
pcdHey, I have 18.04 installed and wanted to try playing around with SystemTap. Unfortunately, it looks like kernel versions > 4.14 require systemtap 3.2 (released 18/10/18, bug in question is 22158), and the ubuntu package for systemtap is at 3.1. Is the systemtap package going to be updated to 3.2 in the final release? Is this even the right place to be asking about this, or should I take my question 00:29
pcdelsewhere? Thanks in advance.00:29
SlidingHornbug 2215800:30
ubottubug 22158 in Serpentine "Serpentine should be able to use normalize-audio" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2215800:30
SlidingHornoh, must be a different tracker...00:30
pcdSorry, systemtap's tracker00:30
ubottusourceware.org bug 22158 in runtime "on rawhide, we're getting a compile error that spin_unlock_wait() doesn't exist" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]00:30
pcdShould I file a bug on launchpad? I know it's pretty soon before the release ships01:00
SlidingHornpcd: looking at the changelog, it looks like they may have patched 3.1 to fix that...01:05
SlidingHornbug 87633701:05
ubottubug 876337 in Global menubar extension "Global menubar integration doesn't work since Oneric" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87633701:05
SlidingHornthat's not it either...hmm...01:05
pcdLooks like they know about it in the debian package https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89299501:07
ubottuDebian bug 892995 in systemtap "systemtap: failes to compile scripts, implicit declaration of some functions" [Grave,Open]01:07
SlidingHornthis is the one the last ubuntu changelog update fixes: bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=87633701:08
SlidingHornpcd: so I think that's patched and all set :)01:10
pcdSlidingHorn: that looks like a different issue? The bug I linked is significantly newer than that, and still open01:11
pcdlike 876337 is closed in 3.1-3, and 892995 is an issue in 3.1-3.01:13
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Volkodavafter recent partial upgrade I get no login screen startx from tty1 gets me into gnome. How do I start xfce session insyead?05:33
lotuspsychjeVolkodav: try ubuntu recoverymode/fix broken packages05:39
lotuspsychjeVolkodav: startx is not the right way anymore05:39
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:39
Volkodavlotuspsychje: thanks - will do05:40
kab0mHi together06:28
kab0mDoes anyone has the bug "error while loading shared libraries: libzstd.so.1" while running "apt-get upgrade" with the 18.04 Beta? Any ideas how to fix this?06:30
lotuspsychjekab0m: did you add external ppa's to your system?07:08
kab0mlotuspsychje: No i didnt. But i am running kubuntu 18.04 beta 2...if this is relevant07:09
lotuspsychjekab0m: did you clean install or upgrade?07:10
kab0mlotuspsychje: clean install07:10
lotuspsychjekab0m: ok good, could you hastebin the output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please07:11
kab0mlotuspsychje: here you go https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xfVHmYy7Gt/07:13
lotuspsychjebug #176604607:18
ubottubug 1766046 in glibc (Ubuntu) "dpkg-deb error processing libc6_2.27, libzstd.so.1 is missing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176604607:18
lotuspsychjekab0m: if relevant, can you add yourself affected to this bug?07:19
kab0mlotuspsychje: ok i will. i just have to setup an account on launchpad. thanks for your help so far07:21
NoruxWow, I just read the release notes for bionic beaver and can say, I'm hyped!07:22
lotuspsychjekab0m: no problem, try to do some steps from that bug too, to see if you can reproduce07:22
lotuspsychjeNorux: yeah they rock07:22
Noruxlotuspsychje: So many things that really annoyed me about ubuntu that are fixed this update. E.g. now having a minimal installation07:23
lotuspsychjeNorux: yeah thats gonna be so good07:23
kab0mok guys. Im out, have a nice day07:23
Noruxbye :)07:23
lotuspsychjeNorux: you got that new welcome screen?07:25
Noruxlotuspsychje: didn't try it yet! But I'm installing a VM right now.07:28
lotuspsychjecool, first desktop use should give you welcome screen07:28
NoruxHmm. Reeeeaally laggy for me. Might be because of the VM, but it has 16GB RAM and 8 cores...07:44
lotuspsychjegnome is much more lag then unity07:45
NoruxI dislike gnome. I just don't like the look & feel of it. However, I still like the decision to use gnome once again07:50
NoruxThe number of bugs I encountered, caused by unity interfering with gnome, it was just ridiculous07:50
