
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
didrocksgood morning06:41
jibelgood morning didrocks06:42
didrockssalut jibel06:43
jibeldidrocks, ça va ?06:50
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
seb128good morning desktopers07:15
didrockssalut seb128, ça va jibel, et toi ?07:30
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?07:30
seb128didrocks, cf #u-r07:30
didrocksseb128: ça va, je reboot rapidement pour tester un snap (j'ai lu #u-r, urgh, mais bon, au moins, on sait comment gardinenner ce code)07:33
* didrocks brb07:33
didrocksat least, my snap fix works :)07:34
didrocksseb128: need a hand for ubiquity?07:34
seb128so repeating here, since it's more of a desktop issue07:35
seb128 the code does07:35
seb128         if gnome_session:07:35
seb128             manager = session.get_object('org.gnome.SessionManager',07:35
seb128                                          '/org/gnome/SessionManager')07:35
seb128             manager.RequestReboot()07:35
seb128 so it's using dbus to talk directly to gnome-session07:35
seb128 which gives07:35
seb128 No such interface '(null)' on object at path /org/gnome/SessionManager07:35
seb128didrocks, any idea how that could lead to a (null) interface error?07:35
seb128I guess RequestReboot() is a method of the manager dbus object07:36
seb128k, I've the iso, booting to the live session, let's see07:37
didrocksrunning d-feet currently07:37
didrockswhile updating the iso07:37
seb128I especially don't understand how that can be a new/ubiquity issue07:38
seb128if anything I would have say a gnome-session issue07:38
seb128but that component didn't change07:38
didrocksyeah, not related to anything we changed…07:38
didrockssession.get_object -> there is no iface parameter, correct?07:38
didrocksonly name and object path07:39
didrocks    `bus_name` : str07:40
didrocks    `object_path` : str07:40
seb128I can confirm that the code is buggy in a python3 interpreter on the live CD07:41
seb128as an user07:41
didrocksnot only on the live07:41
didrockson my session as well07:41
seb128so not ubiquity, sudio, weird env or anything07:41
seb128why did that start today?07:41
seb128jibel, when did you see that dialog working last?07:41
willcookehey seb128 didrocks07:41
didrocksI wonder if it really started today07:42
didrockshey willcooke07:42
seb128hey willcooke07:42
didrocksthe puzzling part is that you normally say on which interface you have the method attached07:42
willcookeI'm heading in to the office in a mo with my test laptop for x_nox to fix the hang on reboot of the live session07:42
didrocksand here, we never did07:42
seb128$ gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.SessionManager --object-path /org/gnome/SessionManager --method org.gnome.SessionManager.RequestReboot07:46
seb128gives a method not implemented on interface org.gnome.SessionManager07:46
didrocksseb128: it works for me in a ipython307:47
seb128I guess I'm doing something wrong :p07:47
didrocksmanager = session.get_object('org.gnome.SessionManager',07:47
didrocks                             '/org/gnome/SessionManager')07:47
didrocksiface = dbus.Interface(manager, "org.gnome.SessionManager")07:47
didrocksfor instance07:47
didrocksdoesn't work with RequestReboot though???07:48
didrockswhy IsSessionRunning, which is on the same object and interface works (while it doesn't work on "manager" along without an interface specified) and not RequestReboot…07:49
didrocksCanShutdown() works as well, for instance (once you execute it against the interface)07:51
didrocksisn't there some polkit thing which would hide the method?07:51
didrocksnothing in /usr/share/polkit-107:52
jibeljust to confirm, the same test passes with previous image.07:52
seb128it doesn't make any sense07:52
didrocks /o\07:52
seb128didrocks, same in d-feet, I can't trigger RequestReboot07:52
seb128while it's listed07:52
seb128but same on xenial07:52
didrocks1. I don't understand how this code could have worked *ever*07:52
didrocksas you don't specify an interface07:52
didrocks2. I don't understand why specifying the interface, you can access some methods, and not others…07:53
