' to sort (reverse) by time16:40
n4n0`nerdcoreBR, check for issues related to the upgrade; also try rephrasing question more clearly and concise. Hard to understand.16:40
tdaok. like pragmaticenigma says, you need -exec16:41
transhumanso have the same question posted in #kvm, in recovery mode (with multiple kernels) and after an update initramfs I am able to start xfce desktop, unfortunately in normal mode I can not start it I get a blinking screen with garbage in an endless loop. Here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QcwnjsMgdw/ (again its a kvm guest centos 7.2 host / ubuntu 17.10 guest)16:41
enissayGargravarr: yes, but I need to filter on time, that dir contains thousands of files16:41
tdaso something like find . -mmin -60 -exec ls -l {} \;16:41
n4n0`transhuman, garbage or a log file describing the event?16:42
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n4n0`transhuman, config file looks okay syntax wise.16:43
nerdcoreBRim sorry, im confuse about update and upgrade.... let-me try to explain, what ubunts starts this monday, apear a dialog, in this dialog show 'you need to restart your ubuntu to instal updates' then, whes i push the buton restart puf, my monitor 3 dead.. you get it?16:43
transhumanI can post the log ..hold on and thanks n4n0`16:43
antonmnerdcoreBR, That was just updates, not an upgrade16:43
n4n0`Please do transhuman np16:44
antonmWhat packages were updated?16:44
enissaytda: hmmm, it lists all files, not only the recent ones !16:44
Guest85940what is this?16:44
n4n0`Guest85940: ?16:45
tdaenissay: yeah, i don't know the exact command16:45
nerdcoreBRantonm: it was automatic update, i dont know with packages was16:45
Guest85940hex chat? looks like ym16:45
Guest85940are people here not robots?16:46
n4n0`beep boop bop.16:46
naccGuest85940: do you have an ubuntu support question?16:46
n4n0`Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat unless you have a question Guest8594016:47
antonmGuest85940, beep boop boop beep boop boop bop16:47
Guest85940no actually16:47
tdaenissay: try with -type f. i think when ls is run on the directories, it duplicates16:47
Guest85940next thusrday ubuntu 18.04 will be release16:47
tdaTHIS thursday16:48
Guest85940aah yeah16:48
n4n0`so excite16:48
n4n0`even though most all my boxes run 16.04 LTS16:49
n4n0`but I digress16:49
enissaytda: yessssss, thks buddy <316:49
tdaenissay: you're welcome16:49
enissaytda: pragmaticenigma: Gargravarr: Thank you all <316:49
nerdcoreBRwe will restart.. i will back soon! beep boop16:49
Guest85940btw.. how to install driver in ubuntu?16:49
tdamy main one is still using 14.04. i've been putting off the upgrade because i want to reinstall anyway16:50
transhumann4n0`, here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K3YpJsG2sM and thanks in advance16:50
n4n0`tda: 14.04 also a nice flavor :)16:50
Guest85940I tried to update driver and hardware but web cam driver still not function16:50
n4n0`transhuman: ty let me review.16:50
GargravarrGuest85940: USB webcams almost always work without drivers, what kind of webcam is it?16:51
Guest85940i see in cheese but cam driver not found16:52
transhumann4n0`, thanks for the help16:52
n4n0`transhuman: What specifically is the issue? That log file contains no errors/warnings and terminates successfully. Are you having an issue with xfce terminating immediately or not running at all?16:53
transhumann4n0`,  it tries to start in normal mode (from cold boot) and it tries to start xwindows but it blinks and shows garbage (colorful I might add) and gets caught in a loop between black screen and the garbage forever , however in recover mode from boot it runs fine16:55
vltHello. How can I mount an ecryptfs that is not in my current /home?16:55
n4n0`transhuman: interesting, are you able to provide dmesg and syslog logs?16:56
MrF4ck3dhello im newbie😅16:56
n4n0`very possible there is an issue with one of your startup configs16:56
n4n0`transhuman: can you also re-route this question to #xfce just because it is related to such?16:57
tdavlt: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Automatically16:57
transhumann4n0`, certainly can thank you n4n0`16:58
n4n0`transhuman: np16:58
transhumanby the way the logs are empty but only accessible after a reboot havent tried to ssh into it get them16:58
transhumanwill go to xfce group and thanks16:59
n4n0`Yeah we will diagnose it there.16:59
vlttda: Thanks!16:59
antonmWill be back later17:01
nerdcoreBRHello again.. so... i solve the problem, i just restart and in GRU i choose the oldest version. than! puf... work! tnks for help and i will never will turn off my ubunto again!!!17:06
GargravarrnerdcoreBR: that's actually not ideal, new kernels contain security fixes17:07
Gargravarrsounds like a kernel module has broken during the update17:07
nerdcoreBRGargravarr: i know that, but im late in 2 laravel apps, and i need to finish, then, when vesion 18 arrived, i will update, if the promem apear again i will tell for you guys!17:09
nerdcoreBRat all, tnks again! and have a nice day, or night where ever you are!17:11
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Simonious_https://ghostbin.com/paste/jrkmk halp, path strings with spaces are breaking my loop17:41
Simonious_oh dang.. I think I got it17:43
ioriaSimonious_, quote $image_dirs17:43
Simonious_the key: \"\"$image_dir\"\"17:43
jnewtWhen I open Network Settings, it has a button at the bottom to Unlock (presumably to be able to edit the network settings)  when I click it nothing happens.17:45
jnewthow can i see why it doesn't work (or just what to do to fix it would be fine too, I don't really need all the ins & outs, I just want it to work).17:46
ioriajnewt, are you using NM ?17:49
Gargravarrjnewt: from a terminal, try 'gksu unity-control-center'. if the password box pops up, then that button should be working17:49
jnewtioria: yes17:49
ioriajnewt, nm-connection-editor    (does it work ?)17:50
jnewtGargravarr, box popped up, i put in password, button did not work17:50
jnewtioria, yeah, i see my connections, could add / edit or delete if i wanted to17:51
ioriajnewt, sure . xenial or artful ?17:52
ioriajnewt, ok, be sure to not using another config in /etc/network/manager17:52
ioriajnewt, sorry, in  /etc/network/interfaces17:52
jnewti just have two lines in that file ioria.   auto lo and iface lo inet loopback17:53
jnewtioria: is that ok?17:56
ioriajnewt, yes it is17:56
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nicomachus!ask | help18:01
ubottuhelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:01
Guest75242i need help18:01
nicomachuswow, big problems today huh?18:01
Guest75242just ubuntu being dumb18:01
kostkonMrF4ck3d, hi18:03
MishariBaby baby, what can we do just to get forever !18:07
oerheksupgrade, Mishari, just upgrade18:08
nexus6Hi everybody, this is the second day that it is happening to me. After I turn on my laptop (normally from sleep) after around 30 minutes of use, it freezes and the only solution is to restart it. Yesterday it happened during watching a video, and I thought it's firefox's fault and I installed Opera. But today it happened when I was reading a pdf file. Any ideas?18:09
Misharioerheks, by the way, I can't upgrade the platform as it was in the pre versions ?! why ?18:09
MishariI mean, I can't upgrade ubuntu 16 to 17 by the upgrade command.18:10
pragmaticenigmaMishari: what upgrade command are you using?18:10
Gargravarrnexus6: impossible to say without logs. can you read through /var/log/syslog, find the timestamps of the time when it crashed and see if anything throws an obvious error?18:11
oerheksMishari, depends what command used, it is possible .. https://askubuntu.com/questions/969097/upgrade-from-16-04lts-to-17-1018:11
leftyfbMishari: it also helps you specify actual versions. There is no ubuntu 16 or 17.18:11
Misharileftyfb, I'm in the 2020 now.18:12
nomikeI'm looking for a way to get rid of the ubuntu dock. It's not possible to disable it in tweak (launchpad #1718850) so I searched for another solution. People recommended to use the "Disable Gnome Dock" extension (a weird Idea to enable an extension to disable another one) but the Extension page on the gnome website only shows me an error and the github page results in a 404. Somebody was quite thorough in making it disappear from the18:12
nomike surface.18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1718850 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Mode extensions appear off by default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171885018:12
leftyfbMishari: huh?18:12
tdause kde18:12
pragmaticenigmanomike: There are dozens of different Desktop Environments. Gnome is just one of them, check out KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Enlightment, etc and find one that suits your needs better18:13
* Mishari throws as kiss to leftyfb 18:13
nomikeI also tried the "Ubuntu Dock Settings" extension to configure it at least in a way that fits for me but it only throws errors.18:14
leftyfbMishari: trolling is off topic here18:14
Mishariok I'll troll in facebook.18:14
Gargravarri think to clarify: nomike: the Dock is a fundamental part of the default Ubuntu desktop environment, it's not wise to disable it18:16
nomikepragmaticenigma, I don't want to switch to something else. I used xfce4 in the past but switched to gnome3 some years ago and was very happy with it and I still am. I'm very much used to the workflow and it does exactly what I want. But when cannonical decided to abandon unity and re-implement the user-experience in gnome they made the stupid decission to make the dock unconfigurable and unable to disable. So are all gnome3 users now18:16
nomike screwed?18:16
Gargravarrah, better clarified from you18:16
pragmaticenigmanomike: No, you can install the non-ubuntufied version of gnome desktop18:17
nomikeI just want the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" back which I had in 17.10.18:17
