
mupPR snapcraft#2106 closed: nodejs plugin: lazy load the required tarballs <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2106>00:02
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mupPR snapcraft#2100 closed: build_providers: new build provider using multipass <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2100>01:51
mupPR snapcraft#2107 opened: Release changelog for 2.42 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2107>02:09
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sergiusensdiddledan: if you can add notes to the PR and confirm it working it would be great02:31
mupPR snapd#5102 opened: tests: new utility to save and restore the snap state <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5102>02:34
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zygagood morning05:12
mborzeckizyga: hey05:12
zygamborzecki: I sent a few extra trivial PRs05:33
zygamborzecki: could you please look at them, they have a few lines to a few dozen at most05:33
mupPR snapd#5101 closed: testutil: don't dot-import check.v1 <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5101>05:57
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygaI feel great today, hopefully this will be a good day for coding :-)06:12
mupPR snapd#5099 closed: testutil: rename UNMOUNT_NOFOLLOW to umountNoFollow <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5099>06:15
mborzeckithe tests are shellcheck clean now06:19
mborzecki249 files changed, 1338 insertions(+), 797 deletions(-)06:20
mupPR snapd#5086 closed: osutil,interfaces,cmd: use fewer hardcoded strings <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5086>06:20
zygaSend the patches!06:20
mborzeckiit's all here now https://github.com/bboozzoo/snapd/commits/bboozzoo/spread-shellcheck i need to chop the last patch into smaller, reviewable pieces06:21
zygaUse things that qualify for simple :-)06:23
mborzeckiok, i need to go out for 2-3h now, will be back ~1106:25
ogra_`/join #ubuntu-release-party06:53
mupPR snapd#5100 closed: testutil: document all fake syscall/os functions <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5100>07:07
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Chipacazyga: I think I addressed your concerns with #498308:08
mupPR #4983: osutil/sys, client: add sys.RunAsUidGid, use it for auth.json <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4983>08:08
zygaChipaca: done08:26
zygaChipaca: do you want to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/508108:27
mupPR #5081: interfaces/apparmor: add chopTree <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081>08:27
zygaI could use it to propose the fix for the 1st layout issue08:27
Chipacazyga: ok,  question time08:31
zygaI'm all ears08:31
Chipacazyga: in /foo/bar/froz with depth 208:31
Chipacazyga: see the doctor about that08:31
Chipacazyga: why is 'right' /foo/bar/{*,*/,froz} rw ?08:31
Chipacawhy even have froz there if you have *?08:31
zygathat's just simplicity, yes, we could special case that last part08:32
zygasince froz is covered by * and froz/ (if it was a directory) would be covered by */08:32
Chipacazyga: ok, how about, in /foo/bar/baz/froz with depth 208:32
Chipacazyga: would right be /foo/bar/{*,*/,baz/froz} rw ?08:33
zygait would be, /foo/bar/{*,*,baz/{*,*/,froz}08:33
zyga(the rw, part is separate so I will omit it)08:33
zygaah., I missed } above :)08:33
zygait would be, /foo/bar/{*,*,baz/{*,*/,froz}}08:33
zygait would be, /foo/bar/{*,*/,baz/{*,*/,froz}}08:34
Chipacazyga: I definitely don't understand then08:34
zygasorry, this one should be it :-D08:34
Chipacait seems the right-hand thing could always be omitted08:34
zygaomitted how?08:34
Chipacazyga: I don't remember if */ implies */* and  */*/08:35
zyga* is any file, */ is any directory08:35
Chipacazyga: but even if it doesn't, it seems just using *s always covers the explicit case08:35
zyga** implies any file and directory recursively forever08:35
Chipacazyga: i.e. /foo/bar/{*,*/,*/{*,*/}}08:36
Chipacawhat does adding the explicit names give you, that this doesn't?08:36
zygait hands out different permissions08:37
zyganote that this allows you to make /foo/bar/<any file or directory here but not deeper>08:37
zygaexpand the version as implemented08:37
zygaand the one with */,*08:37
Chipacazyga: so it's any file or directory along this path but not parallel to it08:37
Chipacaie /foo/bar/baz/froz at 2 would let you do /foo/bar/boo, /foo/bar/baz/boo, but not /foo/bar/meep/vorp08:38
zygayou can do /foo/bar/<anything here but not deeper> yes08:39
zygait's an abbreviation of multi-line variant of that08:39
zygaI wanted to avoid **08:39
zygawhich is like _anything_ flies08:39
Chipacazyga: what's the use case for it? when do you want to allow this and just this?08:40
zygafor writable mimics specifically08:40
Chipacazyga: also p.s. 'cnt' as a variable name reads wrong (just noticed) :-)08:40
zygacount :)08:40
Chipacamaybe i've just got a dirty mind :-)08:41
mupPR #5074: many: allow mimics in parents of layout <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5074>08:41
zygaChipaca: I will change it08:41
zygaChipaca: this is the consumer of that patch08:41