seb128I wonder if it always failed to use the session codepath for some reason that we might have fixed07:53
didrocksif gnome_session being False, you mean?07:53
seb128I know07:54
seb128Laney broke it07:54
seb128-Exec=sudo sh -c 'ubiquity gtk_ui'07:54
seb128+Exec=sudo --preserve-env=DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS,XDG_RUNTIME_DIR sh -c 'ubiquity gtk_ui'07:54
seb128without the DBUS ADDRESS env it wasn't finding the session object07:54
seb128so it never used that code07:54
didrocksso fixing the dbus addressing, we trigger that issue :p07:54
didrocks"fun fun fun"07:55
seb128which was not needed in the session07:55
seb128that's the .desktop change07:55
didrocksstill doesn't explain 1. and 2.07:55
seb128that Laney did because it's the right thing to do07:55
seb128it explains 107:55
didrockswell, maybe this code was never triggered ever07:55
didrocksI thought people implementing it would have tried it :p07:55
seb128that's what I think07:55
didrocksbut why 2. ?07:55
seb128that's a good question07:55
seb128ok, now we understand the problem, let's fix it07:55
seb128it behaves the same on xenial07:56
seb128so not a new problem in gnome-session or co07:56
didrocksgood to know how it started :)07:56
didrocksso, even if we do the correct fix with using the iface07:56
didrockswe need to understand 2.07:56
didrocksit's not even "you can't execute", it's really "doesn't exist"…07:56
seb128easy fix is to delete that code07:57
seb128it has always been using the else case07:57
didrocksmaybe it's really not implemented07:57
seb128we could keep doing so07:57
didrockson gnome-session side07:57
didrocksand return this error07:57
didrocksseb128: agreed07:57
seb128those APIs were distro patch added07:57
seb128in the debian dir07:58
seb128I wonder if something changed in gnome-session since those were added which make the implementation needing an update07:59
didrocksyeah, like it's declared but not wired up to the function07:59
didrocksthe patch itself isn't enough to see where it's wired up07:59
didrocksthere is a registration08:00
didrockson the g_dbus_interface_skeleton_export08:01
didrocksand we don't do that for own methods08:01
didrocksso that explains 2.08:01
didrocksseb128: gnome-session/gsm-manager.c, line 3208 and so on08:02
didrocksanyway, not going to change that, I think we should fallback to the current behavior08:02
didrocks(current == until today)08:02
didrocksseb128: I would just ditch the broken code in ubiquity08:03
seb128do you want to mp it?08:04
didrocksI can, sure08:04
didrocksthat's one a funny very well intended side-effect :p08:04
didrockscan't type today…08:04
seb128teaching us for changing more than needed :p08:04
didrocksbut I guess I can press del!08:04
didrocksyeah ;)08:04
didrocksthere are others import dbus…08:05
didrocksI hope we won't have similar issues that we don't notice at first08:05
didrocks(most of them are using the single SystemBus, so, should be ok)08:06
didrocksshould I do the minimal part?08:06
didrocksdelete the code or just force gnome_session = False?08:07
didrocks(so that we fix it later)08:07
didrocksdepends, if we want to remove the distro-patch anyway… hum08:07
seb128I would fix the distro patch08:07
didrocksok, so let's keep the code08:07
seb128according to codesearch.debian.net some projects do call to that API08:07
didrocksand just force gnome_session=False?08:07
didrockswith a FIXME08:08
seb128with a code comment08:08
didrockssure :p08:08
didrocks"# FIXME: please ping seb128"08:08
didrocksjibel: seb128: testing with http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zcgbM59pZQ/08:13
seb128didrocks, looks good to me from a reading-the-diff perspective08:16
didrocksyeah, let's get it executed08:16
seb128didrocks, maybe include a reference to the lp bug?08:16
didrocksalso ./tests/run-pep8 works :)08:16
didrocksI did it in the changelog, can do on the FIXME as well08:17
seb128need a full install to test08:18
* seb128 starts one08:18
didrocksseb128: can you do in ubiquity-dm?08:18
didrockstesting on live right now08:18
seb128k, though it shouldn't have an impact in -dm08:19
seb128but best to test, we had enough of uuupso cases this week08:19
didrocksbut we didn't think about those kind of side-effect :)08:19