nomikepragmaticenigma, what's the package name of it then?18:17
oerheksnomike, you are on 18.04 now??18:17
nexus6Gargravarr: Thank you, here is the log from moments before the freeze https://pastebin.com/UAZimGkd18:17
nomikeoerheks, yes.18:18
pragmaticenigmanomike: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/10/install-vanilla-gnome-shell-ubuntu-17-1018:18
pragmaticenigmanomike: sudo apt install gnome-session18:18
nomikepragmaticenigma, about checking out different desktop environments: xfwm2 was nice *duck* (though technically it's only a window manager)18:18
Gargravarrnexus6: is that as close to the freeze as the logs go? a lot can happen in a few moments with computers18:19
Gargravarrotherwise, having had a lot of fun myself with intel-microcode causing system freezes (but long before the user was able to log in), that would be my suspicion18:21
jnewtfor some reason my computer is getting the wrong ip address for another host.  I thought i fixed it earlier, but apparently not.   i have no static route set in the router.   i can ping via name from the router.   i cannot ping from any other hosts.   i thought it was a cache issue, i have no dns-clean command (google suggestion to clear cache), I can ping other hosts by name on the LAN18:21
jnewti don't know if the issue is in my computer, the host I can't ping or the router.   how can i narrow this down?18:22
Gargravarrjnewt: you are generally at the mercy of the .local implementation in the router18:22
nexus6Gargravarr: Here is the whole log: https://pastebin.com/36QXiCPA , the freeze happens at 11:4018:23
jnewtGargravarr, if you mean the appended domain .local , i changed that a long time ago when i got the router.   all hostnames are appended by my new suffix when i ping them, including the one that resolves incorrectly18:24
nexus6Gargravarr: Could it be related to charging? I installed tlp recently. I had no problem before that. Could it be tlp?18:24
nomikepragmaticenigma, thx. This sounds promissing. I will play around with it, which means I have to log off and such.18:24
nomikeThanks for your help everyone!\18:24
Gargravarrnexus6: figures. the first log entry at 11:40 is syslog starting up after (what i presume is) the hard reboot. no logs of the freeze18:25
pragmaticenigmasmall note nomike... 18.04 support is technically in #ubuntu+1 until the 26th18:25
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nexus6Gargravarr: Yes, the system freezes so bad, even sysrq does not work.18:26
nomikeah...OK. thx18:26
jnewtthe host resolves to an ip, it's just the wrong one18:26
Gargravarrnexus6: okay, based purely on random freezes causing lockups with no logs, try 'sudo apt-get remove intel-microcode' as a diagnostic step18:26
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nomikepragmaticenigma, ahhh...silly me. I've not switched to 18.04 yet and I'm still on 17.10. Got this mixed up. I installed 18.04 on another laptop to try it out but I'm not actively using it.18:27
GargravarrSpectre/Meltdown fixes have been known to cause severe lockups in certain combinations18:28
pragmaticenigmanomike: no worries :-)18:28
nexus6Gargravarr: I remember seeing an error on the startup that "intel microcode" should be updated. I did update it weeks ago and the message went away. Is it safe to remove it?18:28
Gargravarrit's safe in that it won't break anything, yes18:28
gogetaGargravarr, dont forget the huge memery leak in 18.04 that has not been fixed18:29
jnewtdig hostname returns the correct ip address.  ping uses the wrong one18:29
Gargravarrgogeta: ?18:29
nexus6Gargravarr: Makes sense. :)18:29
Gargravarrnexus6: the microcode updates generally include performance improvements and security patches18:29
gogetaGargravarr, the version on gnome they are using has a memery leak18:29
nexus6gogeta: I'm using xfce.18:30
gogetanexus6, :)18:30
Gargravarrgogeta: oh joy. i'm looking to upgrade people here pretty soon after it gets released18:30
evelinI had some trouble to login on Ubuntu 17.10 yesterday18:31
pragmaticenigmanexus6: Microcode is installed on each boot. what do you mean remove it?18:31
evelinI put my correct username and password, it seems to login, but it loops back to the same screen18:31
SlidingHornevelin: which flavor and version of ubuntu?18:32
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: i recommended he try removing it because i got a freeze with sssd due to it18:32
Gargravarrevelin: do you use an encrypted home folder? this happens when the passwords come out of sync18:32
pragmaticenigmaMicrocode should not affect harddrives, it's processor instruction set. Currently important for protection against Spectere and Meltdown exploits18:33
evelinSlidingHorn: is the Ubuntu with Gnome18:33
evelin17.10 version18:33
nexus6pragmaticenigma: Removing the ubuntu package "intel-microcode".18:33
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: ss*s*d :)18:33
GargravarrSystem Security Services Daemon18:34
gogetanexus6, probly would not make a diffrence18:34
gogetanexus6, its in the mainline kernel to18:34
evelinGargravarr: no, I haven't18:34
pragmaticenigmaI'm pretty certain removing the microcode isn't going to solve anything. And will leave the system vulnerable18:34
gogetapragmaticenigma, pretty shure the oopen source drivers where also patched18:35
gogetapragmaticenigma, in fact its how everyone found about it18:35
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: agreed, it may do nothing, but i figured it's worth it as a diagnostic step, since i've had systems lock up with no error logs requiring a hard reset18:35
pragmaticenigma"intel-microcode" is a binary blob for the Intel Processor in your computer. It only affects the CPU, and only provides an enhanced instruction set for the processor.18:35
naccpragmaticenigma: well, it also fixes some glaring security issues :)18:36
Gargravarrturned out the microcode update caused sssd and AppArmor to fight for a resource lock and turn into an infinite loop18:36
evelincould it be some trouble with my video card? Is an AMD card, and I heard Linux has some troubles with it18:36
=== evelin is now known as cupim
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-microcode/+bug/1759920/comments/61 in case you don't believe me :)18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen" [High,Fix released]18:37
gogetacupim, depends on the card18:37
Gargravarrcupim: unlikely to be the video card, it would crash before the login screen in most cases18:37
gogetacupim, as as far as i can tell as of kernel 4.15 amd should mostly be supported18:38
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: if you look at the bug, you will see the fix is released under linux not microcode18:38
nomikeperfect. My desktop looks exactly as I want it now.18:38
SlidingHornevelin: is this an upgrade from 16.04, or did you do a clean install of 17.10?18:38
pragmaticenigmaGargravarr: kernel was updated18:38
Gargravarrpragmaticenigma: indeed, because the microcode is Intel's and the kernel devs can't exactly patch it. however, the issue was /caused/ by the microcode update18:39
cupimSlidingHorn: I did a clean install18:39
pragmaticenigmaSlidingHorn: evelin is not cupim18:39
cupimGargravarr: and the fix can be made if I login using "Ubuntu on X"?18:40
* SlidingHorn unignores nick changes18:40
cupim'cause this was the only way I could login18:40
cupimSlidingHorn: hahaha sorry, yes, I am "cupim"18:40
cupimI've changed the nickname18:41
cupimevelin = cupim18:41
pragmaticenigmacupim: please in the future, avoid changing your nick while receiving assistance18:41
Gargravarror, if doing so, to something similar that can be found by tab-complete18:41
cupimah, ok, I didn't know it wasn't a good thing, this is my first time here18:42
cupimsorry again18:42
cupimok, pragmaticenigma and Gargravarr18:43
Gargravarrokay, moving on, we've established it is a clean install and unlikely to be the video card18:44
tuturuhi. I've lost all my data. Please help. I got new mint instead of my old one.Started with Could not update ICEauthority file/home/user/.ICEauthority. followed tutorials online and lost all my disk data18:44
Gargravarrcupim: are you able to log in as any other users on this computer (if there are any)?18:44
SlidingHorn!mint | tuturu18:44
ubottututuru: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:44
cupimGargravarr, I had only administrator user at that time18:45
gogetaGargravarr, you must construct additional pylons18:45
quidnuncWhy are my wpa_supplicant and networkmanager services failing to start?18:45
cupimthe only thing I tried was loging in by Ubuntu on X18:45
derpingithi guys.. i'm thinking of getting a vps for file storage.. what's a good file server front i can install for user management ?18:46
Gargravarrgogeta: the only thing i know is that is StarCraft, i don't actually play it, so the joke is kinda lost :)18:46
cupimand I've succeeded, but nothing with normal Ubuntu interface18:46
pragmaticenigmaderpingit: That isn't a good question for this support channel. Please ask your question in #ubuntu-offtopic18:47
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derpingitthanks, pragmaticenigma18:47
kanunhow to know the shortcut keys for ubuntu ?18:48
kanuni am new to linux18:48
pragmaticenigmakanun: what shortcut keys are you looking for18:48
gogetaGargravarr, it totaly was the fix for everyting protos lol18:48
kanunmultitaskin key . shutdown , close app18:49
kanunetc etc18:49
Gargravarrkanun: most shortcut keys are copied from Windows18:49
akemHey, what is the command line to open the settings in Ubuntu 17.10 ?18:49
nomikeIt's basically the same as in Windows18:49
Gargravarre.g. close app is Alt+F418:49
kanun ok thans18:49
pragmaticenigmakanun: many of the shortcut keys are the same was what is found on other operating systems. Alt + Tab switches windows, Alt + F4 closes programs, etc...18:49
kanun thanks18:49
Gargravarrakem: unity-control-center iirc18:49