zyga(probably needs small rebase)08:41
zygalook at the writableMimicProfile there08:42
zygaChipaca: look at the test diff below08:42
zygait replaces a list of rules08:42
zygawith one rule that expands to that and then some08:43
Chipacazyga: I still don't get why you need * if you already know the name08:44
zygabecause it may be at any earlier stage08:44
zygaif we want to make a layout at /usr/share/magic/software08:44
zygabut magic isn't in the core snap08:45
zygawe need to construct a mimic at /usr/share08:45
zygaand this rule grants that08:45
zygaalso let's say magic exists but software doesnt08:45
zygathen we need to make one at /usr/share/magic08:45
zygathis is a generalised way to make those08:45
Chipacabut that would mean something like /usr/share/{,magic/{,software}}08:46
zygabut then you realise what is needed to make a mimic08:46
zygayou need to mount tmpfs on /usr/share08:46
zygathen make *any file or directory there*08:46
zygaand bind mount the originals back08:46
zygaso you need the * and */ rules08:46
Chipacazyga: yes08:46
Chipacazyga: thanks08:47
Chipacazyga: mostly +1, holding off the actual +1 because I think it needs more tests09:01
Chipacazyga: should be easy to add them though :-)09:01
zygaack, looking09:01
zygaThank you for looking, this is tricky stuff :)09:01
Chipacazyga: it is, and some of the tests I ask for are probably silly _today_ :-) but might help us at some point down the road09:02
mvozyga: I got a report about a "apparmor="DENIED" operation="change_onexec"09:46
mvoinfo="label not found" error=-2 profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine"" does that ring a bell? is that the "profiles vanish on boot" issue?09:46
mvochange profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory"09:46
zygathat or pre run-waits fix09:46
zygamvo: what more do you know?09:48
zygadid you experience that/09:48
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
mborzeckithat took longer than i anticipated09:54
mvozyga: I forwarded you a mail with all the info I have09:54
mvozyga: thank you!09:54
om26erpopey: hey! android-studio has 3400+ installs (and ever growing), impressive ?10:04
popeythats great!10:04
* ogra_` is surprised that mjpeg-streamer ha over 1000 already ... 10:05
om26erpopey: how is sublime doing ?10:05
popeyWe found that if we put an application in the featured list, it *always* jumps in userbase10:05
popeyom26er: over 4k!10:06
ogra_`i wouldnt have thought such a trivial tool can be so popular10:06
mvosergiusens: re 1764998> is corebird a sideloaded snap?10:06
om26erfor a tool like Android Studio that 3400+ is an impressive count, give that a few months and it'll surpass 10k10:07
sergiusensmvo: no, if you have the bug report I believe I added snap info for corebird, I still see the issue btw10:07
mvosergiusens: always with the same snap?10:08
mvosergiusens: or is thta random?10:08
sergiusensmvo: just that one10:08
mvosergiusens: and do you see any pattern? Like profiles vanish after auto-refresh ? or after boot? or anything?10:09
sergiusensmvo: certainly after reboot, not consistent10:11
tomwardillmvo, sergiusens: huh, that bug ticket and enable/disable just fixed my corebird. It's after reboot almost definitely for me, and sometimes after an app restart (maybe after a refresh while the app is open?)10:12
tomwardillI also only see it on that snap10:12
sergiusensmvo: this snap is feature packed with interfaces (including `content`)10:13
mvotomwardill, sergiusens thanks! that is useful information10:14
mvozyga: ^-- looks like a certain property of the snap makes it vanish10:15
mvozyga, sergiusens fwiw, I installed corebird and rebooted 5 times, so far so good, I suspect more needs to happen to trigger it, I need to run in a bit but will try to figure out more10:22
ogra_`sergiusens, bah ... whats that ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zWP3m9ktMx/10:27
ogra_`(the part is plainly using the make plugin, caring for the cross stuf on its own)10:28
ogra_`is there a way to override that ?10:28
zygasergiusens: can you install this unit on your sytem10:36
zygalp-1764998.service https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/GU7D0QRT/10:36
zygain case it happens again10:36
zygamvo: ^10:37
mvozyga: nice!10:37
zygajournald contains the output so we can inspect it later10:37
sergiusensogra_`: create snap/plugins/x_make.py10:38
ogra_`sergiusens, thanks ... found another solution (using the deb :P ... )10:40
zygaChipaca: I think https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081 is ready for another look11:03
mupPR #5081: interfaces/apparmor: add chopTree <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081>11:03
zygaI _may_ have theory11:09
Chipacazyga: +1, although I note you didn't add tests for wonky depths :-)11:14
zygaChipaca: because it's already there :)11:15
zyganot for negative depths11:15
zygathat's a good idea11:15
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081/files#diff-16cc40a4b635e1e0e4c9d520342fd500R295 is deeper then than the number of directories11:15
mupPR #5081: interfaces/apparmor: add chopTree <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5081>11:15
zygabut yeah11:15
Chipacaah, the 4 is bigger11:15
