
studio-user546i need some help11:12
EDinNYIs it safe to use 18.04 rc?20:20
SlidingHornEDinNY: I don't see why not...obviously it's still beta for a couple more days, and after official releases, there are sometimes still bugs, but all in all, it seems pretty stable (for me, at least)20:22
EDinNYThanks.  That was what I was asking.20:22
EDinNYIf you have RC installed, does it upgrade to the release with apt-get when it comes out?20:24
SlidingHorn!final | EDinNY :)20:24
ubottuEDinNY :): If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.20:24
SlidingHornno problem20:24
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chamsyshi, someone can help me installing linuxsampler on my system?22:12
SlidingHornchamsys: It's not part of the official repos, as far as I know, but I can certainly *try*22:22
chamsysthanx I'm actually trying to install the official deb from linuxsampler site22:27
chamsysthrough ubuntu software center22:27
chamsysit seems to work22:27
EDinNYI just installed 18.04RC.  It saw my network adapter during install, but not when I rebooted...luckily I had a USB network adapter handy which it saw, immediately.22:54

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