EriC^^akem: unity-control-center18:50
kanun how to customize the look of ubuntu ?18:50
EriC^^!themes | kanun18:50
ubottukanun: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:50
gogetakanun, install a diffrent version lol18:50
akemGargravarr, EriC^^ This is for 14.x and 16.x, 17.10 is something different it's using Gnome.18:51
akemOk it's gnome-control-center :) thanks.18:51
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Gargravarrakem: gnome-control-center? try typing gnome- and double-Tab to see the completion options18:51
kanuni am using unity18:51
kanun 16.0418:52
kanunso gnome theme doesnt support right ?18:52
gogetakanun, could not change a hell of alot in unity18:53
gogetakanun, the app ubuntu tweak lets you play with alot of the settings18:54
gogetakanun, just be carefull with it18:54
weillisterdI'm using kubuntu 17.10. I installed bumblebee using the wiki but now my laptop refuses to boot. After displaying the kubuntu logo, it stays black18:54
kanunohh then what about 17.10 ?/ its gnome based. which is better gnome or unity ? i am confused18:55
gogetakanun, only 18.04 is gnome based18:55
kanuni want a lot customization18:55
nicomachusgogeta: that's not true.18:55
kostkongogeta, unity is gnome based as well18:55
nicomachusgogeta: 17.10 was the first iteration of the gnome-default ubuntu18:55
nomikekanun: what you can do is change the window decorations (basically this stuff: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Gtk3-widget-factory-3.16.0.png). And you can install "gnome-desktop" and use it instead of unity.18:55
gogetanick1234, oh18:55
gogetakanun, oh seems i was wrong there18:55
Gargravarrkanun: Unity is itself based on a heavily modified form of Gnome. you can switch to using pure Gnome fairly easily, or a different desktop environment altogether18:56
gogetakanun, defult ubuntu isnt my cup of tea18:56
Gargravarrif you're new to Ubuntu from a Windows background, you may find the Cinnamon desktop to be easier to get to grips with18:56
nicomachusOr MATE, which is a supported flavor of ubuntu18:56
kanuni am new to ubuntu from windows . but cinnamon is boring i think. i dont want similar look of windows18:57
nomikekanun: But you can also wait 4 more days, then the new Ubunntu 18.04 is out and you can upgrade to that version which uses gnome as a default. Main benefit of 18.04 is that it is a long term support release so you are not forced to update to a newer version for the next couple of years (but of course you can whenever you like).18:57
nicomachuskanun: we can't help you pick one. Google different desktop environments, but know that Gnome, MATE, KDE, and lxde are the most commonly used with Ubuntu.18:58
Gargravarralso XFCE18:58
oerhekskanun> i want a lot customization .. sure you can18:58
nomikekanun: and you can also install "ubuntu-xfce-desktop" and check this out. I use it at work and I'm very happy with it18:58
Gargravarrthere is probably an article comparing the major ones18:58
kanun nomika: do i have to download and install from boot ? or there is any upgrade option ?18:58
kanunin case i want to upgrade to 18.0418:58
Gargravarrkanun: you can chop and change desktop environments at any time18:59
tdakubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop, etc...18:59
nomikeThere is the Software Updf18:59
Gargravarryou could even install all of them on the same machine to try them out19:00
kanunhow ?19:00
Gargravarr(provided you have a fast internet connection that is :) )19:00
nicomachusyep, and switch around from the greeter screen.19:00
nomikekanun: there is the "Software Updater" program which will tell you in a couple of days that there is a new version of ubuntu and ask you if you want to update. It's normally quite straight forward. And depending on your internet-speet and computer-speed it will take between 30 minutes and 3 hours.19:00
Gargravarrkanun: apt-get install ubuntu-<desktop>19:00
tdai would not recommend this. ime the different environments conflict and things break in weird ways19:00
tomreynkanun: installing additional desktop environments does not impact your ability to upgrade to a new uubntu version (once it is released and upgrades are supported).19:00
gogetakanun, higly customiasble would be like deepin kde gnome 319:00
iorianomike, you mean xubuntu-desktop not ubuntu-xfce-desktop , right ?19:01
gogetakanun, even xfce19:01
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Gargravarror what nomike suggests and upgrade to 18.04, which has quite a nice UI by default19:01
nomikeioria: yes, thanks for correcting me19:01
nomikeand if you want to try out kde, the package to install is "kununtu-desktop".19:01
Gargravarrtda: i've never installed more than 2 DEs on one machine so i've never seen them break :)19:02
kanunok then . it will automatically notify me right ? but i am in 16.04 and never got any update notifiction for 17.1019:02
Gargravarrkanun: this is correct, 16.04 is a Long-Term Support release supported for 5 years19:02
gogetakanun, you need to set it to non lts major updates19:02
Gargravarrit only automatically asks you to update to the next LTS, which is released every 2 years19:02
gogetakanun, otherwise it only ask you to update on the next lts19:03
nomikeexactly, 16.04 is LTS and 18.04 is LTS again, so19:03
nomikethat's why it will ask you.19:03
weillisterdIs anyone here using the KDE desktop environment?19:03
kanunohh. it will be full os upgrade right ?19:03
gogetakanun, yes19:03
Gargravarrkanun: yes19:03
kanunwill there be any loss of date ?19:04
kanundo i need to backup ?19:04
Gargravarrnot normally19:04
Gargravarra backup is recommended19:04
gogetakanun, backups never hurt19:04
nomikeno, but as always, be sure to backup important stuff19:04
Gargravarr*always* :)19:04
weillisterdWill Ubuntu with KDE give me the same user experience as Kubuntu?19:04
gogetakanun, i always take a timeshift image before a major update19:04
gogetakanun, so if the system explodes i can roll it back19:05
weillisterdI like the stability of Ubuntu and the looks of kubuntu19:05
Gargravarrweillisterd: that's what Kubuntu is19:05
weillisterdBut kubuntu is buggy19:05
kanunok then . thanks guyz for helping me out . good night19:05
Gargravarrone and the same thing19:05
weillisterdNo. I found kubuntu crash more often than Ubuntu19:05
gogetawillcooke, give deepin a go19:05
gogetawillcooke, its qt5 based i love it19:06
gogetawillcooke, its like a mix of kde and gnome 319:06
genewitchi'm running this script with systemd (systemctl) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genewitch/cloud-scripts/master/up1.sh and the last line that runs the actual service never fires. It used to, but i had to set up a new machine and now it no longer runs nodejs. Did i set up the service wrong? service: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/BW7nYWYH-KcmXrMIKDQ2ig19:07
genewitchif i run sudo ~/up1.sh, nodejs starts, so there's something going on with the way systemd runs it19:07
pragmaticenigmaweillisterd: crashiness can be due to how you use it. If you use Kubuntu with out a bunch of customizations, it runs just fine. If you install a bunch of plugins or programs, those might be the culprit19:07
weillisterdNo plugins. Even for a stock install, Ubuntu was more stable19:08
weillisterdSometimes kubuntu outright refused to boot until I long pressed the power button19:08
gogetaweillisterd, check out depin i wasdirecting that to you19:08
weillisterdSeems to ship with a lot of bloatware19:10
gogetaweillisterd, the window manager not the distro lol19:10
gogetaweillisterd, you can install it on ubuntu19:10
weillisterdLol. Can I install Ubuntu and install plasma separately?19:10
weillisterdI'll be doing a fresh install of 18.0419:10
gogetaweillisterd, you shure can19:11
tomreyngenewitch: probably a different environment, be sure to specify the full path to the script. also, in the "[Service]" scrtion of your unit file, you can add "Environment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug"19:11
tdabe prepared to add a lot of packages manually. plasma is literally just the environment. a lot of usual tools, utilities, libraries, etc... are not included19:11
genewitchtomreyn: full path to which script?19:11
tomreyngenewitch: oh you're using the full path in the unit file already, sorry19:12
tomreyni was referring to ExecStart19:12
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genewitchtomreyn: yep. everything in the script runs except the very last line19:13
genewitchi had this running on an older 16.04 instance, but i forgot how i got it to exec on boot19:14
ioriagenewitch, sy, i don't get the last line.... you start the service with systemctl enable service19:15
genewitchioria: it is enabled, it runs on boot. the script i linked (the github one) runs, except for the very last line, which starts nodejs. nodejs never starts. if i run the script manually, nodejs starts19:15
ioriagenewitch, ha, ok19:16
ioriagenewitch, the script it's executed as root; can you start nodejs server.js as root ?19:18
shazbotmcnastyHey there. i set up ftp on a computer. It can access /home and the folders within just fine when FTPing to the machine, but i can't get access to other folders on the machine, they're blank. Anyone know what I have to do to get access to other folders? I need to add /u1 and /u2 folders .19:18
genewitchit's not executed as root? who is it executed as?19:19
genewitchit doesn't have any issue editing /etc/fstab19:19
genewitchoh, yes, i can do sudo /home/ubuntu/up1.sh and it starts immediately19:19
ioriagenewitch, ok19:19
genewitchand drops back to shell19:19
genewitchbecause of the &19:19
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: you need to read the documentation on the ftp daemon you're using. Also, using FTP to manage files across your entire filesystem on a server is not the best idea.19:20
tomreynyou could even say it's a really bad idea19:20
ioriagenewitch, no idea, some dependencies ?19:21