lotuspsychjesame feeling07:51
lotuspsychjei wish they made gnome lightweight again07:51
erle-is the release on schedule or are there any known blockers?07:52
Noruxlotuspsychje: yeah, I'd like that too07:52
lotuspsychjeerle-: should be tomorrow during day07:53
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/07:54
foresterHi. Why my Ubuntu-mate-beta2 uses ip (or ...42)?08:28
foresterUbuntu downloads something from that ip-adress.08:28
foresterwithout my permission.08:29
MrM1stIf I install 18.04 now, do I have to update it again after friday? Is it enough just doing a aptitude update && aptitude upgrade? Or should I wait with installing it as my main OS until the final release?09:22
erle-upgrade should be enough09:23
MrM1stA bit concerned about the new version as the last kernels froze my laptop :(09:27
MrM1stThe last kernels in 17.1009:27
brainwashMrM1st: you could download the daily iso and then test it by booting into live mode09:38
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RaytarHi, could someone else take a look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/176530409:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765304 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox (by lowering & raising window whenever they're focused)" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:51
RaytarIt breaks some password management extensions like bitwarden and lastpass in firefox09:51
brainwashRaytar: someone? plenty people/devs already looked at it09:59
RaytarOk, it just seems to me that this bug needs more attention.10:00
brainwashfrom whom?10:02
RaytarI don't know, I would hope that someone could triage it10:04
VolkodavI have no broken packages and still it boots in tty1 and only startx invokes gnome session and I can not get to login screen or start xfce that I usually use10:04
brainwashRaytar: did you rebuild ibus without the ubuntu patches yet?10:10
brainwashRaytar: one could maybe test ibus 1.5.18 from debian also https://packages.debian.org/sid/ibus10:10
RaytarThanks, I will try10:11
brainwashVolkodav: did you share the output of "systemctl status gdm" yet?10:15
brainwashor lightdm10:15
Volkodavbrainwash:not yet but I'll get it out 10:18
Volkodavbrainwash: I just pasted it10:25
brainwashVolkodav: it says that lightdm was started successfully, but you cannot confirm that, right?10:31
brainwashI find it odd that lightdm does not come with its own .service file10:32
brainwashVolkodav: more logs can be found in /var/log/lightdm/10:35
Volkodavbrainwash: not really - it shows a few colorful screens where login manager would normally pop up but then goes into tty110:37
Volkodavlet me pull the logs10:38
brainwashVolkodav: you use the nvidia driver?10:38
brainwashthat one could be the cause10:38
Raytarbrainwash: I use "quilt" to delete the ubuntu patches right? After deleting the "ubuntu-*.patch" files and building the packages, the issue persists.10:38
luna_18.04 release tommorow evening o/10:39
Volkodavbrainwash: I'm pretty sure since it happened at least once before10:40
brainwashRaytar: so, next is to test the ibus 1.5.18 release from debian10:40
brainwashVolkodav: let's see what the lightdm log(s) say10:40
Volkodavbrainwash: no such file lol10:43
brainwashVolkodav: mmh. maybe try with gdm instead. "sudo systemctl disable lightdm" and "sudo systemctl enable gdm"10:47
brainwashnot sure if simply reinstalling lightdm would help10:48
Volkodavbrainwash: hardly ever reinstall helped me with anything10:49
brainwashnot having /var/log/lightdm/ is pretty odd10:50
Volkodavbrainwash: https://pastebin.com/5FWuHU9G10:50
Raytarbrainwash: just built 1.5.18 from debian and the issue persists10:50
brainwashVolkodav: can you do "sudo systemctl start gdm" from tty?10:52
brainwashRaytar: mmh. running out of ideas then10:53
brainwashRaytar: at least that info can be added to the bug report10:54
Volkodavbrainwash: sure I'll kill X and be right back with an output10:55
Volkodavbrainwash: it started OK thanks for your help - how do I permanently set it up? Or is it going to be fixed soon? I doubt that given the time left until the release11:00
brainwashVolkodav: I'd think that it should automatically start on boot then (after disabling lightdm)11:01
Volkodavbut lightdm is disabled isn't it? Or it may respawn ?11:02
Raytarbrainwash: I have added the info. I will see if I can reproduce the issue on debian itself.11:08
erle-please note that default-jre being Java 11 breaks some things11:28
