
=== ZzZzZzzz is now known as redwhite
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katnipwhat kernel does anyone have for 18.04?01:48
genii!info linux-image-generic bionic01:55
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB01:55
geniikatnip: See above01:55
katnip20 is todays date01:56
geniiSo there's probably been an update that hasn't made it into the bot's database yet.01:56
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Unit193!info linux-image-generic bionic-proposed01:57
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic-proposed), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB01:57
katnipi wonder if that is what i have01:57
katnipi used proposed for a short time some time back then i unticked it01:58
Unit193Yeah in a development release you really shouldn't though.01:58
katnipyeah i figured it wasnt a good idea so i unticked it01:58
* genii makes sure Unit193 gets a fresh coffee01:59
katniplooks like im getting those kernels though01:59
IrcsomeBot<binaryhermit> is it possible that it just migrated from proposed to... main or whatever? and that the bot hasn't caught up02:00
IrcsomeBot* binaryhermit shuts up02:00
Unit193That's precisely what's happened.02:00
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kab0mHi together06:22
kab0mDoes anyone has the bug "error while loading shared libraries: libzstd.so.1" while running "apt-get upgrade" with the 18.04 Beta? Any ideas how to fix this?06:23
valoriekab0m: try apt update && apt full-upgrade06:35
valorieupgrade by itself doesn't remove stuff which should be removed06:36
kab0mvalorie: get me the same error06:37
valoriehow about sudo pkcon refresh && sudo pkcon update06:38
valoriewhich uses packagekit instead06:38
* diogenes_ wonders why people can't wait till the official release but instead complain about errors which are natural for unfinished products :(06:39
kab0mdpkg-deb --control returns error-status 12706:39
kab0mdiogenes_: because i want to test the system :( why so mad?06:41
diogenes_kab0m, if you are developer and want to test for bugs, then you should be in #ubuntu-dev06:41
diogenes_if you're a user then you should admit that a lot of errors occur on a product which is beta06:42
kab0mnope, im not a dev...just an new guy on the block06:42
kab0mi can understand that there are bugs an hiccups, im just asking if someone has an answer to this problem :)06:43
valorieoh, yes,, the proper place to ask for a few more days is #ubuntu+106:43
valoriekab0m: did you try what I suggested?06:44
diogenes_right, that's why I explain, you have to be prepared to encounter  a lot of bugs which naturally occur on an unfinished product but, anyway, if you discovered a bug and no one here could help then what you should do is to file a bug report and also report it as soon as possible in ubuntu-devs06:44
IrcsomeBot<binaryhermit> to be fair, it releases tomorrow in most of the world? so it should be fairly stable?06:44
valoriesudo pkcon refresh && sudo pkcon update06:44
valorieBionic Final was respun a few hours ago06:45
valorieit may end up being the release, or not06:45
kab0mvalorie: yes i did, it gave me: dpkg-deb --control returns error-status 12706:45
valoriehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds for reporting testing results06:45
valoriekab0m: I would zsync a new spin and test that06:46
diogenes_on the official website it's still Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS06:46
valorieplease login and report results06:46
valorieif you can't update, you should abandon the beta06:47
kab0mok, thank you valorie. i will try a fresh install with the latest RC106:47
valorieI hope you will report too06:48
valorieremember `ubuntu-bug packagename` is the best way to report a bug06:49
valoriefrom the computer you are testing with06:49
kab0mvalorie: i just found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream/+bug/176674706:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766747 in appstream (Ubuntu) "package apt-config-icons (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-deb --control subprocess returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New]06:51
valoriekab0m: mark yourself as affected and give your details07:14
kab0mok guys. Im out, have a nice day07:24
katnipwith about 24 hours to go i would expect some stability, it's not quite like 2-3 weeks to go09:34
katnipi dont think it's quite fair to ream a guy at this point other than taking it to #ubuntu+109:35
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capsock1hi at all10:56
capsock1does anyone know why i find some packges in the ubuntu software center which i cant find in kubuntus discover or muon? For example "Signal Messenger" or "Spotify"10:57
BluesKajHowdy folks11:21
capsock1Ok i just figgered it out myself. As those packages are Snaps, one simply just have to "apt-get install plasma-discover-snap-backend" and boom you have them in discover :)11:22
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neydergood morning11:57
neyderkde partition manager is very slow to show up partitions11:57
neydereven when i put with live it load in a blink11:57
neyderbut on installed system, it takes so much time11:58
BluesKajneyder, do you have multiple drives with partitions?11:59