genewitchwhere, though? it runs manually.19:21
leftyfbtomreyn: I get chastised for such opinions so I try to water them down these days :)19:21
shazbotmcnastyleftyfb: I've heard. It's not files across the whole file system, just /u1 /u2 and /home/*19:21
ioriagenewitch, when the system is already booted ...19:21
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: mount those in directories in /home19:21
tomreyn:) ioria19:23
shazbotmcnastyleftyfb: can't do. they have to stay where they're at.19:23
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: bind mount19:23
tomreynmkdir -p /home/shares/u1 && mount --bind /u1 /home/shares/u119:24
YounderThe big day is coming up April 26'th when the net 18.04 LTS is being released.19:24
shazbotmcnastyhm ok I'll try it19:24
JimBuntuDid I head a mind blown?19:24
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: to make it permanent: https://serverfault.com/questions/613179/how-do-i-do-mount-bind-in-etc-fstab19:25
Younderbind9 is a DNS server. mount?19:26
tomreynYounder: huh?19:26
tomreynYounder: what's your question?19:27
YounderWhay would you ever want bind in a etc/fstab I guess? I am clearly missing something.19:28
PiciYounder: this is unrelated to bind9.19:28
tomreynYounder: mount is a command to make a file system accessbile at a given (already existing) directory.19:28
Youndertomreyn, I know what mount is and fstab19:28
shazbotmcnastytomreyn, leftyfb - didn't work - so the path is there when you ftp, but the files aren't vieweable when FTPing in.19:29
shazbotmcnastyso you can follow the file path, and the directory structure is there, but you can't see any files. Seems like a permissions issue, but I'm not sure what permissions to change.19:29
tomreynYounder: right, so "mount --bind" is unrelated to "bind9"19:30
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: so your ftp server is configured to not follow symlinks. that's probably a good idea. and why ioria suggested to directly mount those /u* file systems into /home19:31
srulii screwed up, need some help, i ececuted "sudo chown -R user:user /path/dir /" space before final slash i cancelled it but i guess it started  changing owner of / now when i try running sudo i get "sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set" how cani revert my screwup?19:31
tdatomreyn: mount --bind lets you mount a filesystem multiple times19:31
Youndertomreyn, ahh, I see19:32
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: i'd very much recommend to take a step back and re-evaluate whether you should actually run an ftp server and expose /home with it., though. do you want to discuss your use case / scenario / the overall purpose?19:32
JimBuntusruli, You can use a live boot media, if you have one laying around19:32
tomreyntda: that is a factually correct statement.19:32
leftyfbshazbotmcnasty: as I said, bind mount. And set the appropriate permissions on both the mount config and the files on the drives themselves19:33
sruliJimBuntu: yes but how do i know which dirs need what permissions? i dont want to change everything to root19:33
JimBuntusruli, I am not aware of any "undo" for this, I am sorry to say. Someone may have written a generic script, but I can't imagine it will get everything19:34
tdayou probably want o+r or o+rx19:35
sruliJimBuntu: given that user now owns /usr/bin/sudo i can easily change back that to root, question is about other dirs19:35
segfaulted22Hi all, I did a fresh install of Ubuntu on a Thinkpad that previously had Win10 on it. I told the installer to reformat the whole disk, but I still see "Windows Boot Loader" in the Grub2 menu. Why is that? And how can I remove it?19:36
JimBuntusruli, can you `ls -alF /var` and see if it made it that far?19:37
genewitchsegfaulted22: because windows installs the bootloader on a different partition, did you repartition or just reformat the largest partition19:37
sruliJimBuntu: my previous statement is incorrect, cannot change it, need to use livecd, i wonder if the consequences of this might not keep be busy for weeks19:37
JimBuntusruli, I sure hope not, re-installation should prove much faster19:37
segfaulted22genewitch: I guess I probably just reformatted the largest partition. I'm not sure. I just told the installer "Use the whole disk", so I don't know what it did.19:38
sruliJimBuntu: a reinstall 2 days before next LTS i want to scream !!19:38
JimBuntusruli, LTS xx.xx.0 though. Relax, you probably have plenty of time before the point release19:39
tomreynsruli: well you can cheat and install it already19:39
JimBuntu^^ There's that too19:39
sruliJimBuntu: how long before .1? i was planning alot of reinstalls from the 1st of may19:39
naccsruli: 3 months roughly19:39
sruliuntil than its considered beta?19:40
naccsruli: no, it's just not .119:40
JimBuntusruli, no... it's just "fresh"19:40
JimBuntusruli, A fair number of people wait for the first point release before they install the new LTS for production/etc. That's all.19:41
ash_workso, when I try changing back to the x.org nouveau driver, I get the blinking cursor back and sometimes the whole system just freezes when I launch an application19:42
ash_workI read I could try disabling the *NVIDIA* driver when I switch back.... does that sound like a good idea to anyone?19:43
ash_workfyi, currently using the Nvidia driver with displaylink for a dynadock hub to use 2 monitors19:44
naccJimBuntu: sruli: and upgrades from 16.04 to 18.04 are not offered until 18.04.1 by default (for the 'lts' mode)19:44
pepermuntjeshow to hide the firefox top bar in 18.04?19:44
xamithanWe would have no idea,  there is a different channel for bionic questions19:45
sruliJimBuntu: trying to get a list of all effected dirs, so far i've got "find / -type d -not -path "/home" -exec stat -c '%U' {} >> /tmp/owner_list \;" however that only outputs username, any idea how i can get it to output path?19:47
ash_workseems like the nvidia drivers are a bit of a memory hog.... or maybe that's just displaylink?19:47
pepermuntjesxamithan, what is that channel?19:47
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shazbotmcnastytomreyn: unfortunately it's not my server. He's aware of the security issues - this is just a customer request and I'm trying to get it working for him.19:49
shazbotmcnastytomreyn: so i know it's a permissions issue - but I'm not sure what permissions to change19:49
shazbotmcnasty"" And set the appropriate permissions on both the mount config and the files on the drives themselves19:49
JimBuntusruli, I'm not sure what the best method would be for that19:50
shazbotmcnasty^^ I need to know how to do that, what permissions to set - without breaking user profiles or program data in those folders.19:50
sruliJimBuntu: i guess i will need to do it in 2 steps, first list all then filter out username19:51
f00hello i have i7-3632QM cpu ... would you recommend to install  intel microcode?19:53
JimBuntusruli, you can add the -print parameter to the find command19:53
tomreynshazbotmcnasty: personally, even when iuts a request of a custom, i would outright deny it, as i'd say it's part of our responsibility to not deliver inherently insecure solutions. and - sorry to disappoint - that's also why i'm not interested in support you at doing it for your customer. if you hope to get someone else to support you with this, i suggest you provide information on the ftp server you chose to use and the file systems you have19:53
tomreynmounted, and how they are mounted.19:53
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nexus6Gargravarr: Quick question: Should I remove "intel-microcode" or "iucode-tool" or both?19:54
tdaintel-microcode is the actual binary that loads on to the cpu19:56
ash_workI mean, will my laptop be working this hard no matter what I do?19:59
gogetaash_work, ?20:00
naccash_work: displaylink20:00
naccash_work: check top, but i'm 95% sure that's it20:00
ash_worknacc: yus20:00
naccash_work: it's not just a driver, but also a binary that runs on top of X20:00
ash_worknacc: so, there's nothing I can do20:00
naccash_work: don't use DL :)20:01
nexus6tda: thanks, Gargravarr suggested that I remove intel-microcode to get rid of random freezes that my system has been doing past two days. Do you think I should downgrade the microcode to something old or should I just remove this package?20:01
gogetaash_work, there is a memery leak in 18.04 gnome20:01
naccash_work: i got rid of my hub because it was such a pain20:01
naccash_work: DisplayLink20:01
ash_workI think there was _some_ work around I once had20:01
tdanexus6: downgrading probably not worth the effor20:01
ash_worksetting some kind of xorg config20:01
ash_workI vaguely remember having to do something during POST20:02
ash_workI thought that's where my nomodeset memory came from20:02
ash_workbut tbh, I don't even remember install displaylink20:02
ash_work(in my past setup)20:02
ash_workdoes anyone else have any input on this?20:04
gogetaash_work, i did metion the mery leak20:05
ash_workcompiz is at the top btw20:05
ash_workgogeta: memory*; I don't see how that's relevant20:05
ash_workin any event, can I disable compiz?20:05
naccash_work: you only DL if you ahve specific hardware that needs it20:05
gogetaash_work, and its a big one just a few windows will be a issue20:05
ash_worknacc: well, like, I said, I don't remember installing it before to use this hub20:06
gogetaash_work, becouse memery leaks fill up your ram and make you system work hard20:06
ash_workbut my memory is not that good20:06
ash_workI hear about people messing around wiht compiz20:06
gogetaash_work, are we talking a old machine hear20:06
ash_workis there something I can do with that?20:06
naccash_work: ok, uninistall it?20:06
gogetaash_work, you can but then it reverts to softwhere render20:07
ash_worknacc: compiz or dl?20:07
naccash_work: displaylink20:07
gogetaash_work, if you talking a old machune hear i recmond lubuntu or xubuntu20:07