zygaorders a beer, orders a "", orders 25234134235211:16
zygaI'll do it11:16
zygapstolowski: reviewed the Undesired field branch11:16
Chipacapretty much11:16
zygapstolowski: let's talk in 10 minutes11:16
zygaI have an idea I want to run by you11:16
pstolowskizyga: thanks, sure11:16
pstolowskizyga: interesting remark about possibly dropping auto flag. hmm11:31
zygapstolowski: as I wrote below, not just the auto flag, all but the Undesired flag should be dropped11:31
zyga(perhaps the interface type should remain as well but it is unclear what to do when it changes under us)11:31
mupPR snapd#5103 opened: tests: shellcheck spread tasks <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5103>11:51
mborzeckibasic setup for shellchecking spread files ^^11:51
Chipacamborzecki: hah. I'd added it to spread, your approach seems a lot more polite11:56
mborzeckiChipaca: well, we could do it now ;) i have all the fixes11:58
mborzeckijokes aside, shellcheck is terribly annoying with some of the warnings11:59
ogra_`totally overzealous at times11:59
Chipacaogra_`: aren't we all12:03
ogra_`i pretend not to ... (but i'm really bad at that)12:03
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Chipacaogra_`: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLRjFWDGs1g&t=16s12:06
ogra_`now i want a moustache !12:07
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pstolowskiniemeyer: hey, can you clarify on the one open question in the https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358 (the naming of connect-slot-task vs slot-hook-task etc)? that's the last point that I potentially need to address once agreed on12:24
mupPR #4358: interfaces: interface hooks implementation <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358>12:24
niemeyerpstolowski: Yeah, on it12:24
niemeyerpstolowski: But the PR hasn't changed at all yet?12:26
pstolowskiniemeyer: it did, it's just this one aspect that I haven't changed, all other points addressed and pushed12:31
niemeyerpstolowski: That's not what I see in the actual PR12:32
* kalikiana lunch12:35
pstolowskiniemeyer: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358/commits/804c1b3f38463da4892d56fc181d03945c36b94e is addresseing all your comments from last review12:36
mupPR #4358: interfaces: interface hooks implementation <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358>12:36
niemeyerpstolowski: I'm literally looking at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4358/files12:37
niemeyerpstolowski: I can see both the code and the comment in the actual PR12:37
pedronisniemeyer: I asked him to put hook in those names, because we have "connect" tasks and are not those tasks, so I find that confusing12:39
pstolowskiniemeyer: ah, you're right, looks like the Conversation summary didn't show them and I missed those... sorry about that12:39
pstolowskiniemeyer: so I missed some of your comments re formatting, will fix in a few moments12:40
pedronisah, I was confused too12:40
pedronispstolowski: there's  "load more" thing in the middle of the comment lists12:40
pstolowskipedronis: hah, indeed12:41
pstolowskitotally unexpected12:41
pedronisit's a recent change12:41
pedronis(also github is kind of slow for me recently)12:42
pstolowskiyes for me too.. i just had to restart my browser as github slowed it down to a halt12:42
pstolowskii need to run to school, bb for standup12:43
mupPR snapd#5104 opened: overlord,systemd: store snap revision in mount units <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5104>12:43
niemeyerpedronis: Ack, sounds fine then12:43
niemeyerpstolowski: ^12:43
mupPR snapd#5038 closed: data/systemd: helper service for waking up the main snapd service <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5038>12:58
mupPR snapd#4399 closed: rewrite snappy-app-dev <Decaying> <Created by jdstrand> <Closed by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4399>12:59
mupPR snapd#5105 opened: testutil,cmd: rename test helper of Lstat to OsLstat <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5105>13:00
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
threshnice, new snapcraft store lookanfeel13:13
mupPR snapd#5106 opened: testutil: add test helper for SysLstat <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5106>13:15
threshjdstrand, updated the apparmor/vlc/link bug with an info from ubuntu 16.04 - same thing is happening there it seems :O13:33
jdstrandthresh: that's weird... jjohansen is watching the bug. thanks for the feedback!13:34
zygathresh: can you pass the URL please13:39
threshzyga, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1766628 there you go13:40
mupBug #1766628: apparmor denies VLC to open files in devmode <apparmor (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766628>13:40
threshit's quite hectic because I suck at bug reporting13:40
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mborzeckiChipaca: 1.9 breaks with your uid sample right?13:49
Chipacamborzecki: yes13:50
Chipacamborzecki: if you hit a 'too many threads', reduce N to see the bug13:51
Chipaca(also, get a slower cpu)13:51
Chipaca(or was it a faster one)13:51
mborzeckihmm broke very quickly ;)13:53
