
kenvandinejdstrand, thx01:33
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didrocksgood morning06:43
c-lobranoMorning all :)06:48
didrocksgood morning c-lobrano!06:48
didrocksHappy release day to everyone :)06:48
dufluHi didrocks, c-lobrano06:49
didrocksafternoon duflu06:49
jibelmorning everyone06:49
didrockssalut jibel06:50
dufluMorning jibel06:51
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
* Trevinho waves happy release day to you too didrocks 07:19
didrocksTrevinho: ;)07:22
* ogra_` notes desktop team doesnt party ... 07:23
didrocksdo you ogra_`? :)07:24
ogra_`sure, i *am* in #ubuntu-release-party ;)07:25
Trevinhoit's actually perfect time here for partying... Beer's up! :)07:25
seb128good morning desktopers07:35
didrockshey seb12807:36
dufluHi seb12807:37
seb128re didrocks07:37
seb128hey duflu07:37
seb128how are things?07:37
dufluseb128, going well. You?07:38
seb128I'm fine, thanks07:39
seb128did you have a good day off?07:39
dufluseb128, yes, turned out I needed it. Woke up far too early and then took a long time to catch up on sleep. And then home duties...07:40
seb128sounds like useful rather than fun, still something07:43
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seb128kenvandine, eog snap upload failed to the store because of externals symlink in the documentation, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s9n78D3phb/08:02
seb128kenvandine, gnome-recipies hit build failures as well08:03
seb128"Invalid kwargs for option "autoar": "default""08:03
seb128kenvandine, those are from the desktop list moderation queue, error emails go there it seems08:04
didrockshey Laney08:11
seb128hey Laney08:11
dufluhey Laney08:11
Laneysup homies08:12
dufluToday you get a harmony08:12
didrocksmorning willcooke08:20
seb128hey willcooke08:24
willcookejibel, sorry late to the party,what's the problem?08:25
jibelwillcooke, 2 testers reported this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sZykyz5BVg/ on 3 flavours including Ubuntu then the live session doesn't start properly08:26
jibelsome permission denied error08:26
willcookewhat's user 999, is that the live user08:28
seb128it basically means something is writting to gsettings as root08:29
seb128which leads to the file on disk to have the wrong owner08:29
willcookeibus related?08:33
jibelwillcooke, bug 176706708:34
ubot5`bug 1767067 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Live]Wrong Permission in live mode." [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176706708:34
willcookeThe one where you get a login screen instead of direct in to the live session.  Man, I saw that the other day but I thought it was me08:39
willcookeso that has existed since at least, erm, Tuesday I think08:39
jibelseb128, I reproduced the bug, any info that would help?08:41
willcookeseb128, did the work to change to g-i-s to stop it running again if someone quits it happen?08:43
dufluMorning willcooke08:44
seb128willcooke, it's there, https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-initial-setup/merge_requests/1 but didn't uploaded yet08:45
ubot5-ng`Ubuntu bug (Merge request) 1 in gnome-initial-setup "Ensure stamp file if the user quit the wizard" (comments: 0) [Opened]08:45
willcookeseb128, ack, thx08:45
jibelat-spi is owned by gdm and tried to write to ubuntu's dconf08:45
seb128jibel, unsure, maybe when it started08:45
willcookehey duflu, how was Anzac day?  Is it a sombre day or more of a celebration?08:46
dufluwillcooke, both (on average across the population)08:47
dufluwillcooke, especially this year - 100 year anniversary of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villers-Bretonneux#First_World_War08:48
tseliotmvo: hey, I've just included your changes in my MP for software-properties https://code.launchpad.net/~albertomilone/software-properties/software-properties/+merge/34388209:15
mvotseliot: ta09:23
tseliotmvo, seb128: how do I proceed with the upload, now that the MP is approved?10:02
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jbichaWimpress: hmm, I can't duplicate Ctrl+Alt+T to start a terminal in ubuiquity's Install mode with regular Ubuntu bionic12:58
Wimpressjbicha: Correct. It an Ubuntu MATE thing.12:58
jbichaoh ok12:59
WimpressWhich I'm totally fine with right now :-)12:59
jbichasounds like a bug but ok for now :)13:07
kenvandineseb128, ah... i fixed eog last night, so should be good13:09
seb128Wimpress, is that a bug?13:10
WimpressTechnically, yes.13:10
WimpressI know why. It's fine.13:10
WimpressI'm in no hurray to fix it.13:10
seb128well ubiquity specifically disable that keybinding unless UBIQUITY_DEBUG is set in the env13:27
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
kenvandineAnyone remember the bug with keys repeating?  I updated to bionic earlier this week and now I often end up with key repeats.14:07
seb128wayland or xorg?14:08
seb128in the session?14:08
seb128in apps or shell elements?14:08
kenvandinefirefox, gedit, terminal14:09
seb128didrocks mentioned that as well14:09
didrocksI wasn't crazy thus14:09
seb128would be interesting to know if that happens under non GNOME14:09
didrocksbut didn't get that "often", like 3 times in weeks14:09
seb128like xfce14:09
kenvandineit comes and goes for me14:09
kenvandinea few hours ago it was terrible14:10
seb128is that when under load?14:10
kenvandinedon't think so14:10
kenvandineright now it's ok14:10
kenvandineit happened off and on yesterday too14:10
didrocksok, I thought it was only under disk load when I noticed it14:10
kenvandinei've experienced this a while back in artful14:10
didrocksbut on artful, you were on wayland, correct?14:10
kenvandinewell, at one point i was14:11
kenvandinemaybe that was when i saw it14:11
kenvandinei don't recall, i just remember it was a known bug and it was fixed :)14:11
kenvandinebefore artful was released14:11
seb128that's a known issue underl wayland14:11
kenvandinemaybe that was the fix... switch to Xorg :)14:11
seb128under xorg the server is handling the repeat14:11
kenvandinemaybe there is IO load when it happens14:13
kenvandinenext time i see it i'll check14:13
ricotzhi, is it still possible to sync the universe packages "synapse" from debian?14:25
ricotzjbicha, hi ^14:25
ricotzit is a bug fix only release14:26
ricotzjbicha, thank you14:28
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?15:23
didrocksmorning Trevinho15:23
Trevinhoseb128: hey seb, all good15:23
Trevinhoand didrocks15:24
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=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk

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