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ash_workgogeta: no, but advertising a memory leak with no resolution doesn't help20:08
gogetaash_work, they use way less resorces20:08
gogetaash_work, there isnt one it has to be patched20:08
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naccash_work: it's being worked on upstream, afaik20:09
gogetaash_work, https://fossbytes.com/gnome-3-26-memory-leak-issue-no-fix-ubuntu-18-04/20:09
Bashing-omash_work: A patch ( not great one ) is out : https://feaneron.com/2018/04/20/the-infamous-gnome-shell-memory-leak/ .20:10
genewitchokay i need some way other than systemd to start this on boot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genewitch/cloud-scripts/master/up1.sh because systemd just can't do it something about the nohup or something throws it off20:11
ash_workBashing-om: this is tied to DL?20:11
kostkonash_work, dl?20:11
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naccash_work: no, gnome-shell has a leak20:11
naccash_work: displaylink is separtely a cpu hog (and not in ubuntu)20:11
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ash_workso, none of that concerns my current issue20:12
ash_workkostkon: displaylink20:12
naccash_work: didn't you say your cpu was busy?20:12
leftyfbgenewitch: why other than systemd?20:12
ash_workkostkon: blame nacc for enabling my laziness20:12
gogetaash_work, you can do alt f2 then r every few hrs to clear the memery20:12
ash_worknacc: yeah, with compiz, followed by displaylink20:12
kostkonash_work, np20:12
gogetaash_work, or gnome-shell --replace20:12
naccash_work: that's almost certainly displaylink -- and you can check top, as i said 12 minutes ago.20:13
genewitchleftyfb: as i said, because systemd does not correctly run the nohup nodejs server.js & line20:13
ash_worknacc: I did... that's where I'm giving you these processes... wait... we're going in circles20:13
genewitchleftyfb: running that script manually after boot it starts nodejs, but when systemd does it, it doesn't.20:13
naccash_work: so, as i said, uninstall displaylink and see if it's better -- compiz is unrelted to gnome-shell's memory leak20:13
leftyfbgenewitch: I would focus on sorting that out as opposed to going the other way20:13
naccash_work: disable compiz if you don't need it, as well20:14
gogetanacc, that will put more load on his system20:14
genewitchleftyfb: do you know why systemd wouldn't run that line?20:14
naccgogeta: what will?20:14
gogetanacc, gone depends on it20:14
naccgogeta: you don't need compiz for anything20:14
naccgogeta: no it doesn't.20:14
ash_worknacc: okay, so 1) should I be doing that in a non-gui... like should I kill lightdm before uninstalling displaylink?20:14
ash_work2) how do you disable compiz?20:15
gogetanacc, it will switch to a doftwhere render20:15
gogetanacc, softwhere20:15
naccash_work: you can remove displaylink the same way you installed it20:15
naccash_work: i believe it won't have any effect until you reboot20:15
genewitchthat script is literally all this server does. it does NOTHIGN else. 0 users, 0 other things running, it's just that nodejs bootstrap and run nodejs20:15
gogetanacc, using more cpu power for the window effects20:15
naccgogeta: i have no idea what you're basing that off of, but compiz is *also* software20:15
naccgogeta: perhaps you're confusing something else?20:15
gogetanacc, compiz uses your gpu20:16
naccgogeta: if compiz is consuming cpu cycles, then your point, whether it is true or not, is neither here nor there20:16
ash_worknacc: and compiz?20:16
gogetanacc, yea it just hit mje20:17
naccgogeta: but i haven't had compiz installed for a long time20:17
gogetanacc, if hes having a gpu driver problem compiz may be eating up his cpu20:17
naccash_work: compiz is only necessary if you want fancy graphics effects, imo20:17
sruliJimBuntu: any idead for how to get ls -lahR list only dirs not files?20:17
naccash_work: i'm not 100% on how to disable it and busy right now20:17
ash_worknacc: sorry for bugging you so much20:18
ash_workthanks though :) I'll figure itout20:18
naccash_work: nothing to apologize for20:18
gogetayea havent delt with it in so long20:19
gogetaas most wm use there own thing now20:19
ash_workjust want you to know I respect your time20:19
ash_workand know that you are not here to serve my every whim20:19
genewitchsystemd doesn't need nohup foo &20:19
genewitchyou just run "foo"20:19
naccash_work: thanks :)20:19
* ash_work is annoyed he has to install a tool in order to disable compiz20:23
ash_workI'm thinking about just uninstalling compiz, is that a bad idea?20:24
genewitchash_work: i've broken many a desktop VM by trying to remove parts of the GUI20:26
genewitchbut if you can do it, then do it. who cares.20:26
kostkonash_work, what DE are you running20:28
naccash_work: i think only unity and mate depend on compiz20:28
naccash_work: are you on 18.04?20:28
ash_workso I removed compiz and `sudo displaylink-installer uninstall` and... well without restarting my set switched back to single screen20:28
naccgogeta: that may be where we were getting confused -- gnome does not depend on compiz, unity does20:28
naccash_work: yes, displaylink is what you were using to drive multple displays20:28
ash_workthe hub still works for keyboard and mouse... and apparently networking too20:28
naccash_work: i'm guessing20:28
ash_worknacc: yeah, what I mean is I'm surprised it switched without restarting20:29
naccash_work: it may have unloaded the modules20:29
naccash_work: it's some binary scriptlet, iirc20:29
ryzokukenwhen does 18.04 land?20:29
ash_worklike 2 days20:29
SlidingHornryzokuken: Thursday20:29
leftyfb!bionic | ryzokuken20:29
ubotturyzokuken: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+120:29
tdasometime thursdy20:29
ash_workdayum, who guessed it! :D20:30
tda28th now?20:30
phil42i am betting it will be identical to today's daily20:30
ryzokukenNo, the 28th "release"20:30
ryzokukennot releasing on "28th"20:30
ryzokukendamn, my quote game is weak.20:30
ryzokukenanyway, it's 25th here already. Goodluck, all.20:31
ryzokukenI hope the new release supports Macbook Pro 2017 out of the box, does it?20:31
tdahopefully will be able to dl and get started when i get home20:31
ryzokuken16.04 shits the bed on the MBP 2017 (which is fine, tbh. It's old)20:32
SlidingHorn!ohmy | ryzokuken20:32
ubotturyzokuken: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:32
genewitchwhat happens if i fork a github project and the original project gets deleted?20:32
genewitchis my fork stable?20:32
ryzokukenSlidingHorn: sorry20:32
kostkonryzokuken, there's only one way to find out20:32
ryzokukenkostkon: true20:32
ryzokukengenewitch: I think, yes.20:33
ryzokukenIt is.20:33
ryzokukenPeople have done that before.20:33
gogetaryzokuken, lol20:33
gogetarymate1234, you would be shock how many 14.04 users come in asking why there getting repos not found20:34
ryzokukenmeanwhile, we released Node.js 10 today.20:34
gogetaryzokuken, lol20:34
rymate1234I would20:34
gogetarymate1234, wrong nae dam tab20:34
genewitchisn't LTS 4 years support20:34
genewitch5 years even20:34
gogetagenewitch, its like 8 on server i thing20:34
genewitchwhy would 14.04 repos stop existing yet20:35
rymate1234I'm also shocked at the amount of people who's hexchat ping order isn't set to last spoke order20:35
tdano it's 5 everywhere right?20:35
genewitch5 makes the most sense20:35
loveubuntalotanyone have experience with ubuntu and touch screen devices?20:35
rymate1234general degrees of suckiness20:36
genewitch4 years a new LTS hits, and 1 year after that all of the potential breakage has been worked out.20:36
SlidingHornloveubuntalot: feel free to ask your question - if someone knows the answer, they'll respond.  You might also want to checkout #ubports20:36
loveubuntalotI'm trying to decide what kind of touch screen would work with ubuntu -- perhaps I need to consider particular chipsets20:36
loveubuntalotSlidingHorn, thanks20:36
genewitchloveubuntalot: i've never had one not work, but sometimes they take some editing of files. Haven't had a touchscreen issue in a couple years though20:36
loveubuntaloti'd prefer a multi-touch screen -- something like these https://lhdisplaysz.en.alibaba.com/search/product?SearchText=linux20:37
loveubuntalotI should ask the manufacturer about the chipsets off course -- would really appreciate a pointer20:37
loveubuntalotgenewitch, ok20:38
loveubuntalotnice to know -- this is getting mature by now20:38
genewitchi first used ubuntu on a touch screen in like 200920:39
loveubuntalotgenewitch, even multi-touch -- projective capacitive types20:39
genewitchloveubuntalot: my current laptop is multi-touch, you can pinch and stuff20:39
loveubuntalotgreat -- I suspect most of these should be using the USB Human interaction standard --- so no driver needed20:40
loveubuntalotat least that is what I'm hoping :S20:40
ash_worksiokay well, now nothing is displaying20:42
ash_worksiI mean, I get the desktop, but no launcher or dash20:42
ash_worksiand ctrl+alt+T does not bring up the terminal20:42
ash_worksiright now I'm using tty1 on irssi20:43
ash_worksiI tried reinstalling compiz, but that didn't help20:43
ash_worksiI restarted twice too20:43
naccash_worksi: what version of ubuntu were you on?20:43
ash_worksiwas/am on 16.0420:43
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
ash_worksinacc: ^20:44
naccash_worksi: hrm, you might need to reinstall unity, if yuou removed compiz20:45
naccash_worksi: and then see if it's still using up cpu20:45
naccash_worksi: i'm sort of assuming you're doing some due diligence as an enduser to see what's being removed and not letting it remove, say, youre entire DE20:45
ash_worksiwhere is the remove log again? /var/log/apt... or something?20:47
geniiash_worksi: You probably want /var/log/dpkg20:47
ash_worksithat seems to have worked20:51
ash_worksiI guess I should look over the log to ensure I didn't remove anything else completely stupid20:51
