
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
PaulePanterapw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-base/+bug/176685111:22
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766851 in linux-base (Ubuntu) "Missing `linux-update-symlinks` causes Linux package installation to fail" [Undecided,New]11:22
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
cascardoPaulePanter: what were you trying to install that caused this?11:30
PaulePantercascardo: The Linux package.11:30
cascardowell, let me look at the bug first, duh11:30
cascardoah, so you are trying to install from a ppa11:31
cascardowell, we are in the process of upgrading linux-base on xenial, may not happen at all11:31
PaulePanterYes, it’s very handy for upstream testing.11:31
cascardoyeah, that should also be fixed to be a versioned depends on linux-base11:31
cascardoso apt won't even give you the option to install it, unless you upgrade linux-base too11:32
cascardoand, then, we either need to push that latest linux-base to that ppa, or just remove xenial from the ppa11:32
cascardoPaulePanter: or are you just downloading the deb packages and running dpkg?11:33
cascardooh, yeah, that's not a proper ppa, and it says it's built for unstable11:34
cascardowell, let's see if that latest linux-base lands on xenial11:34
PaulePantercascardo: Yes, I am downloading the packages manually and install them using `dpkg`.11:36
PaulePantercascardo: There are a lot of guides, advising to do this for Ubuntu 16.04.3, and many upstream Linux kernel developers suggest that too.11:36
PaulePantercascardo: It’d be really good to keep this working in
leitaoHi. I see kernel -20 just made on Bionic, but I do not see linux-image-extra for ppc64el. I.e, I can find linux-image-4.15.0-20-generic but not linux-image-extra-4.15.0-20-generic16:08
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I'm having some problems compiling a kernel I just cloned from git16:09
_UsUrPeR_ specifically this git: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/unstable.git/16:09
_UsUrPeR_ error is showing ./scripts/ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one: No such file or directory16:09
_UsUrPeR_ full build make-kpgk verbose output is here: https://paste.ee/p/erWzI16:09
_UsUrPeR_just got booted over here from #kernel and #ubuntu16:09
_UsUrPeR_what's up with retpoline-extract16:09
cascardoleitao: it's now called linux-modules-extra16:20
_UsUrPeR_oh man! Life!16:20
* _UsUrPeR_ waves at cascardo16:21
_UsUrPeR_any ideas about my compiling issue above?16:21
leitaocascardo, Ah, it just changed the name.16:21
_UsUrPeR_I just went through a patching process to work out a DRI kernel bug, and can't compile the master branch from ubuntu/unstable16:21
cascardoleitao: you should use the meta packages :-)16:21
leitaocascardo, what meta packages exactly?16:22
cascardoleitao: linux-generic, or linux-image-generic16:23
cascardolinux-image-generic depends on the right linux-image and linux-modules-extra16:23
cascardo_UsUrPeR_: may you can try the "mainline" builds, there are even build for drm-next16:25
leitaocascardo, I have the impression it does not work well when doing development16:25
cascardoI never built ubuntu kernels with make-kpkg, so can't help with using that tool16:25
cascardoleitao: anything we could help about that?16:26
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, to be honest, I don't care which tool I use to make the image. `make` also fails16:27
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, so you're suggesting I use the drm-next source instead?16:28
leitaocascardo, no. The question was answered properly, so, I will pass this change to the teams. Thank you!16:28
_UsUrPeR_I mean, it looks like just this one script is failinf as it's referenced by purgatory.o16:29
_UsUrPeR_I do need to compile this though - I need to include the amdgpu.dc module in the kernel16:30
cascardo_UsUrPeR_: you should find the script on debian/scripts/16:33
_UsUrPeR_humm. You're correct. It'16:34
_UsUrPeR_It's showing as it should have downloaded with git clone16:35
cascardo_UsUrPeR_: debian/rules copies it to the place where it's looked at16:35
_UsUrPeR_http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/unstable.git/tree/debian/scripts shows it in the directory16:35
cascardonow, if you are not using the debian/rules from ubuntu tree, certainly things might fail16:35
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, okay, I must have forgotten something here, because I had thought that a `git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/unstable.git` would download the entire master git repo. What did I biff up in order to cause this problem when clining?16:37
_UsUrPeR_err *cloning16:37
cascardo_UsUrPeR_: are you assuming you don't have it in your tree because the build failed?16:38
cascardoas I said, ./scripts/ubuntu-retpoline-extract-one is not in the tree, but is copied from ./debian/scripts/retpoline-extract-one on debian/rules16:39