didrockslike the oem config key was THERE on the oem install08:19
didrocksand it's checked multiple times in the code :p08:19
didrocks(install in progress)08:19
didrocksHey Laney! Today is Wednesday and as everyday, we have an ubiquity upload to do!08:20
jibeldidrocks, thx, let me test it too08:21
didrocksthanks jibel!08:21
seb128hey Laney08:21
Nafalloor well. late late morning.08:22
Nafallohad to take morphine, so feel asleep again for an hour or so.08:23
didrockshey Nafallo08:23
* willcooke -> train station 08:26
didrocksjibel: seb128: Laney: no crash clicking on reboot08:26
didrocksdo you want me to perform another test?08:26
* didrocks MP meanwhile08:26
seb128beefy machine you have :)08:26
didrocksit never had a 32 bits system on it! :)08:26
* seb128 does get used as "power off" being used in the gnome-shell menu to "disconnect" eth08:27
jibelhuh, kdb selection broken again?!08:27
jibelto be confirmed ...08:27
didrocksoh, didn't notice08:27
seb128how so?08:27
seb128it picked azerty for me08:28
seb128but I didn't try to change it08:28
didrocksyeah, same here08:28
jibelmaybe I did something weird08:28
didrocksI selected my language in syslinux though08:28
seb128which was the case which was always working08:28
seb128what wasn't was to change in the UI08:28
didrockslet me try it in -dm without doing anything at boot08:28
didrocksworks here08:31
didrocksin -dm, picked French08:31
didrocksdefault sectrion in Français/Français (variante obselete)08:31
didrocksand typing is azerty08:31
didrockschanging selection and back to French layout works08:31
didrockshum, when you don't have an Internet connexion (seems it failed to detect it), the checkbox is grey08:32
didrocksfor updates08:32
didrocksbut selected08:32
didrockswhich is puzzling08:32
seb128we should probably uncheck it before setting it unsensitive08:34
seb128should be easy to fix08:34
* seb128 adds to the list of cleanups08:34
didrocksdo you want to do more changes? :)08:34
seb128that week poking at ubiquity made me want to clean some things at least while I'm looking at it08:34
seb128not for release :p08:35
seb128but for +1 or .1008:35
seb128.1 or .1008:35
didrocksyeah ;)08:35
didrocksplease provide your testing feedback here ^08:35
seb128installation is still ongoing but almost there08:36
jibelah what does not work is to select english in ubiquity-dm then boot to the live session and select french08:37
jibel"doesn't work" is arguable08:37
Laneythis RequestReboot thing got broken basically?08:38
didrockswas never working rather :p08:38
didrocks1. the code was never executed as lacking correct DBUS_ address08:39
didrocks2. now that it executes, the code is broken in ubiquity: you don't call a method on a dbus proxy, but need using the interface08:39
didrocks3. the RequestReboot() and RequestShutdown() are broken (not wired up) in gnome-session08:39
didrocksunsure since then those methods don't work08:39
Laneyok, well these days you can use logind for that anyway08:40
Laneyso don't need to fix 308:40
Laney(and that's on the system bus ^_^)08:41
seb128Laney, we should, codesearch.debian shows that there are a bunch of users of that API08:41
seb128and there might be third party code/admin scripts08:42
seb128we should fix/get those commited upstream imho08:43
Laneyhow can things be using it in debian?08:43
seb128Laney, https://sources.debian.org/src/italc/1:3.0.3+dfsg1-3/ica/src/LocalSystemIca.cpp/?hl=193#L19308:45
Laneythe patch isn't there08:46
seb128Laney, I'm unsure what type of answer you want from me?08:46
seb128but it exists in Ubuntu and maybe it's enough for some upstream to have started using it?08:46
seb128well I don't know08:46
Laneyah whatever, if you want to fix it just do it08:46
seb128it's probably not important, i'm trying to see if upstream maybe wants it08:48
seb128I would feel better not removing an API that existed if it's easy to keep for compatibility reasons08:48
seb128but no big deal either way08:48
Laneydidrocks: any reason to keep the code rather than just adding an XXX: this should use logind comment?08:51
Laneydoesn't *really* matter, but we could avoid a bit of dbus traffic08:52
