
aaaayuuHello, questions concerning repository and updates to wireshark00:12
aaaayuuAbout two months ago I noticed wireshark was upgraded and is now using 2.9 fromthe original 2.4.5, I have found that unless I delete all ppa's I cannot keep 2.4.5 from being upgraded to 2.9. Understand, 2.9 does not support geoip whereas 2.4.5 does.00:15
aaaayuuHas this issue been adressed or does anyone have a resolution for this issue?00:16
vivusaaaayuu: shouldn't this be for #wireshark ?00:17
aaaayuuno, wireshark works just fine. The repository is where the issue resides00:18
krytarikSome random PPAs you've got there, yes.00:18
vivusit cant be "all PPAs", it's just a wireshark PPA00:19
aaaayuuSay again. canonical or ubuntu repository upgraded wireshark to 2.9 from 2.4.5 thus losing geoip capability00:20
aaaayuudon't know which or both  but searching for solution Ws 2.9 is now dedicated to xenial00:21
aaaayuucorrect, not all ppa, thid parties had no affect, though with wireshark ppa and ubuntu /cannonical ppas still auto upgraded to 2.900:22
vivusthe bump to 2.9 must be for security reasons otherwise such a bump would not happen on 16.0400:23
krytarik!info wireshark xenial00:24
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - meta-package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.6+g32dac6a-2ubuntu0.16.04 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 58 kB00:24
krytarik!info wireshark00:24
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - meta-package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (artful), package size 4 kB, installed size 53 kB00:24
RoadRunnervivus: no, BIOS definately finiched POST; this was the very first screen of the liveCD boot. 1 - lead to the Welcome screen with choices to try or install and 2 - timed out and terminated. But I would like to know what the actual text for each of those choices said.00:27
RoadRunnerAlso, pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 after boot from live cd gets into terminal with request to log in: what login and pswd works for Xubuntu?00:31
aaaayuuthank you vivus, krytarik, coulld not find changelog affecting wireshark or why it auto upgrades to 2.9 / trial use Bionic beaver now has 2.4 with geoip. Will probably transfer when auth release00:39
RoadRunnerie: what are the default login and password for Xubuntu's LiveCD?00:52
Unit193xubuntu/blank, iirc.00:53
=== bungholio is now known as BionicMac
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
leighHi. I have just updated 18.04 and on reboot just get a black screen with no GRUB. Worryingly I also cant enter BIOS using F2 key on boot on my ASUS x550 laptop. Any ideas?08:56
enycdo all ubuntu official variants get reelased at the same day, tomorrow?09:23
=== chmurifr- is now known as chmurifree
=== Potatoes is now known as habbasi
p01nt3rhello, is this also the support-chat for chaletos (what basically is xubuntu)?19:02
flocculantno it isn't - talk to chaletos whatever that is for support19:04
akxwi-davetry here  https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/10863094316993245650319:04
p01nt3rthank you19:18
wojtassshi guys i have a question, because I have two network manager on top panel19:38
wojtasssok, never mind, i fix it19:39
wojtasss*I have fixed it19:40

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