
mamarleyricotz: On a whim I decided to try NVIDIA 396 with xorg 1.20-RC5 and it almost works.  It doesn't even complain about ABI mismatch, but for some reason the GLX module fails to load.10:25
ricotzmamarley, hmm, a new xserver release without ABI breaks doesn't sound right11:38
tjaaltonare you sure it doesn't already support the abi?11:38
mamarleyricotz: 1.20 does go from ABI 23 to 24 (and trying to run it with NVIDIA 390 does make an ABI warning).11:38
mamarleyBut with both drivers, the GLX module fails to load (it says something about too many errors, despite no errors having been printed in the X log).11:39
ricotztjaalton, hmm, I thought the last bump was for 1.19, but yeah, abi 24 is for 1.20 which doesn't mean they broke/finalized it last minute ;)11:42
mamarleyI'm curious as to why the GLX module fails to load if the ABI is supported though.11:43
ricotz(the bump to abi 24 was done over a year ago)11:43
ricotz(so don't take this number check for evidence)11:45
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