brainwashVolkodav: I assumed that disabling lightdm will allow gdm to start up instead11:34
micwHi. I'm testing 18.04 in virtualbox. I installed the guest utils, dkms and x11 driver. When I switch to fullscreen, the screen gets messed up and does not respond until I switch back to window. I remember that I had similar in 17.10 (so stayed with 16.04)12:05
MrM1stmicw: I've run 17.10 in virtualbox multiple times without problems12:21
MrM1stTrying 18.04 now12:22
micwi installed virtualbox today on the host (5.2.10), drivers are the same version12:23
micwthe problem with 17.10 was on my workmate's laptop (windows 10)12:23
micwi'm running it on macos x currently12:23
MrM1stI'm on a linux host as well12:24
MrM1stIs this the place to ask about livepatch? What is it?12:24
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guardianso, if Bionic is released tomorrow, it means tonight's build ?12:28
donofrioguardian, but it's already tomorrow in "Suva"12:30
lapagamine no longer says development branch so think it is the final12:33
stickyboynacc: Hey, I have another question about something Java related. Are you around?12:37
stickyboynacc: Seems tomcat8 in bionic does not work with openjdk-8. I found a Debian bug report about it from mid April: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89586612:42
ubottuDebian bug 895866 in tomcat8 "tomcat8: Errors thrown when connecting to default HTTP connector (localhost:8080)" [Normal,Open]12:42
zteamHi all! I just upgraded from Ubuntu 17.10 to Ubuntu 18.04, most things appear to work as expected, but I'm unable to start synaptic from the desktop launcher starting it from a terminal with gksu synaptic however works fine, is this a known bug?12:46
brainwashzteam: mostly like it's due to running the wayland session12:47
brainwashthere is bug 171331312:49
ubottubug 1713313 in xdiagnose (Ubuntu) "Unable to launch pkexec'ed applications on Wayland session" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171331312:49
zteambrainwash, well, I don't think so, because my Nvidia drivers doesn't support wayland yet (unless something changed very recently) so I'm still in Xorg-land12:49
brainwashso, what error do you get when simply running "synaptic" in a terminal window?12:51
brainwashor "synaptic-pkexec" in case that one exists12:52
zteambrainwash, no error at all, it's starting fine, however it does print this warning: Gtk-Message: 14:51:19.955: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.12:52
brainwashand "synaptic-pkexec"?12:53
zteambrainwash, synaptic-pkexec doesn't work at all, no error either12:54
brainwashjust checked it. the desktop launcher contains "Exec=synaptic-pkexec"12:54
zteambrainwash, okey :-)12:57
zteambrainwash, not a huge issue for me anyway, i just thought about if needed to report the error12:58
brainwashjust to make sure, what is the output of "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION"?12:58
brainwashthen "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE"12:59
brainwashso, I guess it should be report worthy13:00
zteambrainwash, I should add, that I recieved several errors from dpkg then I attempted to upgrade, the system even told me that it would revert to Ubuntu 17.10 again, but apparently it still works okey, and claims to be Bionic :P13:02
brainwashyou could run "strace synaptic-pkexec" which will you give a rather large log output of system calls13:04
brainwashmaybe the last couple of lines contain some hint13:04
brainwashother than that, you could test other applications which utilize pkexec for authorization13:05
brainwashlike gparted-pkexec13:06
brainwashoh. and also try "pkexec synaptic"13:06
stickyboyHow can I check when a package was last synced from Debian into Ubuntu?13:10
stickyboytomcat8 stopped working for me this week in bionic, but it was working two weeks ago.13:11
zteambrainwash, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Yk44WVc8pk/13:11
zteamstickyboy, are you using bionic on a server you say?13:12
stickyboyzteam: Testing bionic server, yes. Not running in production of course.13:14
brainwashmaybe this bug 171799813:14
ubottubug 1717998 in tomcat8.0 (Ubuntu) "Please remove tomcat8.0 before 18.04 releases" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171799813:14
stickyboybrainwash: Nah, I'm explicitly using tomcat8 (aka 8.5.x) not tomcat8.0.13:15
stickyboyI found this Debian bug from a few weeks ago, seems to be similar to my problem.13:16