didrocksLaney: we decided to restore it, but we can later rather switch to logind08:53
didrocksLaney: I don't think that matters, whoever is going to change it afterwards will pick the best decision IMHO08:54
Laneybut now we're doing a GetNameOwner that we ignore the result of08:54
seb128we have a mp ready/up for merging/tested in live and -dm mode08:54
seb128so depends how much you want to delay landing/respin I guess08:54
seb128either way it doesn't matter much08:55
Laneythis isn't a nice way to approach reviews08:55
seb128that was stating the situation08:55
seb128we can tweak/restest which delays a bit08:55
seb128or we can merge than, land and line up another mp to be merged directly on friday08:56
seb128it's up to you as a r-t member to tell us what is best from those who handle the isos respsins perspective08:56
seb128I don't think anyone is being unreasonable?08:56
Laneyok it sounded like you were saying "ship this thing, making us change it is busy work"08:57
seb128no, sorry it sounded like that08:57
seb128I'm fine doing the change, now or post respin/release is your call08:57
jibelI don't mind retesting if you change it now. It'd delay the merge by 1h or so08:58
seb128right, same08:59
seb128time to write the change and retest should burn 1 or 2 hours08:59
seb128so r-t call08:59
seb128I'm moving location, back in 7-8 minutes09:00
jibeldidrocks, can you update your mp to drop the broken code completely? I don't think 1h or 2 impacts the release much09:02
didrocksok, we decided against it to revive it later on, but fine…09:03
didrocksI don't see what it gives us TBH09:03
didrocksbut meh09:03
didrocksok, removing the dbus import completely thus09:05
didrocksLaney: jibel: pushed to lp:~didrocks/ubiquity/fix-crash-on-reboot, need retesting09:07
jibelthanks, retesting09:08
didrocksdoing it on live09:08
didrocksLaney: helping as well retesting?09:08
didrocksseb128: so, pushed code removal, need retesting, jibel is doing it, I'm doing on the live and ask Laney for helping as well09:10
seb128didrocks, sounds good, thanks09:11
seb128that way everyone is happy :)09:11
didrocksand ubiquity crashed…09:13
seb128one change too much?09:14
didrockswell, I removed the unused now dbus import09:14
seb128just delete the09:14
seb128        try:09:14
seb128            session = dbus.Bus.get_session()09:14
seb128            gnome_session = session.name_has_owner('org.gnome.SessionManager')09:14
didrocksbecause I'm sure then someone will come and say "we import something not used in that file"09:14
didrocksmaybe the mainloop binding was only done by that file09:15
seb128from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop is the mainloop one09:15
seb128what's the error?09:15
didrocksI don't have a traceback09:15
didrocksjust a regular segfault09:15
didrocksso, let's readd the mainloop09:16
jibeldidrocks, when did it crahs?09:16
didrocksjibel: after partionning09:16
Trevinhooh hey guys09:16
didrocksnot for you?09:16
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?09:17
jibelbe patient, the iso is still building ...09:17
didrocksjibel: well, I can reliably crash it09:17
didrocksanyway, I'm readding the mainloop, if someone then wants to do that in the correct file calling dbus, he can, ensuring there is no impact on flavors09:17
seb128nothing in the journal?09:17
didrocksavril 25 11:16:55 ubuntu kernel: traps: ubiquity[8130] trap int3 ip:7f30e9c67c41 sp:7fff937d7f20 error09:18
seb128right, let's stick to the minimum09:18
seb128delete try: snippet09:18
didrocksthe minimum would be to not remove the call09:18
seb128to remove the get_session09:18
didrocksbut meh09:18
seb128well, removing that call makes L_aney happy09:18
seb128and shouldn't create an issue?09:18
didrockswill see09:18
seb128what did you delete exactly in the buggy version?09:19
seb128just the import dbus?09:19
seb128or also the DBusGMainLoop bits?09:19
didrockswell, you need to delete as it's from the dbus import09:19
didrocksI guess that binding shouldbe done where dbus is called09:19
didrockswhich it isn't anymore on that file09:20
seb128k, I guess that's needed09:20
seb128too much change indeed09:20
didrocksbut as said, that's enough for me, let's readd it09:20
