
=== Lengsdorfer_ is now known as Lengsdorfer
ChunkzZso are we set for LXQt with 18.04?12:36
JohnDoe_71Ruscongratulations with the release13:02
ChunkzZno one? :(16:14
Banzui'm chatting from my macbook 1,1 with lubuntu!19:17
Banzuwhat a witchery :D19:17
ChunkzZdiogenes_: I asked if lxqt is coming with 18.04...19:46
JohnDoe_71Rusyou can install lxqt at any time19:47
ChunkzZJohnDoe_71Rus: that isn't an answer to my question...19:48
Banzuwhat is a light youtube browser?19:48
JohnDoe_71Rusmpv+ some script19:48
diogenes_ChunkzZ, let it be a surprise for you :)19:50
JohnDoe_71Rusor mplayer19:50
diogenes_Banzu, there is smtube too19:50
Banzui'm trying to understand if this laptop is powerful enough to browse youtube19:52
Banzuit's too slow for plex unfortunately19:52
diogenes_Banzu, you could make your own youtube application with nativefier <=== awesome piece of software19:53
Banzui'll check nativefier19:54
Banzui don't have nativefier in my repositories19:55
diogenes_grab it from github19:56
Banzudiogenes_, are you really suggesting me to wrap youtube in an electron app for my potato laptop?19:59
ChunkzZdiogenes_: lol I've been waiting since 16.04 :(19:59
Banzui'll certainly install nativefier on my main laptop, but on this macbook 1,1 i need to squeeze every bit19:59
Banzui have just 2gb of ram20:00
diogenes_hehe ok ok then smtube should work20:00
ChunkzZ2gb is plenty enough20:00
Banzufor electron?20:01
diogenes_could be for electron as well20:03
Banzusmtube + mpv + youtube-dl works!20:05
Banzui just noticed I just have one speaker active20:05
Banzucould be busted20:05
Banzui'm installing some games from steam to check the power of this beast20:11
JohnDoe_71RusBanzu: then i use iBook G4 many years ago, i remember game Nanosaur20:15
Banzuwas it good?20:17
JohnDoe_71Ruswas great! fly pterodactil with rocket launcher20:22
Banzutime to go20:38
Banzuthanks for the help!20:39
ChunkzZSo, LXQt or nah?21:18
ChunkzZI'm not at my PC so can't check :(21:18
krabadorso, come on people, what's new on lubuntu 18.04 !22:10
lubot2<tsimonq2> Be patient. I'll do the announcement when I land in Seattle. :)22:12
krabadorlubuntu 18.04 - the seattle affair.22:17

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