ash_worksibut note to the channel, do not apt-get remove compiz20:52
naccash_worksi: sorry, i for some reason thought you were on 18.0420:52
naccash_worksi: my fault, completely20:52
naccash_worksi: you *can* remove compiz, you just need to have gnome setup already20:52
ash_worksiis gnome a DE?20:54
naccash_worksi: yes20:54
arooniwhat would be the equivalent of this command in ubuntu20:54
aroonisudo pacman -S gcc5 CC=gcc-5 rvm install 2.3.4 -C --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr20:54
naccarooni: there isn't one.20:55
ash_worksiwell, I'll look over what I uninstalled now20:55
ash_worksibtw, compiz is still on `top`... but behind xorg20:56
ash_worksigonna restart I suppose20:56
naccash_worksi: yeah -- do you have a good graphics card / do you want things like wobby windows?20:56
arooninacc: ok;  i ran it with the --option and it worked ; hallelujah20:56
naccarooni: ran what?20:56
ash_workso, I don't really see what else was removed in the dpkg.log21:02
naccash_work: you reinstall unity and it still didn't work?21:03
LopeI have ubuntu 16.04 and can't run the wondershaper script. "We have an error talking to the kernel." any ideas? Are there kernel modules I need to load?21:03
ash_worknacc: no, it did, I just want to make sure I didn't accidentally remove anything else21:03
naccash_work: that's almost certainly all you're missing to get your old desktop back21:04
naccash_work: you probably need to reboot21:04
naccLope: where is that script from?21:04
oerhekslope care to explain wondershaper script ?21:04
Lopenacc: `apt-get install wondershaper`21:04
leftyfb!info wondershaper21:04
ubottuwondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-8 (artful), package size 14 kB, installed size 54 kB21:04
sky887I got a question, how do you dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu so that you can choose your OS at startup?21:04
naccLope: does it possibly need sudo?21:05
ash_worknacc: I did, unity is working21:05
naccLope: did you check the manpage or documentation?21:05
naccash_work: cool21:05
Lopeoerheks: the line it crashes on is `tc filter add dev ppp0 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 10 u32 match ip tos 0x10 0xff  flowid 1:10`21:05
ash_workI just have a knack for creating problems for myself later down the road21:05
ash_workwhen I f* up like this21:05
SlidingHornsky887: if you install ubuntu alongside windows, the default is that GRUB will automatically start and ask you which OS to load21:05
SlidingHorn!dualboot | sky88721:05
ubottusky887: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:06
ash_workanyway, the log says 'startup packages remove'21:06
Lopenacc: I know how to run stuff as root, that's not the problem, I've used it on other computers without issue. I suspect I'm missing some kernel modules relating to `tc filter...`21:06
dmmcan i get a url to anywhere that gives good instruction on installing hadoop21:06
ash_workoh, also remove ubuntu-desktop:amd6421:07
ash_workI guess I should reinstall that :p21:07
naccash_work: so you probably should install that one too :)21:07
ash_workmkay, restarting21:07
ash_mobilePhone time21:08
loveubuntalotgenewitch, did multi-touch gestures work for you?21:11
loveubuntalotsee comment here https://askubuntu.com/questions/789915/ubuntu-16-04-multitouch-gestures21:11
loveubuntalotsome people have had to install additional applications21:11
oerheksLope, checked the script, not sure what goes wrong there..21:11
* oerheks examined: git clone https://github.com/magnific0/wondershaper.git21:12
SlidingHorndmm: You can check out Digital Ocean's documentation possibly.  Not really something that's supported here:  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/how-to-install-hadoop-in-stand-alone-mode-on-ubuntu-16-0421:12
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Lopeoerheks: I'm definitely missing some kernel functionality, but I don't know specifically what.21:14
dmmthanks slidingHorn21:14
granttrecanyone use ubuntu jeos on vbox?21:15
Lopeoerheks: maybe I need to load a module, maybe I need to recompile my kernel, I've got no idea at the moment.21:15
SlidingHorngranttrec: JeOS hasn't really been a thing since Precise, if I remember correctly.  That being said, I don't think it'd be supported anymore.  You can always try to see if someone in #ubuntu-server might be able to help though21:17
=== JPSmon is now known as JPSman
JPSmanI know everyone is super busy what with 18.04 comming out ... but I got a different question21:18
granttrecSlidingHorn: ok thanks21:18
SlidingHornJPSman: feel free to ask, if someone knows the answer, they'll respond21:19
JPSmanI just discovered that my laptop has an accelerometer in it21:19
JPSmanI'd like to play with it more21:19
JPSmanwhat software can I use to get input from it?  what cames can I plug into it?21:19
JPSmangames even21:19
gogetaJPSman, what now21:20
JPSmanMy laptop has an accelerometer in it.  I noticed this because if my laptop wakes up from a sleep in a different orientation, my desktop orientation will be different21:20
gogetaJPSman, what is it one of those tablet laptops21:21
JPSmanI did evtest /dev/input/event8 and sure enough, an accelerometer21:21
naccJPSman: 'play with it', how?21:21
naccJPSman: we don't know most of hte answers to your questions, i think21:21
naccyou'd need to google around for games that can use it21:21
JPSmanwell, I dunno.... I keep finding that people have problems with it becoming a joystick21:21
JPSmansomeone said try Neverball with it21:22
JPSmanI did, and neverball isn't using the accelerometer21:22
JPSmanI figured I'd ask if you guys knew of some software I could use to get more info about it21:22
JPSmanusing 16.04 BTW21:22
JPSmanThere is some other hacked scripts about constantly monitoring it and then auto rotating the screen21:23
JPSmanI jsut figured there would be something more direct, instead of python parsing the output of evtest /dev/input/event821:23
JPSmanoh well21:24
JPSmanI suppose i'll go ask #linux21:24
en1gmahow many hours until ubuntu 18.04 goes LTS?21:24
SlidingHornen1gma: sometime Thursday - there's no set time21:25
en1gmaim getting excited. i had beta 2 installed but switched back a few days ago to 16.04 lts21:26
en1gmawanting official 18.04 lts and want to do clean install21:26
oerheksen1gma, just wait and see. it can be cancelled, happened before..21:26
en1gmanot this close i bet21:26
en1gmadoes anyone know what timezone they are going by?21:27
en1gmaits 4:27pm my time. im gmt-6 i think*21:27
oerheksen1gma, no need to ask, it depends when the servers are ready.21:27
ash_workwhere can I find some good information on working with sockets?21:28
naccash_work: `man socket` ?21:28
naccash_work: and the many manpages referred to from there21:28
en1gmai know about when servers are ready im asking is it going to be a "timed release" for some areas first?21:28
naccen1gma: just wait, please don't pester to ask :)21:28
naccen1gma: it will be announced and then you will get it.21:29
oerheksen1gma, ask, like you do now :-D21:29
en1gmappl in europe dont want usa slowing down their data :P ok i predict somewhere in EU 1st21:29
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-release-party21:29
en1gmaewwww i gonna join21:29
srukleI don't know if this has been reported, but is anyone experiencing issues with Gnome lately? This past week my computer has shutdown on its own.21:29
oerheksgnome-bug .. memoryleak.21:30
sruklethank you oerheks21:30
srukleany ETA for fix?21:30
oerheksi think you need to upgrade, when 18.04 is out21:31
gogetaoerheks, not day 121:32
sruklek i can do that21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1672297 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [Critical,In progress]21:32
gogetaoerheks, day 1 is normaly a clusterfuck repos overloaded etc21:32
gogetaoerheks, i would say wait a week21:32
SlidingHorngogeta: language...21:32
oerheksno need to wait, change mirror if it is slow..21:33
antonmgogeta, day 2 is probably almost as bad with everyone that wanted to avoid day 1 problems21:33
sruklechange mirror? i don't see a PR for fix yet21:34
gogetaanto, why i said a week21:34
gogetamaybe two21:34
antonmdidn't see that21:34
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Ina-baHello, does anyone here use/used Genymotion? I'm having some audio issues with it21:34
antonmweek 2 might still have it's own problems21:34
sruklethe same for debian :/21:35
sruklei wonder if debian fixed ti downstream?21:35
srukleany dd know?21:35
gogetaanto, not to metion that memery leak still in the final beta21:35
gogetaanto, probly gonna be in the relese21:35
sruklethat's going to be rough21:35
gogetaanto, i would wit for that to get sorted first21:35
oerhekssrukle, it might be backported to 3.28  https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GNOME-Shell-Memory-Leak-Fix21:36
SlidingHornIna-ba: You'd have to try their support.  Genymotion isn't something that's supported here, unfortunately21:37
srukleexcellent! thank you oerheks :)21:37
Ina-baSlidingHorn: alright, thanks!21:37
sruliJimBuntu: you still around? took me an hour to get a list and compare with another machine, going to livecd now, hoping for the best21:37
E1ephantlooking  for some tips to troubleshoot, I have added the docker repo to apt (sources.list), however apt claims there is no Release file21:47
E1ephantwhen I can wget/curl it without issue21:47
NaTeKFeel good things feel good.21:47
TyrfingMjolnirHow can I browse this PPA? ppa:dreamstudio/video21:48
NaTeKBionic comes out in a few days no?21:49
SlidingHornE1ephant: any reason you can't use the version available from the Ubuntu repos?21:50
SlidingHornNaTeK: scheduled for Thursday21:51
talntidI have an Ubuntu install - Apache is installed and configured as user www-data, and I have a normal user account called "johndoe". I want user "johndoe" to be able to edit things in /var/www/html/websitename ... but if I change the permissions to johndoe, then the web server can't write files there... do I add johndoe to www-user group, or what?21:51