seb128let's stick to the minimal bits09:20
seb128we can do better cleanups next cycle09:20
didrocksif r-t wants to argue that's an uneeded import, they will figure out where adding it back09:20
seb128"we" being whoever works on the installer09:20
seb128I don't think it's going to be an issue09:20
seb128let's just do that09:20
didrocksthere are 23 FIXME in the installer09:20
seb128seems it's a middle ground that makes everyone happy09:21
didrockspushed a new rev09:22
didrocksplease test09:22
* didrocks does as well09:22
Laneydon't see it09:23
Laneyto be clear, I didn't say that having a FIXME is bad, in fact I said "rather than just adding an XXX: this should use logind comment"09:24
didrocksLaney: refresh09:24
didrocksat least, we won't have divergent code path anymore, just one09:25
Trevinhoseb128: good... Sorry, speaking with Jonas, as we were discussing about one crash fix, and we just landed it :)09:27
Trevinhoseb128: so far I think the shell reports are basically reduced to low volumes on e.u.c09:28
didrockswhat? another ubiquity crash…09:28
didrockswith http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D7VnTnTqHM/09:28
didrocksnice, unpacking and apport-unpack crashes09:30
seb128Trevinho, great work Marco!09:30
seb128didrocks, code diff looks fine, I'm unsure09:33
didrocksI don't know as well09:33
seb128jibel, Laney, can you test didrocks change and see if it creates issues for you as well?09:33
didrocksok, at least, there is the previous rev which was tested and working09:33
didrocksnot sure about that one, I'll let you test as it's obviously crashing here09:33
seb128I need to step out again for early lunch today, I'm back around 1pm and can help again then09:34
didrocksme too09:34
seb128k, so let's call that an early french lunch09:34
seb128hopefully Laney is able to test by the time we are back09:34
didrocksyeah ;)09:34
didrocksbbl! ++09:34
Laneyyes I'm checking it, no worries09:36
willcooketrain wifi = 15 kbps09:37
willcookeseb128, I'm seeing g-i-s segfault when I use the quit menu suddenly.  Could be related to slow network09:38
willcookeWill test more in the office09:38
Mirvah, here's where the fix is happening09:48
jibelseb128, on it. I removed the dbus import to make pep8 happy10:01
Laneyjibel: nein10:02
Laneythey were worried that's required for some reason10:02
LaneyI'll add an assert to shut pyflakes up10:02
Laneyok we just did a live and a DM install, no crash10:16
Laneygoing to merge/upload10:16
jibelsame here10:22
jibelno crash10:22
Laneyadam's approving it10:24
popeydidrocks: https://twitter.com/itsfoss2/status/98907606473445785710:49
popeyis this known?10:49
willcookeWorks here10:58
willcookeah, suggestion on that tweet that it's people upgrading from 16.0411:08
willcookewhich, erm, does not compute11:08
seb128Laney, jibel, great, thanks11:16
seb128willcooke, Laney, didrocks, btw I wonder if the fact that we go through that "hackish" reboot of killing xorg and doing a "sudo reboot" could be on of the reason reboot is not reliable, it might be better/resolve those issues once we use the proper logind API (but for .1 at this point)11:21
willcookexnox is looking at my test machine right now to see why the live session isnt rebooting11:23
seb128k, good11:23
seb128there is an issue there for sure11:23
seb128but it doesn't help we do things the hackish way, our issue from the morning is that we discovered that the "proper way" has never been working11:24
seb128fixing the env issues for gsettings/screen reader made it success to contact the session service and start using the "better codepath" which turned out to be buggy11:24
seb128popey, not a known issue afaik and a tweet is not a proper bug report, we can't do much from that11:25
kenvandineyeah, the tweet doesn't actually say what doesn't work11:27
seb128my bet is that it's rather something like https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/22711:28
ubot5-ngGNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 9) [Opened]11:29
ubot5`Error: Gnome bug 227 could not be found11:29
seb128Trevinho, ^ didn't you teach the bot about those?11:29
seb128"Login fails when preceded by incorrect password"11:29