neyderSSD + HDD both with LVM12:00
BluesKajahh lvm, that could explain it12:00
neydera third HDD one partition ext412:00
neydermy system is on SSD and home in HDD,12:00
BluesKaj3 drives too12:01
neyderBluesKaj: but when run in live session it load LVM equally fast12:01
BluesKaji use separate partitions for / and /home12:01
BluesKajnot separate drives12:01
neyderpreviously /var was on HDD so just before i runned live session, moved files from /dev/user-vg/var to /dev/kubuntu-vg/root/12:02
neyderBluesKaj: this is my main system, i have an SSD of 120GB and HDD of 2TB12:02
neyderold guy gparted (gnome one) with the same conf loaded as fast as live session12:03
* neyder should install gparted and check12:03
neyderthe third HDD is a hot plug one12:03
BluesKajI use a 256GB Samsung EVO ssd  for both/ and /home...very fast12:04
neyderBluesKaj: /dev/mapper/user--vg-home      1,8T   622G  1,1T  37% /home12:04
neyderaaaand growing12:04
BluesKajlatest gparted has a bug12:04
neyderso will check with gdisk12:05
neyderok pvs (lvm list) take its time12:08
neydervgs and lvs like a rocket12:09
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CoJaBoO wow. So, I just noticed right-click works again in konsole15:06
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AlexCDevHi, I'm trying to fix an issue I'm having with a pair of bluetooth earphones17:14
AlexCDevThey're pairing but not connecting17:15
AlexCDevblueman reports 'paired successfully but failed to connect'17:15
AlexCDevThe earphones work on other devices17:16
ultimatehey guys i need some help , im installling kubutnu ultimate edition, and i used the guided install.. but it said fatal error grub not installed..17:18
ultimatei think its because i instaleld on a harddrive that wasnt the bootable drive17:18
AlexCDevI think it's something do to with the audio drivers rather than the bluetooth module, as phenon is showing *two* bluetooth audio headsets  (greyed out), even when the headphones are unpaired from the laptop17:18
ultimatewhat should i do17:18
AlexCDevultimate: Reinstall?17:18
AlexCDevAre you dual booting?17:18
ultimateyes dual booting, was trying too17:19
ultimatehad windows on one drive... not reinstall, new install17:19
ultimatehello AlexCDev thank you for helping17:21
BluesKajultimate, set the Kubuntu drive as first in the boot sequence in the UEFI/BIOS17:25
user|35304Greetings Everyone: I'm currently running Kubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial. If I upgrade/upgrade to 17.10 I'd download the ISO file and Install it, right. Would I lose all of my current Doc's, KMoney data, etc...?17:27
ultimateultimate, will it be okay if i reboot and set the drive too number one?17:28
BluesKajuser|35304, wait til tomorrow and you can install official release Bionic 18.04 LTS17:28
ultimateBluesKaj: should i do this now? or should i install grub first17:30
BluesKajultimate, grub should have installed by default17:32
ultimatei did a booboo and i need help, i had a fresh windows install, and decided i wanted dual boot again, but when i installed with kubunut ultimate edition, the install went fine, was supposed to resize and use freed space, but then at the end it had a fatal error and said that grub was not installed..17:33
ultimatebut i installed the linux install to a drive that wasnt my main windows drive..17:34
user|26067BluesKaj: You replied to my Question a minute ago about installing Kubuntu 17.10, I'm running 16.04 Xenial now.....thanks..! =) Will I lose all my other data if I install 18.04 Bionic tomorrow...?17:34
ultimateBluesKaj: i havent tried to reboot yet, im running a live install right now17:34
BluesKajuser|26067, no id you run sudo do-release-upgrade, with LTS upgrade only option enabled17:35
BluesKajall your data and settings will bew saved to the new install17:36
user|26067BluesKaj: Cool..!  Thanks so much...!  =)17:36
ultimateBluesKaj:  https://pastebin.com/uEnfJsf617:39
ultimatesdc is flash drive17:40
user|26067BluesKaj:  Thanks man, great, I was a bit worried if I'd have to reformat HDD or what.....17:41
BluesKajultimate, BTW there is no such thing as kubuntu ultimate edition, just the latest release, http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/17:46
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gpapHello everybody21:32
gpapi just installed the final beta21:32
concretesledgehey all22:08
gpapso my first impression is very good22:22
gpapa very good and balanced distro, lightweighted and luxury too22:23
acheronukgpap: good to hear :)22:29
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valoriehello folks, the final final FINAL (I hope) Bionic RC has been spun23:11
valoriehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/389/builds <--- please report all test results on the tracker23:11
valoriewe would appreciate all testing possible, since this is LTS !23:11
valoriewe especially welcome i386 testing on i386 machines23:12
valorie(note that in your test result)23:12
concretesledgeis there someway i can change the resolution of a live usb install before it starts23:15
concretesledgemy monitor cannot view the resolution that its set to23:15
gpapacheronuk:first crash Kontact :)23:25
IrcsomeBotHariyanto_iyan was added by: Hariyanto_iyan23:49

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