NaTeKRad (y)21:51
DuncanTBuilding a package, I'm getting a signing problem: "debsign -k3A4BDF45" works and signs the two files, but "fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -k3A4BDF45" reports "gpg: skipped "3A4BDF45": No secret key" and "gpg: dpkg-sign.wToI1HA2/helm_2.1.0-1.dsc: clearsign failed: No secret key"21:51
SlidingHorntalntid: you could   sudo usermod -a -G www-data username   or just use sudo on a per-change basis21:52
SlidingHorntalntid: (note that you'll have to log out & back in as that user before it takes effect)21:54
E1ephantSlidingHorn: I guess just looking to have an install that matches the rest of my install base, using this same repo/docker-ce package everywhere else21:54
E1ephantnot quite sure why this host seems special21:54
E1ephantno way I can find to even get apt to be more verbose?21:54
Lopewhere are the newer backported kernels that I can run on xenial? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-backports/allpackages21:56
SlidingHornE1ephant: are you sure you're using a repo for the correct release?21:57
E1ephantthat I am pretty sure on, afaict it is in fact 16.04 xenial21:59
SlidingHornE1ephant: could you pastebin your sources.list file with the repository?22:01
OsmodivsHello. I am trying to move f older (with other folders inside) to another location, but I get this error message:  sudo mv Materials/ /opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-21.7/lib/RenderManAssetLibrary22:03
Osmodivsmv: inter-device move failed: 'Materials/' to '/opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-21.7/lib/RenderManAssetLibrary/Materials'; unable to remove target: Directory not empty22:03
OsmodivsWhat am I doing wrong?22:03
OsmodivsI sed the -R option but gvae22:03
Osmodivsgave me this: mv: invalid option -- 'R'22:03
NaTeKmv -R22:03
E1ephantyeah can do, two momentos22:03
Jordan_UOsmodivs: First, I would generally recommend against using mv for moving something from one device to another. A cross device move is really two operations, a copy of the data then a deletion of the original. I don't like the automatic removal, and prefer to ensure that the data copied correctly and delete the original myself.22:04
OsmodivsJordan_U, So... You are sugesting cp?22:05
Jordan_UOsmodivs: The error message is probably because there is at least one file/directory within your original "Materials/" that your user doesn't have permission to *delete*.22:05
NaTeKah yes, le sudo22:05
Jordan_UOsmodivs: Yes, I personally use cp then manually rm the original afterward (only when moving files from one device to another, when not moving from one device to another a move involves no copying at all).22:06
Jordan_UOsmodivs: The copy portion of your mv command probably did complete successfully, and it's likely that some of the data from the original has already been deleted.22:07
IntelCoreHave 83gb partition I want Ubuntu to include, is that re-size drive?22:09
Jordan_UIntelCore: I don't understand your question. Would you please try to re-phrase it?22:10
IntelCoreI have 83gb free in a partition, and now I want it to let Ubuntu use that free space22:11
u0_a179u want ubuntu to include what?22:11
u0_a179use parted22:11
IntelCoreg parted?22:12
IntelCorebionic will use a swap file?22:12
Jordan_UIntelCore: Is your Ubuntu root partition "next to" the partition you want to take space from? Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?22:12
IntelCoreI can recover the old ?22:13
u0_a179IntelCore: either gparted or parted...it is the same22:14
Jordan_UIntelCore: Again I don't understand your question. Your old what? Why does anything need recovering?22:14
u0_a179just that parted use commandline22:14
u0_a179i prefer that22:14
IntelCoreI have the free space to add to ubuntu, and wondered IF also the Bionic will be a swap File, allowing me to recover that used old space?22:16
jnewthow do i mount specific network filesystems automatically on a per group / user basis (probably won't need user).22:16
u0_a179IntelCore: use gparted to resize your partitions22:17
IntelCoreyes ty22:17
Jordan_UIntelCore: Before you try to resize anything please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" so that we can tell you if it's even possible to use your free space for Ubuntu with your current configuration.22:17
blazeme8If i've installed a beta of the Bionic release, will I be able to update my system once the final release is out?22:18
Jordan_UIntelCore: Are you also planning to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04? It seems like you're trying to ask more than one question.22:18
sky887Hello. I am installing ubuntu and I want to make a new partition for it. Which type of partition should it be? I see ext2 fat16 etc. I don't know which to choose22:19
Jordan_Ublazeme8: Yes. For further questions about Bionic please /join #ubuntu+1 .22:19
IntelCoreyes. upgrade and recover the old space22:19
u0_a179sky887: use ext422:20
NaTeKWhen bionic releases will the update path from beta to stable be relatively easy?22:20
u0_a179sky887: then intall on /. which is root22:20
ayeeFor some reason the hidraw kernel module isn't loaded on the VM I'm running. I can't figure out why. I can see hidraw compile flag was set  to yes, but lsmod doesn't show hidraw. I'm on bionic latest, with the latest updates, etc22:21
Jordan_Usky887: I would recommend not creating any partitions manually. Allow Ubuntu's installer to do automatic partitioning.22:21
Jordan_Uayee: For Bionic please /join #ubuntu+122:22
IntelCore"could not stat device."22:22
sky887Jordan_U but I need more space allocated for Windows22:22
ash_workmy launcher sometimes shows separate chromium windows for each instance in a different profile; right now, hangouts is running under say ash_m and this is running in guest22:22
Jordan_UIntelCore: That was the output you got when you ran exactly "sudo parted -l"?22:22
blazeme8Jordan_U: thanks!22:22
IntelCorelibparted on a gparted window22:23
u0_a179sky887: why dont u just migrate to linux for good....22:23
E1ephanthmmm, rolled a new ubuntu 16.04 host and the guide/repo for docker does appear to be working fine22:23
Jordan_Usky887: More than what? Last I tried Ubuntu's automatic partitioning allows you to chose how much space you want to keep for Windows.22:23
ash_workactually if I use the switcher thing in the top left, it combines with another dot... well anyway, I was wondering if there's anyway to achieve my goal of displaying a different icon specifically for the hangouts instance22:23
ash_workit's quite confusing when window switching22:24
IntelCorelibparted : 3.222:25
sky887Jordan_U that doesn't happen to me. The installer doesn't mention allocating disk space for Windows. I am on bionic22:25
IntelCoreresize after installing ubuntu with windows .22:26
Jordan_Usky887: Please join #ubuntu+1 then.22:26
IntelCoreThen, you end up with (empty) space on your HD. Like I did.22:27
E1ephantusing the same exact sources.list, this install can't find the "release" file22:28
Jordan_UIntelCore: Don't do anything else until you have run "sudo pastebin -l" in a terminal and pastebinned the output. If you need me to walk through how to do that in more detail I'll be happy to.22:28
E1ephantbut I can wget it22:28
IntelCoreah, Gparted worked !22:29
sky887Ah maybe my Windows is on ssd. I am unsure though22:29
Jordan_UIntelCore: I really wish that you would would have followed my directions. Re-partitioning is dangerous. Hopefully you haven't lost any data or the ability to boot from what you have done.22:30
IntelCoreefi, Microsoft reserved, basic data - ntfs, Sda4 - ext4, unallocated 76.8GB, Sda5-linux swap, unallocated 859MiB, ntfs Recovery and 3+MiB unallocated22:31
IntelCoreno nothing yet22:32
sky887I'll resize the partition within Linux22:32
IntelCoresee it unallocated22:32
Jordan_Usky887: Again, you are in the wrong channel. Join #ubuntu+1 for Bionic.22:32
Jordan_U!pastebin | IntelCore22:32
ubottuIntelCore: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:32
sruliJimBuntu: after reboot most permissions were reset only had to change a few, but to get sudo working i hat to setuid (chmod 4755) for /usr/bin/sudo and internet didnt work had to do the same for /bin/ping22:33
Jordan_Usruli: Your system is likely insecure from some system files not having the correct permissions, without you realizing it. Just hoping to catch the odd cases like sudo and ping is not a safe strategy, and just because things are "working" doesn't mean they're not broken (insecure).22:40
kusI have artful and I installed Google Chrome and it was going well except today when I apt upgrade it says google-chrome-stable is held back. Anyone know why? Bionic beaver is not even out yet so 17.04 is latest no? https://hastebin.com/umeradojes.txt sorry if this is the wrong channel22:40
kusthank you in advance22:40
pragmaticenigmakus, artful reached end of life support a couple months ago22:41
Jordan_Ukus: 17.10 is the latest stable release of Ubuntu. Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt full-upgrade".22:41
GostrikHey I was wondering if anyone had any resources on a problem I'm having. I'm trying to boot to a live usb but I get a black screen with a underscores that's NOT blinking. I can only seem to find people with similar issues that the underscore is blinking and none of the solutions work for me22:42
pragmaticenigmakus, 17.04 ended support a couple months ago... 17.10 is artful and s currently supported22:42
kusI am on 17.10 artful22:43
Jordan_UIntelCore: What is the exact command that you ran?22:43
sruliJordan_U: i guess will have to do a reinstall22:43
kusah it is doing stuff pragmaticenigma22:43
kusI think that did it https://hastebin.com/miliduqimo.txt22:44
IntelCoresudo parted -l22:44
kusthank you pragmaticenigma Jordan_U22:44