ubottuDebian bug 895866 in tomcat8 "tomcat8: Errors thrown when connecting to default HTTP connector (localhost:8080)" [Normal,Open]13:16
stickyboyThat's why I'm wondering if it's maybe something related to a Debian→Ubuntu sync.13:16
stickyboybrainwash: Ok, let me have a look.13:16
stickyboy(gist of the Debian bug is that tomcat8 was compiled with Java 9, so won't run properly with Java 8)13:17
stickyboyAh, so it looks like Ubuntu bionic did indeed sync tomcat8 from sid on April 20 (so it inherited this bug).13:19
stickyboyErr, 2018-04-19 rather.13:19
brainwashzteam: not sure about the output, but it may be helpful in case you file a bug report13:19
brainwashstickyboy: right13:20
stickyboybrainwash: Exciting! The resolution of the Debian bug was the maintainer saying he'd rebuild tomcat8 with Java 8 in the next release.13:21
stickyboyNow to find out if Debian fixed it...13:21
nostroraHello everybody, I can read this : "Canonical is also working to speed up the boot-time of Ubuntu by using systemd’s features." Do you know which systemd's features are talking about ? source : https://fossbytes.com/ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-release-date-features/13:30
stickyboynostrora: Starting system services in parallel? Starting things only when they are needed (dependencies)? Using systemd-analyze to see the graph of service dependencies and times taken.13:37
stickyboynostrora: systemd can also wait to mount filesystems until they are accessed.13:38
nostrorastickyboy: ok !13:58
stickyboybrainwash: Ok, I filed a bug for tomcat8 on Launchpad and linked it to the Debian bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/tomcat8/+bug/176688214:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766882 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu) "tomcat8: Errors thrown when connecting to default HTTP connector (localhost:8080)" [Undecided,New]14:00
stickyboyErr, this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat8/+bug/176688214:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766882 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu) "tomcat8: Errors thrown when connecting to default HTTP connector (localhost:8080)" [Undecided,New]14:02
stickyboyLaunchpad is confusing. :D14:02
strang3quarkhi, any of you knows how to install anbox on Bionic?14:15
strang3quarkI cannot load the kernel modules14:15
wlan2I never really got anbox to work ever.14:16
wlan2But, what method did you use for installing?14:17
Volkodavbrainwash: I've just rebooted and it's the same story - had to manually start gdm14:18
donofriowhoa think I just figured out ubuntu numbering (it's year then month released?)14:20
* stickyboy hands donofrio a cookie.14:23
* donofrio chewing14:24
wlan2donofrio: Precisely.14:26
strang3quarkwlan2: i followed the instructions on the anbox site, I also tried to download and run the installer script14:27
strang3q1wlan2: I followed the instructions on the Anbox website (install the snap package)14:27
wlan2strang3quark: What kind of error would you get?14:28
* donofrio thinks anbox now there is a name I've not heard of in awhile.14:28
wlan2donofrio: android runtime in containers14:28
* wlan2 typed that before finished reading your reply...14:29
strang3q1their anbox-support ppa does not have packages for bionic, I tried to use the xenial packages but the modules aren't working14:29
wlan2I'd bet you'd have to build the modules yourself for bionic... But did dkms succeed in building them?14:32
strang3q1wlan2: yes, the modules are built but I cannot load them14:34
wlan2Any particular error?14:34
wlan2What does dmesg say?14:39
strang3q1ashmem_linux: Unknown symbol __vfs_read (err 0)14:40
wlan2That sounds to me like those modules won't work for your current kernel without some coding. I've never coded kernel modules, so I'm just guessing.14:45
Volkodavhas anybody noticed that panel-xkb is a cpu hog? Has been eating up to 40% of CPU since early alpha14:46
strang3q1Me neighter, I guess I'll just use a VM until there's an update. thanks for your help14:47
brainwashVolkodav: what is panel-xkb?14:49
Volkodavbrainwash: Keyboard layout plugin for xfce panel14:50
brainwashVolkodav: does it constantly use that much cpu?14:53
Volkodavbrainwash: yes it does14:53
brainwashmaybe you should have filed a bug report for this earlier14:54
enycwill ubuntu-18.04 (updated from 16.04) boot ok with an older 4.8.0 kernel  (yes, i know, i will need to sort out newer kernel / custom drivers etc in time)?14:55
