
jartoHi ,speak french here !!09:23
mpmcfossfreedom: Running minimal UB 18.04 on a old Lifebook with a P6200 CPU and a cheap SSD & it's extremely snappy!16:13
fossfreedommpmc, +1 :)17:06
tuxliongood evening ladies and gents17:22
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
totalmongobaeris it the final Version of budgie?17:31
tuxliongood evening totalmongobaer17:31
totalmongobaeror will today comming another one?17:31
totalmongobaergood evening tuxlion17:31
fossfreedomtotalmongobaer, another ISO is going to be respun today - official announcements will be done here https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce17:37
totalmongobaeri will wait17:38
totalmongobaerbudgie -  best derivate !!17:39
tuxliontotalmongobaer, I have to agree to that statement ;)17:42
tuxlionand hi there foss17:42
enyc19:46 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop amd64 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:47
enyc19:46 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Budgie Desktop i386 [Bionic Final] has been updated (20180426)18:47
enycthings happening...18:48
krosonpwell done with the first Budgie LTS everyone18:48
fossfreedomThey need testing first folks!18:48
krosonpfossfreedom: I didn't say it's out yet18:49
enyckrosonp: didin't 16.04 have budgie?18:54
fossfreedomenyc, not an official LTS ... although we did follow the LTS release schedule.  Highly unusual you may agree for an unofficial flavour18:56
enyci see =)19:01
tuxlionfossfreedom, ping?20:17
tuxlionand hi to all of you in here20:18
fossfreedomtuxlion, am around ... but busy testing the images20:18
=== tuxlion_ is now known as tuxlion

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