zygaChipaca: what do you think about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/510413:53
mupPR #5104: overlord,systemd: store snap revision in mount units <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5104>13:53
Chipacazyga: i'll look at it when i get back from the school run13:54
zygaThank you sir!13:54
threshshould I file snapcraft bug at github or launchpad?13:54
zygalaunchpad please13:54
Chipacamborzecki: if it looks like a stack trace, it's not my bug13:54
Chipacamborzecki: mine is {something in brackets}13:54
Chipacamborzecki: main.Result{uidBefore:12345, uidDuring:12345, uidAfter:12345}13:54
* Chipaca runs13:55
mborzeckiChipaca: yup, that's what I see, just made it a panic so it doesn't spam my terminal too much :)13:55
Chipacamborzecki: with all those goroutines it should be less spammy than a panic13:55
Chipacabut, you do you13:55
* Chipaca really runs13:56
zygaand in other news, when I'm not hacking on snapd I'm a super-hero on twitter ;-) https://twitter.com/keshavmail68/status/98950386873093324814:03
mborzeckiChipaca: this looks really awkward https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4q2wz2w739/14:22
zygamborzecki: who clones new threads when all threads are busy?14:22
zygawhich process does that14:22
zygais there a zygote in go?14:22
mborzeckiruntime does that, whenever all threads are blocked and you have runnable goroutine14:23
zygayeah but who is the parent14:23
zygait is relevant14:23
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* cachio lunch14:36
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mborzeckiGOMAXPROCS=1 makes it go away14:45
zygamborzecki: "let's all write in C" ;-)14:49
* zyga -> break14:49
zygait rains like crazy so  no walk for me14:50
zygabut I can cook now :)14:50
mborzeckirace detector not very helpful, too many goroutines14:51
Chipacamborzecki: for extra fun, pass uid15:12
Chipacamborzecki: ie for uid:=1; uid<100000; uid ++ { go f(uid, ch)  }15:13
mborzeckihm the channel buffer is short, so that's where the conetntion comes from, more threads spawned as goroutines can run, now if syscall is a scheduling point, could it happen so that a thread is spawned from a locked thread which is running under different uid?15:15
mborzeckiChipaca: does that make any sense?15:17
Chipacamborzecki: if locked threads are still candidates for cloning yes15:17
sergiusensmvo zyga btw, it is observable in lxd, the next exec call thing https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/176051415:20
mupBug #1760514: cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory <Snapcraft:New for kalikiana> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760514>15:20
mborzeckiChipaca: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/runtime/proc.go#L1835 so they check if a thread is locked15:20
mborzecki(at least in 1.10)15:20
zygaAck, i am eating lunch now but I will check soon15:21
mborzeckiChipaca: but not in 1.9? https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.9/src/runtime/proc.go15:21
Chipacamborzecki: yeah, 1.10 saw work in this area15:22
Chipacamborzecki: there's a change in api which probably had them look at the code and go wtf :-)15:23
mborzeckiChipaca: https://github.com/golang/go/commit/2595fe7fb6f272f9204ca3ef0b0c55e66fb8d90f15:25
zygaThis answers my question15:27
zygaThe zygote/template thread15:27
zygaLack of that would explain what you saw15:27
mborzeckiChipaca: le's avoid contention then15:29
Chipacamborzecki: having a mutex held around the lockosthread?15:31
Chipacathat seems to do the trick15:31
Chipacadid I just kill the mborzecki15:38
zyga- Download snap "test-snapd-openvswitch-support" (11) from channel "stable" (received an unexpected http response code (503) when trying to download https://068ed04f23.site.internapcdn.net/download-snap/Pe3FPk3JcUeEuBMT3As6sF5V9Yle5MBb_11.snap?t=2018-04-26T19:00:00Z&h=ee1bb7faf045ee33a046739c4f22f2a57fb01198)15:39
zygastore is wonky again?15:39
Chipacazyga: who're you calling wonFIVE OH THREE15:42
roadmrNO CARRIER15:42
ChipacaI'm glad I got the tone right :-)15:42
tomwardillzyga: unfortunately, yes. Recovering (hopefully) now.15:43
zygatomwardill: thank you for the note15:44
zygaanyone wants to take a trivial rename: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/510515:44
mupPR #5105: testutil,cmd: rename test helper of Lstat to OsLstat <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5105>15:44
zygamborzecki: reviewed your spread checker15:46
mborzeckizyga: thanks15:54
mborzeckiChipaca: huh, tried to cherry-pick some relevant commits, ran into conflicts, cherry-picked more commits, more conflicts15:59
Chipacamborzecki: seriously a mutex around the lock-to-thread leaves me unable to reproduce the issue16:00
Chipacamborzecki: that's probably good enough :-)16:01
mborzeckiChipaca: yup16:01
zygaanyone? :)16:02
zygait's just a bunch of renames16:02
Chipacazyga: I'm against all renames for ever16:03
* Chipaca probably needs more tea16:03
mborzeckiChipaca: at least it was fun to look into go runtime16:03
Chipacamborzecki: it is :-)16:04
=== zyga is now known as zyga-what-were-y
=== zyga-what-were-y is now known as zyga-renamed
=== zyga-renamed is now known as zyga