wlan2I would recommend using ibus instead of th0se layout switchers.14:55
wlan2enyc: I see no reason why it would not,4.8 is not THAAAAT old.14:57
enyclast i checked gcc had a minimum of 2.6.32 =)14:57
enycbut that may have changed14:57
brainwashVolkodav: I suggest asking in #xubuntu-devel, maybe someone there can confirm this issue and help with debugging the it14:57
Volkodavbrainwash: I will ask them guys14:59
odezhi, after upgrading to ubuntu 18.04 i got a minute delay in showing the login screen. anyone heard of this issue?   (X, gdm3, nvidia)15:00
vltodez: Might be a "resume from" device the initramfs is waiting for.15:00
brainwashodez: I would check the output of "systemd-analyze blame"15:02
Volkodavbrainwash: I should have filed it long ago - agree , just was hoping that some bugs are ironed out in the process - but this one has obviously been not15:04
brainwashit's possible that it only affects a specific driver/panel setup15:05
brainwashtherefore, not affecting everyone15:05
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Volkodavbrainwash: xfce is rather straightforward in testing that 15:07
VolkodavI'll ask them anyway15:07
brainwashplease do15:07
Volkodavalready did actually15:07
odezbrainwash:  732ms fwupd.service is my no 1.  i guess the delay is in X?15:10
brainwashodez: and "systemd-analyze critical-chain"?15:11
brainwashalso, check "journalctl -u gdm"15:12
odezbrainwash: journalctl  -u gdm says this 3 times:  Unable to kill session worker process -   Child process -xx was already dead   15:18
brainwashodez: ideally, you should pastebin the whole terminal output15:21
odezbrainwash: https://pastebin.com/3W0Ttjjw15:23
brainwashodez: searching the web for info about those lines does give helpful results15:29
brainwashodez: I guess the last place to check is /var/log/xorg/15:30
brainwashand general system log of course15:30
odezbrainwash: thanks for helping15:40
kiromaI've performed a do-release-upgrade on my kubuntu 17.10 and I noticed a lot of oddities15:49
kiromai.e. update-grub was run at least 5 times, and update-initramfs only once near the end like it should be15:49
kiromaBefore changing the kernel all DKMS modules have been reinstalled.15:50
kiromaAnd then removed.15:50
ChmEarl cat /etc/issue.net -> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS17:16
ChmEarlmaiden voyage ^^17:16
ads20000nice! Have fun and report bugs! :)17:16
pcdWhat's the turnaround time on package bugs when the packages are nominally maintained by Ubuntu Developers?17:18
naccpcd: it depends17:19
pcdnacc: alright, what's the turnaround time for a bug where systemtap simply doesn't work on 18.04? :P17:19
naccpcd: is the bug filed?17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766754 in systemtap (Ubuntu) "Linux kernel > 4.14 requires systemtap 3.2" [Undecided,New]17:20
naccpcd: i'd ask in #ubuntu-kernel17:21
pcdnacc: Alright, thanks17:21
naccpcd: np17:21
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guardiancurious whether current daily build is the final one :)19:10
acheronukguardian: no, it's not19:12
guardianacheronuk: how do you know? (honest question, is there a task list somewhere?)19:16
acheronukguardian: because I'm a Kubuntu and Ubuntu developer, keeping an eye on the current state of things in #ubuntu-release and other dev channel. hence I know that there is to be a respin of iso images to fix an installer bug at the very least19:19
guardianacheronuk: oh I see, thanks for sharing19:20
freehUgszfirst ubuntu release i'm interested in19:47
SeveasfreehUgsz: welcome to the dark side!21:40
freehUgszSeveas, well thank you :)22:34
MocI was told to join here to talk about issue in trying to boot the daily build of bionic beaver23:07
MocThe beta 2 iso does work correctly (Im on it right now), but I tried both 20180425 daily build and installer wont start23:08
MocI'm going to try yesterday daily in 2 minutes23:09
MocMy machine is a Dell Latitude E554023:10
MocRebooting now to 20180424 daily build.  brb23:12
MocDaily 20180424 installer started normally23:16
katnipare most new releases released on UTC time?23:43
siloxHello, I wanted to see if anyone could verify that both Landscape (on premises install) and MAAS will both function on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS that's scheduled to be released tomorrow.  Any help would be appreciated as I'd like to use 18.04 for a Landscape/MAAS deployment for an entire datacenter.23:56

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