didrockspopey: it works hereon 18.04, lack details? I don't see anything wrong on the screenshot. Snaps app will be transparent, but I think you saw that one on the forum (and due to snapd not having proper theme support)11:32
willcooke@ tweet - I replied and asked for more info11:33
ubot5-ngwillcooke: Error: "tweet" is not a valid command.11:33
didrockskeep me posted11:35
seb128kenvandine, did you get any news from jamesh about those gnome-software segfaults bugs?11:39
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
popeydidrocks: seb128 i have just uprgaded a vm from 16.04 to 18.04 and install the theme snap then logged out/in and it works, and the original session works too12:06
didrocksphew ;)12:06
willcookethanks popey12:15
kenvandinedidrocks, GTK_THEME=Communitheme /snap/bin/gedit12:18
kenvandinedidrocks, seems like i'm just getting Adwaita?12:18
kenvandinedo i have to login with the communitheme session?12:19
didrockskenvandine: you have to login with communitheme session12:21
didrocksit's in a snap path, not a standard one :)12:21
didrocksas snapd doesn't have theme support for the platform12:21
kenvandinedidrocks, even with the interface connected?12:22
kenvandinewith gtk-common-themes12:22
didrockskenvandine: ah, indeed, shouldn't be relevant. hum, I don't know oh you implemented the theme plug, maybe a bug in it?12:22
didrockstry with another theme shipped by gtk-common-themes, maybe?12:22
kenvandineother themes work12:23
didrocksweird, do you have any log/strace ?12:23
didrocksI don't see why this would be any different12:23
seb128look if the theme is available under /usr/share/themes/<name> in the snap env?12:23
=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion
kenvandineoh, it's working for themes provided by the platform snap :)12:25
kenvandine    target: $SNAP/share/themes12:25
kenvandineperhaps the target should be $SNAP/usr/share/themes12:25
didrocksah, so not with the ones from gtk-common-themes?12:25
kenvandineit's in both :)12:25
didrocksI guess you will remove the ones from the platform snap soon and only rely on gtk-common-themes?12:25
kenvandineif i choose EvoPop it doesn't work either12:25
didrocksok, at least, that explains the difference on behavior :)12:26
kenvandinedidrocks, i won't remove it from gnome-3-26-160412:26
kenvandinebut maybe 180412:26
kenvandineok, changing the target fixed it12:28
didrockskenvandine: do you plan to do a post on community.ubuntu.com once published post-release with some examples on how to install/connect manually until we get autodownload support?12:35
willcookedidrocks, what's a good screenshot to show off spice vd agent?12:37
kenvandinedidrocks, i'd rather just get the auto-connect ack'd before releasing these to stable12:37
didrockskenvandine: yeah, then you only publish the installation instruction12:41
didrockswillcooke: not sure to get you, spice vdagent is nothing graphical…12:41
didrocksupstream homepage is https://www.spice-space.org/12:41
willcookere: communitheme "bug":  """I used fresh installations in dual boot with Win 10. Installed communitheme snap apps. Restarted and at login when Comunnitheme session is selected, and login is presses, it stucks there."""12:43
seb128would need to report a bug with the journal log12:44
seb128it could be https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/22712:44
ubot5-ngGNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 9) [Opened]12:44
ubot5`Error: Gnome bug 227 could not be found12:44
seb128you can ask if it does it after a first login on reboot12:44
willcookeseb128, done12:46
sil2100tkamppeter: hey! Is LP: #1721839 still an issue on bionic?12:59
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1721839 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[REGRESSION] Services asked for by UDEV do not get triggered" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172183912:59
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
ads20000kenvandine: I can only see up to 13:00 but on lack of autodownload for the gnome content snap, we could get autoconnect but aiui autodownload still isn't a thing? So people need to know to install the relevant GNOME content snap when they install a GNOME app snap?13:16