zygaChipaca: you were saying?16:07
Chipacazyga: delete your account >:(16:08
zygapstolowski: replied16:18
zygaChipaca: thank you :)16:18
pstolowskizyga: ty16:18
Chipacazyga: :-)16:19
ChipacaI'm with pstolowski, let's get rid of all sucky stat calls16:20
zygabut yeah16:20
Chipacafstatat is where it's atat16:20
zygaI have some of those done already but nobody will review a 3K branch16:20
pstolowskiniemeyer: naming question wrt your review comment - does AttrMap sounds ok for map[string]interface? or more verbose InterfaceAttributes?16:20
Chipacazyga: also, renameat216:21
zygaChipaca: renameat2?16:21
Chipacazyga: renameat2.16:21
Chipacazyga: like renameat but with flags!16:22
zygayeah. I know it exists but are we using it?16:22
Chipacazyga: we are not, yet16:22
Chipacazyga: we would if we could but we can't so we don't16:22
Chipacaa wild mvo appears!16:22
zygathat's cool16:22
zygado you know there's DT_WHT16:22
zygabut it's not used anywhere in the kernel16:22
mupPR snapd#5105 closed: testutil,cmd: rename test helper of Lstat to OsLstat <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5105>16:22
pstolowskihe is watching us all the time16:22
zygahey, welcome mvo16:22
Chipacazyga: yes, whiteout might be good at some point; noreplace is the one that caught  my eye16:24
zygaI like the exchange one16:25
zygaI didn't know that such flags existed16:25
zygathat's cool, thank you for sharing16:25
zygaand about lstat16:25
zygaour sponsor is this PR: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/510616:25
mupPR #5106: testutil: add test helper for SysLstat <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5106>16:25
zygaplease click to know more :D16:25
zygaalleged clickbait16:25
roadmrdoes anyone know if I can get snapcraft to show me raw http requests/responses via an env var or something similar?16:26
kyrofaroadmr, no, debug mode will show you what APIs are being hit, but not raw16:27
niemeyerpstolowski: Where is that?16:29
niemeyerpstolowski: The Map suffix sounds unnecessary.. it also reminds me of a few other maps we already have there16:30
pstolowskiniemeyer: this was about passing map[...] to/from getDynamicHookAttributes and setDynamicHookAttributes16:30
Chipacavar buf syscall.Stat_t16:30
niemeyerpstolowski: I'm still not sure about what the question is16:30
pstolowskiniemeyer: yes, when we have a name for this map I can apply it in a few other places16:30
ChipacaI mean, I know it's a buffer way down low, but calling it a buffer when it's a struct is a bit … i dunno16:30
pstolowskiniemeyer: the question is about the name for the type16:31
zygaChipaca: can you bike shed on 510416:31
zygamvo suggested something16:32
pstolowskiniemeyer: or maybe I misread your comment16:32
zygaso if I'm going to tweak wording16:32
zygaI want to know your opinion too :)16:32
pedronispstolowski: I think  it's about naming the return values (not their types)16:32
pedronisif I remeber the comment16:32
pstolowskiniemeyer: ah, ok, i see16:32
Chipacazyga: hold my can of green paint16:34
mupPR #5104: overlord,systemd: store snap revision in mount units <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5104>16:34
pedronispstolowski: so } (plugAttrs, slotAttrs map[...16:35
pedronisor something like that16:35
pstolowskipedronis: yes yes i get that, just misread the intention16:35
Caelumzyga: if and when you do the osc command to submit to factory, let me know how it goes, or if you want, just add me to the devel project and I will do it myself, my obs id is rkitover16:41
zygaCaelum: ah, I missed that I thought you had done it16:42
zygalet me look16:43
zygasubmitting, just booting my opensuse box16:44
zygaosc submitrequest system:snappy/snapd devel:languages:go16:51
zygacreated request id 60165116:51
sergiusensogra_: skull canyon is Intel16:52
mupPR snapd#5106 closed: testutil: add test helper for SysLstat <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5106>16:56
zygapopey: https://twitter.com/sysrich/status/98954928778790912017:00
zygaCaelum: ^ I think we will have things to do soon :-)17:02
popeyzyga: yay17:06
zygaChipaca: thank you for the reviews!17:06
zygaI just opened #5107 that fixes one of the three bugs pawel found17:07
mupPR #5107: cmd/snap-update-ns,tests: mimic the mode and ownership of directories <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5107>17:07
zygait is now small and simple17:07
zygathough I didn't use the simple tag :)17:07
mupPR snapd#5107 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns,tests: mimic the mode and ownership of directories <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5107>17:07
pstolowskiwhen I thought I found one bug, zyga turned it into three ;)17:08
zygapstolowski: with enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow17:09
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
pstolowski|afktrue that17:13
mupPR snapd#5104 closed: overlord,systemd: store snap revision in mount units <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5104>17:14
roadmrkyrofa: hm it may suffice, how do I enable debug mode?17:15
roadmr(thanks btw!)17:15
kyrofaroadmr, snapcraft -d <whatever>17:15
roadmrthanks kyrofa !17:16