cascardoso, unless you are using the debian/rules from the tree, you are doomed to have a failed build16:39
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, no. It's definitely not in my tree. results of ls -alh debian/scripts/ --> https://paste.ee/p/U0Vbc16:39
cascardogit rev-parse HEAD16:40
_UsUrPeR_`git rev-parse HEAD` results 8a197d73746fe273bc5b38ab64f270a1370cfa8a16:41
_UsUrPeR_ls -al scripts/ results -> https://paste.ee/p/KFuDf16:41
cascardogit diff HEAD debian/scripts/16:42
cascardoI guess make-kpkg might just have written all over the debian/ dir16:44
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, that results in a lot of missing files. results --> https://paste.ee/p/68Htp16:44
cascardowell, I suggest you commit the changes you care about, reset the tree, and do not use make-kpkg16:45
cascardouse make-kpkg only with non-ubuntu non-debian kernels16:45
cascardoor better, only upstream kernels16:45
_UsUrPeR_cascardo, okay, no problem. I've already created patches for the files I'd made changes to. This is pursuant to an open bug I've been working here: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10615916:46
ubot5`Freedesktop bug 106159 in DRM/AMDgpu "When connecting or disconnecting a displayport to a DP hub with 4.16.2+ kernel, hard freeze with frozen video output" [Normal,New]16:46
_UsUrPeR_I just want to make sure that the amdgpu implementation is working for stable releases. I am wholly unused to using anything above vanilla kernels. That's probably quite apparent at this point16:47
_UsUrPeR_yep. Looks like make-kpkg really messed everything up. git-reset --hard worked for me16:50
_UsUrPeR_thanks cascardo. I appreciate the help.16:50
cascardo_UsUrPeR_: yw16:52
_UsUrPeR_there we go16:54
_UsUrPeR_still had to copy the script from debian/scripts to scripts/ , but it's going now.16:55
* _UsUrPeR_ goes to lunch ^_^16:55
pcdHey, I discovered a somewhat serious issue; systemtap 3.1-3 (the version currently available in bionic/universe)  doesn't work in 18.04. The bug is filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemtap/+bug/1766754 , but I was wondering what the turnaround time on something like this would be.17:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1766754 in systemtap (Ubuntu) "Linux kernel > 4.14 requires systemtap 3.2" [Undecided,New]17:23
tyhickspcd: hello - it is difficult to give a turnaround time since we don't know the extent of the issues. The Debian bug report mentions that they had trouble packaging the new version of systemtap so that complicates things.17:42
pcdtyhicks: alright, thanks for taking a look at it. Do I need to talk to the debian packagers to see if they need help getting it packaged, or is there someone else I should talk to?17:45
tyhickspcd: sit tight for a few minutes while I look at something17:48
pcdtyhicks: will do, thanks!17:49
tyhickspcd: the two patches mentioned in the debian bug cherry pick cleanly to the version of systemtap that's in bionic right now17:57
tyhickspcd: I'm doing a quick local build to see if systemtap will build with those patches applied and, if so, I'll upload it to a PPA and ask you to see if it works17:58
tyhickspcd: keep on eye on the build in this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~tyhicks/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+packages18:06
tyhickspcd: once it finishes, the spinning clock icon will turn into a checkmark and then you can download the binary packages and give them a try18:07
tyhicks(it successfully built locally for me)18:07
pcdtyhicks: Awesome, will do18:07
tyhickspcd: I'm going to leave a pointer in the bug report. If you need to drop off IRC before you can test, just follow up with me in the bug report18:08
pcdCan do, thanks again18:09
tyhicksthank you for your willingness to test18:11
pcdtyhicks: that did it! Sample systemtap script loaded and ran successfully18:16
tyhickspcd: nice! do you have any others that you can try?18:18
pcdI'm mostly pulling random samples from the internet; I'm new to playing in the linux kernel, was trying to get a feel for the debugging tools available when I ran into this18:18
pcdbut I can try a few more18:19
pcdYeah, a couple of other scripts compiled and ran, and produced sensible looking output18:20
tyhickspcd: ok, I'll start the SRU process when I get a bit of free time today18:21
tyhickspcd: you'll likely be asked to verify the SRU in the bug report so keep an eye out for that18:21
pcdtyhicks: will do18:21
tyhickspcd: the version of the new package will be greater than the version of the test package in my ppa so it'll upgrade cleanly for you18:22
pcdSounds good18:23
pcdthanks again for your help18:23
tyhickspcd: the updated systemtap will be released (probably within the hour) before Ubuntu 18.04 itself is released tomorrow21:55
tyhickspcd: there's nothing else for you to do21:55
tyhickspcd: thanks again for your help21:55
pcdtyhicks: Glad to hear it :) Happy to help22:18
vleeWill Ubuntu provide an Extended Stable -ckt tree for 4.15 kernel?22:56

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