
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
=== Morpheus is now known as Guest74456
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
Nlght3lfhi there00:56
Nlght3lfNOBODY, ANYBODY?01:12
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
mate|73444Hello. Just installed 18.04 . There is no way to change the size of the Mutiny panel to be smaller. HELP?02:54
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
DullTubeyo, does anyone else have problems with desktop freezing on 18.04 MATE when clicking the keyboard layout icon?07:06
alkisgDullTube: I had that a couple of months ago07:27
alkisgIt was cause by mate-hud, but I uninstalled it so I don't know if it's fixed or not07:27
alkisgWimpress: apparently not? ^07:27
WimpressDullTube: Which keyboard layout icon?07:33
DullTubeI was doing this in live boot from USB. Opened up the keyboard layouts settings window via menu, added my own layout (Slovene), moved it to top, removed the English (US) one and closed the window. Next I clicked the keyboard icon on the top right of the screen to change the layout, as it was apparently still set to en-us, and a small blank white window opened below it + desktop became fully unresponsive.07:35
DullTube18.04 Mate07:35
DullTubehmm, odd. I can't reproduce it any more.08:19
erle-how do I disable automatic screen lock in 18.04?08:41
erle-all the settings seem to have no effect08:41
enycdo all ubuntu official variants get reelased at the same day, tomorrow?09:23
erle-enyc, probably, but to be sure you should ask the variant you are interested in09:24
enycerle-: mate, budgie, xubuntu ... in this case what is the story with ubuntu-mate release?09:25
erle-Why are you asking some random person like me?09:28
enycerle-: you responsded, in the ebuntu-mate channel...  im responding to you in here.  i accept you (might) not know, somebody else can answer!09:33
wlan2So I am experiencing something like nothing before: everything goes to system default locale even though I tried to set user-specific locale.13:49
wlan2I recently installed ubuntu-server 18.04 and all the mate metapackages I could think of. Not only my menu shows the gnome foot instead of mate's logo, but all language preferences are set to Spanish (system default) instead of Catalan (user configured through "language support"). I even tried adding LC_ALL=ca_ES.UTF-8 to my .bashrc to no avail.13:54
TaZeRwlan2: are you using some custom login scripts or anything like that? sounds like your session is inheriting some unwanted environment variables14:01
wlan2TaZeR: I'm logging from a tty, my only custom        line in .bashrc is "LC_ALL=ca_ES.UTF-8" (I just noticed I forgot to prepend export), and .xinitrc is  "/usr/lib/vino/vino-server &; mate-session"14:05
wlan2I don't use a session manager.14:06
wlan2I just login in the terminal, startx, and go back with a computer that actually has a monitor.14:07
wlan2I was able to change locale in a terminal by       just export LC_ALL=ca_ES.UTF-8, but that's no real fix.14:19
carl_Hi guys I am trying mate, I like it but I cannot find the touchpad setting, there is just the mouse setting, do you know why of this problem? solutions?20:30

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