roadmrkyrofa: ah interestingly - debug mode *does* give me a "Store error response:" and gives me a repr of the requests HTTPResponse object, which should contain what I need \o/17:18
kyrofaroadmr, ah, you just wanted the response? Nice17:18
roadmryes, that should suffice for what I need :)17:19
om26eris there going to be a Ubuntu Core 18 release today as well ?17:20
zygaom26er: no17:21
zygaom26er: core18 will still take some time to make17:21
zygathere's a core18 snap but it's not the final version and it will grow and improve17:21
zygaand it cannot be used for booting yet17:21
om26erzyga: thanks!17:21
zygaChipaca: I killed the 15.04 references in systemd test17:22
zygaChipaca: should I go for it all and make that code consume snap.Info?17:22
mupPR snapd#5108 opened: systemd: replace ancient paths with 16.04+ standards <Simple> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5108>17:23
Caelumzyga: awesome17:23
zygagoogle is having a bad SSL day: 2018-04-26 17:24:45 Cannot allocate google:ubuntu-18.04-64: cannot perform Google request: Get https://www.googleapis.com//compute/v1/projects/computeengine/zones: oauth2: cannot fetch token: Post https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token: net/http: TLS handshake timeout17:29
mborzeckibad-SSL-day, sounds like something taken straight out of Civilization series ;)17:45
kyrofazyga, cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory17:54
zygakyrofa: tell me17:54
kyrofazyga, looks like all that has happened recently is a few unrelated snaps automatically refreshed17:55
kyrofa(not core, either)17:55
kyrofaGetting this in syslog: Apr 26 10:56:01 Pandora kernel: [22703.874785] audit: type=1400 audit(1524765361.346:118): apparmor="DENIED" operation="change_onexec" info="label not found" error=-2 profile="/snap/core/4486/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="snap.snapcraft-pr.init" pid=26853 comm="snap-confine"17:56
mupPR #26: Feature/hw assign symlink <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/26>17:56
kyrofahw assign, that brings back memories17:56
zygakyrofa: can you please check if snap.snapcraft-pr.init apparmor profile is on disk17:56
zygaI'm just debugging this issue with kissiel as we speak17:56
kyrofazyga, no, it seems not17:57
zygacan you collect snapd logs please17:57
kyrofa$ ls /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*snapcraft-pr*17:57
kyrofals: cannot access '/var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*snapcraft-pr*': No such file or directory17:57
zygafrom journald17:57
zygawhat is the secret17:57
kyrofazyga, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Xyg4FJxPCr/17:58
kyrofaWait no, cut off17:59
zygathat looks partial17:59
zygatip: | to cat17:59
zygapipe to cat to turn off "smart" features17:59
kyrofaIndeed, journalctl always bites me with that18:00
zygahmm hmm18:01
zygacan you see that snap in "snap list"18:01
zygakyrofa: and can you please pastebin "snap changes"18:01
zygaApr 25 15:49:35 Pandora snapd[1892]: 2018/04/25 15:49:35.795290 helpers.go:217: cannot connect plug "network-bind" from snap "core", no such plug18:04
mupPR #25: use the network-client cap instead of the old, deprecated networking cap <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/25>18:04
zygapstolowski|afk: ^ when would we show this message18:04
zygawhen the plug is gone18:05
zygait looks like the core snap has lost interfaces18:05
zygakyrofa: without rebooting, pease run "snap interfaces"18:05
kyrofazyga, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ZDYSfZ5GmD/18:05
kyrofaOh, sorry, doing snap changes now18:06
kyrofazyga, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4MZgmRmm97/18:06
kyrofazyga, and yes, snapcraft-pr is in `snap list`18:06
kyrofaThis has happened in the past, I do believe a reboot solves it, but I won't do that until you give me the go-ahead18:09
zygahmm hmm hmm18:14
zygakyrofa: so let me put a timeline18:14
zygayou booted18:14
zygadid the snap work then?18:14
zygathen you refreshed18:14
zygaand noticed it is broken18:14
zygais that accurate?18:14
kyrofazyga, unfortunately it's a little more wishy-washy than that. I haven't rebooted for a day or two. I successfully used this snap yesterday, though. It has not been refreshed, but multipass has been, and I installed snapcraft (all yesterday). Other snaps seem to work fine, but I just tried using snapcraft-pr for the first time today, to be greeted by that18:17
zygaah, snapcraft-pr is a separate snap18:18
zygahmm hmm18:18
zygaI have a theory18:18
zygalet me experiment for a sec18:18
zygacan you ls -ld /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles18:18
zygasans the d18:19
zygaso just ls -l ...18:19
zygaif this is it than man18:19
zygaI have screwed up badly18:19
zygaI wanted to see the timestamps mostly18:20
kyrofazyga, here is the `snap list` to compare against: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/KspPkqMPqN/18:20
zygaand I know what this is18:21
zygadon't reboot yet though18:21
zygaI'm so so so ashamed of myself18:21
kyrofaHaha, no problem18:21
zygain case I get under a bus18:22
zygathis is the reason we need .6 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KlGkPfRK/18:22
