
valorieok, that's better00:24
valoriepackagekit crashed, had to dpkg --configure -a, update via apt, and all seems well00:25
valoriehuh, I think it was because I tried out prime-select and chose intel02:06
valorieback in nvidia02:06
valorieand everything looks back to normal02:06
valorie[19:26] <infinity> World respinning, off to bed.02:30
valorie4 minutes ago02:30
tsimonq2valorie: He's in London right now, lol.02:33
tsimonq2He's at Canonical02:33
tsimonq2*Canonical's Bluefin office.02:33
valorieI understand02:33
valorie"world respinning" is the important bit I thought02:34
tsimonq2That's apparent.02:34
tsimonq2(Steve said that would be the case earlier.)02:34
tsimonq2Kool. :)02:34
valoriewhich is why I took the afternoon to get my hair cut and do some work out in the yard02:35
valorieand then fight with my laptop!02:35
tsimonq2Funny enough, I got a haircut this afternoon as well!02:35
valorieso your new license photo will show a lotta EAR02:36
valorietesting time!03:48
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFaLq-L9FnQ21:48
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Mostly positive, but something is a bit off to me. can't quite say what21:48
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> probably as I never heard of him before now :P21:49
valorieI like it23:06
valorieexcept he talks a lot23:06
valorieok, everybody hates oem, so I'll start there23:20
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> OEM works fine here ;)23:24
acheronukI don't hate oem. only hated it when it was busted23:24
valoriewell, it's more fiddly, since one has to restart a couple of times23:26
valorieand now i'm used to it23:26

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