
flocculantwillem: new iso - works in vbox05:20
Spassshould I try it also? considering that my previous test had some issues06:28
ubottuDebian bug 896724 in src:catfish "catfish: missing build dependency on dh-python" [Serious,Open]06:31
Unit193https://bugs.debian.org/896731 - https://bugs.debian.org/89673206:46
ubottuDebian bug 896731 in src:lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings "lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings: missing build dependency on dh-python" [Serious,Open]06:46
ubottuDebian bug 896732 in src:menulibre "menulibre: missing build dependency on dh-python" [Serious,Open]06:46
tacocatI'll finish up the upload for #896731 in the morning ^^09:40
Unit193This is pretty much the 11th hour, so chances are pretty slim.09:41
tacocatit's around 3am, I'm going to sleep instead of embarrass myself with mistakes or poorly worded emails09:43
tacocatif someone wants to push it before I get to it, the src is in git :P09:44
Unit193Hah yeah, understandable.\09:44
bluesabrecatfish fix is in git10:14
bluesabreodds of that getting uploaded today... slim :)10:15
bluesabremanaging packaging in version control is nice10:23
bluesabremenulibre fix is in git10:44
bluesabremight be fun to play with next cycle, https://ci.debian.net/doc/11:10
slickymasterWorkyep, flocculant will find it amusing bluesabre 11:16
akxwi-davewillem:  I had that on my Windows VBox, updated to latest version of VBox and it works fine..11:53
Wimpressbluesabre: I see Xubuntu has a really nice Notifcations Indicator. What package provides that?12:26
willemflocculant, akxwi-dave thanks, will try new iso16:31
willemnow using freshly downloaded iso in Vbox. OEM setup still giving the same trouble. live-version, however, works as it should.16:54
flocculantWimpress: you perhaps mean xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin -which is new to us this cycle16:54
willemI'll give up trying to test OEM-setup.16:55
flocculantwillem: :)16:55
flocculantwillem: yesterday I was seeing the same issue with any boot if I chose Install Xubuntu at the very first menu16:55
flocculantvbox often gives less than satisfactory performance for me - why I stopped using it and went to the kernel stuff (kvm)16:56
willemflocculant, so it wasn't me then, this time... ;-)16:56
flocculantnah 16:56
flocculantthe oem install works ok 16:57
willemI'll look into kvm.16:57
flocculantwillem: it's pretty easy - couple of things I learnt to make it better for 'me'16:57
flocculantI can give some help - after Thursday though16:58
willemthanks - will try to manage; won't bother you until after Thursday. 17:00
flocculantwell it's not actually a bother - you just might get half an answer :p17:01
flocculanthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation - note the optional installation of virt-manager - which is the gui17:02
flocculantbut you can do stuff from the terminal as well17:02
willemflocculant, Used the wiki you pointed me to. Got KVM up and running now. Should like to report that "sudo adduser `id -un` libvirtd" doesn't work (on 18.04?), and that the adduser is not necessary...17:35
willembut can't find where to report this17:35
flocculantI'll check it out later - not easy to find someone nowadays who can edit ubuntu wiki's - but I can17:44
willemperhaps this may help: https://github.com/chouseknecht/minishift-up-role/issues/217:47
willemneed to dash17:49
flocculantI meant it's likely just the wiki being out of date - sometime 2 years ago last edit17:57
ali1234flocculant: does the beta respin contain the panel-switch fixes? version 1.0.7-0ubuntu219:15
ali1234probably not yet as your mail was 13 hours ago and that package was built 7 hours ago19:16
flocculantali1234: definitely not xfpanel-switch all 1.0.7-0ubuntu120:04
flocculantpossibly a new respin coming20:05
flocculantso if that does happen - and I think it will, I'd assume it'll get the new one20:09
flocculantit will happen overnight (UK time)20:24
bluesabreevening all21:54
bluesabreWimpress: that's xfce4-notifyd's xfce-panel plugin21:54
Wimpressflocculant: bluesabre Thanks22:11
Unit193Wimpress: Have you taken a look at ayatana-indicator-notifications?  It's pretty shiny.22:12
WimpressUnit193: I have.22:12
WimpressI much prefer the Xubuntu 18.04 implementation.22:12
Spassis there a way in bionic to make panel icons 22px size when the panel is big? https://i.imgur.com/xoLC7Ks.png23:11

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