zygaChipaca: ^18:22
zygawe will do 2.32.618:22
zygaplease look to see if I got the same conclusion as you will18:22
* zyga curses silently18:25
zygait's a one char diff18:25
* zyga hugs kyrofa 18:26
zygaI owe you and kissiel a beer for helping me find this18:26
zygathis is not a new bug18:28
zygawe had it since forever18:28
kyrofaThat would explain why I've hit it a few times, but typically just reboot18:30
kyrofazyga, oh no :P18:30
kyrofaHahahahahaha, I wondered if it was somehow related to that18:31
zygakyrofa: I just look at a patch that breaks it18:31
* zyga blames himself 18:32
zygasorry everyone18:32
kyrofafmt.Sprintf("snap*.%s*", snapName)?18:33
zygathat's what's missing18:33
zygaI'm reviewing the rest of the code for this18:33
zygaand adding tests18:33
kyrofaThat's alright man, easy mistake to make18:33
zygaand adding a commit message18:33
zygawe have a helper that returns the right tinh18:33
zyga(that I wrote)18:33
zygabut I didn't use it18:33
zygaI suck18:33
zyganiemeyer: bug fixed18:34
zyganiemeyer: it's all my fault really, details in a PR soon18:34
kyrofazyga, I assume I'm okay to reboot now?18:35
kyrofaOr, just reinstall it really18:36
zygakyrofa: yes18:45
zygabut this won't fix it18:45
zygabut really18:45
zygaI'll have a fix shortly18:45
kyrofaYep, disable/enable worked18:46
kyrofaI also just removed snapcraft. How dare it share my snap's name18:46
kyrofaEven a portion18:46
Chipacakyrofa: snapcraft-pr, it's snapcraft but paginated18:47
kyrofaBetter logging, of course18:48
* Chipaca wonders how many people actually use 'pr' these days18:48
* Chipaca is off to play stellaris for a while18:50
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: you did the wrong thing here: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/60165118:51
pedroniszyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4590#discussion_r16622451319:06
mupPR #4590: many: allow constructing layouts (phase 1) <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4590>19:06
pedronisthere seem to have also been a rebase there, so it's very hard to tell the story of how it was reviewed19:08
zygapedronis: that was subsequently removed19:10
zygaand re-introduced with another PR19:10
zygabut still, we missed that part in all the cases19:10
zygaI took a break to setup a customer device but now I'm back to fixing this19:11
zygaPharaoh_Atem: yeah I got some feedback on twitter as well19:11
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I will resume this as soon as I fix this issue that kyrofa and kissiel helped me fijnd19:11
pedroniszyga: I see, anyway not sure anyone is particularly to blame, all those PRs seems to have had the needed reviews, globs are dangerous, all of use need to keep it in mind19:18
zygayeah, I just feel bad about it19:19
zygafinishing tests now19:19
zygaI will review all backends next19:19
zygaI let mvo know in case we do a .6 tonight19:19
pedronisI see two glob1 in apparmor/backend.go19:26
zygayes, one for setup and one for remove19:26
zygaI added a function and removed them both so that there's less places for this issue to re-surface19:26
pedronisthere's a lot of globbing of course going on all over interaces19:28
sergiusenszyga, kyrofa: that seems to be the root of the corebird issue19:29
pedronisis this right:    glob := fmt.Sprintf("snap.%s.*fstab", snapName)  ?    I would expected a dot before fstab.   or there's a case where * matches "" there19:30
pedronisit's in mount/backend.go19:30
zygaI think so19:30
zygait's not obvious19:30
zygalet me see if there's a comment for this19:30
diddledanif you're after literal dots and it's a regex, you need to escape them19:30
zygadiddledan: it's a glob19:31
kyrofadiddledan, it's globbing19:31
zygapedronis: we used to have a per-app mount profiles19:31
pedronisthey are globs, we are mostly looking for missing dots or spurious *19:31
* diddledan goes back to sleep19:31
zygapedronis: if you add that dot there it becomes:19:31
zyga... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"cannot synchronize mount configuration files for snap \"snap-name\": internal error: EnsureDirState got filename \"snap.snap-name.fstab\" which doesn't match the glob pattern \"snap.snap-name.*.fstab\""} ("cannot synchronize mount configuration files for snap \"snap-name\": internal error: EnsureDirState got filename \"snap.snap-name.fstab\" which doesn't match the glob19:31
zygapattern \"snap.snap-name.*.fstab\"")19:31
zygain reality it's a single file now so we could drop the *19:32
zygabut having the glob helps if you update from ancient snapd19:32
zygawhere we still had the per-app profiles19:32
zygawith an epoch we could drop the *19:32
pedronisas I said I wasn't sure, just wondered19:32
pedronisit might merit a comment though19:32
zygayes, totally19:32
zygaI will add it19:32
zygapedronis, Chipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/510919:44
mupPR #5109: interfaces/apparmor: fix incorrect apparmor profile glob <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5109>19:44
mupPR snapd#5109 opened: interfaces/apparmor: fix incorrect apparmor profile glob <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5109>19:44