Jordan_Usruli: That is what I would recommend, unfortunately. You can re-install while preserving /home/ at least (you do *not* need /home/ on a separate partition to re-install preserving /home/).22:44
IntelCoreis it  sudo parted -print22:45
u0_a179/ sudo parted22:45
pragmaticenigmakus, yes it appears to have updated. Please in the future, use https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ instead. hastebin is very difficult to read22:45
Jordan_UIntelCore: No, I never said that. I said "sudo parted -l". Please copy / paste if needed to get commands right. Entering the wrong commands can be dangerous.22:45
kusI am so excited for bionic beaver but I am sad that I will not be able to do the new fancy minimal install :(22:46
u0_a179IntelCore: just use gparted...they ate22:46
u0_a179IntelCore: gparted is the grapi22:46
u0_a179graphical bit of parted22:46
Jordan_Uu0_a179: I don't think that it's a good idea for IntelCore to use GParted without explicit guidance since they are new to Ubuntu and re-partitioning is dangerous and easy to accidentally mess up.22:47
pragmaticenigmakus, discussion of 18.04 is in #ubuntu+1 ... you might want to check there to see if there is an option for you22:47
u0_a179Jordan_U: i dont think gparted is complicated at all22:48
sruliJordan_U: preserving home is nice in theory, but by the time you install all the apps and config files are overwritten u might aswell just backup what u need22:48
IntelCoreit tis this unallocated part that I want Ubuntu to have22:48
kuspragmaticenigma, ok I'll try to remember. I always remember to use fpaste on fedora but I forget on Ubuntu https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MZhWjNhTQp/22:49
Jordan_UIntelCore: Great, your free space is to the right of your root partition, so you should be able to resize to use that space fairly easily with GParted.22:49
IntelCoreI want to get a 3TB this same drive for external22:50
pragmaticenigmakus, if not already installed there is a command, "pastebinit" that will auto paste to Ubuntu's offical pastebin22:50
kusJust installed pastebinit. thank you22:52
Jordan_Uu0_a179: You may not think it is, I have had to help countless people in this channel who have lost the ability to boot because they didn't realize that what they were doing would renumber their partitions. I've had to help people who decided that there was a useless small ntfs partition that they didn't need so they deleted it, making their Windows install unbootable since it was their system partition.22:53
Jordan_USimilarly I have seen people delete their EFI System Partition, I've seen them try to resize a partition one GiB to the right thinking that resizing to the right and the left are the same, when in reality it involved copying 500 GiB of data, and more. GParted is pretty easy to use, but partitioning in general is hard.22:53
kuspretty cool works just like fpaste too :D https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Px4hv9KpVk/22:53
IntelCoreparted (GNU parted) 3.222:53
IntelCoreyeah.. well dual booting22:55
pragmaticenigmakus, there is even a way to alias fpaste so it calls pastebinit instead if you like22:55
Jordan_Uu0_a179: That is, people have resized a large partition one GiB to the left, which involved copying all of the data in the partition. Had they known it would take hours and losing power during the long resize would risk their data, they wouldn't have bothered.22:55
kuspragmaticenigma, link please?22:55
kusah in bash_aliases?22:56
kusalias fpaste=pastebinit ?22:56
Guest57550how can I start networking in recovery mode? I need a package :S22:56
pragmaticenigmakus, this will help you make it permanent: http://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/set-command-aliases-linuxubuntudebian/22:56
IntelCoredo you have program called, disks ?22:56
IntelCorethis, Application in Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 is called disks, and is in the application menu of the OS.22:58
IntelCore>> System Tools > preferences > Disks22:59
IntelCorein the GUI22:59
IntelCoreWell, it shows I have unallocated space, and I want to let Ubuntu use the free space23:00
Jordan_UIntelCore: OK. Let's work on using GParted. How are you starting GParted?23:01
IntelCoreI have 'disks' open and it has all the options23:01
IntelCorethis laptop is not terminal, it is gui23:04
IntelCorealthough I can use term.23:04
Jordan_UIntelCore: I would recommend using GParted for this instead of Gnome Disks.23:05
IntelCoreYou’ll need a Ubuntu live CD or USB drive to edit your partitions.23:06
Jordan_UIntelCore: Indeed. Do you have an Ubuntu LiveUSB? Would you like help preparing one?23:07
IntelCore GParted partition editor isn’t present by default on an installed Ubuntu system, it is included with the Ubuntu live environment. Launch GParted from the Dash23:07
IntelCoreeasiest way to resize a partition is by clicking and dragging the handles at either side of the bar, although you can also enter exact numbers. You can shrink any partition if it has free space.23:09
IntelCore< Is this what I will do ?23:09
IntelCoreLive is on CD at home, need to backUp and drag onto a disk, then clean drive, then use gparted on live23:10
IntelCoreeh, how they get where kernel can update on fly, but parts on disk can't while being used.. ahaha23:11
IntelCoreTY for help, now I know what to do..23:12
Jordan_UFor the record, ext4 can be grown while mounted, but GParted doesn't support it and it's not something I would recommend for a new user to try.23:15
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shanemikelI made a PPA and uploaded my first package last night, and I'm still getting "Signing key fingerprint does not exist", and I can't see my package in launchpad23:24
shanemikelI signed the "Code of Conduct, pushed my GPG keys and all last night"23:24
akkAny idea why ubuntu's login screen isn't letting me type? I can boot to the login screen but it doesn't see me typing a password.23:25
shanemikelakk It usually takes 10s or so when I resume from hibernate23:25
akkIt's a dual-boot machine and I was fiddling with debian, but I don't see why that would have affected ubuntu's keyboard.23:25
akkI'm booting from poweroff, and I've waited 5+ minutes.23:26
shanemikelcan you type in a tty?23:26
shanemikelctrl-alt-F6 will get you to one23:26
shanemikelOn my laptop I also have to hold the Fn key23:27
akkThanks, I'll try that. I tried ctrl-alt-F2 and it didn't help.23:27
akkuh-oh, looks like I have more problems, now it's starting in the wrong resolution23:28
akkbut it took long enough to get to the boot screen that I could see there was briefly an error about failure to load kernel modules.23:28
akkI bet it's some sort of initrd problem.23:28
geniishanemikel: Does your public key show up when you search for it on http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/  ?23:28
t0mhey i'm trying to install llvm-3.9.1 as a legacy dependency. I downloaded and extracted it, but i kinda don't know where to put it23:28
shanemikelgenii: yes I see it23:29
geniishanemikel: Was the build successful?23:30
shanemikelLintian gave a few warnings, but no errors, and I tried installing the binary package on a fresh ubuntu VM23:30
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shanemikelAlso the upload reported success23:30
shanemikelBut I can't add the ppa itself with add-apt-repository without the "fingerprint for signing key" message.. I should be able to add a ppa without any packages in it, right?23:31
akk"Failed to start Load kernel modules"23:31
geniishanemikel: Check your main ppa page and see if it reports the build got made23:31
shanemikelgenii: It doesn't report anything about the pakcage23:32
shanemikelstats say "0 updates this month"23:32
shanemikelI remember getting a warning message about including the "orig.tar.gz" source in the upload, so before I did it, I removed that23:33
shanemikelmaybe thats the problem?23:33
geniishanemikel: Probably23:33
akkshanemikel: ctrl-alt-F6 (with or without Fn) doesn't do anything. I guess it's not seeing the keyboard for that either.23:34
shanemikelgenii: Also, the "new package should close ITP" warning isn't really applicable to PPA right?23:35
geniishanemikel: You might also want to ask around in #launchpad-dev about your issue, since it's not strictly an Ubuntu support question, and they're likely more equipped to get you an answer sooner than here23:35
shanemikelok thanks23:35
akkPlugging in a generic USB keyboard doesn't help, not surprising since it doesn't see the USB mouse either.23:36
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akkGot it, grub.cfg was messed up and it was booting into the wrong kernel.23:40
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AnToStArLiGhTche emozione su mirc dopo anni23:50
AnToStArLiGhTc'è qualcuno23:51
kostkon!it | AnToStArLiGhT23:51
ubottuAnToStArLiGhT: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:51
RoadRunnerAttempting rescue from live cd. When start xubuntu live cd (16.04) get a black screen with a question "Select CD-ROM Boot type:" and choices: "1." & "2." with no text description next to the numbers.  What does each choice say?23:52
motddwhat is the SSE ?23:53
motddlike the SSE functions I used in DiceServ. My only suggestion is maybe to try version 3.0.3 instead of 3.0.4, but other than that, I cannot help further.23:53
vivusHello all23:55
vivusWhat is the /path/to/kernel/.config on 14.04?23:56
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SlidingHornvivus: what exactly are you trying to configure?23:56
motddwhat is SSE23:56
SlidingHorn!patience | motdd23:57
ubottumotdd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/23:57
vivusSlidingHorn: I am trying to run the docker: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/docker/master/contrib/check-config.sh script and it is telling me to specify the path to kernel config23:57

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