
royx117where is pavel bhai ?05:10
=== JediKnight is now known as Guest73050
=== Guest73050 is now known as Ekushey
pavlushkahey zaki , welcome!17:19
zakithanks :) 17:19
pavlushkazaki: long time!, got your CCNA?17:19
zakihe he17:20
zakidone 17:20
zakiwaiting for vendor exam17:20
zakinext month 17:20
zakiin sha Allah17:21
zakihow about you?17:21
pavlushkazaki: I am not waiting for the vendors exam, thankfully :P17:21
zaki:D 17:22
pavlushkazaki: so how are you?17:24
zakiI'm good. as always :D 17:25
pavlushkazaki: that's great actually :)17:26
pavlushkazaki: so how long it took all the training session for CCNA?17:27
zakiaround 5 months17:27
zakihad dinner?17:29
pavlushkazaki: yep17:29
pavlushkazaki: you?17:29
pavlushkawb zaki 18:31
zaki:) 19:23
zakirecently I'm enjoying work on snmp protocol, and various NMS like prtg, solarwinds , dude etc 19:29
pavlushkazaki: good for you19:30
zakiwas trying to figure out how to monitor an online ups through snmp19:34
zakithat one has only a serial port and a Chinese manual19:35
u-la-la[ Tandem - Electronics ] - http://tandem.ck.ua19:36
pavlushkazaki: that site looks like russian or something and the engnr looks like Indian19:39
zakimay be he/his company developed that device.19:40
zakiRussian I think19:40
pavlushkanight night20:20
zakigood night :)20:21

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