mupPR snapd#5110 opened: interfaces/apparmor: fix incorrect apparmor profile glob (2.32) <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5110>19:45
zyganiemeyer: ^ FYI19:47
zygathat's that thing19:47
zygakyrofa: I will let you know when edge is fixed19:48
zygaor where we have a beta release that has this19:48
zygasergiusens: ^19:48
kyrofaThanks zyga19:48
mupPR snapd#5074 closed: many: allow mimics in parents of layout <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5074>19:49
mupPR snapd#5108 closed: systemd: replace ancient paths with 16.04+ standards <Simple> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5108>20:03
mupPR snapcraft#2108 opened: HACKING: suggest snapcraft-pr for evaluating PRs <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2108>20:05
zygakyrofa: maybe wait until this is fixed20:05
zygakyrofa: ;-)20:06
kyrofazyga, hahaha20:09
zygacachio: did we remove our linode images now?20:13
zygaa 2.32-based PR seems to have issue allocating certain systems20:14
cachiozyga, linode images are still there20:14
zygaah, thanks I will retry20:14
cachioI was using them to run sru20:15
zygaFYI, I'm seeing some issues with governor sync20:16
zygaquiet: govendor sync20:16
zygaquiet: exit status 2. Output follows:20:16
zygaError: Remotes failed for:20:16
zygaFailed for "golang.org/x/crypto/cast5" (failed to ping remote repo): unrecognized import path "golang.org/x/crypto/cast5"20:16
cachiozyga, it is on linode?20:17
cachioor google ?20:17
zygathis was on google20:19
zygaI restarted it20:19
zygalet's see what happens20:19
Chipacazyga: +1ish20:26
Chipacaman! /apps/!20:27
zygaChipaca: replied,20:29
zygaI can do a quick follow-up here too20:29
zygaI don't mind20:29
zyga(too = in that PR)20:30
Chipacazyga: pedronis: ah, if it's just used like that, []string is the right thing20:30
zygayes, just like that20:30
pedroniszyga: any reason btw why the code is not using the old code with SecurityTag helper?20:36
zygaI was looking at that myself, it used to20:37
zygabecause snap-update-ns doesn't have a corresponding function20:37
pedronisthat's ok20:37
zygaI wanted to move this down to individual backends20:37
pedronisit doesn't need a real glob either20:37
zyganow that dbus is the only remaining user of that function20:37
pedronisI'm just noticing that there is duplication20:37
pedronisthere's another place that computes "snap-update-ns.%s" at least20:38
zygaoh, where?20:38
pedronisI'm nit picking here, but the old code was doing  interfaces.SecurityTagGlob(snapName)20:41
zygayeah, I know, that's what I meant above20:41
pedronisit seems the new code should do []string{interfaces.SecurityTagGlob(snapName), nsProfileName(snapName)}20:41
zygathat's nice20:42
zygaI'll do that20:42
pedronisthey can still be inside a profileGlobs helper20:42
pedronisit helps having a precise test20:42
pedronisand then nsProfileName (or what we want to call it) can also be used in addUpdateNSProfile20:44
zygayep, exactly, doing that now20:44
zygapedronis: can you review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/509220:47
mupPR #5092: snap: do not use overly short timeout in `snap {start,stop,restart}` <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5092>20:47
zygamvo wants to pull that into .620:47
zygahe just told me that on telegram20:47
zygapedronis, Chipaca: 5109 updated as discussed20:50
zygaif you give me a +1 I'll squash this to make 2.32 back port easier20:51
* zyga is hungry a little20:53
pedronisI have reviewed both20:54
pedroniswould be good though if mvo or Chipaca also looked at 5109 again20:54
Chipaca's good, +1 stands20:55
pedronisI wonder what else is on 2.32 since .520:57
zygapedronis: I asked mvo20:57
pedronisjust test changes and the follow up to the stop-mode stuff afaict20:58
zygapedronis: he said that those two PRs should be enough as nothing else stands as critical20:58
zygamvo just said that he will review the rest but it will be likely just the two fixes (stop and this one)21:00
pedronisdid you rebase 5109?  instead of letting github squash merge?21:00
zygayes, to cherry pick it into 2.3221:00
zygathey are now with the same patch21:00
pedronisthis kills the history in it21:00
zygaI can undo that21:01
zygaI have the history locally still21:01
zygaI can leave 2.32 as is21:01
zygaand restore history for master21:01
pedronisI usually squash merge and then do the cherry pick21:01
zygaI opened both before I had the feedback, I worry that we may have issues with tests in 2.3221:02
zyga(like last time)21:02
pedronisit's more of a general comment,  rebasing before commiting leave a bit of confusing history in the PRs21:06
pedronisI don't want to force anything either way atm,  the most important thing is to fix stuff vs risk breakage21:06
zygaack, understood21:07
zygalet's rest and regroup tomorrow21:07
zygaThank you guys!21:07
om26erwho maintains docker snap, apparently its outdated .21:33
om26erthat was supposed to be a pretty important snap IMO.21:33
zygaom26er: AFAIK it is docker itself21:40
mupPR snapd#5109 closed: interfaces/apparmor: fix incorrect apparmor profile glob <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5109>22:05
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