ads20000Since they won't have the GNOME content snap if upgrading from an earlier release?13:16
kenvandineads20000, that's for the refresh case13:16
kenvandinefor install it will auto-download13:17
ads20000Oh nice I didn't know that was a thing13:17
kenvandinebut it doesn't work for refresh13:17
ads20000I'm guessing the snapd team are on it?13:17
seb128Laney, thanks for debugging that g-s not starting after a wrong login issue13:31
ads20000Yes thank you!!! <313:36
willcookeanyone got any thunderbolt devices to show bolt doing its thing?13:38
jbichawillcooke: we didn't land the gnome-control-center GUI yet so there's not a lot to see13:41
jbichaI think I very briefly see the activity indicator when logging in. I believe my computer support Thunderbolt but I don't have any devices to plug in13:42
jbichasee also https://christian.kellner.me/2018/04/23/the-state-of-thunderbolt-3-in-fedora-28/13:42
willcookethanks jbicha, I'll leave that for now then13:46
seb128jbicha, the panel is not needed, the important part is that the shell prompt you to auth the device so it can be used13:49
seb128the panel only let you revisit those permissions later13:49
seb128which you can do from the cli13:49
Laneyseb128: np, didn't really understand it tho but maybe Ray will get a clue from the log13:51
seb128Laney, right, he seemed interested so it's good that we provide at least the info he asked for13:52
jbichawillcooke: feel free to crop https://bicha.net/i/bionic-bolt.png13:52
seb128jbicha, so you are not getting the auth prompt?13:54
seb128that's the important part :/13:54
jbichaseb128: unless you guys want me to go to the store and buy a device…13:54
seb128jbicha, k, you mean you didn't actual test it with a device, that makes sense :)13:55
seb128ah you said that earlier :/13:55
seb128sorry I didn't read/register that part13:55
jbichanp :)13:55
seb128hum, we still get some reports of the gnome-menus/trigger loop issue :/14:45
jibelseb128, bug # ?14:49
seb128jibel, bug #176689014:49
ubot5`bug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176689014:49
seb128we have some others like bug #1764078 but they seems 17.10 issues14:51
ubot5`bug 1764078 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176407814:51
seb128yeah, the other ones in the list are 17.1014:51
jibelI didn't find a way to reproduce it anymore14:53
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seb128have a nice evening desktopers16:28
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
Laneybye seb128!16:29
willcookesee ya seb12816:29
didrockssame seb12816:33
ads20000I think I just triggered bug 1766137 by logging out, changing the session to Ubuntu with communitheme snap (non-Wayland), then logging in again (without an incorrect password). Idk if that's reproducible though16:53
ubot5`bug 1766137 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Password accepted but login fails (blank purple screen and mouse pointer only)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176613716:53
kenvandinejdstrand, did you see the auto-connect request for themes?  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-of-gtk3-themes-icon-themes-and-sound-themes-interfaces/511818:04
jdstrandkenvandine: I did and will circle back around to it. note, there is a one week voting period so it isn't late yet18:08
kenvandinejdstrand, thx18:08
kenvandinejdstrand, any way we can fast track that?  i've gotten updates to all the gnome snaps in candidate that add those and it would be nice if users installing those snaps on their shiny new 18.04 install get them connected18:09
=== fossfree- is now known as fossfreedom
jbichawillcooke: I'm looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Desktop do we still have an issue with the User panel in Settings being slow sometimes?19:26
willcookejbicha, lemme check, but I think that's fine now19:28
willcookebah, machine test b0rked19:35
willcookeyeah, I'm sure it's fixed19:35
willcookeIt works on my 17.10 machine, and it didnt used to19:35
willcookeI think that can be dropped19:35
willcookegotta go and check in19:37
jdstrandkenvandine: done20:47

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